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02x13 - Time to Shine

Posted: 11/24/21 07:54
by bunniefuu
Remind me
to never do this again, huh?

I'll let Captain Edwards
know you don't approve

of his damage lock-out chamber.

I'm sure all the COs
of nuclear submarines

have complaint boxes posted
outside their staterooms.

Yeah. A lock-out chamber...

it's like a five-star hotel
compared to being in that thing,

that's for sure.Yeah.

How'd it go out there?It went swimmingly.

Iranian cargo ship
exactly where Mandy

said it was supposed to be.

Ah, a successful special
reconnaissance in North Korea.

tube four is depressurized

and ready to unlock.

Very well, Petty
Officer Takahashi.

Let's get Senior Chief Perry
the hell out of there.

Aye, sir. Stand by.Roger that.

Hi, Ray.

That was unpleasant.

I don't know about that. I mean,
swimming against current?

That was unpleasant.

How you holding up?

I burned up my
air consumption.

Was down to 35 bar of O2
before I locked back in.

Lucky for us, this sub's
gonna give us a lift

Being in a sub's cramped
quarters, too many dudes,

it's like living
in an underwater Y.

I'm gonna leave you
in the capable hands

of Petty Officer Takahashi

here while I transfer
these photos over to Havoc.

How long till we get
our last man out?

Five minutes, sir.All right.

Let's get Quinn and Spenser out,
stand by.

Make a hole.

Up ladder.

Your swimmers recovered, sir?

Yeah. Waiting on the tube
to depressurize

so we can pull my last two men
out, Master Chief Wilke.

Captain Edwards will
be happy to hear that.

About time we got underway.

Loitering in enemy territory

is not my idea of
a good time, either.

We floated
the communication buoy

after we recovered
your first man.

Radio's all yours.

ET2 will upload your images.

Would it k*ll 'em to put
a window in here?

There's nothing to see
but black water this far down.

They got it. Exactly where
we thought it would be.

Yeah, pulled it off. Now they
just got to get out of there.

Toughest thing in the world
is standing by

while your team
works without you.

Well, it makes it
a little bit easier

knowing how much Sonny
hates the water.

Havoc Base,
this is Bravo Actual.

Radio check. Over.

Bravo Actual,
this is Havoc Base.

We have you broken but readable.
How me?

I have you same.

I pass Rourke, Morrissey,
and Mars.

How copy?

That is a good copy.

Any other message traffic
for this station at this time?

Negative, Havoc. Just looking
forward to seeing the sun again.

Roger that.

Tell Bravo 3 to look out
for sharks. Havoc out.

Monero, checklist.MONERO:
Yes, sir.

Sir, they passed Morrissey.

All swimmers are recovered
and on board

the USS Booker T. Washington.

Miss Ellis, how much longer can

their exfil platform
hold on station?

Uh, the Ang Paggisingcan
hold another four hours.

Being this close
to North Korean waters,

they'll definitely be
on DPRK's radar,

but since this trawler
is known to fish the area,

it shouldn't arouse suspicion.

Let's hope not.

It's the only way
they're getting home.

Lieutenant Commander,

I understand your men
are recovered.

Our last man should be
locking back in shortly.

As far as we're concerned,
our work here is done.

Not soon enough.

With 155 souls on board,
I have no desire

to stay longer than we have to.

Master Chief, make your heading

and make turns for 30 knots.

Two-seven-zero, make turns
for 30 knots. Aye, sir.

Petty Officer Jones, make your
heading two-seven-zero

and turn for 30 knots.

Let's go, Ponyboy.

Get on out of there.

Grab my r*fle?



Oh, boy. I feel like I just
relived my own birth.

That was really just awful.Yeah.

I bet Sonny's miserable.

Oh, he's got to be losing
his claustrophobic mind

right about now.Right?

How much longer
until he comes out?

Uh, two minutes.

Two minutes?

Give him a call, Clay.

See how he's holding up.

Bravo 3, this is Bravo 6, uh,

we're requesting an update
of your current position.

Bravo 3, this is Bravo 2.

Radio check. Over.

You changed locations?

