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05x07 - What's Past Is Prologue

Posted: 11/24/21 07:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Ray, that's Mandy.

In the SGS custody?

We got to do something.

[grunts] Tell me where he is.
You got 20 seconds.

Letting a t*rror1st loose
on some desperate long shot?

That something could get us
kicked from the teams, Jace.

Mandy needs our help.


- [g*nshots]
- Don't sh**t!

- Mandy.
- SONNY: Something up with Ash?

- Cancer.
- But having lost my mother,

I would do anything just to get
one more day with her.

- Stella's pregnant.
- [chuckles] I knew
you could do it.

Hoping your new DoD Fellowship
will open up some new doors.

I'm just broadening my horizons.

[door closes]

You're late.

Worried I'd changed my mind?

No, I was just worried
that you got lost.

Well, fortunately for me,

GPS works in Delaware.

♪ Stay while I rebuild the world
on paper, Rose♪

♪ Your soul is the picture♪

♪ But your body is the frame♪

♪ But the frame is exquisite♪

♪ And you taste
just like your name.♪

- This was a good idea.
- JASON: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

It was. It was
one of my better ones, huh?

I'm glad you were free
this weekend.

Here. I'm glad you called.

Even though it took a month.

So, did you, uh...

did you get in trouble
with the Agency?

- That's what you're thinking
about right now?
- Well, as a friend,

I'm just genuinely concerned.
That's all.

- A friend.
- Yeah.

All right, buddy.

Buddy. [chuckles]

[chuckles softly]

Well, um...

I'm out of the Agency,

so what they think
doesn't matter to me.

You experiencing
something like that, uh,

definitely can, uh...

make things shaky, right?

The reentry process.
Was it bumpy?

I made a choice
to step back into that world,

and I paid the price. But...


It's not my first rodeo.

- Not my first kidnapping, even.
- Mm.

I know sharking when I hear it.

- Whoa. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]

That's a compliment

coming from
Mr. Ignore and Override.

- What can I tell you?
I've evolved.
- Mm-hmm.

That's why we're hanging out
here in Rehoboth

instead of Vah Beach.

Ooh, I forgot to tell you
that I, uh, spoke

with Dr. McKenna's office,

and she said
that she can fit us in

Thursday instead of Friday.

You know, this is a...

It's a pretty big appointment.

She'll tell us the sex
if we want to know.

[chuckles] Well, don't
we pretty much know anyway?

I mean, Emma. Jameelah. Leanne.

Having a daughter
as the first child

seems to be the frogman way.


Well, little girl's probably
easier than a boy, anyways.

[laughs] Said no mother ever.

It's the frogman way.

Fathers and sons
tend to be messy.

Is our little run-in with Ash
still weighing on you?

More of an ambush than run-in.

Well, Ash is always working
some angle.

Just can't figure out
what this one is.

I mean...

Why tell me
that he might be dying

and then just ghost me again?

Maybe because he came
extending an olive branch

that you, uh,
snapped over your knee.


I mean, have you even tried
reaching out to him?

Then who's ghosting who?

I told you
two scoops wasn't too many.

How come you got a cup?

That's why.

Because you're messy.


Can I help you?

Just brightening her day.

- Our day's
already bright, thanks.
- That's hers.

Not mine. Not yours.

Want a few bucks?

I didn't ask for that.

Then my daughter and I
are gonna continue walking.

Appreciate you letting us by.

You okay, sweetheart?

What'd he say to you?

He said he liked my hat.

Said he used to be
in the Navy, too.

Oh, did he?

How is that true?

If he was in the Navy,
why is he living there?

It's hard to say, baby.

Your and Mom's jobs
are to help people, right?


Can't you help him?

You know what,
let's talk about it with Mommy

when we get home, okay?

Come on, monkey. Come on.

Oh. Oh, there we go.

So, uh, your flight was okay?

- Uh, yeah? She, uh...
- Yeah.

Little munchkin
didn't cry too much

and, uh, piss off
some of the passengers?

