05x04 - Need To Know

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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05x04 - Need To Know

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on seal team...

Maybe it's time
I come clean to bravo.

All it takes, is

one cake-eater to get a sniff
that you got PTS,

and they'll pull you
from operating.

You have any doubts

about my fitness to operate,
you speak up.

- Bit of a wake-up call.
- Clay: Are you serious?

(Stella chuckles)

I never guessed a man
who enjoys

being shot at
would be the world's most overprotective father.

Jason's 20 years of combat.

- Does that still have you worried?
- Headaches, memory loss.

I hope there's not something
going on inside his head.

Uh, where's that eod probe
you were using?

I must have left it
back in the minefield.

Beer, mustard, Mayo. Mustard.

- (barks)
- Jason: Easy, pup.

- He's friendly. We think. So...
- (emma chuckles)

he just has to sniff around,

assert his dominance.

Then let the dog do the same.

(Jason and Emma chuckle)

she definitely has
her sense of humor from her dad, right?
I totally get that.

That's funny.
'cause I'm the funny guy.

- (Jason and Emma laugh)
- uh, clearly, sir.

That's for you.


no room service at the hotel,
huh, Brad?

Oh, um...

I think they're still trying
to master running water.

- (Emma chuckles)
- Jason: Lucky you,

em. Get to stay here
for the weekend.

Your futon
is a chiropractor's soul mate.

(Brad and Emma chuckle)

so, what do you want to do

for the day?
How about we go to the beach?


Oh, wow,
I would've thought bud/s

ruined the beach for you
for life.

No, but I'm still...
I'm still down, you know?

As-as long as you don't make us

do boat carries again.


you been doing recon on me

since the last time we met?

All right, cerby, let's go.

got to go for a walk.

- Come here.
- Brad: Uh,

you know what, sir?
I'll take cerby.

It's a chance
for me to win him over.

Whoa. First of all,

you can start by, uh,

calling him
by his proper name, okay?

You haven't earned the right yet
to call him by his nickname.

His name is Cerberus.

- Yes, sir.
- Go ahead, say it. Say it.

- Cerberus.
- Cerberus.

Watch out.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Thank you, sir.
- Mm-hmm.

All right, I'll be back.

Come on, cerby. Uh, Cerberus.

- (door opens)
- come on.

- Oh, my god.
- (door closes)

be lucky if he comes back

- thanks to your psychological warfare.
- Hey.

You know what? It's my duty
to terrify your boyfriend.

(chuckles softly)
so? What do you think?

Eh, he seems harmless enough.

He's a great guy.
We've been together

a year and a half.
I want you to like him.

Well, since when do you care
what I think?

With you so involved

in my life,
of course your opinion matters.

More than anyone's in the world.

Gonna be a good day.

Memory aid supplements?

You're taking these?

Yeah. It was a free sample.

Yeah, the, uh, devgru docs

handed them out the other day.

It's the, uh,
ginkgo bilinkgo stuff.

- Supposed to make you sharp.
- Yeah.

Clay: We need to start
telling people, right?

Um... Yeah?

I mean, I don't know,
I guess you could just...

Post this picture,
letting everyone know.

okay, maybe, uh, another way.

You know,
one that doesn't involve

Mark Zuckerberg having photos
from inside my body?

(chuckles) well, Sonny
dropped his baby announcement

five beers deep
right after a m*rder trial,

- so, you know.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

- No reason to overthink it. No need.
- No, no, no.

Right, because Sonny
is the shining example

that we should follow
for all life choices.


- clearly. Right?
- Yeah. Seriously.

- What?
- Dad?



- Stella, hey.
- (chuckles): Hi, ash.

How are you?

Good. Wow. Oh.

- hey.
- I didn't, uh... I didn't know you were in town.

Oh, I'm just blowing through.

Visiting a friend. You know,
you remember Coop, right?

He's got a crappy boat
he wants me to check out.

Hmm. More, uh, more looped in
on Coop's hobbies

I do owe you a call.

Haven't heard from you
in... Two years?

Well, let's talk.

[♪ ♪]

- Ray: Hey, good-looking.
- Hey, baby.

(Ray exhales)

kids are watching spongebob
with headphones,

so you have some quiet
to decompress.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

(clears throat)
I'm good.

Session went well?

It went great.

Therapist said he's seen
a real change in me.

Said I'm carrying myself
a little lighter.

I see it, too.

