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05x06 - Little Girl Blue

Posted: 11/23/21 08:05
by bunniefuu
♪ I wake up ♪

♪ With my heart wide open, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Under the golden sun ♪

♪ Lights so soft like a sanctuary ♪

♪ But something else is coming on ♪

♪ Ooh-oh, something dark has rolled in ♪

♪ Storm has come ♪

♪ Still I hope ♪

♪ Still I won't have no fear ♪

♪ Lay down my burden ♪

♪ Look to the horizon, yeah ♪

♪ And wait for the sun ♪



- So it's...
- It's Thanksgiving.

[SIGHS] Yeah, I know.

- I'm coming.
- Really?

My other options are staying here

and eating cold white rice or...

Going to my parents'
and getting another lecture

about how much I should
or shouldn't be lifting, so...


You don't think it's too soon?

Will you get out of
here so I can change?

Love you. Mean it.

Should I start the car or you...

- Get out. Get out. Get out.
- You need time. I'll give you time.



ANDY: Hey.

Just dropped a patient
off at Grey Sloan.

Thought I'd check in.

What time's dinner?



It's gonna get better, Jack.

Just takes some time.

[GASPS] Pruitt Arike Miller!

Oh, I've missed you, mamita!


How's it going with her?

Surprisingly well, but,
you know, the Millers...

[CHUCKLES] they're not happy.

I mean, isn't that what
Dean wanted, though?

For you and Miranda to raise her?

Yes, but you try telling
that to grieving parents

who want their grandchild, hmm?




Yeah. Yeah, that's Daddy.


That's your daddy.


Where's Daddy?


Uh, your...

Your daddy is with my daddy.

And... And they both love you very much.


I'm just saying, the only
reason my dad insists on coming

is because he's sitting on a lie so big

that he can't bear to be
alone with my mother anymore.

So I'm just supposed to hand her

a slice of pumpkin pie

and not tell her that
her marriage is a sham?

Yes, Trav, that's exactly
what you're supposed to do.

- SULLIVAN: Hughes?

- MAYA: How are you?
- Okay, before you say anything

or try to blame me for this,

I tried, but she insisted
on coming and helping.

Did the department clear you?

I didn't know I needed
clearance for peeling potatoes.

This is your work environment.

There will be alarms that could put

undue stress on your heart.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

I appreciate the second opinion,

but my heart is fine.

And who was the first opinion?

Guys, I just need one thing to feel

just a little bit normal today,

or is that something that's
gonna make my heart explode?


VIC: It's fine. It's fine.

I just got a little excited
about the Yukon golds.

I'm fine.

Are you serious?


Are you happy?





You alright?

Yeah, I'm as okay as
someone can be after

a casual electrocution
and a heart attack.


It's just an alarm
for me to take a pill.


How are you... doing?


I'm s... you gotta do something.

You can't just sit
here in all this pain.

Otherwise the pain is...

You gotta do something.

- I don't want to.
- Yeah, I know. I know.

But get up anyway, and
why don't you just go...

I don't... Go help Travis cook.

- I'm serious.

So I just got word
that the investigation

into my insubordination
is finally happening.

Well, I guess McCallister's
cleaning out his inbox

after the pipeline expl*si*n.

Is he being blamed for that?

- Not yet.


It's Thanksgiving.


So I'm gonna cook.

Well, I'm kinda already doing that.

Yeah, but now... now...
now I'm gonna do it.

You know, I-I need
this. It'll be good for me.

Sure, um... but, I mean,

you know we invited all of our families,

- Mm-hmm. Yep.
- so there's a lot of cooking.

Yep, I know.

It's fine.




Are you really gonna
let him just do it all?


Well, he's a pretty good cook,

and I think he needs it more than I do.


- Thanks, Gibson.
- JACK: Yep.



You alright?

Yeah, I'm, uh, cooking.


[SIGHS] And this is
where your dad would sit.

Where's Daddy?


What's she doing here?




Yeah, yeah. Sure, yeah. Of course.

Hey, look who it is! It's Auntie Vic.


What is that, a heart-rate tracker?


You know what? I think
Travis needs help upstairs.

Hughes, you should sit...

requested to Seaway Place.


That's Ingrid's shop.


Okay, you are gonna stay here with...

Auntie Maya!


Oh, yeah. You're fine. You're fine.

Just, uh, you know, just...

Keep her entertained.

Okay, but why is it the woman

gets left with the baby
like it's the s, huh?

Can you guys watch her?

I've got my own babysitting gig today.



Why did you send me to get enough food

for an entire Thanksgiving dinner

when you already had everything here?

Because she's captain
and you're a grunt.

She's acting captain.

Either way, show some respect.

We're making extra for

Aquino's and Morse's families.

Firefighters take care of their own.

Any word on Aquino?