Emmit gave me your grandninny's
Cowboy Cookie recipe.

I took a batch on board.
Bribed the other passengers

- into liking her.
- Oh, yeah?

- Did you save some for Daddy?
- [baby talk] "Sorry, Daddy.

I screamed like an assh*le.
Needed a lot of bribes."

Oh, really?
After I went to Costco

and cleared out
all the Cheerios for you?

And I, uh,

I got a bunch
of different pureed vegetables

for her, as well.

It's quite the artisanal racket
they got going on there.


All right, here you go.

I guess...
Well, you're sleeping,

- but this is your...
this is your new room.
- [chuckles]

You can take the bed.
I'm gonna be out on the couch.

Oh, and I-I got you a...
I got you this, uh...

- It's like a massage pad thing.
- Mm-hmm.

I-I just thought, you know,
with the plane and everything,

might have done a number
on your back.

Aw, you're a big-box store's
wet dream.

A small price to pay
for you, uh,

getting this little munchkin
up here.

Few dicey FaceTimes there
had me worried about you.

Yeah. You know, it can...

get a little squirrelly
inside the wire.

Being away from my little girl.

Oh, uh, uh, Ray was gonna have

a little get-together,
um, tomorrow,

and, uh, I was just thinking
it'd be cool to...

you know, like,
introduce her to all the guys.

- And, you know,
if you need more time to...
- No, tomorrow's fine.

Sounds fun.

- Last one. Get it in there.
- [chuckles]


Gonna eat that last fry there?

- This one here?
- Yeah, that one.

- Would you...
- Yeah, sure.

Oh. [chuckles]
You got a healthy appetite.

- [chuckles] Better be
complimenting your own prowess.
- Wow.

- Interesting.
- [phone vibrating]

Oh, God.

Just when we were hitting
our stride.


It's not Command.
It's, uh, it's Ray.

Sonny's, uh, kid is in town.

There's a party
to meet her tomorrow.

God, Sonny's a dad.

What's that like?

Why don't you find out
for yourself.

Isn't there a reason
we're in Rehoboth?

I mean, us arriving together
invites a lot of eyes.

I got a great idea.

Why don't we arrive separately.


So, the last time we did this

in J-Bad,

neither of us was
in a very good place.

This is not that.



It isn't. Good.
We're on the same page.

We're just two friends...

- Wearing robes. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]

- Celebrating
my daring rescue of you.
- It's a shame

Brock wasn't the first one
through that door.

[both chuckle]

[indistinct chatter]


This is
where you wanted to meet?

You kidding me?
It's safer than the coffee shop.

Nurses can shield me
from your haymakers.

[Ash chuckles]

Well, sit down.

Not a friendly visit, huh?

I just, uh...

I want to know
what's going on with you.

You want to know
what's landed me in this chair

with a needle in my chest?

I could tell you,
but you would just google it.

If you don't tell me,
I'll just ask the front desk.

Too bad you're not on the
approved list of close contacts

for my doctor to talk to
about me.

What close contacts?




Ewing's sarcoma.

Chemo's just the opening salvo.

Soften up the tumors.

Then as*ault via radiation
or surgery.

You don't know which?


If this doesn't work,
then neither.

What are the chances
that it doesn't work?

I didn't ask.

Why wouldn't you ask?

"Never tell me the odds."


This isn't piloting
the Millennium Falcon

through an asteroid field.

This is your life.

That's right.

It's my life.

My terms, Clay.

I don't need you just poking
your nose around my business.


Then why'd you track me down
at the coffee shop?

Clay, just...

Come on, you drove
all the way up here. Just stay.

I got better things to do

than fight with a sick guy.

That's a low blow, Clay.

She's cute.

Doesn't look a lot like you,
Uncle Sonny.

[all laugh]

Resemblance is strongest
in her poopy-face.

You burn Sonny any harder,

- he's gonna be like his tri-tip.
- SONNY: Oh.

You can make fun of my looks
all you want,

but don't you dare
come after my meat.

Don't worry, man.
Your meat is safe.

