02x07 - Outside the Wire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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02x07 - Outside the Wire

Post by bunniefuu »

With you anymore. I'm sorry.

Andres Doza, the head of the
most lethal cartel in Mexico.

He ex*cuted
an American DEA agent.

Lieutenant Lopez
is not going on this raid.

It's too dangerous.

I'm from Telporo.
I'm known there.

Hard to trust a soldier
who doesn't fight.

It's good to see
you reconsidered.

Stand by, exfil and SSE.

Collect all phones
and anything you can find.

We don't move now,

the HVT is gone.

Why isn't Jason pursuing?

Well, the target was Gonzalez.

Are you questioning me
right now, Mandy?

We don't stand a
chance of getting Doza

if your head is back home.

Give me the phones. Here you go.

That's from Doza.


Marked for death. My family.

Now do you understand?



You... you sleep last night?

Did I sleep last night?

Whoa... Just worked on
my Cirque du Soleil

routine all night.

Next time I'll bring my wires.


Now that's
the Jason Hayes I know.

Always turning to a synthesis
of circus dance styles

to ease your mind.

Thinking about Mike and Emma?


You got a lot going on, brother.

Doesn't leave a lot of time
for yourself, you know, you...

you to process
all you've been through.

Got to have a clear head
for this mission.

What's that mean?

I'm clear.

I'm crystal clear.

I know.

But you blaming yourself for
Lopez's situation does not help.

See, I challenged Lopez
and he took the bait.

And now the man's family
is marked for death.

That's just w*r, brother.

Bad things happen
to good people.

Lord knows we've seen
plenty of that, right?

But you get yourself
personally involved

in trying to change
that reality,

there's no way we can
get the job done.


Work calls.

Right, Bravo 1,
this is Havoc Base.

Continue moving
straight ahead north.

Approximately 400 meters.

Copy, Havoc.

We'll update you
once we have eyes on.

Until then, we're flying blind.

While Doza is popping bottles,
living like a royal,

we're cooped up in this van
looking for a burner phone.

Looks like all
the numbers we got

off the phones
in the Gonzalez raid

were dead within an hour
except this one.

Whoever owns this cell,

they're connected
to Andres Doza.

It's a good lead.

I still got a bad feeling.

You and your bad feelings.

All right, 100 meters.

From your 12 o'clock,
you'll hit a market square.

Phone's pinging
from that location.

You follow the guy

who has that phone,
he'll lead us right to Doza.

He's moving pretty slow, sir.

It appears the HVT's on foot.

Bravo 1, be advised.
HVT is likely on foot.

You see anything?

Yeah, I see a lot of things.

How are we supposed
to know who this guy is?

Havoc, we got nothing out here.

Anything else you can give us?

Bravo 1, we read his location

as 70 meters north of your pos.

60 meters.

30 meters.

All right, boys. We're here.


Right here.

Havoc, this is 1,
we're pursuing on foot.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

HVT appears to be
15 meters north

of your position;
You should see him.

Havoc, this is 1.

Dial his phone to positively.

I.D. him when he picks up.

All we have is a phone number.

If we dial it,
we might spook him.

Doesn't matter.

If you don't dial him,
we're gonna lose him.

Dial it. There's too many
people out here.

He's right.

Is he?

All right, Bravo 1, stand by.
We're making the call.

Monero, call
the target's cell phone,

make sure that that caller I.D.
reads "unknown."

Roger that, sir. Stand by.

All stations,
Havoc Base is gonna dial

the possible HVT.

Key in on anyone
who picks up their phone

and acts in an erratic way.


Got him.

Guy in a blue Armani suit.

In the white Mercedes.

White Mercedes.

Havoc, this is 1.

We're following
a white Mercedes.

Possible HVT.

Hello there.

Yes? Sending a photo in for I.D.

Put every FRS resource
on it now.

Bravo 1, maintain eyes on.

A-firm, Havoc.
We still have him.

HVT is in a white Mercedes.

Trent, watch your distance.

Check. Backing off.

Havoc, this is 1.
Target is still moving east.

J. On our three.

What's our rules of engagement?

Don't fire unless fired upon.

Mad-dogging us kind of feels
like engagement to me.

