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02x02 - Never Say Die

Posted: 11/24/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

I lied about the shoulder.

You just gonna keep
punishing me for that?

This is not about me punishing you,
this is about me not trusting you.

How am I gonna earn back that trust

trapped in a damn classroom?

DAVIS: I reapplied
to Officer Candidate School,

- figured you should know.
- ERIC: You are a leader.

You get in, you go.

You don't know when you'll be back?

No, it's just a little spin up.

I can live being afraid
for you, I just need you

- to take my fear seriously.
- JASON: I found my own place.

It's not like you're around anyway.

What do you want from me?

I guess what I really want
is for you not to die.

I'm not gonna die.

I don't believe you.







♪ ♪

Look at that... fresh coffee, huh?

Got the machine to work and all.

Congratulations, you can take it
to your new place.

Someone's mad at me.


Morning. We got to get moving, Mom.

Uh, honey, a broker's
open in Pungo came up.

Dad's taking you.

Wow. Last time I saw you that
excited was when we got you

a singing bear for Christmas.

That was Elmo, not a bear.

If it's not a bear, what is it?

Dad, the tour starts at : ,

and I won't allow your desire
to suddenly understand

Elmo's genus make me late

for my first college tour.


Can you pour me one, too?

Look at you, high octane, when
did you start drinking coffee?

Since I had to leave for a college tour

at the butt crack of dawn.


What about "please"? "Please
pour me a cup of coffee."

Does that not work in your
vocabulary anymore?

Coffee, coming up.


SONNY: Is that Davis?


Hey, Davis!


Headphones, bro.

SONNY: Oh, yeah.
It's just so strange, you know.

She's not really a morning person.


what you get your FRAN time
down to? : ?

Shoulder's strong as hell.

: .

Say what you're trying to say, Sonny,

save us the time.

Well... you know, I was in Jason's ear.

Bravo machine, it's missing a gear.

I appreciate it, brother, but...

with Jason, it's about
more than the shoulder.

Come on, Ray, we've all
played hurt, all right?

You remember that, uh,

convoy takedown outside Kabul?

Well, the night before,
I sprained my wrist

punching a tree.

Okay, Sonny, why'd you punch a tree?

I got twisted up on that
green raisin moonshine

that the locals make, you know,
and I swear, there was

this tree that was kind of
looking at me strange.

You know, so we got into it,

and I knocked that sucker
right out of his roots.

My point being, is that

I didn't tell a damn soul
that I hurt my wrist.


Well, man or tree, no one's
gonna eyeball you, Sonny.

Look, man, I...

Thanks for having my back,

but all of you start
going at Jason, taking my side,

he'll just double down.

It's not about sides, Ray.

It's about getting the wolf pack
back together.

Brother, you know you're gonna

have to wrap your head around something.

I may not be back.

Give 'em hell, yeah?


- Davis, hi.

- Been a while.
- How you doing?

You know, I'm grinding.

World still stubbornly refuses
to give peace a chance.


- How are you?
- I'm good, yeah.

How's Jason doing?

Oh, they cleared him.
Yeah, his head's fine.

Good. And Bravo?

Clay's two, so, you know,
he's feeling his oats.

Sonny's Sonny.

Um, oh, you know,
Ray's out at Green Team.

You don't think he's
out for good, though?

[STAMMERS] I hope not.

You know, it's above my pay grade.


Oh, damn, I'm late for my flight.

Oh, that's right. Yeah,
Blackburn told me

you're putting together
a new target package?

I am. Something big, closer to home.

How close?

Hey, you don't have to... [CHUCKLES]



Okay, no. Fine.

No, but I never said that.

Ma, I am not giving up
on my doctorate, I just...

Mom! I...

Uh-huh. Okay, fine, then,

j-just... let's just drop it, then.

Mm-hmm. All right.

Dinner this weekend?

Oh, you're driving down

to meet Clay.

I don't know, I...

[WHISPERING] It's fine.

It's fine.

No, you do not know my parents.

I have to meet 'em sometime.

It's all right, this has
to happen eventually.


No, I heard everything. Yeah,
no, Clay would love to meet you.

He would.

We just, with his schedule,
we can't really...

Of course.

Of course, we will make
it work if we can.

I love you. Okay, bye.