- [all laugh]
- SONNY: That's a good thing.

From everyone,
if the rumors are true.

- SONNY: They are true.
- [laughs]
- RAY: Hey.

What's got you all lit up?
Can't be that watered-down beer.

- BROCK: Look who's here.
- Hi.

Mandy? Oh,

well, this is unexpected,
honey. Uh...

I was in Langley answering some
questions about Burkina Faso.

I told Jason I was thinking
of swinging through

to say hello.
He told me to come here.

- NAIMA: Glad you did.
- Whatever you say, spook.


[Mandy chuckles]

Grant, I just sent you a link.

De La Soul tickets?

At the Kennedy Center.

[both chuckle]

Look, I mean, you've been
driving down here for a month,

so we should probably hang out
in your neck of the woods.

The drive's gotten easier since
I started taking a layover.

I'm glad
that I can help break up

the monotony of the road
for you.


The concert will break up
the monotony of these papers.

- Mm.
- Surprised you stopped writing
long enough

to purchase the tickets.

Look, it's not every day
that I have the chance

to tell important people
how their decisions

impact my ability
to keep operators safe.

Can't be easy
sending people you're close with

into the line of fire.

It's not.

I mean, they're family, so...

Mm. So, say these
important people listen to you.

Do you keep sending your family
into the line of fire,

or do you step away?

Find a new path?

I kind of like
exploring new paths.

- Little bit. Yeah.
- Mm. Mm-hmm?

That's great you've been able
to bring Leanne here. I mean,

it's been really rough on Sonny

- not being able to see her.
- HANNAH: No, well,

the situation's not ideal
for either of us,

but I could've done worse
in the co-parent lottery.

Well, you know,
being his team leader,

I can tell you too much praise
is not good

- for his motivation.
- [all laugh]

Whiskey works better.

Yeah, or, uh, wrestling videos.

Or shitty country music.

- [chuckles]
- Wait, you don't have the cred

to drag country music
through the mud like that,

you know, with all
the French space pop music

- you've been pushing
on me for years.
- MANDY: What?

- That is a great album.
- No, it's not.

So, what's y'all's story?

Just friends.



- Oh. Oh, look at this.
- Let me see that.
Look at that thing.

Hey, Leanne, you want to...

you want to go
in Goldilocks' arms?

- Come here.
- There you go.

- Leanne. Hey.
- STELLA: Here we go.

That's what it feels like
to be held by a princess.

[all laugh]

Whenever you need to blackmail
your dad, you let me know.

All right? I know some things.

- [Stella laughs]
- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Yeah. [laughs]
- Yeah. [laughs]

- You are behind. Noticed you...
- Oh, um...

- Um...
- No, no, no, no. No.

- Stella is not drinking.
- Yeah, I'm good.

- SONNY: No drinking. She's good.
- STELLA: Yeah.

- Yep.
- Whoa.

You two are expecting?


[laughter, murmuring]

Look, today is about Sonny
and Hannah's baby.

Not, not ours.

Come on, wait, come on,
this deserves a toast.

All right? Come on.

First of all, I want to welcome

Hannah and baby Leanne here

to the, uh, Bravo house, right?

And, uh, here's to Clay and

And to a great future.

- SONNY: [laughing] Yeah.
- Any addition
to the Bravo family

is just a reminder that we have
to fight just as hard

inside the wire
as we do outside the wire, so...

- cheers.
- ALL: Cheers!

All right, well, that's
two Bravo babies in one year.

Must be something
in the DEVGRU water.

Then you better not be
drinking it,

'cause I'm closed for business.

[laughter, clamoring]

- JASON: Why?
- NAIMA: No more.


Oh, my God.
These two are perfect.

[phones buzzing]

- No...
- Uh-oh.

[phones ding, chime]

Seeing is believing.

Seeing Sonny as a dad,
it's not so odd

after seeing it.

No, I meant you.

- Oh.
- You found a way to be

both Jason Hayes and Bravo 1.

Now you're making sure
your guys are doing it, too.

