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01x07 - Borderlines

Posted: 11/24/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

KIM: Fetal position is head down,
good movement,

- good heart sounds.
- I'm telling you, babe.

He's got my dad's height.

Jason, hard as it was to have
you gone all those months,

it was worth it.
Then, somewhere in there,

you stopped coming back.

- I like her. Stella.
- Yeah, me, too.

Try not to screw it up, okay?

PILOT: Jumper in distress,
falling from , feet.

- Appeared to impact ground at speed.
- ADAM: We'll be holding a service

as soon as we're done
notifying Brian's next of kin.

JASON: This kid falls apart
every time he loses a buddy,

he's in the wrong line of work.

If I was so terrible,
why is my only son spending his life

following in my footsteps?

I'm not following in your footsteps.

I'm erasing them.

Teams are your real family.

You don't know it yet, but you will.


All I'm saying is that she
is a national treasure.

She could've had any man in the world,

but she chooses to be with man
who does not play a real sport.

Hold on. Football is just as
much of a real sport as soccer.

MAN: Please, do not call it football.

Please. It is not football.

You use your hands.

And-and it's not shaped like ball,
it's shaped like, uh,

cómo se... egg.

It's "hand egg." It's not football. No.

I'm not even going there.

I will say this...




MAN: Glad that exercise is over.

Coming to the bar with us tonight?

Rain check.


There's less than two
weeks left of Green Team.

Well, some time in the next two weeks,

Gonna drive up to Williamsburg
and see that college girl?

She's a grad student.

Okay. Everyone out now!

Let's go. Hands behind your back.

You want to explain to
me what you want me to do

with this thing again?

Okay, Emma agrees not to get into a car

driven by someone who's been drinking

and we agree not to punish her

if she calls us drunk to ask for a ride.

Okay. So you just want me to sign it?

Yeah, Jason.


Thank you for coming by here.

I know it's out of the way.

Ah, it's no problem.

You know what?
I like seeing you in your office.

Yeah? Well, I've been pretty
much living here lately.

Yeah, sorry about that.

No, it's good.
Feels good to be working again.

I never should've taken so much
time off after Michael was born.

Look, I, uh, I lied to you.

I'm sorry to hear that.

About anything in particular?

Nate's burner phone.

You said it was a dead end.

Yeah, I did.

A woman?

There was a widow, a 'terp that we used,

you know,
an interpreter from Afghanistan.

So, what happened to him?

That's what you want to know?

Honestly, Jason, at this point,
I have so many questions.

I don't know. He disappeared, all right?

Look, he... Taliban probably
found out he was working for us

and they buried him.

What? You never told me one of
your interpreters got k*lled.

I don't understand the purpose

of telling you something like that.

I mean,
something horrible happens to somebody

you don't even know exists

in a place that you're
never even gonna go...

Listen, I know that you're

just trying to protect me, us,

like the kids and I are these precious,
little crystals

you keep safe even from hearing

about the horrors of the world.

Thing is, I'm not a child.

I didn't ask for your
protection and I don't want it.

To protect you, yes, but, you know what,

I don't like bringing that
stuff home and talking about it.

Okay, but you think about it
when you come home, right?

It doesn't,
it doesn't matter if you want to or not.

So, then I-I should think about it, too.

"In sickness and in health," remember?

If that still applies.


Thank you for telling me about Nate.

You shouldn't have to
sit with that alone.


NAIMA: Come here,

baby boy.

Oh, don't mind if I do.

Oh, you don't mind if you do?

What are you looking for?

Uh, Warriors versus Cavs.

Isn't it just preseason or whatever?

Doesn't matter.

LeBron is looking for some payback.

Could've sworn we had
the preseason package.

We did. I, um, cancelled it.

Y... Why?

No big deal. We can get it back.



You doing that thing with your voice.

What thing with my voice?

Oh, is something going on?

No. Just looking for little
ways to cut back, that's all.

Why, are we having problems?

No. Just with the baby

and Jameelah starting kindergarten...

we just had some expenses.

Well, how bad is it?

It's nothing we have to worry about.

Nobody is coming to take away the house.

Oh, that's good to know.

I mean, let me know if I need
to go park the car at Sonny's

if the repo man comes sniffing, huh?

It's all gonna be fine.

Your deployment money
will start coming in,

I'll be done with maternity leave

and we'll be right back on track.

I mean, uh, babe,
I know you've had your hands full.

If you're having trouble
staying on top of things...