[LAUGHS] You do not know what
you're getting yourself into.


On your right is our state
of the art media complex,

where students produce
everything from news broadcasts

to virtual reality experiences.

Up ahead is our campus coffee shop.

Karaoke and pizza

- every Tuesday.
- Yeah, I'm sure we can do that.

It seems like our girls
are fast friends, huh?

- Yeah.
- Nice campus, huh?

Of course this is a safety for my Katie.

She's really hoping
for Yale or Princeton.

But between you and me,

her GPA's only a . .

. ?

Yeah, better than perfect,
not enough. What a world.

Uh, what about your daughter?

JASON: Uh... Whatever choice she makes,

I'm there for her.

She's happy, I'm happy. Excuse me.

Uh, great talking to you.

I kind of love it here.

Is this a safety school for you?

Safety? I should know
what that is, right?

It means it's a lock
that I'll get in here.

Okay. All right, yeah.
It's nice. I like it.

You know what, hey,
I support any choice you make.

All right?

Just, you know, you end up
at a frat party,

I may have to gather up the boys

and crack some skulls, you understand?

- I'm not joking.



Yup, work.


Remind me not to pick a career

that can turn my life
upside down at any moment

and screw up my kid's day.

- Right.
- It's fine.

I'll come back with Mom
to see the rest of the school.

JASON: Okay.

♪ ♪


I'll have what he's having.

I don't think she likes you.

That's unfortunate.

That's predictable.

Nobody likes an arrogant American

who thinks she can stroll in here

and intimidate us locals.

It's bad manners.

MANDY: I apologize for offending
your Victorian sensibilities.


Graham Kowit.

I don't know who that is.

American DEA agent, went
missing a few weeks ago,

and I'm guessing you know
where to, Fausto.

Only friends use my name.

Be careful, it can be terribly unhealthy

for a foreigner to poke her nose
in the wrong places,

in my world.

My advice: focus on your own health.


Davis, saw you working out early.

It's a little out of the ordinary.

What's out of the ordinary
is that you weren't tied up

with a bunch of strippers
when we got paged.

- JASON: Strippers.
- OTHERS: Ooh!

- SONNY: Hey, don't be judgy, Davis.

Okay, nothing wrong
with bunches of strippers.

Okay, the swarm seems best.

JASON: Whoa, whoa, whoa,
excuse me there,

Mr. GQ, no, no, no, you do
not get to comment, okay?

Stella pulled you out
of that pool, buddy.

Really not loving the
new nickname there.

You're not feeling it?

Tell you what, why don't you
pick your own, then?

No, it's bad luck to
pick your own nickname.

I learned that from my good buddy

- Footlong.

God rest his exaggerating soul.

Footlong. [LAUGHS]

All right, listen up.

Hope you packed your Ambiens,
gonna be a long flight.

JASON: Where we headed?

Saudi Arabia. Three hours ago,

Shia extremists took hold
of the Qanat of Shaqra.

Qanats are ancient tunnel systems

that access underground water sources.

This particular qanat

is at the heart of the largest
water source in Saudi Arabia.

They intend to release
anthrax into the water

if their demands are
not met within hours.

[GROANS] What are their demands?

Does it matter? They're not getting met.

So, the Saudis have asked
for our help on this.

Anthrax is a self-replicating bacterium.

Released into that aquifer,
no water there

ever again.

God knows how many it
would just plain k*ll.

Nothing can go wrong here.

MANDY: Doza operates with
impunity and we dig holes.

Corruption and indifference
are his most powerful allies.

You talking to me or yourself?


Well, now you found your agent.

Now what?

Now I transform indifference
into outrage.


Heard Bravo spun up, huh?

You got that twitch.

Operating's not the only thing, Adam.

But it's the biggest thing.

Is it?

You know, believe it or not, I'm good.

Home life is better than ever.

Regular hours. Wife's happy.

Kids are happy. Yard's looking tip-top.

Told myself the same lies for a while.

What made you realize they were lies?

On my way to work,
half awake, for weeks,

I'd drive to my old squadron.


I've been doing the same damn thing.

Harder I tried to convince
myself to enjoy shore duty,

harder I wished I was back out there.

Feels like purgatory here, brother.

I hear you.

Jason still being stubborn?