Hey, Sonny, this is Jason.

I bet right about now
you're regretting

doing all those squats, huh?

All, uh, snug as a bug in there?

Kiss my waterlogged Texas ass.

There it is.

Hey, at least there was no
sharks in there, brother, right?

I'll tell you what, man, I'd
rather take a swim with the man

in the gray suit
any day over sitting in here.

I feel like I'm on the business
end of a clogged toilet.

Hey, maybe you should've
let Trent take your place.

This op wins the Sonny Quinn
nightmare mission award.

Swimming? Check.

Freezing? Check.

Climbing over sharp
volcanic rock? That's a check.

Didn't get shot at? Check.

Now, last but not least,
sitting in a tube

that's tighter
than Shamu's keister?

Check.You got to give it to him, man.

He's a world-class complainer.

Nobody does it better.Nuh-uh.

Master Chief, we're ready here.We're ready?

Hey, Sonny, we're ready.

But, yeah,
before we open you up,

you sure you don't want to spend
a little bit more time in there

and do a little bit
of self-reflecting?

I will self-reflect
all over your damn face,

you don't pull me
out of this damn thing.


What's happening?I don't know, Master Chief.

What do you mean you don't know?

Hey, I got a guy in here!

1MC: General quarters,
general quarters.

The locking mechanism
isn't working.

What do you mean the locking
mechanism isn't working?

I got a guy stuck in there.

What the hell's
going on out there?

Hey, Sonny, I got some bad news.

You're stuck.

Right there, more...Come on, come on.

The thing ain't moving, boss.

My grandninny
taught me two things:

never wear your dirty boots
across her clean-ass floor,

and never beat a joke to death.

Let me out.

Uh, it's no joke. Sonny,
the submarine's powered down.

The latch is stuck.

Just need to sit tight. Yeah.

Tight's about
all I can do in here.

Master Chief,

something's wrong
with the torpedo tube.

Latch is stuck.
It's not opening.

Yeah, we've experienced
a power surge from the reactor

that somehow shorted
the locking mech.

Weapons is working with
engineering right now.Got a time frame?

I'm headed to control
to speak with the captain
and figure that out.

You mind if I come?
That's one of my men in there.

Don't mind, but, Master Chief,
we're working the problem,

and getting this boat up
and running takes priority

over one sailor's discomfort.Right.

Yeah, I'll tell you what.

For once, Sonny has
a right to complain.

Being stuck in that tube
is a whole new level of suck.

This mean we can't mess
with him anymore?

Oh, hell no.
Want to keep his mind occupied.

See what I mean?

How do you keep
that mind occupied?

Sonny, anything
but that song, please.

Look, did I nearly
pop that NK soldier

just to keep my ears
from bleeding, man?

Only the Beatles
have sold more albums

than the legendary Garth Brooks.

You're on the wrong side
of history, boys.

Yeah, happily so.

Hey, fellas, it's, uh,
getting a little tight in here.

My skin's starting to crawl.

Hey, it's just like BUD/S,

out there freezing
in the surf, man.

Focus on something else
to keep your mind off it.

Oh, yeah, I hated BUD/S.

You know,
I used to make a bucket list.

Things I want to do
before I die.

Yeah, I, I had a bucket list.

Yeah? What'd you have on it?

I can't remember.

I scrapped it once I found out
about the SEAL Teams.


Master Chief Wilke,
glad you made it.

Captain, we have an
issue in the torpedo room

I needed to update WEPS on.

Talk to me, Master Chief.

One of the SEALs is
trapped in a torpedo tube.

Petty Officer Sonny Quinn.

It seems
the power surge froze

the locking mechanism
as it was mid-throw.

Just spoke with the weapons
division officer,

and he's putting a
team together now.

Very well.
I don't believe we've met yet.

Yeah. Captain, this is
Bravo Team's leader...

Mas...Master Chief Jason Hayes.

Submarines are a strange
animal, Master Chief.

Everything down here has
a way of amplifying itself

the more stressful things get.

Which is why I'm worried about
my man trapped in that tube.

Need him out now.

I understand he's your priority.