It's... a far cry from J-bad.

All right, for both of us?


I'm sorry Rehoboth
got cut short.

I guess I'll see you
when I see you?


I'll see you when I see you.

Bryce Nichols.

Agency case officer
who stayed in country

after the U.S. withdrew
from Afghanistan.

"Withdrew" must be cake-eater
for abandoned.

A month ago, his cover was blown

and he disappeared.

He was presumed dead,
but the Agency

picked up intel that
the Taliban are holding him.

Current intel shows
they have Nichols at FOB Fenty.

Sun's barely set
on our last stay there,

and Taliban's already
taken it over.

Probably not turning it
into a gender studies center.

It appears they're using
the base as a supply depot.

Yeah, supplies
that we left behind.

We should learn
to clean up after ourselves.

FOB's pretty secure, so, look,

how many enemy we got on target?

Taliban are only running
a skeleton crew to secure it.

All the equipment and weaponry
we left means we're facing

a force armed
as well or better than we are.

Huge tactical advantage gone.

No, we are the tactical
advantage, all right?

Our best way in is a jump.

So do we have, uh, eyes
in the sky watching over us?

We're gonna send
a backpack platform with you.

- Agency have a plan
to get us out?
- Ground Branch has arranged

a driver and indig vehicle
to get you and Nichols

across the border to Kashmir.

Wheels up in an hour.

Who says
you can't go home again?

[indistinct radio transmission]

We got to be the first frogmen

to jump into Afghanistan
in 20 years, right?

It was probably since,
uh, Team Three?

Progress, w*r on Terror-style.

Yeah, yeah.

Trillions of dollars that
we dumped into that w*r there,

and now we're using
paper airplanes

- for overwatch.
- Hey,

hey, this, uh,
paper plane's a m*ssile.

Show some respect, all right?

Hey, boss dog.

Spent most of the flight
in seclusion.

You worried about the op?


plan's solid.

I agree.

Feelings about where
we're heading aren't though.

I mean, we spent more time
in Afghanistan

than home some years.

It ain't easy watching, uh,
all our work

get undone on cable news.

Look, our job
is executing the mission,

all right,
not to express our feelings.

So you were in rare form
at the party.

- That right?
- Yeah.

Yeah, curious timing with, uh,

Mandy being around, I mean...

Hope you guys got
to spend some time together.

Ooh, what's that
supposed to mean?

It means, it's just that...

the way you were acting
when we were looking for her--

something was driving you.

Maybe that same something
that had you giddy

- as a pig in shit
at my house, huh?
- Okay, you know what?

She's my friend, okay?

I went after her the same way

I went after you
when I was looking for you.

- Got it?
- Uh-huh.

- Okay, friends.
- Yeah.

- You know, you just keep
telling yourself that.
- Mm-hmm.

But from where I sit,

you two make
a lot of sense together.

Damn shame if you can't
see that for yourself.

Hey, fellas, time to get ready.



[indistinct chatter]

Still looks like home
from up here.


Taliban's added
some personal touches.

Havoc, this is 1. I pass James.

Havoc copies James.

Be advised,
video feed shows

what appears to be
a series of cages

at the outdoor gym.

A group of unknowns
have gathered there.

How copy?

It's good copy.

Must've missed a DRMO auction.

We just leave everything?

Haven't fixed a bridge at home
in 50 years,

but least our tax dollars
armed up these Cheeto dicks.

[indistinct chatter, clamoring]

That's Nichols.

Low port, trigger discipline.


Learned from the best.

I guess we did have
an impact here.

Let's focus up.
Eyes on the prize.

[indistinct chatter]

Sonny, Trent, move quietly.

No sh*ts fired.

Cover down on them.


Are you serious right now?

Got this.

Let's move.

Come on, we got to move.

Hey, you all right?

- You all right?
- How is he?

He's conscious,
but in rough shape.

Help him out, let's go.
Get him up, we got to move.

Havoc, this is 1,
I pass Vaughan.

Bravo 1, Havoc copies Vaughan.

There are others who need help.