I'm cleared hot, but here I am.


"Well" what?

You hear what's going on
over at Charlie Team?

Right. Our counterparts
in Saudi intelligence

believe that the extremists
are camped out here,

the mother well... it's
the main source of the water.

How many extremists?

Could be up to . Not really sure.

What are we clear on?

What we do know is that
this modern access tunnel

leads directly to their encampment,

but the extremists
have collapsed the entrance

right behind them.

Well, why don't we
help them on their way,

blow the damn thing up, call it early

and hit a happy hour?

- That's great,

but the loss of infrastructure

would cr*pple the region for decades.

There's no way
we could clear the rubble?

No, not without alerting
them to our presence.

- Can't risk it.
- That's way too risky.

Tell you what, why don't we come at 'em

from a different direction, right?

There's a vertical access shaft here

on the other side of the mother well.

I say we rappel in and we roll in quiet.

Hit 'em here.

That shaft has not
been active in years,

so it's unlikely these guys
even know about it.

And there's gonna be anthrax
canisters they're gonna be

holding onto down there, too. We
don't want to be hitting those.

CLAY: So, based on some ancient maps,

we're gonna be jumping into an
old hole filled with bad guys,

booby traps, and poisonous bacterium.

And spiders.

% there'll be spiders there.

Them freaky desert kind
that haven't seen people

since Jesus's time. Okay?

What the hell is this, Goonies?

Yeah, yeah, it's Goonies.

CLAY: This is all solid rock?

Yeah. Hundreds of meters,
every direction.

All right, well, comms
aren't gonna work then.

Oh, okay, so what's the solution there?

Line-of-sight relays.

You know, we just position
some men at intervals

and that way we can ensure

the execution-checklist items
are communicated back to Havoc.

- Yeah, we're good?
- We're good.

- Yeah.
- Sonny's fully torqued right now.

- All right, let's get some shut-eye.

Riyadh in six hours. Let's go.

Good catch with the comms, kid.

Uh, just doing my best.

How's Stella?

- She good.
- Yeah?

Supposed to, uh,

supposed to meet her
parents this weekend.

Oh-ho, meet the parents.

I bet you're hoping this spin up
lasts longer than expected.

Yeah, man. Dude, Stella's
freaking... stressed out.

Starting to think that her
parents maybe aren't real happy

- with her choice, a team guy.
- Yeah.

Tell you what, Stella's opinion

is the only one that matters. Okay?


My advice to you is, uh,

just-just be you. Keep it simple.

That's it. It'll be enough.


Get some sleep, will you?

SONNY: What's up, Davis?

Dodged my question earlier.

What was with the early workout routine?

What's with you creeping
on my workout schedule?

I wasn't creeping.

All right? You jogged
into my line of sight.

I just never known you
as a morning person.

What in the hell?


- Kairos!
- Hmm?

You try to put some sort
of bewitchment in my boot?

KAIROS: I wouldn't do that, man.

That type of crystal forms
in natural charcoal layers.

It's an odor eater.

Your boots are malodorous.

CLAY [LAUGHING]: It's true, man.

The freaking smell of those things

make me want to suckstart a p*stol.


I will push you down the stairs
and blame it on the dog.

You understand me?

Keep your hippie BS to yourself.

JASON: Oh, wow.

RAY: Sir?

Senior Chief.

I, um...

wanted to talk to you
about Charlie Team.

So you heard Drake's getting out

and you want to know
if the position is open.



Well, it doesn't help

that you're having a hard time
with Master Chief Hayes.

Doesn't help.

All right, well, it's not
my place to tell you

whether or not to join another team,

but, well, the reason
you haven't quit yet

is 'cause you don't know how to.

It's not in your skill set.

It may be the right move.

May be the wrong move.

Doesn't really matter
because what does matter

in this particular situation is a
question that only you can answer:

do you want to teach
yourself how to quit?

May not have a choice... sir.

MANDY: Flying across eight time zones

will take years off your life.

You haven't aged a day.

Well, turns out that
nonstop, crushing stress

and binge drinking is good
for the complexion.

- You should start a product line.

Once this thing's over,
stay behind a day or two.

I could use your opinion
on a few things.

I'm sure you could.

Excuse me.


- Jason, hey.
- Hey.