He's not mine.

Mine is to get
this boat operational

and get out
of North Korean waters.

Since your man's situation
isn't life-threatening,

he's gonna have to stand by.

Master Chief Hayes?

May I have a
word with you?

Told you to stay put
in the torpedo room.

This isn't the command;
this is a nuke-powered sub

in the regular Navy.

All right,
we're guests here.


How bad off are we?

The reactor that runs
the sub is fine.

But the propulsion system
is down.

We are dead in the water
until they can get it up online.

You ever see this before?

Not in my 24 years in the Navy.

Well, I guess
that's some relief.

Don't know how good
it is for Sonny, though.

I understand.

But the captain has made
his priorities clear.

This is a
strategic-level issue.

All right?

Let's let the crew work
the problem;

it's their boat.

Captain Edwards
is making the right call.

Right call?

Be sure to tell
Sonny that.


It is the right call.

Forgive Master Chief
Hayes's bearing.

He's used to fixing
any problems

that come his
way... his way.

One of my sailors
in there...

I'd feel the
same way, sir.

Power's coming back on.

The propulsion system's
software is rebooting.

Bravo 3 is still locked
in the torpedo tube.

Break. Recommending push
our timeline 30 mikes right.

How copy?

I copy. Push timeline
30 mikes right. Havoc out.

Miss Ellis, is that a problem?

No, sir.
I will make sure the trawler

is aware of the issues
and accommodates.

Hey, Trent.

Can Sonny breathe
down there?

As long as they pressurized
the tube

and the water was forced back
out to sea, he's fine.

Just got to let some air out

of his rig
every once and a while.

He's just getting
a little froggy.

Aye, sir. Secured
for general quarters.

Sir, we have most of the systems

back online
outside of propulsion.

Engineering officer says
it's a matter of minutes.

Does that include the locks
on the torpedo tubes?

Should be up and running.

Let's get the
lieutenant commander's man out.

Sir, we've run the bypass,
but it's still frozen.

Master Chief, I've run down
the line of fixes for this.

I'm gonna have to talk
to the XO about

a more aggressive solution.Let's just cut this thing open.

I could grind it out.All right, I like this kid.

We need the skipper to sign off;
he might want us to keep working

for a solution.Well, if we miss
our exfil window,

we might end up joining you
for the rest of your deployment.

Grab a tool kit and a grinder
and stand by for my word.

I'll talk to the captain
about cutting your man out.

Good, now we're
getting somewhere.

Someone doesn't tell me

what's going on out there,

I'm gonna start singing.

Yeah, they're talking about
doing a mechanical breach

to get you out, Sonny.

Come on, let's go.
Start cutting.

I have to stand by
until word comes down

that I'm allowed to cut.You're kidding me.

Rules and
regulations here?

Welcome back
to the regular Navy.

The captain is concerned
about damaging the tube

and limiting
our combat readiness.

You got to be kidding me.It's Captain Edwards' boat.

It's his call.Fine, I'll just go talk
to the captain myself.

No, Master Chief, you will not.

You will stay
here and wait

until the man
that the United States Navy

has given command
of a billion-dollar boat to

decides that he wants
to talk to you,

and if and when
that ever happens,

you will address him
as a senior enlisted sailor

as required to.

Am I clear?


I will speak
to Captain Edwards myself.

All of you
will stay here until I get back.

Up ladder, make a hole.

You boys there?

I think I got a little bit
of a problem.

What is it, Sonny?

Okay, well,
remember in Star Wars

where Luke Skywalker and Chewie,
Han Solo and Princess Leia,

they jumped down
that Death Star garbage chute?

And th-they think
it's pretty bad.

Then, all of a sudden,
uh, it gets worse?

What are you getting at, Sonny?

The tube's filling up
with water.




Sorry to interrupt, sir.

There's been a change in
Petty Officer Quinn's situation.

I suppose you're not here
to tell me

he's out of the tube,
enjoying a hot cup of coffee?

Negative, sir, water is
leaking into the tube.

Requesting permission

to use the grinder
to cut it open.

That torpedo tube
enables me to keep

my sailors and my boat safe.