Whoa! Where, on the base?


My asset.

I can't just leave her behind.
She's in danger.

Hey, look, she's not
the mission. We got to move.

Let's go.



How many?


What's the route looking like?

Roads are rough, but Taliban
activity's cooled down.

We're ready.

Everything we tried
to do here...

just erased.

Mm, depends on what you think
we were trying to do here.

We gave them a blueprint

- for democracy.
- SONNY: Yep.

And they wiped their asses
with it.

All the good people here
who stuck their necks out

to help us,

marked for death
while we beat feet.

That's some legacy we left.

Hey, your asset-- where is she?

Hiding out in Jalalabad.

Hey, stop the truck!

Jas, the hell are you doing?
Stop the truck!

Sticking my f*cking neck out,
that's what I'm doing.

I know one life won't change
what we did here,

but I'm not gonna sit back
and do nothing.

All our terps
and their families,

I wish I had a chance to spare
them the fate they likely met.

Least we can do
is right one wrong.

All right, look...
tell us all about your asset.

Benesh Noor.

She helped
in an information campaign

to destabilize Islamist control
in the area.

Used Agency money
to establish schools.

Educated thousands of girls.

Well, the Taliban's definitely
gonna have a target on her back.

Well, I hate to be
the party pooper,

but there's no way in hell that
command's gonna approve it.

This would be
a political rescue,

- not a strategic one.
- You know, it's pretty clear

that every decision
the cake-eaters made here

for the last 20 years
has been wrong.

There's no chance in hell

- they're gonna get
this one right.
- JASON: Then we don't give them

- the opportunity.
- RAY: Better to beg forgiveness

- than ask permission.
- Damn straight.

Okay, hey!

Change of plans.

[indistinct radio chatter]

What the hell's going on?

Th-They're headed back
the way they came.

Jesus, what now?

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

Your direction of travel has
changed, please advise. Over.

Havoc, this is 1,
Agency asset received intel

our route is compromised.
Calling an audible.

Sun's coming up, so we're gonna
F.O. this bird. Bravo out.

You believe him?

I believe he'll let us know
if they need help.

Not that we can give it to them.

[indistinct chatter]

Trent, Brock, pull security
outside with Nichols.

Everyone else on me.

They won't let you in
without me.

You good enough to move?

I am for Benesh.

[speaking Pashto]

[speaking Pashto]


We're here to get you out.

Do you have room for all of us?

We'll make it work.

Wish we had room for everyone
still hiding out.

We need to get out of Dodge.

- Sun's up.
- Okay.

Clay, Ray, post secure
at the window, will you?

[Noor speaking Pashto]

Ma'am, we need to move, okay?

We're ready now.

[speaking Pashto]

All stations, I'm looking

at eight Tali headed
door to door.

Looks like a cordon and search.

- Speaking of shifting sides.
- I got them.

Rolling in one of our Humvees...
with a 50 cal., to boot.

k*lled by our own weapons.

Now, there's
some legacy for you.

[men shouting]

- What's the call, Jace?
- We need to take out that .50.

Not with these
little pea sh**t.

Well, death squad's packing
America's finest punch, too.

They got more firepower
than we do.

Sustained gunfight's gonna
draw more soldiers.

That's why we're gonna
end this fast. Bravo 4,

how many birds we got left?


Get them to a roof.

Clay, overwatch, rooftop.

- Ray, on me.
- Roger.

[men shouting outside]

Armor on that Humvee's
gonna laugh at the rounds

- we're packing.
- We got something
a little bigger for 'em.

- Ray, punch out.
- Roger.

6, are you in position?

1, this is 6.

In position.

Bravo 4.

How's it looking?

It's in the air.

- 6 is ready.
- We're set.

All right.


Bravo 4, drop the hammer!

Jesus! Come on, Trent.

Stay on target.

Trent, we're getting chewed up!

Stay on target.

Trent! Trent!

Coming in hot!


Lucky for us,

despite all their upgrade
in weaponry...

Talimonsters still can't
sh**t for shit.