Well, I guess that's the weight

of five grown frogmen
off my shoulders.

I mean, babe, telling the team
about my pts last month,

how they accepted it,

just didn't realize how good
that would make me feel.

You showed them
how much you trusted them.

You spoke your truth.

Honesty is undefeated.

Lord knows I've gone
a few bloody rounds with it,

but you are right.

- As usual.
- (chuckles)

(clears throat)
so, uh,

those headphones
the kids are wearing,

are they
the noise-canceling kind?

Oh, nice try.

- Was it?
- Yeah.

Hey, Hannah.

I-I just was looking
at the-the monitor,

and-and I saw that, um, she
didn't have her froggy blanket.

(chuckles): Yeah, I just...
You know, I-I was just worried

if she-she's gonna wake up
and-and be upset.

you know how she is.

Uh, if that's in the wash...

You know, um, remember, uh,

two is one, and...
And one is none.

Wait, wait, what-what
do you mean, "false alarms"?

Oh, oh, she-she doesn't have
the mumps.

I guess it's just hard to,
you know, get the bigger picture

while you're staring
through a two-inch monitor.

You're right.

You're right. I'll...
I will throttle back

on the helicopter parenting.

Okay. All right.

Have a good night.

The ceremony

was just the two of us.

Uh, really spontaneous.

Spontaneous is good.

People get bogged down
with plans and expectations.

Learned the cost
of expectations years ago.

So, uh, did you ever get back

into that tbi crusade
we were involved in?

We were making
some headway there

before you started
waving around that white flag.

(scoffs softly)
I didn't wave any flag.

More like handed it off to you.

That's too bad.

Thought we were on the brink
of something really cool there,

and it just vanished.

Feels like a pattern with us.

- Oh. (chuckles)
- wow.

Y'all didn't waste any time
after the wedding, did you?


Yeah, you're-you're actually
the first person

that we've, uh, that we've told.

Well, you didn't tell me.

- (Stella chuckles)
- but I am honored.

So, when-when you gonna have it?

Uh, I'm-I'm due February.

I'm gonna be a grandpa.

- (Stella chuckles)
- wow.

If it's a little boy,
I'll take him fishing.

I can teach him that spin cast
like I taught Clay.

- You can do that with a girl, too.
- (chuckles) yeah, I would argue that.

(chuckles): Have you ever seen
a little girl spin cast?



You don't get to do that.

Look, you can use me and
my career for your purposes,

but not my child.

It's good to see you, Stella.

Congrats on the little guy.

That wasn't very nice, babe.


Look, you made your point.
Just cease fire, all right?

Get that worked up
over a grandkid,

but you just ghosted
your own son for years.

You once told me
you joined the teams

so you could erase my footsteps,
not follow in them.

Now you get a chance
to do that as a dad.

Hey. Dad, you're bleeding.

Is that a picc line?

It's nothing.

Is it for an iv?


I can handle it.

I don't need anything
from you, Clay.

Especially sympathy.
It turns my stomach.

How bad is it?

Take care of your wife
and your kid, son.

You okay?

I don't know.

[♪ ♪]

The drive from D.C. Is no joke.

- Mm.
- Can't believe you make that trip every week.

Yeah, but, you know,
the opportunity

like the dod fellowship
is worth it.

But, you know, with this,
uh, white paper assignment,

has suddenly become "homework."

strike me as the type
who never minded homework.

Says the man with how many

- postgrad degrees?
- (laughs)

right. One more, and my elbows

- sprout their own leather patches.
- (chuckles)

- (chuckles)
- okay, so, Grant,

since you are the seasoned pro,

what should I possibly write
my 50-page analysis on?

You're the only one in the group

- who has actual military experience.
- Mm-hmm.

Gives you a unique perspective.

Feels like tunnel vision
sometimes, you know?

They call it, um,

three-foot world.

So, you become so focused
on the task at hand,

the people
that you're responsible for,

that the rest of the world
just goes dark.

That's intense.

I can relate.

Sometimes, I leave work early

but keep my sport coat
on my chair

so people think I'm still there.

Total badass.

- (chuckles)
- (chuckles): Okay.

Well, that's funny.
It's not exactly helpful.


- The search for a thesis topic.
- Yes.

You just called the fellowship
an opportunity.

- Mm-hmm.
- To do what?

Hmm. Um...

To add something to my résumé

that could distinguish me
for promotion within socom.

Beyond that, um...

I'm hoping that it opens up
my world a little.