Not having trouble, Ray.

I've been handling the finances
in this family for ten years

and doing a pretty damn good job of it.

- I'm not saying you haven't.
- You want to keep your stupid

preseason package, fine. (BABY CRYING)

We're not gonna be out in the street.




It's fine.

Wife should know better
than to separate a man

from his preseason package.

We'll talk when I get home, okay?

It'll be okay, honey.

All right, welcome to Advanced SERE.

Before I turn you over to
head instructor, Malcolm,

I want to remind all of you
that passing this evolution

is a requirement for
graduating Green Team.

Also want to remind you

the more you put into this training,

the more you'll get out.

Play your role.

MALCOLM: This is the advanced level

of the Survival Evasion
Resistance Escape training

that you have all been through

with your regular SEAL teams. However,

if you are expecting this
to feel like SERE school,

you are in for a rude awakening.

You will not

fight your instructors.

If you are in trouble physically,

call for the corpsman.

If you are in trouble mentally,
call for your mommies.

Your training evolution begins now.


Okay, listen up.
Last night, we lost contact

with one of our operatives
in the Triple Frontier area

between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

Agent Jane Cole.

As you can see from
the security footage,

appears she's been taken.

The Triple Frontier area

is still Hezbollah territory, right?

Their key stronghold outside of Lebanon.

Source of a huge chunk of their income.

dr*gs, counterfeiting,
money gets laundered,

sent back to Beirut

where it's used to bankroll terror ops.

So, fortunately for Jane, it looks like

the guys that took her are locals,
not political.

Just kidnap and ransom.

They already made contact?

Asking grand each for the
driver and the interpreter,

both Brazilian nationals.

for Agent Cole.

SONNY: They contacted the CIA

for $ , ?

Come on. Agency's got doorknobs

that cost more than that.

They didn't contact the CIA.

Agent Jane Cole was using
a nondiplomatic cover,

consultant for a marketing firm.

Hour ago,
that firm received a ransom video.

They don't know she's CIA.

MANDY: No, not yet.

Thank God, because when they do,

they're not gonna be
making ransom demands.

DAVIS: No, they're gonna t*rture her

till they're confident
they know what she knows.

Then they're gonna execute
her and put it online.

MAN: Look into the camera.

JANE: Okay.

- Now!
- Okay.

JANE: My name is Nancy Ryan.

I'm from Austin, Texas.

I work as a consultant
for Marketgroup Solutions.

My captors want
$ , U.S. for my safe release.

They say they're gonna k*ll me

if you don't meet their demands,
so, please...


Her cover is not made
to hold up forever.

She was only supposed to be
down there a couple weeks,

setting up an IT network.

Tri-border is the wild, wild West.

You're telling me that
we sent an agent in there

with a temp cover?

the permanent ones take years to build

and the bosses didn't want to burn one

for such a short mission.

RAY: Mm, it doesn't matter.

Kidnappers decide to lean on them,
sooner or later, they'll break.

JASON: Everybody breaks.

Brazilian COT commandos
will meet us at the airfield

in São Paulo and fly with
us over to Foz do Iguaçu.

Their support personnel will
stage out of our mobile TOC.

It's gonna get crowded in here.

- JASON: Uh-huh.
- SONNY: Just saying.

BLACKBURN: I realize that a joint op

is not at the top of everybody's list,

as those of us who have worked with them

in the past can attest,

COT are serious pros.

Run over a hundred ops a year,
mostly this neck of the woods.

Yeah, the Triple Frontier has
got a lot of hairy terrain.

You bring in some
experienced tour guides,

you're more likely to get our agent back

before the bad guys
figure out who they took.

What if the bad guys find
out that we are behind them,

following them and they all of
a sudden start jumping borders?

We'll have to cross that
bridge when we get to it.

For the moment,

the only country we are authorized

to operate in is Brazil.

RAY: Brazil.

- Hey, Jason.
- Yup.

- Let me ask you something.
- What's that?

Before you and Alana separated,
who took care of the bills?

Oh, you kidding me?
She took care of all that stuff.

I mean, she was like Rain Man.

All right?
She wanted to be an accountant

before she figured out how
happy she was selling homes.

You guys ever fight
about that type of stuff?

No. You kidding me?
Not that kind of stuff.

You know what,
she just hands me stuff over

and I got to sign it. That's all.

What, are you having some
problems in paradise?

No, I don't... I don't know.

I mean, I guess that's the problem.
I don't know.

I hate the damn jungle.