And to think,
all the firepower we needed

fit into a backpack.

Well, technology
wins battles, not wars.

It took one day for 20 years
of work to unravel.

I just hate thinking the last
20 years was a waste of time.

And lives.

- Don't forget,
trillions of dollars.
- Yeah.

Yeah, all that money
could've been used to help

the warfighters
paying the price back home.

Yeah, look, it's
a graveyard of empires.

The Brits, then Russia, now us.

Should've learned from history
that some things can't be fixed.

Maybe if we'd have came
to Afghanistan thinking

more about what they needed
instead of what we needed,

less blood
would have been spilled.

None of this
is on the warfighters.

I mean, politicians
have always had us

fighting with one hand
tied behind our backs.

Didn't have to be this way.

They just kept changing
our reasons for being here.

It's like a...

self-licking ice cream cone.

Well, the Taliban
didn't defeat us. Mm-mmm.

We were our own worst enemy.


Hope you're not reporting Bravo
for going off the reservation.

I am just jotting down
a few thoughts

for a paper I'm writing.

Well, if you ever need
help proofreading,

I, uh...

I'm definitely not
the guy to help.

[both laugh]

Hey, I'm sorry
I missed Ray's party.

I hope it wasn't my only chance

to meet Leanne and Hannah
before they go back home.

It's all good,
you know, but, uh,

you can always grab a bite
with us when we get back.

Oh, I would, but I'm...

uh, driving up to D.C.

Driving up to D.C., mm-hmm.

The, uh, pencil pusher
from the bar?

- Yes, wow.
- [laughs] Uh-oh.


You know...

whatever else you and I
have been to each other,

we've always been friends.

And that's... that's
history worth remembering.



You know...

no matter how hard we fight,

some things just can't be fixed.

Water, toothbrush,


Oh, no.

We forgot the socks.

No, we didn't.

We got seven pair right here.

One for each day of the week.


Well, wait, hold up, baby girl.

Let, uh,
Daddy go in first, okay?




What's wrong with him?

Uh, nothing, baby.
He's just sick.

Don't worry about it.
Mommy's gonna help him.

But I need you
to sit here, okay?

Talk to me.

Hand me my Narcan
out of my purse.

All right.

Here you go.

Yes, 911?
Can you please send an ambulance

to the Plaza Shops south alley?



All right, airway's clear.

- Roll him over on his side.
- [coughing]

Sam Hughes.


[siren wailing in distance]

Guess he really was Navy.


Stop right... here.

Just wait one sec, okay?

Take it off.


Is the surprise
behind the minivan?

- [laughs]
- [Hannah chuckles]

- No, the-the surprise
isthe minivan.
- [car doors unlock]

Am I supposed to drive
Leanne back

to Texas in this thing?

Well, it's supposed
to be our car.

- Our car?
- Yeah.

Like a shared car?

What are you suggesting here?

I'm suggesting that
you and Leanne move here.

Live together as a family.

But I-I own a business in Texas.
And you and I...

Okay, I know there's other
details that we got to work out,

but as far as you and I go...

Look, Leanne
might've been an accident,

but she ain't no mistake.

And if you can tell me right now

that you don't feel
anything real between us,

then I-I'll... I'll drop it.

But if there's...

If there's any shot,

then don't you think we...
owe it to our daughter

to at least try
to make our family whole?

Till you cut
and run on me again.

I learned my lesson.

I have.

Them running days are over.

Let me just...

try something.

Thanks for coming.

Yeah. I was, um,
surprised to get the invite.

I'm sure Stella
put you up to this.

[chuckles softly]

Which answer's
gonna get you inside the door?


What the hell am I doing here?

- [door closes]
- Cards on the table,

I, uh...

I looked up Ewing's sarcoma.

if you brought me in here

to talk about odds,
I am gonna leave.

I didn't.

Yeah, I went by the hospital

'cause I needed something
from you.

What do you need?

Doesn't matter.

Look, I-I realized that instead
of focusing on what I need,

I should consider what you need.

