02x10 - Prisoner's Dilemma

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x10 - Prisoner's Dilemma

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...I don't want to be

at each other's throats forever.

I want to put it
to bed, bury it.

Want to bury it? Yeah, you're
pretty good at burying things.

Burying people, too.

Wait, wait, we need him alive!

Go, go! Come on,
let's go! Go!

Do whatever
you need to do to save him.

We lose him, we lose Doza.

We lose Doza,
we got nothing.

We're back
to square one.

Martinez didn't
rat us out. So who?

It wasn't Carla
who gave us up.

It was you.

I can't lose my family.

Doza is everywhere.

Tell me where he is,

you get to live.

Where's Doza?! Tell me!

It's a safe house
for when things go wrong.


If you've come to
point out the fact

that I was riding you for
not having your head in the game

while I was sitting next
to a turncoat,

please don't.


I'm really sorry
about Rita, all right?

No one saw that
betrayal coming.

Led us right into an ambush.

I used to think that some people
were incorruptible, but...

everyone's corruptible.

Everyone has
their breaking point.

Not Martinez.

He's a hero.

I got to gear up.


What I said
in the club,

I wasn't just trying to tell
you what you wanted to hear.

It was the truth.

Yeah, I know.

Are we good?

Yeah, we're good.

All right?

Time to end this.
Time to get Doza.

Bravo 1, target building is 800
meters north of your location.

Okay, we confirmed
HVT's on target?

Negative. But ISR shows
fighting age males in the area.

Havoc Base,
blocking force is peeling off.

We're coming up on target.

All that dirty drug money and
this is where Doza hangs out?

Well, he knows how to lay low.

Doza's a snake.
Snake's as low as you can go.

Yeah. Well, let's hope
it's not another setup.

Well, according to SEAL lore,

a team can only be ambushed once
per deployment.

That's not really a thing.

Yeah, I know, but I wish it was.

Havoc, this is 1.
I pass Conando.

Copy, Bravo 1.

Office building's the last place
I thought we'd find Doza.

He's smart.

Anything ostentatious
would draw attention.

The team is moving
into position.

Bravo 1, we're standing by.

Havoc, this is 1.
Passing Aricebo.

That's good copy, 1.


All elements,
execute, execute, execute.

Burn in!

Bravo 1 clearing third floor.

Bravo 6 clearing basement.

Bravo 1 clearing second floor.

Hey! Manos arriba!
Manos arriba!

Dame sus manos.
Dame sus manos.

Hey. Zip-zip tie
her. Zip tie her.

Clear! Dime, dónde está Doza?

Eagle, Eagle, Eagle!

Dó-Dónde está Doza? That's all the rooms.

Dígame dónde está Doza ahorita.What's going on?

What's she saying?She's not--
she's not saying anything.

She says she doesn't know.
Dígame, ¿dónde está Doza?

What's going on?You understand. She's-she's
saying she doesn't understand.

She doesn't know.Ask her again.

Dónde está Doza?

Ask her again! ¿Dónde está Doza?

Dígame ahorita
dónde está!

Si tú sabes, ¿dónde está?

Wall charge.

Havoc, this is 1.

Passing San Juan.
Target's not here.

Found Doza's safe room.
It's a dry hole.

That's good copy, 1.

We know.

If there's a TV there,
turn it on.

I am Andres Doza,

a businessman,

and I am the victim
of American criminal aggression.

I am being hunted, in México,

by United States soldiers.

I am not a perfect man,

but I am not the man
that they say I am.

It is the Americans
who are the criminals,

and I would rather give up
my freedom than allow them

to operate in secret
on our soil.

I am doing this so that
my people will know the truth.

I'm doing this
for the Mexican people.

You know what this is, right?

Yeah, I know what this is.

This is Doza's escape plan.

Doza's lawyers released these
shortly after his arrest.

It's creating

a public uproar.

Look at those angles.

Doza had men there
taking pictures.

American Special Forces engaging

in combat on the
streets of Mexico?

It's not something the CIA
or the Mexican SEDENA

wants public.

So say it. What does this mean?
What does this mean?

It means we're done.

Bravo Team has been ordered
to leave the country

within 24 hours.

I thought we had
a chance this time.

I could see an end
to the plague of this man.

I should have known
Doza would slip away.

That's how it always ends.

The Mexican government sent us
down here to get a job done.

Yeah, well, the president,

the president of this country,
has ordered us out.

Okay, so what-what are we gonna
do? We just let this guy Doza

run his cartel
through some farce arrest?

Or, better yet,
continue to go after

this guy and
his family?