I cannot, in good conscience,
diminish our combat readiness

when we still have two months
of a deployment in front of us.

Yeah, I understand that, sir.

Even down one torpedo tube,
this is still

one of the most lethal boats
in the water.

My primary mission as
CO of the Washington

is to fulfill the third
arm of the nuclear triad.

Fact is, your
mission, your men,

even my men, are
secondary to that charge.

Yes, sir.

But with all due respect, sir,

the government, our government,
has spent years

and millions of dollars training
Petty Officer Quinn

to conduct
the dangerous operations

that ensure that this boat
never has to fulfill that role.

Name that tune, Ken Doll.

I'd rather drink
a Yoo-hoo and ketchup smoothie

than listen to that
freaking noise, man.

How you doing in there, buddy?

Oh, little old me
is just peachy.

I've got a joke for you.

Okay, you ready?

How many Germans
does it take to, uh...

screw in a light bulb?


You know why?

'Cause they are efficient

and they don't have
a sense of humor.

That's good.


That's not very funny.

That's pretty damn funny, man.

At least he's
still laughing.

Captain Edwards
has authorized the use of tools

to extract
Petty Officer Quinn.Here we go.

All right.Let's cut this thing open.

Sonny, we're cutting
you out, brother.

Cut him out, let's
go. Hurry up.



I got friends in

Low places, where...

All hands man battle stations.

All hands man battle stations.

Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. What'd
you stop cutting for? Hey.

Chief of the Boat,
report to the conn immediately.

That can't be good.

Oh, well, that's...

Hey, fellas, it's, uh, gotten
awful quiet out there.

Want to tell me
what the hell's going on?

All right, you know
what? I'm gonna find out.

Blackburn warned you
about stepping foot

in control, brother.

I'm sick and tired of
being a passenger, Ray.

What have you got?

I got a, uh, Romeo-class sub

bearing zero-one-zero,
15 knots at 15,000 yards, sir.

Keep tracking her.
Designate her Master One.

Conduct an
all-sensors search

for other submersed threat
platforms in the area.

Aye, Captain.

Told you
to keep out of here.

Yeah, well, things are
getting serious down there.Well, up here, too.

North Korean sub just
showed up on sonar.

They out hunting
or they just out for a stroll?

Don't put much stock
in coincidence.

We can't cut your man out

until that sub moves
out of sonar range.

Okay, but that tube is
filling with water.

Sonny is gonna be in trouble
if we don't get him out.

We're going to go
from patrol quiet

to silent running soon.

North Koreans hear power tools,
we start trading torpedoes,

the whole world's
gonna be in trouble.

That tube is
filling with water

and I got a
man in that...Master Chief.

Getting quiet
in there, brother.

You good?

No offense here, Perry,

but I'd much rather hear
the sound of the grinder

than your voice.

We're running quiet until
a North Korean sub moves off.

Oh, this is perfect.

I survived the whole damn
w*r on Terror,

but snapping pics
of some stupid boat

is gonna do me in.

Stop that, brother.

Can't let those thoughts
creep in.


Maybe this is the Almighty
getting back at me

for all the bad things
I've done.

No, man, it's just...
it's just bad luck.

Do your old buddy a favor there?

Say a prayer for me?
Help me get out of this mess?

Yeah, sure thing, brother.

Never did I think once,
when we met,

that'd I'd be asking you
to pray for me.

You know?

I mean, nobody closed down
more bars,

crushed more skulls
than Ray Perry back in the day.

Yeah, well, howling at the moon
is in my rearview.

You know, Naima made
damn sure of that.

Yeah, truth is, though,
Ray, I...

I always admired that.

You know, the ability
to balance

operating and,
and a happy home life.

Just don't see that in me.

Sure you do, brother.

You just haven't found
that right person

to help you realize it.

Just got an update
from Blackburn.


There's a North Korean sub
patrolling in the area.

So they can't extract Sonny
until the enemy sub

is out of range.That's not all.

Water's now leaking
into the tube

from the outer hatch,
which is also stuck.

Sonny is gonna be
in big trouble

if they can't
get to him soon.