You know, shows me
some new possibilities.

Is that happening?

I think it is.

Here you go.

(indistinct chatter)

(quiet pop song playing)

(chair creaks)

♪ could not explain ♪

♪ the wait that I was on ♪

♪ was just some day ♪

♪ to me ♪

♪ call me faithful ♪

♪ and hold me... ♪

look at this.

(dialogue inaudible)

(phone buzzes)

(clears throat)
hey, I'm so sorry.

I got to go to work. Uh...

Yeah. I'll talk to you later.

- (whistles) cerby, sit. Hey, buddy.
- (phone buzzing)

hey. Oh, no, no, no.

Ah. Sorry, I got to...

Okay, let's go. Off. Got to go.

Well, we get it.

The stuff on the news
looks really bad.

Looks like it's, uh,
gonna be a while,

so have a safe trip back,
you understand? Okay?

- You be good. I love you. All right?
- Emma: Love you.

Yeah. Brad.

(clears throat)
uh, Mr. Hayes,

there's something that I...
Well, we...

Wanted to talk to you about
in person.

And, you know, I just... I don't
know when I'll see you again.

now what?

- We want to move in together.
- (laughs) that's funny.

- We're serious.
- Jason: Serious.

Okay, Mr. And Mrs. Serious,
I'll tell you what.

Huh? Finish school,

- then you can think about that kind of stuff.
- Oh, well,

that's the thing, sir.
I'm already a year ahead,

- so I'm about to finish.
- (car door opens)

- and I was thinking we could...
- Jason: Stop.

Okay? You find a job,
you graduate,

and then we can talk
about this kind of stuff.

- Dad.
- Well, I'm not looking for a job, sir.

I've already enlisted.


Yes, sir. The Navy.
I want to be a seal.

Oh, god.

He leaves for boot camp
in six months.

We want to be together
as much as possible until then.

I mean, his apartment

is nice...

Okay, stop. It's great this
kid can have his delusions,

all right,
about what he wants to do

with himself in the future,

but we are not gonna let it

screw up your life right now,
you understand me? I'm the one

who strokes the checks,
so the answer is no.

(engine starts)

all right,
you've all seen the news.

Two hours ago,

three tourist destinations
in west Africa

were hit by simultaneous
su1c1de b*mb att*cks.

Among the over 300 k*lled,

there were citizens
of 18 nations,

including 20 Americans.

This is an act of terror

on a scale
we haven't seen in years.

The group
claiming responsibility

is the sahaba of greater sahel.

Latter-day !sis disciples

who have been making
a bloody sweep

through Mali and Burkina Faso
over the past six months,

seizing land and infrastructure.

By all estimations,
sgs has supplanted boko haram

as the most powerful
t*rror1st force in the region.

Spent months fighting boko
last deployment,

barely made a dent.

This group went in there
and did what we couldn't?

Or did we just soften boko up
for these guys?

Hand to god,

we end up on a damn boat,

this is gonna be
the last you see of me.

Eric: U.S. Socom is
determined to respond

to the att*cks with immediate
and emphatic action,

deploying teams to three a.O.S

where the sgs leadership

Going all in and straight
for the aces and kings, huh?

Yeah, and decapitate the snake,
slip out

- before anybody knows we were there.
- Hey, one-night stand

is just fine with me. Wham, bam,
glad it's not Afghanistan.

Eric: All right, lieutenant
soto has been deployed

to aid a joint task force
in Mali

while bravo will be deployed
to Burkina Faso.

Agency intel will be dealing
target packages very quickly.

Bravo will be operating
out of a temporary outpost

that's being set up
50 kilometers from the capital.

Eric: In soto's absence,
warrant officer Perry

will be bravo's
acting officer in charge.

All right.

Clock's ticking.
Wheels up in an hour.

We'll hit 'em hard and fast.
That's what we do best,

- right, boys? (clears throat)
- yeah, buddy.

World's on fire again.

Yeah. (chuckles)
it's on fire,

and it's our job to put it out.
That's what bravo does, man.

- We got this.
- All right. Well,

I need to talk to you about Ray.

- What about Ray?
- Well, without lieutenant soto,

puts a lot of weight
on his shoulders as oic.

Ray's gonna be fine.

He can handle it.
I'll make sure of that.

Well, his track record
as oic's been rough.

I mean,
one op got him kidnapped.

The other put you on trial.

Ray's good, man.
You know that. Come on.

What's this all about?