Oh, and-- not to mention--
let them get away with murdering

an American DEA agent?

Is that what you're saying,

No. We finish this.

What do you want to do, Jason?

You want to go
after Doza alone?

No military assets,

no recon, in his home country.

He controls the police.
He controls everything here.

Yeah, I do. That's what I want
to do. I want to...No, it's not happening.

Look, Mexican government knows
where Doza is now, right?

So why don't they
just go in there

and drop the hammer on him?

The Chiapas region
is a political powder keg.

Capital fears intervention
with federal troops

will cause civic unrest.
Doza cut our legs out

from under us knowing
that his government

wouldn't come after him.

Very clever.

Guys, the minute
that we leave Mexican airspace,

this guy, Doza, he's just gonna
be right out of jail

and he's gonna be
terrorizing this country.

And Martinez died for nothing.

So that's it?

There's nothing left we can do?

You know, there is.

We got 24 hours.

Meaning?Meaning, this guy Doza,

he's a threat
to the Mexican government.

They want him
just as bad as we do.

If there's deniability,

that's gonna give us
another shot to go after him.

That's not
a bad idea.

If SEDENA's fingerprints
aren't on this,

maybe I can persuade them.

Good. Okay, listen.

Feels like we've been
on three ops and had no sleep.

So let's get some rest.
Yeah, if you're hoping

for a Hail Mary for the win,

you've already lost.

C-17's en route.

Let's get to packing.

Oh, wow.

I thought I told everyone
to get some sleep.

What are you still doing up?

Yeah, you know, a little sleep
has been hard to come by.


That seems to be the thing
going around these days.

No sleep, huh?

Hey, I, uh,

I shouldn't be questioning
your judgment in the field.

Forget it, man.

You know what?
You're frustrated. That's all.

Besides, you almost got
mudsucked, you know?

And that'll do that
to people, trust me.

We'll try and keep that
for the AAR next time.

Not when we're, uh,
stuck in a church, you know?

b*ll*ts about to fly.

Yeah, I've just,

been a little on edge
recently, you know?


Yeah. They told you, huh?


Sucks, man. I've been there.

Eh, it's nothing

compared to what you're
going through, though, man.

Look, Clay, you just...

Come on, man.

So, look, all
we can do is...

we just learn from our losses,

not let them
defeat us.

Alana for me, Stella for you.

All we can do is be grateful
that they were in our lives.

Come on, Clay. Good?

Let's go.

You got it.Yeah-- no.
Not hugging, buddy.

Took some arm twisting,
but SEDENA's

cleared us
for one last run at Doza.

We have till sunrise tomorrow.

Let's hope the sun rises
on his body, shall we?

Let's go. Come on.

So they're still kicking us
out of the country,

but the Mexican government
is gonna let us

take another crack at Doza?

As long as they have
plausible deniability,

SEDENA's okay with us operating
until the president's deadline.

But they will not support us
with assets or troops.

It's a lot of risk,
a lot of unknowns.

Love risks, love the unknown.

We've faced tougher odds.That's for sure. Much tougher.

Well, we don't
have time to recon.

Don't have a Marine base
to run the op out of.

Yeah, well,
C-17's coming, right?

I mean, so why don't
we just run Havoc out of that,

like a million times before?

Okay, to be clear:

if you're detained,
no one is coming after you.

You are on your own.J
Look, we get into

the mansion undetected,
I love our chances.

But, again,
that's up to the team.

sh**t's got to sh**t.

I'm in.

I hear Chiapas is lovely
this time of year.

With the Mexicans
giving us their blessing

and y'all chomping
at the bit, op's a go.

I'm coming, too.

You get caught out there...

I was acting on my own.
That's what I'll say.

I must finish
what Colonel Martinez started.

All right.

Doza's prison compound
is just off the coast,

500 miles directly to our south.

How we getting down there?

Agency contact of mine
managed to wrangle us a helo,

off the books.

There's one road
in to the target,

likely to be swarmed with guards
and checkpoints.

Wouldn't be an issue if we had
a force of 60 soldiers.

Don't have 60, we got seven.

All right? So we got to come in
a different route.

Any ideas?

This mangrove?


This, uh, this mangrove swamp
right here off the coast, right?

I mean, this could provide some
pretty good cover

to get into his compound.

A natural barrier like that

will bog down most forces.RAY: Doza won't
expect anyone

coming from there.

So we'll chopper in

offshore here,
and we'll swim to the coastline.

All this land
between here and Chiapas,

and yet, you find a way
to get us to swim.

Small swim. You're not gonna
be eaten by a shark, Sonny.