You know,
it's always trying to poison you,

eat you, and then k*ll you.

(LAUGHING) And that's just the plants.

- That's right.
- They have these things called the "kissing bugs"

and they suck your blood,
and then these little parasites

get up and attack your heart.

Sounds like my ex-wife.

- Hey-oh!
- There's a spider there,

okay... one bite will reduce you down

to a froth of jelly in one minute.

I'm telling you, I saw it on Discovery.

I'm sorry,
it is just me or is it just really hard

keeping up with this guy's phobias?

The good thing is we'll be
able to draft our new guy soon

after the Green Team graduates.

That way, if Sonny decides to retire

because the stress is too much for him,

- we won't be short two men.
- Please, okay,

I will be operating long
after you hung up your spurs,

Mr. Daddy of Two,
playing dress-up all day.

Get out of here, man! (LAUGHTER)

You guys hear they just
started SERE this afternoon?

- JASON: Oh, ouch.
- Oh, that's a long few days.

SONNY: You should be grateful for that.

You never know when you're gonna end up

in a bamboo cage and having
someone sticking needles

under your fingernails.

Isn't that the plot of Rambo II?

Okay, look,
assuming Spencer makes it through,

are we going to draft the kid?

He's got to make it first, doesn't he?


I will ask you again.

How did you come to
be within the borders

of my country?

I told you, navigational error.

We must have wandered on
the wrong side of the line.

You guys really need better signage.

I've had your compatriots in here,
and to a man,

one of the first things that they do is

ask about the rest of you.

You've been in here for minutes,

you haven't mentioned
your teammates once.

I wonder why that is.

I don't have any teammates.

It's like I told you, me and my buddies

went out for a hike...
we must have got off course.

Let's go over this again...

from the beginning.

How did you come to be within

the borders of my country?

I'd like to welcome Commander Barbosa.

Their intelligence puts our target here.

It's a small compound,
approximately ten kilometers

from the nearest road.

That's where we believe
they're holding her.

We know of many such
camps in the tri-border.

The gangs keep prisoners there

while they decide whether
to ransom them back

or sell them on.

That's a good spot.
You know, hidden from surveillance.

We could just scoot across the border.

Anybody see a way we don't walk in?

- Only way I see.
- SONNY: No river infil?

I mean,
we are navy men after all, right?

No, the river's a major
narco-traffiking route.

Last time we went that way,
we lost a boat.


Jungle acoustics are too unpredictable,

even if we fly through the valleys.

Well, on the plus side,
you know, we spend

a little less time in the jungle.

JASON: The minus side on that

is that the bad guys
know that we're coming,

they get prepared,
and they just sh**t us to pieces.

A small price to pay.


What's going on?

GPS is not working.

It's the trees... Triple canopy.

Same thing that blocks the comms.

The comms never work.

GPS works for us, mostly.

I told you the jungle sucks.

Close enough for the dog to get a scent?

Yeah. Could be. Depends on the wind.

- Yeah, well, let's give it a shot.
- Roger that.

Check here.

Suuk! Suuk!

Hey, amigo.

You know about that b*llet ant?

Tucandeira. Yeah, I know it.

That sting as bad as getting shot?

Depends on the b*llet.


(QUIETLY): Suuk.


Hey, halt.


JASON (OVER RADIO): TOC, can you repeat?

Bravo Team approaching target.

- Clear left.
- Clear right.

All clear.

All clear.

Boss, I found 'em.

Two bodies. Looks like the Brazilians.

Still can't reach TOC, but

Alfredo's comm guy said
they can hook our radio up

into the antenna that these
guys were using down here.

He thinks that ought to work.

Okay, do it.

TOC, this is Bravo .

We've improvised for longer range,

and if you can hear me, copy.

Copy, Bravo . Go for talk.

We've located both the male hostages...
both deceased.

No sign of the woman.

Copy, Bravo .

Does the dog have a trail?


ASH: Clay!

I can beat you, Pop.
I'll turn into a dolphin.

If you turn into a dolphin,

I'll turn into a puffer fish.

Dolphins are faster than puffer fish.

Oh, really? Let's just see about that.


Dad? Dad?



MALCOLM: That is how it feels

to drown, Prisoner One-Four.

Now are you ready to
have a conversation?

Actually, I'm still kind of thirsty.


MAN (ON VIDEO): You look at me again...

and I will cut out your eyes.

This has been making the rounds

of Hezbollah inboxes,

with the subject line,

"Brothers Capture American Spy".