Well, there are murmurs
among command

about Ray's last deployment.

"dangerously erratic behavior"
was the phrase I heard.

Heard from who?
Who's saying this?

I don't know who the source is,

and, hell,
I couldn't tell you if I did.

But if they're lying,
then you should speak up.

I trust Ray with my life.

Wouldn't be rolling with him
if I didn't.

Well, you know that I prefer

to let bravo hammer out
its own issues,

but there are some in command
who may take a harder line.

Just wanted to make you aware.

(Jason exhales)

(indistinct chatter)

(Ray exhales)

- oh.
- Yeah.

How'd the, uh, visit
with Emma and the boyfriend go?

Meant to offer you
some of my zen techniques.

Mm. You know,
it didn't end great.

Could've gone worse,
but, you know, I fixed it.

You got saved by a spin-up.

(both chuckle)

yeah, this one should be good
for all of us.

After all that sneaking
and creeping in North Korea,

some door-kicking will be
a welcome reset for bravo.

Yeah, fastball
straight down the middle.

Team will crush it, huh?

- Mm-hmm. (chuckles)
- make our oic look good.

Yeah, come on, man.

The title
doesn't change anything.

I just want to operate
how we always have.

Yeah, you and me both.

There a reason why we can't?

Come on, Jace.
I've been real honest

with everyone lately. I...

Don't hold back.

(Jason exhales)

look, Ray, uh...

Command knows.

They know what happened
with you in Nigeria.

My pts?

I don't know. Someone talked.


uh, no. No, that's-that's
what I told the guys to do.

I said if they had
any doubts about me,

they should go talk to command.

That doesn't mean
it was somebody from bravo, Ray.

Could've been anyone.


(clears throat)
so, what do I do now?

You stay front-sight focused,
that's what you do.

And if the brass
does have eyes on you,

got to go in and crush that op.

Bravo team, we got your six.

(indistinct chatter)

(Sonny chuckles)

(indistinct radio transmission)

why the hangdog?

Not an ideal time to spin up.

Oh, yeah? Well, maybe if we see

an alien encounter,
it'll make up for it.

(chuckles): What the hell
are you talking about?

Dogon people from this region

are descendants
of extraterrestrials.

Okay? So,
if they want to show up

and have a little family reunion
while we're there,

well, that makes up for us...

Not seeing a rhino
on this deployment.

(chuckles softly)

since when are you an expert
on Burkina Faso?

- Or aliens?
- Well, since I got a lot of time on my hands

since I got stood up
at the bulkhead.

yeah, sorry about that.

Yeah, it's no big thing.
Didn't last long.

Did you, uh, you get tossed
for relieving yourself

- under the bar again?
- (laughs) yes,

vomiting was
my closest bodily function.

No, I just...

Saw Davis with this other guy.

- Yeah.
- Got to sting.


As much as, uh,

it takes a global catastrophe

for us to, you know,

get to hang anymore.


Look, man, something...

Something came up back home.

Oh, really?

What, did one of your
his-and-hers latte cups break?

(chuckles): Or did you have
a little decorative soap crisis?

it's a little more complicated.



That's cool. Shut me out.

Outside looking in is, uh...

Seems to be my place these days.

- How's that?
- Oh,

I see my kid
through a grainy camera.

I see others moving on
with their lives.

Everything's changed, you know?

That's the one beautiful thing
about this job.

The w*r on terror
always stays the same.

[♪ ♪]

this place got up and running
awful quick.

Doesn't look temporary at all.

They've been here a minute,
putting down stakes.

Stakes? They got
a whole combat big top here.

Forget a one-night stand.

Someone's looking
to get hitched.

That's what happens
when the agency takes over.

Temporary becomes permanent.

- w*r on terror, boys.
- w*r on terror.

Sonny: They got their
own trained animals here.

Ground branch task force?

Yeah, our, uh,
spooky CIA stepbrothers.

All the action,
none of the accountability.

Doesn't change our deal.
Our mission's our mission.

I just didn't expect there to be
so much of a footprint already.

Feels less tip of the spear
than late to the party.

We here for an op or a w*r?

Jason (chuckles):
Come on, Ray. Stop playing.

"come on, Ray. Stop playing."

What the hell?

The official language here
is French.

I'd rather take
that frog cuisine

than this rabbit food.

Dryden: I have fresh
produce stocked daily

from local farms.

Helps foster regional goodwill.

Warrant officer Perry.