Yeah, but the jaguars in that
mangrove, man, they could.

What, there's j...

there's jaguars?

Jaguars are the sharks of the
jungle. You know that, right?

Oh, well, that would
make sense, 'cause they,

they got them big old
teeth and stuff, right?

Can we just call in
an airstrike?

Negative. How far from the coast
is Doza's mansion?

About a nine-klick hike,

Once you get through
the mangrove,

you'll hit arid coastal desert.

Mm. That's at least six hours
to get through that on foot.

And no ISR
under that canopy,

so if Doza's men are patrolling,
we have no way to warn you.

Well, what about exfil?

Whole region's probably
gonna be after us.

We're gonna need
to get out quick.

Once we hit jackpot
at the mansion,

the helo will land at the,

the polo fields,
and we'll be gone.

Solid plan for 30 minutes.

Yeah, well,
you know what?

We got 18 hours till our hunting
license expires, so let's move.

All right.

Bravo 1
to Havoc Base, I pass Vader.

Copy that, 1. Passing Vader.

Welcome to the jungle.

wasn't a jaguar.

Want someone to hold
your hand, Sonny?

What I do want to get a hold of

is my rightful place
atop of the food chain.

I've got six klicks to Doza.

We need to be exfiling
by midnight.

Spend a lot of time in the bush?

You know, my father would take
me on hikes to Mayan ruins.

Told me stories how they'd rip
the hearts out of their people.

That kind of v*olence,
I couldn't imagine.

Not so hard anymore, huh?

Not so hard.

Got a camp guarding
the back door.

Five enemy, at least.

Havoc, this is 1.

Copy that, 1.

Enemy's 20 yards northwest
of our position.

All right, how many combatants?

We got six visible.

We engage, there
might be more.

So we'll cloverleaf around them
and get back on route.

All right,
keep the detour tight.

You don't have much slack
in your timeline.


They didn't hear anything.

Yeah. Didn't hear anything,
but they're gonna miss him.

Doesn't have any radio on him.

Cache the body.
It'll buy us a few minutes.

Havoc, this is 1.
We're at the target's perimeter.

Copy, Bravo 1. We now have ISR

above your position.

Got that pesky jungle
out of the way.

I see 12 guards patrolling,
regular pattern of movement.

Closest two are 20 yards east.

Copy, Havoc.

We got 'em.

Guess word got out
about their buddy.

Drop them.

Let's go.

All Bravo stations,

six more enemy moving

towards your position.

We got six tangos
coming our way.

We holding cover
or are we taking 'em from here?

Take 'em from here.

On me. Execute.

Move. Move.



Knees. Get on your knees.

Keep your hands up.

I didn't even hear
the doorbell ring.

Havoc, this is 1. Jackpot.
Say again, jackpot.


He's alive.

Copy, Bravo 1. Extract helo

is 30 seconds out.

There's our ride.

Clay, Lopez, stay here.

The rest of us will secure
a path for exfil.

Not sure I'd be smiling.

You've battled all this way
only to condemn yourselves.

I hate to spoil it for you,
but that's not our plan, pal.

I believe your plans
have changed.

Where'd those sh*ts come from?Looking.

Havoc, it's 1.

Copy, Bravo 1.
We're aware of the helo.

We're looking for answers.

I got a convoy of vehicles

converging onto Doza's property.

Who are they?

I know who.

Havoc, this is 1. Sitrep?

Yeah, Bravo 1,
this is Havoc Base.

Be advised that you have a force

of Chiapas state police
approaching your position.

Watch him.

They sh**t down the helo?

Affirm. They claim
the pilot was participating

in the unlawful abduction
of a prisoner

in their charge.

They're coming for Doza.

And they brought an army.

This is Comandante Salas

of the Chiapas state police.

I am ordering you

to surrender Señor
Doza peacefully,

or we will take him by force.

Maybe we should've had
31 minutes to plan this gig.

This is Bravo 2

to 4 and 5.

Find watch positions.

Put g*ns on our
visitors outside.

Copy. In position.

This is starting
to remind me of the ending

of Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid.

Jason's working on it.

Havoc, this is 1.
You got anyone higher up

in the federal government
who can call them off?

They're trying.

The Chiapas governor insists
you're there unlawfully.

Guess QRF's off, huh?

Look, we knew
the rules going in.

If this thing goes sideways,
SEDENA's position

is that Bravo team was acting
without their knowledge.

Havoc, it's 1.

Anyone from U.S. Command
telling us to stand down?

No. But once SOCOM grasps

what's going on, how long
you think that'll last, Bravo 1?