Dante Vega. Born in Guadalajara.

Long rap sheet
for a 30-year-old.

Doza starts them young.

Most of his crimes

link with people in businesses

with cartel affiliation.

He was caught twice
carrying marked bills.

He must be a bagman
for the cartel.

He collects money
around the city.

This is good. Yeah.

Follow the money, it'll lead us

right up the Doza food chain.

We could lose him
if he turns his phone off.

How long to get a permanent
surveillance team on him?

An hour.

Then Bravo's gonna have to keep
eyes on him until then.

Bravo 1, stay on target

until CISEN can get
surveillance team in place.

Roger that. Bravo out.

Havoc, this is 1.

HVT is parked.

Heading into a...

Heading into a club
at our 11 o'clock.

Business registration
is to an LLC called.

Las Carpinteras Erótico.

Gentlemen's establishment.

It's a strip club.

Finally something
I can be happy about.

We need somebody on the inside
to keep eyes on him.

It's safer to wait for him
to come out, right, boss?

Guy's got to leave the
strip club eventually.

That's debatable.

Know what, it could be
a ditch point, a back way out,

a tunnel... it's-it's too risky.

Clay, Sonny,

you're tourists on a bender.

Get inside. Go.

Sending Sonny into a strip club.

Is that profiling, boss?

My natural habitat there, Clay.

No offense taken.

What do you say, Sonny?

I say welcome to
the promised land.

American, yes?


You want a dance?

He's got a girlfriend. Yeah.

So do I.

You do? Yeah.

Well, where is she?

This is why I love strip clubs.

Bravo 6, what's your status?

We got eyes on him.

Check. What's he doing?

Yup, he's,

enjoying the scenery.

He didn't come in here
to lose a tail.

Permanent surveillance team
is 30 minutes out.

He moves, you let us know.


Captain America,

we need to focus on the target,

not on the lady, okay?

Come on, just playing
the part, buddy.

Bravo 1,
three fighting-age males

just engaged our HVT.

Hold fast, we're coming
to you. Trent.

That's a negative. We're solid.

The sh**t just
went out the back door.

Our HVT was ambushed.

He's down hard.

Stone cold, boss.

You know,
if God was trying to cure me of,

you know, strip clubs,
today was a good start.

You know, what's that,

psychological term
that they use?

"Negative association"?
Yeah, that's the one.

Yeah, maybe I'll take up
Sunday brunch instead.

"Café" in Spanish
means "coffee."

You're just a regular Rosetta
Stone, aren't you there, Sonny?

Look at that,
Bam Bam perking up.

- Coming out of his funk.
- Middle-of-the-day hit.

This place is more
Wild West than Texas.

Hey, there's nothing more wild
and West than Texas.

Don't get on my list, Ray.

What the hell happened
out there? What?

Vega didn't turn his phone off.

That's a capital offense
in the Doza Cartel.

Jay, 20,000 soldiers,
and in 24 hours

they managed to weed out
the one dude

that didn't get
with the program.

Those guys are smart
and they don't play soft.

Yeah, but... Mandy
should've seen that coming.

She should have seen
that coming, Ray.

It's hard to see
a public execution coming, boss.

You can't fault her for not
being able to see the future.

I can't fault her?

She could've blown our cover.
Doza k*lled a DEA agent.

I hear you. Look, we all
want to get Doza, brother.

Hey. Hey.

Need some help?

Yeah, sure.

What you got?

SD, batteries. Got it.


Hey, you know, I, um,

I never asked you about Danny,
if you were okay.

Well, that's sweet
of you to ask,

but why are you asking now?

Just wondering. Eight months later?

Yeah, you know,
the way that you,

the way you dealt with it,

never complaining, I mean,
even though, I'm sure,

something like that really hurt.

Yeah, well, it hurt like hell,

but time helps.

Look, I know it's cliché,
but it does,

and friends really make
a difference.

Everything okay
with you and Stella?


What are you two chuckleheads
talking about?

Nothing. Nothing.

It don't sound like nothing.

Sonny, you just creeping
on people,

or do you need something?

Just came to get my hat.

- That's right.
- Hook 'em, baby!