That's right.
This is bravo team

and our team leader,
Jason Hayes.

Carl dryden,
agency chief of station.

Welcome to Burkina Faso.

Place is buzzing only

a day after the att*cks.

How long you been in-country?

Sgs's att*cks yesterday

were the culmination
of red flags

I've been warning
the beltway about for months.

We're making up for lost time
combatting this network.

Where are you on
target packages?

Settle in.

If you require anything,

I'm the one to ask.


(team chuckling)

he's got "need to know"
inked across his back.

Yep. I seen, uh,

meth-dealing grizzly bears
that are less territorial.

Look, I had
a chief of station once, man,

in the early days
in Afghanistan.

I wanted toilet paper,
I literally had to tell him

how many sheets I wanted.

No, I'm serious.
Dead serious.

That suggests the type of vision

that takes a targeted strike,
turns it into a forever w*r.

(Ray chuckles)

never known Jason Hayes
to be a story stealer.

Guzo told us about
the toilet paper guy.

You know that didn't happen
to you.

No, you know, I just didn't
want to mention guzo's name,

bring the team down, that's all.

Listen, do me a favor,
don't mention this to spenser.

Really don't need him thinking
I'm stealing guzo's stories now.

Ah, copy that.

Young g*n doesn't need
any more a*mo

- for us old-heads, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Looks like we're both watching
our backs these days. (chuckles)

(indistinct chatter)

Davis. Hey, you doing okay?

Oh, I'm just shaking off
the frostbite

from the agency intel
folks' welcome.


You know, my job is hard enough

without having to beg
for information.

Speaking of which, we, uh...

Haven't caught up in a while.

What's new?

Well, I have been busy.

- Mm-hmm, you been busy.
- Yeah. Been going up

to D.C. Every week
for this dod fellowship.

Busy enough to, uh, do a little
day-drinking at the bulkhead?

- Huh? Ooh, I saw you.
- That was just a lunch.

- Oh, it was a lunch.
- It was a working lunch.

- Oh, and this pleated pant fellow...
- Oh, my god.

(laughing): He's someone
that you're just working with?

He's in the fellowship, too.

- Sonny...
- Yeah.

You know, everything that
happened with us last year...


And the job I lost...

This program is helping me
turn the page.


On to the next one, then, huh?

It wasn't a date, Sonny.

- Mm-hmm.
- And... (sighs)

At some point,
for the both of us,

it will be.

We just can't sit around
licking our wounds forever.

(phone buzzing)



Copy. Yeah, be right there.

there's a target package

ready to go.
News to me.

No fun being left behind.

- Davis, what do we have?
- Wish I knew.

- They didn't read you in?
- (davis laughs)

I know you're all
just getting your bearings,

but this package
is time sensitive, so...

Need you to roll on it asap.

We've confirmed the location

of three
sahaba of greater sahel hvts.

High-level leadership
that had a hand

in plotting yesterday's att*cks.

Saidou and ousmane boukare
are brothers.

We've confirmed
their two cars are parked

at a safe house in
the market district of Kaya.

Third hvt, idrissa kango,

is in a separate safe house
one block north.

Lieutenant Davis will share
the rest of the package

that I've supplied her.

I expect you to be departing
no later than 2300 hours.

- (whistles)
- clock's ticking.

Clock is ticking. I mean...

So much for foreplay.

Targets are close to each other.

We can, uh, foot patrol in.

Let's start with the two-for-one
brothers and move on from there.

Okay, this "market district"

isn't as wholesome
as it sounds.

In good times, it's a center
for criminal activity.

So you mix in
the sgs presence,

plus all the civilians packed
tight in the neighborhood...

We stir up any hornets
in that first target,

that, uh, one-block trek
could turn Mogadishu mile.

Jase, we can UN-ass
the trucks here,

stick to the shadows,
short patrol in,

and then run the alley...

All the way
to the second house.

Full combat clearance.
Blacked out. I like it.

- Fast, quiet, smooth.
- Jason: That's right.

What about a sn*per
covering down

for the patrol
between targets?

No, the plan is solid.
No need to complicate it.

Whoa, whoa.
What are you thinking?

Right, once we take that
first house, clear the roof,

I post there,
have your backs for the move.

sn*per overwatch as we hit
the second target.

(drums fingers)
yeah, I like it.

You get it, but Ray doesn't.
Look at his face.

Yoko blonde-oh getting in the
middle of John and Paul again.