So whoever took her,
Hezbollah has her now,

and they know who she is.

How did the figure out she was CIA?

Looks like the kidnappers
tortured the Brazilian hostages.

Maybe one of them gave her up.

Either that,
or they got tipped off some other way.

The point is, now they know, right?

And they know she's worth a hell
of a lot more than grand.

JASON: That's right.

And they also know somebody
like us is gonna be chasing 'em.

The DEA flexed us a manned ISR asset

to patrol the perimeter of the jungle.

they observed five individuals in a van

moving across the Friendship
Bridge into Paraguay.

- Four plus one.
- Our kidnappers and Jane Cole.

We tracked them to Ciudad del Este.

Happens to be one of
the most corrupt cities

in all of South America.

No anti-terrorism laws on the books.

Hezbollah's home away from home.

You know what, it's a waste of time

just sitting around here.

Yeah, well, we're not authorized
to operate in Paraguay.

We're working on it. (SIGHS)

Our mission must end here.
I'm very sorry.

As much as I would like to help you

hunt the animals who
m*rder*d our countrymen,

our minister of justice
will not allow us

to cross the border.

It was an honor to work
with you and your men.

Same here.

Blackburn's on with DOD and State,

trying to get us authorized
to go into Paraguay.

They don't want to give us permission?

They really gonna break our balls

over some arbitrary line
some some conquistadors

wrote on a map years ago?

The DOD's been g*n-shy
about Paraguay for years.

- How long is it gonna take?
- JASON: Take a couple days.

Well, Jane doesn't have days.

Hezbollah's gonna want
to get her to Lebanon

as soon as possible.

They're gonna want to
have direct control

over such a high-value asset.

DOD won't give us a
go without a solid fix

on Agent Cole's location.

MANDY: We can't get a fix
unless we're in there.

It's a catch- .


Okay, I got it.

- What?
- What?

I'm going in.
We have CIA assets in-country.

I'll coordinate with them,

get DOD what they need
to approve this op.

Guys, it-it is what I do.

All right, I'll go with you.

Look, a tourist couple's less obvious

than a woman traveling alone, right?

Listen to me.

Under no circumstances

are you to be operational in Paraguay.

JASON: I'm sorry,
did anybody say anything

about operational?

I'm Ms. Ellis's plus one.

Plus, I am overdue my one week's leave.

"Plus one."



Mr. Buckman?

Ms. Ellis.

Yes, just got off the phone
with your AIC.

Then you know how urgent this is.

Yes, how do we
even know this woman?

- Jane Cole?
- Mmm.

How do we know she's even here?

She was taken in Brazil, yes?

Not an altogether inhospitable place

- for kidnappers.
- MANDY: What does it matter?

Jane's one of us,

she was taken, we gotta get her back.

Hezbollah bought her
to take her to Lebanon.

Best way to do that's
to get her to Venezuela.

In which case, coming from Brazil,
she's headed the other way...

Sorry, look, we really don't need
the geography lesson right now.

You're asking me to jeopardize

a number of our very delicate

relationships in this country.

MANDY: Mr. Buckman.

Chatter in Beirut

has the prisoner arriving
in the next hours. Okay?

So we need access to your local
assets and we need it now.

All right.

JASON: Good. One more thing.

We need permission for our
team to meet us in Paraguay.

You're proposing a full-scale,
unilateral kinetic op

on friendly soil?

I am proposing that we find Ms. Cole,

we bring her back home

- by whatever means necessary.
- Listen, Mark,

bottom line,

I could call Senior Station Chief Miller

at the embassy in Asunción.

We're friends, by the way.

I was in a book club with
his daughter at Chevy Chase.

But just so you know,

by the time he gets through to State

and rings all those bells

to get everybody to fall
in line on this one,

Jane Cole will be sitting
in a cage in Beirut.

We need you to get this done.

Let me see what I can do.

And then some.

Because... God forbid...
This does go south,

who do you think's gonna take the hit?

"What's his name" from the
consulate in Podunk, Paraguay,

or Abigail's lovely friend

with all the insight on Dave Eggers?

Pleasure to meet you.

Any word from our "man in the field"?

DAVIS: Yeah, Blackburn just got off
the line with him a few minutes ago.

He and Mandy are headed out
with the local Agency guy,

gonna sit down with one of his assets

that thinks he's got a line
on the kidnappers' van.

But nobody's holding their breath.