I already told you,
I don't need anything, son.

Then why'd you show up in town?

Don't say Coop's boat, either.

When you're staring down the
wrong end of a bad diagnosis,

it gets you thinking
a little bit.

And I know
I've messed things up,

Clay, but whatever time
I have left...

I'd like to try
to repair things,

if you'll let me.

You know, most of my life,

you've been nothing more
than a chip on my shoulder.

I don't know, I might not need
that chip anymore.


And maybe remembering
what it's like to be a son

will help me to be a better dad.

[Stella clears throat]


- Hey.
- Hey.

Wow. [chuckles]
You, uh, you look beautiful.

Oh, thank you.
How are you feeling?

Uh, I'm a little better.

- Yeah?
- ASH: Yeah.

- Good. You want to sit?
- Definitely.

Oh, gosh.

- [dishes clink]
- Mm.

- CLAY: Here you go.

- [clears throat] None-none
for me, thank you. I...
- ASH: Wow.

- All right.
- STELLA: Yeah.

Peanut butter and banana
sandwich coming up, baby.

- Yes, please.
- Wow.

This smells used.

- [Stella chuckles]
- What is it?

- It's lentil stew.
- ASH: Oh.

The website says that it's

full of potassium
and iron and fiber.

It's all the things
you need right now.

Um, I will trade this

for a banana sandwich,
if you don't mind.

- [Stella and Ash chuckle]
- I do mind. Look,

Stella's growing a life
right now, okay?

You're-you're growing...

the opposite.

[Stella and Ash laughing]

Uh, do you need any help,
my love?

Oh, God.

No. No, no. I'm...

I'm good.

You guys just relax.

I got this.

[toy squeaking]

[door unlocks]


- Hey.
- Oh! Wait a second.
This is a surprise.

Made a stop on the way down.

Wait a second.

What is the occasion?

Came home to raid
the storage unit,

grab some stuff
for me and Brad's new place.

You know what? Bringing Italian
does not make up

for the fact that, uh,
you're moving in with Brad

when I told you
that you couldn't.

We were looking for your
blessing, not your approval.

Oh. Isn't that exciting.

What are you doing?

- [Emma exhales]
- Whoa, whoa, wait. Hello?

- What are you doing?
- Uh, need keys for the truck.

Okay. Well, they're...

What's this?

- [sighs, chuckles]
- The Sands at Rehoboth.

- [chuckles]
- Sounds romantic.

- Hope Eva had a nice time.
- [laughs]

You're something else.
Eva? Who's Eva?

Someone hasn't been taking
his memory pills.

Eva's the woman Aunt Naima
tried to fix you up with?

Oh, no. No, it's not...
it's not Eva.

She failed on all levels. Sorry.

- But you
definitely weren't alone.
- [bottles clink]

- Do you remember
this woman's name?
- [refrigerator door closes]


Yeah, of course,
I remember her name. [chuckles]

- Ooh, you like her.
- [laughs] Stop.

Who is it?

- Stop. She-she...
- Do I know her?

Would you... Em, stop, okay?

This is weird having this kind
of conversation with you.

It can't be worse than talking
about my relationship.

- [sighs]
- [chuckles]


- Mandy. Yeah, Mandy.
- Mandy?

- Dad, that's incredible.
- Yeah.

Wait, I thought she moved.

How often do you see each other?

- You guys
have always been so close.
- Stop.

Just pump the brakes, okay?

- We're just having fun here.
- Too much history

between you two
for it to not mean anything.

You were wrong. This is worse
than talking about Brad.

- Don't do that.
- Really is. Don't do what?

- Deny what you're feeling.
- [laughs]

If you're excited about Mandy--
and clearly you are--

then be excited.

I know you have an arsenal

of excuses
to put ahead of your happiness,

but please don't be your own
worst enemy, for a change.

[chuckles] You want to come
with me to storage?

- What? No, I don't want to come
with you to the storage.
- [chuckles]


Uh, I'm good.

I have everything I need here.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[sighs softly]

Hey, Mandy.