He'll be fine.

Jason and the boys
are gonna work the problem.

Master One Romeo submarine.

Bearing three-four-zero.

14,000 yards... and opening.

Enemy boat's almost
out of range, Captain.

Permission to continue
extracting our guest.

They're changing course
too often to take the chance.

Silent running
will remain in place

until they're beyond
the counter detection range.

Captain's gonna
get Sonny k*lled.

Yeah, well,
he's got bigger issues.

We got to work the problem.

There's nothing to work.

This is not our place.Hell there isn't.

Sir, one of my men may
drown in your torpedo tube,

and you're more concerned
about doing things

by the book than saving him?

You're out of line, Jason.

Chief of the Boat feels
the sub is far enough away

so we can start
cutting again.

Master Chief Wilke,
unless Master Chief Hayes

leaves the control room
immediately, I want him cuffed,

forcibly removed,
and detained

until further notice.Aye, aye, Captain.

You're no good to Sonny
in confinement, Jason.

I'll get out of your way, sir.So you know,

I admire your dedication,

but the chain of command
exists for many reasons.

One reason: the hardest decision
an officer can make

is to sacrifice a life
to preserve the greater good.

But when faced
with such a choice,

things must be done by the book

to remove emotion
from the equation.

Because as you well know,
emotion clouds judgment.

I understand, sir.

Hey, things are
looking up, Sonny.

Clay's got
your lucky hat.

I'll wear an Oklahoma hat

for the rest of my days,
you get me out of here.

Any news?

Nothing good.

Hey. I think now
would be a good time

for Sonny to hear
from his team leader.

You all right, Sonny?

I'm feeling better
now that Batman's shown up.

You, uh... you gonna save my ass

like you always do, Jace?


Gonna get you
out of here real soon.

And we're gonna be laughing
about this over beers.

Oh, yeah, sounds good.

Some tequila,

cervezas, chips, and guacamole.

Maybe a little repeat
performance of Vegas

with that little spider monkey.

Yeah, that's for sure, huh?

I remember that night.

Maxed out your government
credit cards on lappers.

Still don't know how you managed

not to get kicked out
of the Navy.

You got nine lives, brother.


Yeah, I just...

I'm hoping they didn't run out.

Hey, don't worry
about it.

We're gonna get you
out soon.

Hey, Jace?

Yeah, I'm here, Sonny.

You got to hurry, buddy.

Please, man, I...

I'm... I'm scared.

Look, how are we supposed
to solve a problem

they won't even
let us fix?

It's against everything we do,
man. Hurry up and wait.

A thousand ways to die
in our line of work,

and the only one I'm afraid of
is drowning.

It's gonna be
a horrible way to go.

Can't let him talk like that.
Keep him upbeat. Talk to him.

Drowning? Sonny, come on, man.

Thought that, uh, thought sharks
were at the top of that list.

I'd love to see a shark
right now.

Means I'd be
the hell out of here.

Look, man, I think-- You know,
we got some positive stuff

to take away from this, right?
I mean, maybe this is gonna,

maybe this is gonna rid you
of your fear of sharks

and water and, you
know, all that stuff.

Sharks, yeah.

Not water.

The tube's... the tube's
about half full of water.

I'm gonna have to go
to my Draeger soon.

I'm hunting for air right now.

Hey, easy, easy, brother, okay?
Just calm down, all right?

Stay calm.

Listen to me, boys,
I need you...

I need you to get me
out of here, Clay.

Okay? I can't breathe.
Get me out.

Get me... Get me out of here!

Get me out of here!
Get me out of here! Aah!

Like, how much air do you think
he has in his rebreather?

I checked my gauge earlier. I
had 30 bars, say, ten minutes.

How much distance
do we need

between us and the NK sub
until we can start cutting?

It's about eight nautical miles.

This boat goes 55 knots. Even
if we had full power right now,

it's gonna be at least
15 minutes before we get clear.

Hey, S-Sonny? I need--

I need you just to stay calm
with me, okay?

Hear me out here
for a minute, brother.

All right. I need you
to tell me how much time

you think you have
until that tube fills up.