Been a while. How's the, uh...?

It's good. Perfect.

Sorry I couldn't visit
you in the hospital.

I was, uh... work's been busy.

- Anything you can talk about?
- Soon.

Ibrahim Antar, right?

Yeah, he uncovered the
Transatlantic b*mb plot.

JASON: With the help of one Mandy Ellis.

Can neither confirm nor deny.

You two seem, uh, friendly.

Again, I can neither confirm nor deny.


Please be seated.

I would like to extend a sincere welcome

to our American counterparts.

The Shia extremist group Asbat Al-Allah

are threatening to
poison the water supply

to a million Saudis.

Within hours,

a quarter of our population

will be at risk of contamination.

The extremists are demanding
that we release dozens

of high-ranking Iranian prisoners.

This will not happen.

Like the United States,

we don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Elimination of the threat
is the only option.

The checkpoint is from a
popular movie called Goonies,

a kids' movie, Spielberg.

- How far down is that, you think?
- feet.

That thing seriously not
at the bottom yet?

Havoc, this is .

Standing by.

Havoc to Bravo . We
read you, Lima Charlie.

Good luck down there.

Bravo Team, friendly reminder,

we have minutes until
the extremists' deadline.

We're operating with
only a line of sight.

Comms windows every five minutes.

FULL METAL: Yo, Hayes.

- Yeah?
- Don't die, man.

Yeah, I'll do my best, all right?

SONNY: Hey, Abdul.

Makes you feel any better,
a fall from feet

will k*ll you just as good
as a fall from feet.

Shouldn't have told you that, huh?

Havoc, this is . Passed the Chunk.

Roger that, , we copy, Chunk.

CLAY: Bravo to Havoc.

We are proceeding
to enter the tunnel system.

ERIC: Copy that.

How's your team feeling?


Basara, too?

Basara doesn't like uncertainty.

As long as your men make
the comms windows on time,

he'll be fine.

DAVIS: Bravo Team,
mission deadline: mikes.

Repeater, here.


Repeater, here.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo .
I passed Sloth.

- CLAY: I passed Sloth.
- Havoc Base, this is Bravo .

- I passed Sloth.
- Roger, , Havoc copies Sloth.


JASON: Hold up. Kairos, what's he got?

Look, we don't got time
to meditate, Siddhartha.

Yep. Well, I was just
about to tell you that.

Covering their bases.

Havoc, this is .

- Go for Havoc.
- We've stopped.

We've come across a Soviet
Claymore and trip wire.

Bravo 's on it.

The charge is old,
blasting cap is unstable.

Might take a few.

We don't have a few.

All right.

Havoc, this is . Leaving EOD here.

Moving forward.



Give me some space?


Havoc, this is Bravo .
We got troops in contact.

I repeat: troops in contact.


Bravo , this is Havoc.
Radio check, over.

What just happened?



Bravo , Bravo . Radio check.

Bravo , this is Havoc.
Radio check, over.


CLAY: Havoc, this is Bravo .

Loud and clear, . Give me a sitrep.

We're down one Saudi counterpart.

Bravo , Bravo , and Bravo

are on the other side
of a tunnel collapse.

Their status is unknown.

We got zero comms
with the rest of the team.

Bravo , radio check.


- Bravo , do you copy?
- SONNY: Jace.

They had to hear that expl*si*n.

They're gonna dump that anthrax.

Don't have a choice. Press forward.

Bravo , this is Havoc.
Radio check, over.

Cannot confirm contact
with the men on the other side?


How will they complete
their comms windows?

They can't until they clear the cave-in.

Asbat Al-Allah is now
alerted to our presence.

We can't risk the lives
of one million civilians.

You failed to set our
conditions. We have no choice.

Commander, evacuate
the rest of your team.

Not until they get to my other men.

We don't know if they're alive.

And we have little time to confirm.

What is your plan, General?



They're enacting a fail-safe.

Why weren't we aware of this?

I wasn't until just now.

Basara is scrambling two F- s.

A thermobaric b*mb.

If your team misses
the next comms window,

they're gonna vaporize
the entire structure.

How much time do we have?

Seven minutes.

♪ ♪



Down. Get down, get down!

SONNY: One-eyed Willy's down.

Sonny, secure the anthrax.