What, is it always sunny
in Doucheville?

Why you got...? You got, you got

your glasses on indoors, buddy.
Let's go, let's go! Bye.

Only thing they took
was Vega's phone.

Left his bag of cash.

Definitely Doza's men
who k*lled him.

Yeah, well,

seems to me that somebody
should've seen that one coming.

CISEN recovered the Mercedes.
GPS tells a story.

Backlog of addresses.

Multiple visits
to local businesses

likely under Doza's control

Bars, nightclubs,
construction companies.

A-Any private residences? No.

The Reyes Talent Agency.

Yes, it's legit and owned by
a very successful businesswoman,

Carla Reyes.

So why's a cartel bagman

stopping by
a business like that?

Don't know, but there
will be a Doza connection.

We just have to figure it out.

Yeah, figure it out.
We'll just figure it out

right before you send us
into another setup, Mandy.

Average work. Average.

You know damn well that wasn't
a setup. What the hell was that?

Really? That was me
publicly questioning you.

Why? I'm sorry,
do you not like that?

You don't do that.

Not to me. Not to you? Okay.

You can just go to Harrington.

You can ask him questions

and doubt my mission
readiness here.

That's fine, right? Different.

Different? How's that different?

That was me doing due diligence.
This was you reacting.

You doubted
my mission readiness.

You doubted that. Why?


Because you're not
made of steel, Jason.

You lost Alana.

You waved off Mumbai.
You've been away from Ray

for six months.
Why wouldn't I have doubts

about where your head is
at for an op like this?

Next time you have doubts,
just come to me. Right?

Talk to me, talk to me.

Right, because
Team guys are famous

for talking
about their feelings.

I'm sorry, feelings? What do
feelings have to do with this?

You lost your wife, Jason.

Your children have
one parent now.

That feels like
something, right?

I don't know

how those feelings might change

decisions you make in the field.

Look, with D.C. and SOCOM
micromanaging this operation,

everything had to be
squared away, including you.

I was doing my job. Just doing your job.

Just let it go.
You're here, right?

Right, I'm here, Mandy.

I'm here with a knife
in my back.

As the Americans say,
another swing and a miss?

It's not the first time an op's
gone sideways on us, all right?

We'll find a way.

Juan and Abril have been
together for a very long time.

They're childhood sweethearts.

They're gonna be safe
from Doza here.

I shouldn't have pushed him
to go on the Gonzalez raid.

What's your story, Colonel?
You married?

Sí. Yeah.

A wife and a son.

You're not worried about 'em?

Not anymore.

I sent them to Spain
two years ago,

outside of Doza's reach.

That's good. Must be nice to
know that, they're safe.

Safe only because
they're 6,000 miles away

from everything that
they know and they love,

from me.

Meanwhile, Doza is still here.Yeah.

His daughters, they go to school

maybe six miles
from this very spot.

You have children?

Yeah, I got two.

Their mother,
if she's like my wife,

she's a saint for putting up
with all of this, right?

She is a saint. Too good for me.

They're all too good
for us, Jason.

We'll find him. We'll find him.

Hey, buddy, what are you doing?

You know, just trying
to get a little Skinemax.

We should get out of here, man.
Let's go, let's go back downtown

and go hit another club
or something, you know?

I don't know if that's
such a good idea there, Fabio.

Come on. You're always hounding
me how I need to get after it.

Let's go.
Let's get after it, buddy.

Come on, let's go. L-Listen,

I hate the fact
you're forcing me

to be the voice
of reason right here,

but a man was gunned down
right in front of us,

and you now want to go
outside the wire

to go to another club? Yup.

It's not happening.

You're losing
your edge there, Sonny.

I suggest you go into your cage.

Call Stella. She'll keep you
from climbing the walls.

All right? I'm gonna sit here
with an ice-cold beer.

Disappointed, buddy.

Yep. You have fun sitting on your
little ice-cold beer there.

I will.

Carla Reyes. Self-made,
built her own talent agency.

No records, no criminal history.

A pillar of the community
and very well-respected.

Why do I have the feeling you're about to
take some of the shine off that respect?

That's for sure.

Two of her clients... models...
Were found m*rder*d last year.