(chuckling): No, no. No,
it shouldn't be a problem.

- Let's nail this thing down.
- Davis: Mm-hmm.

Havoc, this is 1.
Anything on isr?

Negative, bravo 1.

Msr is clear. Over.

Jason: Copy that.
Appreciate you, ma'am.

We're moving. Out.

That's the safe house.

- Lights are out...
- Yeah.

But somebody's home.

Check those cars.

It's the right cars. We're good.

You're up, Clay. Take us out.

Lieutenant Davis,
need to speak to you.

- Sir, we're just in the middle...
- Now.

(indistinct radio chatter)

(insects trilling)

Davis: All stations, be
advised, I pass albatross.


I say again. Albatross.

- Ray: Albatross is rtb.
- Sonny: Damn.

We're canked.

Canking it now?
Two seconds from breaching.

Our meters are pegged.

Suppose we didn't
hear that call.

We heard it. Stand down.

Come on.

- This is crap, man.
- Whoa, take it easy, all right?

There's got to be a reason
why they canked the op, Sonny.

Davis, what the hell, man?
You can't cank-bird an op

- when we're right on the edge, you understand?
- Jason: Whoa, whoa, easy.

- Okay, listen...
- Step back, Sonny.

- I got him. Come on.
- Dryden told me to pass the order.

- He left me in the dark as to why.
- I'll handle him.

I'll handle him.

I am trying real hard
not to feel like

the agency
just jerked us around.

Could've been dryden's way to
let us know we're on his leash.

The intel was real.

There's no way that dryden's
gonna pass up a shot

at a hvt
without a solid reason.

I'm just saying it's dangerous
to cank it that late.

Least he can do is look us
in the eyes and explain himself.

Jason: Why you going
after Davis like that, huh?

We're on enemies' doorstep

and havoc yanks it
right from underneath us.

Jason: Stop.
Just stop right there, okay?

You know that wasn't
Davis's call.

I mean, back there,
it sounded like the old Sonny.

I thought we were leaving that
in the past.

Look, I don't give a damn
whose call it was, okay?

If I wanted to be stood down
and hands-off,

I would've just stayed at home.

Kinda get my fill of that there.

What's that mean?

Just forget it.

Forget it.

This about your daughter,

- (sighs)
- look...

look, man, all the dads

on the teams go through this.

I know, but it just sucks

that she's growing up
every day without me.

I know.
I've been there, I get it.

I understand. It sucks.

But even if your daughter was
back in vah beach,

we'd be gone, what,
300 days out of the year?

You know that, right?

So you have to control
what you can control.

- Keep the emotions under...
- The overlord called another meeting.

Just don't backslide on me,
all right?

Just evolve.
Keep evolving. Okay?

Somebody double-book
the pipehitter suite?

Thank you all
for being... Flexible.

Yeah, feel like I was bent over.

While you were in the field,
we received intel

that at 0700 hours,

all three hvts will be meeting

at an sgs-controlled airfield
15 klicks south of Kaya

to get on a small plane
out of the country.

Now, because of the nature
and size of the airstrip,

bravo will partner
with ground branch task force

to hit the target together.

Look, we had these guys
dead to rights

in their sleep an hour ago.

Now you want us to hit them
on a compound?

Intel dictates strategy.

That's a fortune cookie,
not a tactic.

(Trent chuckles)

lieutenant Davis, can you
pull up the airfield, please?

The airstrip was built out
by an oil multi-national

in the '70s,
right next to their refinery.

Company went under in '79,

but sgs has had control of it
for the last year.

There are at least ten sgs
fighters there at any time.

With more force to be expected
when leadership is on target.

So as many as 20 fighters,
plus three armed hvts.

Okay, hold on. So you're saying

that you want us to charge
at least two dozen tangos

in full daylight.
Is that what you're saying?

I believe the sun will be
up at 7:00, yes.

Jason: Look at this. These
guys aren't messing around.

I'm seeing at least two pkms.

Yes, they have maintained
crew-served weapons on site.

So why don't
we just hit 'em en route

instead of playing
on their field?

A vehicle interdiction.

There's only two roads
to the airfield.

We can cover them both, take
the hvts on their way in,

- safe distance from the target.
- The plan

dictated by the intelligence,

is to take the hvts
at the airfield.

Bravo will hit the airstrip
and the structure

on the east side of the target,
while the task force

will focus on the West Side
of the property,

taking out
the crew-serviced weapons

and clearing
the adjacent building.