Long enough for me to figure
something out, buy some time.

Bravo 1 out. Guys, options.

I say we, uh, dress Doza up
as a SEAL,

duct tape a g*n to his hand

and kick him out the door.

Then we talk to the
comandante out there,

soldier to soldier,

see if we can get his
bosses to see the light.

His boss is this
psychopath right here.

Controls them all.

k*ll all their families
if they don't do his bidding.

I control no one.

I am not a puppeteer.

I lay out the options,
and people choose.

We smuggle him out.

Got to be armed police
at every door by now.

Yeah, this guy's a drug lord.
I mean, he's built this place.

He's got to have some sort
of tunnel getting out of here.

There's no tunnel.Want to know where
the tunnels are.

Where are the tunnels?
This goes sideways,

you're the first one
who's gonna get it.

Right in the head.
You lead us out, you live.


In a concrete hole in America?

No, thank you.

Besides, you are a
soldier, not a m*rder*r.

If I catch a b*llet,
you and your men

will go to jail.

You will not let that happen,

because you care more
about their lives

than you do about my death.

Ironic. I have made
you my protector.

The tunnels. Where are they?
Now! Your way out!

You're thinking
of Chapo, Pablo.

That's the weak way,
not my way.

There are no tunnels.

You will let me go.

You have no other choice.

Back it off.

Come on. Move.

You should not dismiss
this concession.

Oh, it's a hell of a bargain.

We let a mass m*rder*r walk,

and you're kind enough
not to g*n down my men.

You are foreign soldiers
operating in a sovereign state.

Doing as I say is the only way
this ends peacefully.

Your men are outnumbered.
Stand them down,

or they will die.
You have ten minutes.

You feel that?

That charge in the air?

Same feeling before
a tornado comes.

They're about to hit.

If they do,

it won't be a happy ending
for you.Yeah?

I don't know about that.

I got a feeling the good guys
are gonna win tonight.

Havoc, this is 1. Chiapas police
are readying for engagement.

Copy that, 1.

Stand by.

They should turn him over.

It's not your call, Ellis.

Didn't say it was.

Havoc Base to Bravo 1.

Turn the HVT over
and lay your weapons down.

We're not losing any of you.

Havoc, this is 1. Laying down.

Jason, come on, man.

Come on, boss.

Weapons down. Now.

You heard the man.

Do it.

We're not murderers.

Yeah, but he's m*rder*d

thousands of people a year.

If we stand down,
how many more die?

I'm more concerned
about your blood.

Take your w*apon off,
lay it down. Now.

There's no justice in this.

Juan, lay down the w*apon.

He'll face justice, Juan.


Not here. This is México.

Men like him own justice here.

Lay down the w*apon.

Lay down the w*apon. Now.

Havoc, this is 1.

Inform Chiapas police
that we're disarmed.

We're gonna hand off HVT.

Ray, cut him loose.

Clay, open the door
so the Chiapas police

can see that we're unarmed

when they're coming down
that hallway.

Roger that.

this is 1.

Inform Chiapas police
that we are disarmed.

Again, we are disarmed.

Bravo 1,

this is 4. Heard fire?

4, we're good. Hey.

Hey. You shouldn't have
done that. Wrong move.

He had to die. I had no choice.

We can't lie for you.I know.

Manos arriba!

Show us your hands.

Manos arriba!

Hands up now.

You k*lled him.

You k*lled Señor Doza.

What happened here?

My name is
Lieutenant Juan Lopez.

I k*lled Andres Doza.

These men followed your orders
and laid down their weapons.

They had nothing
to do with this.

There's another

What?It's possible, given
the current situation,

that Señor Doza here

knew he was gonna be extradited
to the United States.

So instead of spending the
rest of his life in prison,

he shot himself in the head.

You will testify to that?No.

I can't. But you can.

Whatever Doza has over you
or this country is gone.

No need to take a good man down
with him.

We just want to go home.

Then go home.

Look, if you, uh,
feel like you need

to take your family
somewhere safe,

like the States, I could always
put in a good word for you.

Jason Hayes, diplomat.

That's right,
and it doesn't come easy.

Thank you.

But this is my home.
I'm going to fight for it.

Well, there's gonna be
plenty of fighting.

Always gonna be another Doza
in the wings.

Yes, so we'll hunt them
and k*ll them,

so one day we can say
the good guys win.

It's been an honor.

Take care of yourself,
all right?


Get that hat
on straight.

Good luck, Lopez.

Thank you.

Mr. Spenser.


Nice cold beer
for you, buddy.

Thanks, bud.Yep.