Tortured and hanged.

So how does this connect
Doza to them?

We believe Carla Reyes

has been providing "models"

to the upper level
of Doza's cartel.

Hooking them?


So, have the local PD bring in
Ms. Carla Reyes

and make her squeal.

Not that easy. High chance of
leaks with the Mexican police.

Doza would find
out we're working her

and the lead would go cold.

We need names from Carla.

So we got to bring her in

without anybody knowing
we have her.

Raid her house.

She lives in an upscale
high-rise. Tons of security.

Her office?

Carla has hundreds
of people working for her.

Cameras all over the place.

How does she get to work?

Drives herself.

Drives herself? There you go.

V.I. Vehicle interdiction.

It's a two-car job.

Isolate her,
the lead car boxes her in.

The follow car pulls alongside,
makes the snatch,

we take her car with us.

ISR? No.

A drone over the city
would just stand out.

Let's just put a helo up.
Lot of choppers in the sky.

No one's gonna even blink.

I'm coming, too. I need to help.

No, no, no.

You're out of the action.
You stay with your family.


I can't have your focus
in two different places

at the same time.

That's it.
That's the plan. Go back,

do whatever it is
you need to do.

Sonny, take care of business.

Right? We'll meet back here
at 1500.

See this right here?

These boys,

they play in a terrible land
called Alabama.

It's full of bugs,
it's all swampy.

They like to run
their mouths a lot,

and they wear
these big old red shirts.

Now, the thing is, they ain't
ever played against Vince Young.

He's a... he's like a Greek god,

and instead of throwing
lightning bolts,

he throws a football.

You with me?

Now, he's a real American hero.

You know they can't
understand you?

Yes, they can.

It's all mental.

Give me the ball.
Here you are. See?

Now, look, this right here,
this ain't no American football.

But when in Mexico,

carpe diem. Check this out.


You like that?
That was good, right?

Seems like the kids are
holding up pretty good.

Tough like their dad.

I'd rather they be happy
than tough.

They should be in school,
not hiding behind walls.

The worse part?

Doza's after my family,

and I can't even take up
the fight against him.

Hey. We're taking up
the fight for you.

A few years back, a soldier
I knew was marked for death.

He went underground.

When the cartel
couldn't find him,

they slit his wife
and daughter's throats.

They marked his mother, his
father, sister and her children.

And the only way
he could save them,

to stop Doza's men from
slaughtering everyone he knew

and loved, was to give himself
up to the cartel.

They hung him from a bridge

across the street
from his sister's home.

It's not a happy ending, Lopez.

The rest of his family lived.

His death secured their lives.


No. Devils.

Havoc Base, this is Bravo 6.

Got eyes on Reyes' vehicle.

She's about to come around
a corner.

Got visual confirmation.
Target on the move.

Bravo 3, you in position?

This is Bravo 3.

We're in position
at the interdiction point.

We're tracking
the target on ISR now.

She's about to hit
the first roadblock.

So far, so good.

Should be another right.

Two more turns,
and she'll be there.

Bravo 1, be advised,

target is still maintaining
a course towards

the interdiction point.

Check. Good copy, Havoc.

Getting close to go time, boss.

Bravo 3, stand by.

HVT is heading your way.

Bravo 3 is ready to dance.

Bravo 6, how's your view?

No walkers or joggers
in the street.

Nearest car
is three blocks behind.

Our window's opening.

HVT is one minute out.

Only got one shot at this, boys.

No pressure.

Bravo 3, we're turning
the last corner.

This is Bravo 3.

I have eyes on target.

All elements, on my mark.

Hey, h-hold up, hold up.
We got a train coming.

We got a train coming.

You got to be kidding me.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on...

The hell is she doing?

Havoc Base, this is 1.

I've got a major problem. HVT is
veering off course. I say again,

she is veering off course.

Yeah, we're seeing it, Bravo 1.

We're canked.

Go ahead and RTB.
Window won't be there.

Damn it.

Negative. Find another window.

Hey, we can do it another day.
No! We're not waiting.

We're doing this tonight.

She goes down tonight.
Havoc, this is 1.

We're not taking a loss on this.

We need a new place
to interdict.