Any reason
that can't be ex*cuted?

No, sir. We got it handled.

[♪ ♪]

Davis: Bravo 1, this is
havoc base. Be advised.

Vehicles believed to be
carrying hvts are on site.

Multiple pax have offloaded
and have moved

into the structure on the east
side of the target compound.

That's good copy. Bravo 1 out.

Still not clear how this op
makes more sense

than the one
that dryden canked.

Some gears turning here
that we're not seeing.

Yeah. "works in mysterious ways"
isn't a good quality

for the guy sending us
into the fire.

No use looking back, Ray.

Front-sight focused.


Clay: I hope ground
branch did their job.

Coming into the facility.


hey, hey!

Left turn, left turn!

Left turn!

We've reached the secondary
breach point. Everyone on me.

Moving to secondary breach.
On me.

Move, move!

(g*nf*re continues)

Turning steel!


(indistinct chatter)

two just squirted right!

Frag out!

Get it.

- Jason: You got a match?
- Clay: Two of the hvts.

Only one we're missing
is saidou boukare.

Rest of the building's clear.

Those few guys are nobody.


that didn't sound like anything
we brought on target.

Ground branch operator: All
stations, vehicle 1 is down hard.

I say again,
vehicle 1 is down hard.

All right, look, the agency boys

are getting crushed.
We got to get out there.

Machine g*n nest
won't make that easy.

- (machine g*n fire continues)
- gotta move, Jace.

Can't help with our partners

until we take down
that heavy g*n.

Trent, Sonny.
Get to higher ground,

- get on that, will you?
- Roger that. Moving.

That wash by the loading dock
is all dead space.

- Should get us there.
- We got to move. Let's go.

Clay, on you. Lead us out.

(g*nf*re continues)

you gonna fit in here?

Your mom fits in here.

- Clay: We can punch through here.
- Jason: Looks good, let's move.

They're dug in.

Talk to me, Ray.

Sounds like
Sonny's pig's barking.


Soon as that machine-g*n
nest is down, we as*ault.

You think you could get
a 40 Mike-Mike back up there?

(chuckles) all day.

Let's do this.

It's down.

Let's go, break out. Break out.

Bravo 3, cover our movement.

Copy, got you covered.

(g*nf*re continues)

(man yelps)

bravo 6, this is 1.

We're all clear. No hvt.

Clay: Copy, bravo 1.
Same here. Target's secure.

Grey 1, this is bravo 1.

Any sign of the third hvt
among the kia out there?

Grey 1:
Negative, bravo 1. Not here.

We got two of the three hvts.

Saidou boukare's
not on target.

We had him at his safe house.
Could've had all three there,

saved a lot of sound and fury.

Tip of the spear goes
where it's pointed, Ray.


Clay: Bravo 1, this is 6.
You gotta see what's in here.

Looks like a t*rror1st
ops center.

Sgs personnel, maps... Targets?

Start sse on all of it,
will you?

Havoc, this is bravo 2,
uploading on-site data to you.

We hit the motherlode here.

Copy, bravo 2.

Scan for any sign

of saidou boukare's whereabouts.

We know that he made contact
with two hvts on target.

Cross-reference their phone ips.

What is it?

Messages from a cell ip
we believe to be boukare's

indicates that he's going
to be on a train

headed from Kaya
to ougadougou.

No-show for his flight
out of country.

Why is he traveling
to the capital?

We have something
clear and present.

Chatter on sgs channels suggests

this commuter train
is the group's next target.

Indications of a planned
su1c1de bombing on board,

- within the hour.
- Okay, that is the same train

that we believe
boukare is boarding.

Next stop, martyrdom.

It's bigger than that.

Look where the train route
takes it.

That's the target.

Bravo 1, this is havoc.

What we doing, Jace? Follow-on?

Check. Little birds
on their way to grab us.

All right, our last hvt,
he's on a train,

- on the move.
- Train interdiction?

Straight up butch Cassidy
and Sundance.

Yeah. Except that train

wasn't rigged with an s-vest,
heading towards

- the U.S. Consulate building.
- We don't catch it in time,

it'll blow the consulate
and half the block around it.

(helicopters whirring)

little birds are here.
Let's move. Come on.

Jace. You coming or what?

Ray, that's Mandy.

In sgs custody?


I don't know,
but we got to do something.

Look, brother,
we'll figure that out.

Right now,
we got a train to catch.
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