I'd rather be holding spiders right now.

So, that's jackpot.

That's the jackpot. Mission complete.

Now we just got to figure out
a way how to communicate it.

What do you mean?

We missed two comm windows.

Basara's not gonna be happy about that.

They'll have contingencies.

Yes, they will.

Let's go.


ERIC: Bravo , our Saudi counterparts

are requesting that you
exfil immediately.

Havoc Base, Havoc Base,
say again your last?

Saudi command is unwilling to risk
the poisoning of the aquifer.

Need a status report, immediately.

They're gonna b*mb it.

KAIROS: Thermobaric, for sure.

b*mb like that will turn
every bit of oxygen down here

into heat as hot as the sun.

It'll boil the water, vaporize
everything, including us.

Keep working.


Havoc, this is Bravo .

Myself, the rest of Bravo,

we're gonna sit tight.

Go ahead and Charlie Mike.

Any chance you can send us down
some shovels and pickaxes?

Bravo , tools inbound.

DAVIS: Bravo , tools inbound.

Bravo , tools inbound.

Alpha , we need some
manual tools down there ASAP.

Anything that can crush rock, move soil.

Roger that. Moving. Let's go.

Bravo , you got five minutes

- till your final comm window.
- Havoc, this is Alpha.

Alpha and , headed down
with manual tools.

Bravo , radio check.

Bravo , radio check.

Radio check, radio check, Bravo .

- This right here.
- Yeah.

Maybe it runs under the
cave into the other side.

Know what? That's a good idea,
Sonny. That's a good idea.


"What Would Ray Do?"


FULL METAL: Damn. I thought
you guys could use some help.

CLAY: Well, you thought right.

- Got it?
- Thanks.

- You getting it?
- Little bit...

Havoc, this is Bravo .

I need at least three more mikes.

We're making some headway here.

Negative, Bravo .
You don't have any more time.

Oh. Hey. Hey!

Hey, you guys, shut off your lights.

JASON: Keep shoving those
in there, Sonny. Let's go.


Havoc, this is Bravo .

Bravo and Bravo are alive,
they're sending us a signal

over here with some chem lights
underneath this cave-in.

We're gonna proceed with the dig.

Copy that, Bravo .

BASARA: Lights are a
confirmation of nothing.

They could've fallen off a body.

With respect, sir, these
are Tier One operators,

the best soldiers in the world.

Including one of your own, Kahlil...

I know Kahlil's name.
He is my best friend's son.

I also know I can't exchange

the lives of a million
for the lives of a few.

I'm sure you understand
these calculations.

In particular, being CIA.

We proceed with fail-safe,

because we have no choice, at all.

- They're alive. I need more time.
- Not possible.

- I trusted your gut once.
- Don't...

UPS Flight . I trusted you.

You were right. If you had been wrong,

my whole career would have been over.

And if you're wrong here,
my career will be over.

Without direct confirmation,

Basara will not call off the strike.

The best you can do is buy time.

Make a comms window.



Switch to channel two.

That's gonna take us off of comms...

Base, this is Bravo .

In the blind, I pass Data.

I say again, I pass Data.

Good copy, Bravo . I copy Data.

Bravo just passed Data.

Let's wait to see if they make
their next comm window.

Five minutes.

Five minutes.

Target is in range. w*apon is hot.

Bravo , give me a sitrep.

[ECHOING]: Bravo , give me a sitrep.

Come on, come on.

Give me a minute, Blackburn, all right?

We're trying to hurry. Come on.

ERIC: Bravo , you got a minute left.

You're taking this down to the wire.

Got a big piece here.

I got this.



Shh, shh, shh.
Let's listen, let's listen.


Bravo .


Bravo .

Jackpot. We're good.

Jackpot, jackpot, jackpot.

Havoc, this is . I pass jackpot.

I say again, pass jackpot.
Mission complete.

Copy that, Bravo .

Head to exfil.

Good work, guys.

Not a bad idea.

Wasn't my idea.

Mine was about you staying
behind a couple of days.

What do you think?

I think I heard you got married.

So I'm hearing that, uh,

you can do a pretty good
imitation of me, Blackburn.

Oh, what? I've just been
practicing in the mirror.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

Go ahead, let me see it.