SONNY: 'Cept maybe Miss Cole herself.

All depends how bad they're
sweating her, though.

She must've been through SERE, right?

I mean, whatever the CIA calls

the what-to-do-when-
you're-a-prisoner course.

RAY: SERE only prepares you so far.

In the back of your mind,

you know it's still training, so...

there's a limit to how
scared you can get.

they do manage to make it unpleasant.

I remember on my third day,

I started hallucinatin', man.

I saw, like, Looney Tunes and stuff.

I remember they took us outside
buck naked...

They hosed us down with ice water

and then had female role-players
come in to laugh at our junk.

Oh, God, that is cold.

So to speak. (LAUGHS)

Well, you know what?

I think Sonny probably
had a leg up on that one.

You know,
he's been working his whole life

just preparing for women
to laugh at his junk.


Supposed to laugh, huh?

Guess they forgot.

Happens when they're awestruck.

- DAVIS: Oh, come on.
- Please, Pee-Wee.

John Holmes would have
a hard time striking awe

after being covered in ice water

and four, five days of no sleep.

You know,
I call it rising to the occasion.


Did get a number out of it, though.

DAVIS: Oh. Mm-mm.

I don't know why everybody

gets so worked up over SERE.

'Cause I will tell you one thing.

It is not like the jungle.




I'll go see what the hold-up is.

Guy makes me ashamed to
call myself a "spook."

Well, first of all,
never heard you call yourself a spook.

It's because I was too ashamed.

Yeah, and secondly,

your agency has not cornered
the market on middle managers.


You know,
every clandestine services candidate

goes to The Farm.

We all do their POW training.

It's miserable.
It's painful and scary as hell.

I mean, it's not what you guys do,

but... it's pretty brutal.

Then, you know, you spend years
basically chatting up bankers,

and IMF geeks
and mid-level diplomats.

And... developing assets?

Mostly making small talk in cafes,

just like Jane was doing.

Like I used to do.

She's not ready for this, Jason.

She's running out of time.

We have to get her here,

before they take her to Venezuela

and then to Lebanon.


what else is going on with you, huh?

Well, I broke up with Conley...

- Guy I told you about?
- Oh.

All the scarves?

- Conley.
- Mm-hmm.

Sorry to hear that.

Yes, well...

He only had two scarves.

I shouldn't make him
sound like Greta Garbo.

Make him sound however you want.

Guy's dead to me.

You never even met him.


He said I didn't talk.

Apparently that's a problem.

Maybe talking's overrated.


Or maybe not.

Kinda liked him.

JASON: Here they come.




My guys tracked down the van.

It's on Hidalgo Street,
five blocks from here.

The guys you are looking for

are hiding in an old
school across the street.

Anybody see an American woman?

Yes. I showed them the
picture you gave me.

JASON: Okay. Let's go.

Let's do it. Let's go get her. Come on.

The ambassador has decided

to loop in the Paraguayan military.

- What?
- What?

- Wait a second. When?
- He's on the phone with them now.

- You said...
- I said I'd try.

This woman is an American operative...

Come on.
You know State was never gonna allow

a unilateral American military as*ault

in the middle of a densely
populated neighborhood.

This is not Brazil.

These military units around
here are undertrained,

all right, on the take or both.

We do a joint rescue
operation with them...

it puts everybody in danger.

Well, good news.
It's not gonna be a joint op.

The Paraguayans want us
present as observers only.

You gotta be kidding me.

BUCKMAN: They feel that
they can handle the mission

without our assistance.

I'm sorry.

It's the way it has to be.

It's out of my hands.






Man, I'm beat.



Thought being dead'd be
more restful than this.


You know, I went to your house.

Yeah, I know.

How did you get out of there?

Just left.

What about your old man?

What about him?


Some things you can't fight,

so you don't.

Give up.



I never saw you give up once,
on anything.

You asked me how, so I'm telling you.

You give up and say good-bye.

That's what I did.

Just give up and say good-bye?

Don't fight what can't be fought.

It's a waste of energy.

Man, that ocean looks great.


Hey, hold on, man. You-you don't
want to stay a little longer?


I gotta get back.

Brian, don't go.


Brian! Brian, wait.


BUCKMAN: Teniente Primero Vargas,

- allow me to introduce...
- VARGAS: The observers.


Brief us on your operation plan?

My men will approach the
front and side of the target

through the courtyard,
blow the door with a time fuse.

We estimate five people inside,
including the hostage.