I reckon I'm gonna go
Scuba Steve about five.

He's only got 15 minutes
of oxygen left.

He's not gonna make it.
I got to open this up.

Brother, that's not gonna work.Help me get him out!

That ain't gonna work.I know, I heard you.

He-Help me open it up.Hey! Jason!

Help me get him out.It won't budge.

I don't care.It's not gonna budge! Stop!


Jace, we got, we got
our weapons, man.

Right? We got
our weapons.

Yeah. You know what?

We got our weapons.
Here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna get
the grinder,

barricade that door,
we're gonna cut him out.

That's what we're gonna do.

Better to ask forgiveness
than permission.

Master Chief, what you're
proposing is mutiny.

A crime punishable by death,
even for special operators.

Now, I know you're willing
to sacrifice your own lives,

but you turn that grinder on,
and you'll be endangering

the lives of every
man on this boat.

Enemy sub is getting closer.
We maintain silent running.

Master Chief, there has got
to be something we can do.

You can pray that
that North Korean sub

doesn't detect us.
That's about all we can do.

What's going on
out there, folks?

We're going quiet, Sonny.

Need you to stay quiet
in there, all right, man?

Hold fast, brother.SONNY [panting]: Roger that.

Roger that.

Master One Romeo's course
hasn't changed, sir.

He's bearing down on us.Rig for ultraquiet.

Rig for ultraquiet. Aye.

Rig ship for ultraquiet.

Washingtoncomms are down.

The enemy sub must
be right on top of 'em.

They won't find the Washington. But Sonny's still stuck

until the Korean sub's
cleared them.

They'll get him out.
I know they will.

The enemy sub seems
like it's moving away,

but we're still rigged
for ultraquiet.

Still no cutting?

I'm gonna go find Jason.

This way, right?
Show me.

You still there, Sonny?

Yeah. I ain't pickled yet,


but it's getting close.

If this is the end of game
for me...

I wouldn't change
a damn thing, Clay.

Joining the Teams
was the best decision...

was the best decision
I ever made.

Best... best decision
you ever made, too.

Hasn't really felt that way
recently, man.

I wouldn't trade one second...

one second of being
on the Teams.

This is the life I chose.
It's the life you chose.

It's who we are.

And don't you ever
doubt that, Clay.

Tube's almost filled up.

Ray, man.

It's not making sense to me.

None of this is. I...

You know, I lost men in combat,
I lost brothers.

It's just...

Can't wrap my head around this.
Not making sense.

It's the perfect storm
of awful luck, brother.

Sonny doesn't deserve this.

No, he doesn't.

And right now he needs us.

Come on. Let's go.

Tube's almost full.

How the hell are we supposed
to say goodbye?

Hey, Sonny.

Hey, Jason.

Look, Sonny, I...

Sonny, I'm real sorry I got you
in this mess, man, I just...

You're carrying a heavy load
already, Jason.

Don't saddle yourself
with the guilt from this.

My number was up,
plain and simple.

It's just, uh...

Listen to me, Jason.

I would've been dead years ago
if it were not for you.

Operating alongside you... the greatest honor
of my life.

I'm gonna see you soon,
Sonny, all right?

I'm gonna see you real soon.

Hey, there, Sonny boy.


Do me a favor and give, uh,

give them beau-beautiful kids...

give 'em a big hug from me,

...tell 'em
their Uncle Sonny loves 'em.

You're gonna do it
yourself, brother.

You and, uh, Naima, you always

treated me like family,
and, uh...

you have no idea

that... that meant
the world to me.

Damn it, Sonny.

You are family, brother.

And, um... I love you.

Hey, I, uh, you know,
I've been thinking,

m-maybe you were right.

You were right
about my leg pouch

back in J-Bad last year.

Look at that.

It's about t-time
that the Blond Jesús...

realizes he's not perfect.

Hey, Sonny, uh...

Yeah, Clay.

Same here, little buddy.

Uh... I need you guys
to do me a favor

and, uh...


tell Lisa I'm sorry.

Just, just tell her I'm sorry.

That's it from me, boys.