- I'm Jason Hayes...
- I'm Jason Hayes? I don't say that.

First of all, I don't say
I'm Jason Hayes.

We're gone before sunup.
That's what we do.

- Jason Hayes. Harrington.
- Yeah.

I heard a better Davis.

Yes, sir.

When was this?


Got it.

Aw, nappy-poo time, huh?

Get some beauty sleep

before you deeply disappoint
your future in-laws?


You know, I could've left you
in that hole, Sonny.


Well, you know, you may be
a dead ringer for Peter Pan,

and Kairos here is liable

to worship Beelzebub,
but I got to say, uh,

you both got big cojones

for staying down there like that.

- Vaya con Dios, bro.
- Easy, Kairos.

- Oh, there they go.

What's up?

Congrats, guys. I heard it got
a little sticky down there.

- It was good.
- Yeah?

Yeah, you know what, to be honest, Ray,

we were a little shorthanded.

Saying you needed a little help?

I don't know. Anyone from
Green Team worth a damn?

You ever hear the saying "quit
while you're ahead," Jason?

Quit? That's really funny
coming from a guy like you

'cause what I'm hearing

is that you're
window-shopping other teams.

- You know what?
- What?

I'm done shopping.

Hey, what's wrong?

Nothing in the fridge.

Okay, well, that's easy to fix.
What's wrong?

I could use a beer.

I guess I got too used
to the consistency.

- I'm fine.
- You're clearly not.

Didn't you see what
being home did for you?

You were happy.

You were there for Emma and Mikey.

Emma came home from Shawboro beaming,

told me she loved having you there.

She said that?

But now,

two spin-ups, and we're back to,
"Which Jason is coming home?"

Conquering hero?

Or the angry, turbulent soul
who saw something go sideways?

The mission went fine.

What is it then?

We might not be together, but
I know you better than anyone.

We're still friends... right?

Of course, but...

right now, I don't want
to talk about it.

I just want my mind off it.


Look, I'm gonna go grab HEB's
finest bottle of $ red,

a rotisserie chicken, and beer.

When you move into your place,
you might want to have a plan

for keeping your kitchen stocked.



I'm really sorry again for being late.

Coming from overseas and
only seven minutes late,

uh, you're good.

- Where overseas?
- I'm not really,

not really allowed to talk about it.

Well, wherever it was, it looks like

they had you playing in the dirt.



No. Uh, yeah, they did,
in a sense, yeah.

Uh, some wine for anyone?

Uh, yeah, white, uh, French.

- WAITER: Oui monsieur.


- Merci.

You speak French, Clay.

Clay speaks six languages.

So how does it work between you two,

with the amount of time
that Clay is gone, fighting?

Do you have any control
with your schedule, Clay?

Um, no, no, not at all.

My-my team and I are called and we go.

BRETT: You just go.

Follow the order.

It is the military, sir.

Doesn't sound like that would make

for a very stable home life.

Seems unfair to ask that of a woman,

all that worrying,

fear of losing you while you're out

following orders in the field,

doing whatever craven
politicians tell him to do.

Okay, Dad, I think I told you...

Yeah. No, I mean, I-I do follow orders.

And it's true there are some

really terrible people
in our government.

But I do this so...

so the people I love, like Stella,

never have to see the things

that I've seen overseas
here on American soil.

I don't, I don't plan on
doing this until I'm dead.

You know, I... I want to
have a-a stable future

with your daughter, I want to have kids.

I want to try and maybe
run for office one day.

You know, see if I...

see if I can try and unseat

one of those bad eggs
you're talking about

and maybe make this country

a little bit better.

Y'all can, y'all can
see me as just a pawn.

That's fine, but...

I'm still gonna love Stella,
and that's not gonna change.

All well and good, Clay,

until you come home in a box.

What about Stella then?

JASON: I don't understand.

You just have one remote for the TV.

- Can't just have one, right?

You got to be kidding, she's knocking.

Alana, why are you knocking?
What're you knocking for?

It's... You forget your keys?

Technology, I don't understand.
Why can't there just be...

PATROLMAN: Are you Jason Hayes?

What can I help you with?

I'm sorry to have to tell you this.

It's your wife. There's
been an accident.

[VOICE FADING]: She's being transported

to Ramston Medical Center...