So, I'll bet, uh,

returning home
without Stella there

doesn't make you quite as eager
for shore duty, huh?

Yeah, after sharing
a hooch with you

and your little night terrors,

I'm actually looking forward
to getting a place of my own.



I'd rather be surrounded
by a dozen Jihad Jerrys

when I'm Winchester

than heading home
to an empty apartment.

And that is why...

we're going from base
to the bar,

painting the town red.

Body glitter, honeys,

whiskey and wine, that's
the good life right there.

I appreciate you looking out
for me, brother, I do.

Yeah.I'm all good.

All right.

Whatever you say there,

You are a good friend,


Easy there, Davis.

Don't you get all feely on me.

You did good work, Mandy.

You did really good.

I failed with Rita.


No, no. No, you didn't.
You didn't fail with Rita.

Okay? Rita failed herself.

the Doza target package,

piece by piece.

I should have seen it coming.

I should be better than that.

And if... I stopped the ambush,
Martinez would be alive.

It's over. Game's over.
Doza's dead.

Don't beat yourself up.

Victory came at a steep price.

Always comes
at a steep price.

You know that.
I know that.

We also know that this was...
supposed to be impossible.

Look what you were working with.
You had a shred of intel, right?

You had a traitor constantly
looking over your shoulder.

You had a corrupt government
that was in bed with Doza,

and yet you still managed
to get to Doza's den.

And he's the one
who ended up horizontal.

It was worth it, right?


We saved lives, and...

Martinez, he...

he's at peace.

Died a hero.

No regrets.

You know what we do,
there's always a cost, Mandy.

Just want you to know
you don't have to hurt alone.

Tell you what,
I'm not a big hugger,

but I'll make
an exception this time.

Come on,
give me a hug.

Get over here.

Come on.
There it is.

You did good.

Really good.

How'd it go?

It went good.

I'm getting a lot better.

Why are you driving
Dad's truck?

'Cause Dad's out of town.

Dad'll be psyched.

First game's coming up.

Oh, my gosh, I know.
I cannot wait.

It's gonna be so fun.

All right.


Taco time!

Taco time!Oh, my... What?

You jerk!

What are you doing here?Ha-ha!

How did you know
we were here?
Like I said,

I have drones in the sky
over you at all times.

Oh.I told you that, right?

Ha! Wait, whoa, whoa,
wait a second. I'm sorry.

Why are you driving my truck?

That's what I said.Because you're

supposed to be out of town.

Did you really have to scare
the living hell out of us?I loved it.

The look on your faces
was priceless.

I'll always remember that.

Taco time!

Wait. Time out.What?

What are you...
Get out of the car.

I'm driving. Let's go.


Where's Clay?Whoa.

Thought you guys were
gonna paint the town.

Uh, yeah,
my little buddy bailed.

Said something
about sleep. Aw.

Well, that means staring at the
ceiling, thinking about Stella.

Yeah, I feel for him.How's he doing?

Uh, como ceviche,uh,
"lower than a gopher hole"?[laughs]

There. Pull up
a chair there, Norm.

Hmm.Don't make me drink alone.

Hey, Tommy, can I get
two sh*ts of whiskey?

The cheap kind.

I didn't bring any cash.

You got cash?Mm-hmm.

The expensive kind.

My pain

Is self chosen

At least

So the prophet says

I could either burn

Or cut off my pride

And buy some time

A head full of lies

Is the weight

Tied to my waist

The river of deceit

Pulls down


The only direction we flow

Is down


Oh, down...

Oh, and there I was,
butt naked, no passport,

in Kuwait with
my buddy JT.

Oh, man. Here.Oh...

It's getting to be that hour.

Call me crazy, but the
last time we were here,

didn't we, uh...


I mean, not that
we would ever...

That was a moment.

That was a fleeting moment.Fleeting?




Come here.

Everybody's good.

I mean, the team.
I mean, we're all home safe.

Everybody's alive.

Mikey is crushing it in hockey.

You'd be proud.


Emma, well, you know,
she's a teenager,

so there's that, right?

But, um...

she's just like you, Alana.

Everything's different
with you gone.

I don't know how
any of this works without you.

You know, you know,
I'm on the team.

When I'm deployed,
everything's good.

When I'm back home, you know,

I can convince everybody
that I'm good,

but, you know,
deep down, I'm not.

I'm not.

I'm scared.

I'm alone.

It mixes me up.

I don't know what
to do next here, Alana.

What do I do?


Oh, down


Oh, down...

How do you unbreak the broke?


Oh, down...

Happy Holidays!!!
See you on 10th Jan '19 - Serginho
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