All right, look. You know what?
I can get our breaching kit

down here in a couple hours.

Shock tube's gonna give you

an instantaneous command detonation.

In a breach,
it's a lot safer than a time fuse.

No, thank you.

I'm concerned about the perimeter.

You're concerned. I'm not concerned.

May I suggest a sn*per
overwatch position?

Enough. This is not your operation.

But it's our citizen that
these people are holding.

And you will be more than
welcome to escort her back home

once our mission has been completed.


This guy's gonna get people k*lled.

You are a pain in my ass,
Prisoner One-Four.

Every word out of your mouth is a lie.

You've just been trying
to delay the inevitable,

when you will break.

Well, that moment has arrived.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I told you, we just got lost.

I'm no good with maps and things.

It's a good thing I
got something special

for cocky bastards like you.


My soldiers' body cams...
They'll give us real-time view.





(RAPID g*nf*re)








JANE: No! No!

MANDY: They're taking her!


I'm on it.



Mr. Ambassador. Mark Buckman.

Sir, we have a...

we have a little situation and...

Mr. Ambassador, my name is Amanda Ellis.

I'm with...

Yes, sir, that's right.

Yes, sir, we believe they're headed

for a private airfield
outside Nueva Esperanza.

It's the only good airstrip
within a hundred miles.

Hezbollah uses it for
a lot of their travel

between here and Venezuela.

We have one Dev Group operator
in-country and en route.

The rest of his as*ault
team is standing by,

waiting for your green light.

S... Sir, we did give them a
chance to try it themselves,

and it's been a disaster.

Three of their soldiers dead,
five wounded,

an American operative
placed in further danger.

All of which...

All of which pales by comparison

to the disaster we'll be facing
soon as Hezbollah can get

Agent Cole in front of
their webcams in Lebanon.



Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

We'll try.


Bravo in position.

Bravo in position.


JASON: Light 'em up, boys.

(RAPID g*nf*re)

Take 'em.

Jane Cole. Jane Cole. U.S. military.

It's okay. I'm here to take you home.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on. I got you.


JANE: After they broke my cover,
I told them who I was,

but they k*lled my guys anyway.

You did everything you could.

Wrong place, wrong time.

I wouldn't put away my kit just yet,

if I were you.

You're gonna need your
as*ault gear once we land.

Why? We going on another mission?

I just got the word.

Good news is, I can promise you
you'll be greeted as liberators.



Follow me, boy. Try and keep up.

You go on without me, Pop. Go on.

You can't stay here, son.
You're gonna drown.

No, I won't. Go on, get out of here.

Yes, you will, son. Yes, you will.

Some things you just can't fight.

Give up and say good-bye.


ADAM: Gentlemen,

this camp has been liberated.




Oh, hey, baby. You're back.

Let me help you with all this.

No, let's just go to bed.

No, Naima, I'm serious.

I mean it.

Whatever's going on,
we'll get through it.

We always do.

You shouldn't have to
worry about all this.

It's okay.

We're a family.

We're in this together.

So tell me what's going on.


It's not good.

Really not good.

Show me.


Got enough for the both of us.

No, you really shouldn't have.

Yeah, I should've, because,
you know what, you work these hours.

You deserve that one
that you like right there.

That's yours.

Oh, man, it is a good thing

you weren't rolling out this much

when we were living together,
'cause I'd weigh pounds.


I don't suppose we could
transfer this tradition

to that vegan place that I like.

- Vegan? Come on.
- Yeah.

Nuh-uh, never.

Tradition is tradition, right?

And that is why we commit to that.

- Cheers.
- Cheers. Hmm.

(SIGHS) So...


Any idea why, um,
things are so busy lately?

I mean, you would tell me

if it was the zombie apocalypse
starting, right?

No, you would know, 'cause you'd see

Sonny doing the Sound of
dance in our backyard.

Singing out loud.


This thing that's been on the news...

Woman was rescued from some
terrifying-sounding people

in South America?

I don't watch the news.


She got grabbed a few hours
before you guys rolled out.

And then a few hours before you're back,

she's safe and sound.

Don't have to be Sherlock Holmes.


You know the problem
being married to the guy

whose job is saving the world?

Any time you want to come first...

you're being selfish.

Thing is, this is the only life we have,

me and the kids.

We're not gonna waste
it living with a ghost.


You've been talking to me
since we were nine years old.

Two men that were with her...

they k*lled them.

Tortured them first.

Her real name is Jane Cole.

Worked for the Agency.