Hey, Bravo 1, she's about
120 meters ahead of you.

Up ahead. This vacant lot.

There's not enough room.

If they're a few meters
off, they're gonna be

in full view of those
apartment towers.

That's the only option I see.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

There is a vacant lot 500 meters
ahead of you.

If you can funnel her in there,
you'll have a chance.

Copy that. We'll take her there.

Bravo 3, how copy?

Havoc, this is Bravo 3.
I read you Lima Charlie.

We're two minutes out.

All stations be advised,
I've got an MCPD cruiser

patrolling towards
the new snatch point.

There's a chance
that he makes us.

Can't risk them seeing us.
We got to distract those cops.

Sonny could handle
the distraction,

but we need both the cars
for the V.I.

We got Clay.

Not while he's in the air.

You know what?
So we call an audible.

Right? We do a helo V.I.

Helo V.I.

Bravo 6,

we maneuver Reyes into the lot,

I want you and the pilot
to do a V.I.

Yeah, affirmative, Bravo 1.
We can make that happen.

The lot's coming up
in 400 meters.

Copy that. Bravo 3,

once we engage,
distract the police unit.

Roger that.

Bravo 6, stand by.


Three, two, one.

Go, go, go, go.


Sorry, we're having
trouble with our rental

that we have here...
It's kind of a piece of junk.

Havoc, this is 1.
We're passing Rick James.

Say again, we're passing
Rick James. We're RTB.

El trucko, explodo.

Yeah, we're having,
we're having some,

some-some tr... yeah, trouble.


Do you have... you got a...

Should've got a Tesla.

You don't have the right
to hold me here.

I haven't done anything wrong.

Who the hell are you?

I'm whoever you want me to be.

Your friend, your enemy.

Up to you.

You work with Andres Doza.

No, I don't.

Who is Dante Vega?

You don't understand what's
happening here, do you, Carla?

You've jumped into
the deep end of the pool.

You're in big trouble.

Maria Cervantes,

Josefina Perez.

Your clients.

Their deaths were tragic.

Their deaths were predictable.

You whore a naive girl
out to a cartel boss.

One night she's not gonna want
to do one thing or another,

and she ends up hanging
from a bridge.

I don't know
what you're talking about.


It's the kind of beautiful
most men cannot afford, yeah?

Dante Vega worked for people
high up on the food chain

in the Doza Cartel.

I want the names of those men.

Talk or I talk.

I tell the world Carla Reyes

is cooperating
in the hunt for Doza.

That would be a lie.

They would k*ll me.

Karma's a bitch.

Who the hell are you?

Right now, I'm your executioner.

That's what
you're making me into.

Why not make me a friend?

Yeah. You know what,
I'm not gonna lie, brother. Yeah?

There was a moment
that I didn't think

we were gonna pull it off.

You know what? Maybe our luck's
about to change.

Is it, is it unpatriotic of me

to think that bad Mexican beer
is better than

bad American beer?

It's not unpatriotic
if it's true.

Take those two,
I'll take these two.

Two and two, let's do it.

Yeah, that's beautiful.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shh.

Okay, okay, relax.

He's gone.

What about Juan? What happened?

Juan! He went to go give himself
over to Doza's men to save us.

Hey! Hey!

Ray! Hey!

Jason, this is crazy. We cannot
just roll into cartel territory.

What are we gonna do?
They k*ll him...

I'm the one who made this mess.
I got to clean it up.

Get in. Come on!

Damn it.

Hey, hey, hey.

No! I have to do this! Come on, hey.

Listen to me. Get over here.
Get out of the street.

Get in the car. Shut up. No!

My family's not safe. Get in the car.
We're leaving.

Get in the car, we're leaving.
Listen to me.

You're gonna be k*lled.
You're gonna die.

And this will hang over your
family for the rest of your life.

There's no rest of their lives

if I don't do this. Looking at you, dead.

Is that what you want?

Is that what you want? J, J, we got to go.
We got to go.

We got to get out of here.

get your ass in the car or
I'm gonna sh**t you myself. Get in the car.

Listen. You got my word

We're gonna get Doza, we're
gonna get your family back.

But right now, we got to go.
We got to get in that car,

we got to go. Get in the car.