I love you.

I love you, brothers.

It's time to shine.


He's got five minutes.

You know?

He's got five minutes.

One minute down.There's got to be something

we're not thinking about here,
something we're missing.

Jason, I am all out of answers.

I've never seen anything
like this in my life.

No, no, no, no.
Prioritize and execute.

Prioritize and execute.

Jace, there's nothing
to prioritize

'cause there's nothing
inside here we can execute on.

There's nothing we
have control over.

Not the Washington,not the
enemy sub, not the tube.

We can't affect a damn thing.

You're right.

There's nothing
we can affect in here,

but there's something
we can affect outside the boat.

Follow me.Jace, where are you going?

Control room.

Spenser, stick with Sonny.

Let him know you're with him.

Master Chief,
what are you doing?

Sir, what happens
if the enemy sub bugs out?

COB, remove these
men from control,

confine them to quarters,
and notify me

if they refuse to comply.

Captain Edwards, this is your
command, we understand that,

but Master Chief has
a plan that could work.

Sir, our propulsion
system reboot is two minutes.

Once that happens, we can
evade or engage the enemy,

but until then we've got
nothing to do but wait.

You have a minute and a half,
Master Chief. Go.

You want us to do what?ERIC: I say again,

request that
the asset ship track

the following coordinate
at full speed:

latitude 37.559 degrees,

longitude 124.508 degrees.

Has to happen now.

Bravo Actual, that puts our
asset into territorial waters.

They're gonna pop up
on North Korean radar.

That's affirmative, Havoc.

He's gonna use the Ang Paggising
as a decoy,

pull the enemy submarine
away from the Washington.

Can that even work?

It may.

North Korean radar
is comprehensive.

If a vessel penetrates
that perimeter,

it should elicit a response.

If the enemy sub is the closest
ship that's able to respond,

which it more
than likely is,

just might work. Question is,
can we make it happen?

Davis, send the coordinates
to that vessel ASAP.On it, sir.

What the hell now?

Master Chief Wilke just told us
to stand by to cut.

Hey, Sonny, I know we're cutting
this thing close, man.

We're gonna try and breach
this thing

and get you out, okay, brother?

Stand by, all right?
Just stay with me, okay?

Stay with me.

If that sub's gonna take the
bait, it'd better happen now.

Sir, the propulsion system
is back online.

Maintain ultraquiet.

Sonny's got less
than a minute of air left.

Sir, Master One's
bearing is changing.

She's moving. It's working.

In what direction, Chief?

Towards the trawler, sir.

Secure from ultraquiet.

Helm, make your heading

All-head flank.

Let's get some distance
between us and them.

And cut that man out of my
torpedo tube right the hell now.

Cut it. You heard me. Cut it.

The enemy sub is moving.

Washington'smoving, too,
they're breaking contact.

Monero, radio the trawler
right away,

Come on, Quinn, just a
little longer, buddy.

Almost there!

Move! Cut it open!

Come on, come on.

Go, let's go.

[metal clatters]

You got him?

I got him.I got him.

Turn him, come on,
turn around.

Got to get his kit off.Sonny, come on.

Help me get his kit off.

Give me some room. Move.

He's not breathing.
Give him the Ambu-bag.

No pulse.
Grab the defibrillator.

Come on, Sonny.
Come on, Sonny.Give me the shears.

Come on, Sonny. Come on, buddy.Shears.

Come on, give me something,
buddy. Come on. Cut him open.

Cut him.

Come on. Come on.

Come on, buddy.

Cut him open.Hurry.

Let's go.

Come on.

All right.

All right, everybody back off.

Analyzing now.

Stand clear.

No pulse. Clear.Damn it. Hit him again.

No pulse.

Hit him, all right, hit him.


No pulse. Clear.

All right.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey. Easy.All right, we got him.

Pulse. No shock advised.All right, it's good.

Let's get him
on the spine board.

Turn him.

Down. Down, down. Down.

We need to get him
to the wardroom.

MM2, help me lift him.We've got him. We got him.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
We got him. He's our guy.

On me, ready? Three, two, one.

I got it.