Okay? Let's go.

Get in the car.

What do we got here?

We're going to this place after.

It's time to shine. It's time to shine.

Let's go. I'm glad you finally
decided to come out.

Man. All right. This is good.

Well, you were getting
so damn antsy,

and you had that look
you were gonna go out anyway,

and I am not one
to let anybody drink alone.

That's awfully kind
of you, Sonny.Yeah.

Two tequila sh*ts.

Yeah, look at that.

Come on, don't you think?
And yes.

¿Dos más?

Okay, buddy. Cheers, buddy.
Send that down. Here we go.

I'll meet you outside.
He's getting the drinks.

All right. See you.

I don't have
any more pesos left.

See you. See you... See you.

All right, two more, please.

I am 100% gonna puke up that
bean burrito I ate earlier.

'Cause this ground
is moving on me.

Here you go.

So, you gonna tell me what's up?

What do you mean?
Nothing's up, man.

That's a tall tale there, son.

Come on. Something's off.

Look at you. You're off.

What, are we gonna sit here and
talk about our feelings, Sonny,

or are we gonna drink?
What is this?

Just down the shot. You know, look,

I-I just noticed that there are
precisely zero photos of Stella

in our hooch anymore.

You haven't Skyped
with her lately.

And your face is droopier
than a Redtick Hound

on pot brownies
since we got here.

So what's going on?

You know, you're actually
fairly perceptive for a little

simpleminded Southern boy.

Texas is not the South.

And wagging your jaw like that

pisses off Texans
and Southerners.

I-I... won't happen again.

All right. So what's going on?

Stella and I, we broke up.

I'm sorry, man.

Thousand lifetimes
I meet Stella,

we work out in 999 of them.

Not this one.

It gets better.

Piece of advice for you,

Don't ever fall in love.

Roger that.

Let's go get those beers
on the roof, okay?

Ain't got to ask me twice.

You are the worst
wingman... I was about to close.

She was very nice...


Listen, driftwood starts to look
that good after that many sh*ts.

Okay? Hey, where you going?

You're all turned... what are
you doing? Come here. Let's go.

On the couch. On the...
There you go.


Here we go. Feet up, head down.

There is no choking
on your puke, okay?

All right?

Nobody's burying you in Paris
like Morrison.

You're a d*ck.

Morrison O.D.ed, you idiot.


Are you nuts?

Well, hello there,
Miss Blind Side.

Seriously? Come on, you're gonna
take him outside the wire

to go drinking?

Hey, look, a field trip wasn't
necessarily the best idea,

but, boy, boy, did he need it.

And I'll have you know,

I did not do most
of the drinking.

Yeah. Give me a break, Sonny.

What? I wouldn't lie to friends.


Okay, so what?
This is responsible Sonny?


That sounded wrong, doesn't it?


That's terrible. In that case,

I'm gonna go get myself some
beer and drink the night away.

You're welcome to join me.

No, I'm-I'm gonna go to bed.

All right. Good night, Davis.

Good night.

You know what? What?

I wouldn't be a good
teammate or friend

if I didn't say something.

What's that, Ray?
What do you want to say?

You're doing the shark thing.

You haven't stopped moving,

avoiding all the stuff
that's going on inside you.

Please, spare me the armchair
analysis, will you?

You're looking after
everybody but yourself.

You got Emma, Mikey,
Bravo, a-and now Lopez?

No, look, I helped Lopez 'cause
it was the right thing to do.

That's why I did it, Ray.

You did it because
you blame yourself

for the position
he's in. You do.

And it's not your fault, J.
It's just damn bad luck.


You're latching on.
Latching onto what, Ray?

Any problem that needs fixing.

An injustice that needs
justice, a family that needs

to be kept together because
yours was torn apart.

Is that what you think?

Yeah, that's what I think.
That's what Ray Perry thinks.

Well, I'll tell you what, Ray.
You want to know what I think?

What? Here's what I think.

I think you should
get off my back.

That's what I think. Everybody
should just get off my back.

I am fine.

Got it? Real simple.

I'm gonna have those beers,
if you're coming.

You know what? The beers sound
like a good idea.

I'm coming.
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