He's out of critical
care, which is good.

He still has a long
road ahead, you know?


Where do you want turkey number two?

Oh, leave it on the counter.
Turkey number one...

Is almost ready to come out.

Wait. Did I baste already?

Yes, like seconds ago.

God, I'm losing my mind.

[SIGHS] Okay.


Did you see Miller's little girl at ?

Oh, my God.

She looks so freakin' cute

in her Thanksgiving dress.

I wanted to eat her little arm.


Why the face?

I just...

You know, Vic is going in,

and I don't know if
she's ready to see Pru.

Why? Vic loves Pru.

Yeah, but she's kind of a
walking, talking reminder

that Miller's gone.

And I think she's scared
Pru's mom's gonna come back

and take her to Hong Kong or something.


You think... you think
she'll take her back?

I don't know any of these people.

I'm just saying what Vic told me.

No, J.J. gave up her right to be a mom

when she left her
daughter with her father.


I got to... get the groceries.


Okay. Okay.

So what... what should we do?



What? Potty?

I need potty.

Potty? Okay.

Let's go to the bath... Let's
go to the bathroom. Yep.


Oh, God.

Oh, my God.


Uh... oh...

- Help. She's leaking.

Give her to me.

Hello, Bella.

- Oh.
- Should we get changed?

Oh, God. It smells so bad.

[LAUGHS] That's right.

Everybody's poo-poo stinks.

Even Maya's.


How are you so good at this?

You've never babysat?

- Oh, thank you.
- Uh...

Or had friends with kids?




- No.
- Yeah, uh-huh.

"Uh-huh" what?

It's nothing.

It just explains a lot
about your personality.

Once you spend a little time with kids,

you realize that plans
and rules and rigid diets

don't really make sense
when you're always

two minutes away from
an exploding diaper!



And you're all set.

Oh. We might need to
change the socks, too.

Let's see what color we have...

- Pink!
- [GASPS] Look at that!



Thank you so much for
coming out on a holiday.

I-I'm so embarrassed.

I was sure I smelled something.

Ingrid, there's no sign of gas, smoke,

or anything that makes your
shop in any way vulnerable.

- Are you positive?
- I-I was sure I smelled gas.

Like, so much so that
i-it made me a little dizzy.

These things are
scary accurate, alright?

More sensitive than drug dogs

or those little, uh... those little pigs

- that look for, um...
- Truffle pigs.

Yes. Truffle pigs.

Uh, could it be a stroke?
Should I see a doctor?

I mean, don't you smell
things before a stroke?

I-I know I sound
paranoid, but I smelled...

I didn't imagine it.

Okay, look, Ingrid, the...

The holidays can be
tough when you're grieving,

e-especially after the loss of a spouse.

You know, w-we're having Thanksgiving

at the station this afternoon.

Why don't you drop
by, grab a slice of pie,

and, you know, be around people?

That's so sweet. I...

Yes, I-I would love to.

Great, okay. Then
we'll see you in a bit.

Okay. Alright. Alright.

She's lonely.

- You're asking for it.
- No, I'm not...


Dad, could you at least
silence your phone?

Then what's the point
of notifications, Travis?

Why do you need notifications

when you're with your
family on Thanksgiving?

It's the holidays.

I would never ask you not to
see Emmett on the holidays.

Except you would. And you did.

Because when I first
started dating Michael,

you wouldn't let me invite
him to Christmas dinner.


Wait a minute. You...

You're not trying to meet
up with Kyle today, are you?

What I do with my personal
life is none of your business.

Except it is when it concerns my mother.

Your mother is my wife.

Don't worry about our marriage.
Your mom and I are happy.

I know it's impossible
for you to believe

that anyone could be happy
who doesn't live their life

according to your standards, but we are.

Well, you're asking me to
lie, and I can't live with that.

Then tell your mother. Go ahead.

You're not going to, are you, Travis?

'Cause then you won't
have a reason to write me off

like you do anybody else
who doesn't play by your rules.


I love you and I love your mother.

No, Dad, you don't love us,

because if you did,
you wouldn't lie to us.

Travis, you've never lied
to anyone to protect them?

Dad, protect who?

The only person that
you're protecting is yourself.

You are having an affair.

Gay or straight, it doesn't matter.

When you met Emmett, he
was engaged to someone else.

That is such...


Um, I have an idea.

Why don't we do that thing, you know,

where you go around and
say what you're grateful for?

Isn't that a "dinner table" thing, Paul?

We can occupy ourselves while we work.

EMMETT: I think
that's really cute, right?

I-I-I'll go first.

Uh, okay, in this, uh, you know,

uncertain world,

I am grateful for my love.


I am grateful I got out
of bed this morning.

Trav? You want to...?

Yeah, yeah. I'll go.

Uh, I'm grateful for truth.

Yeah, you know?

'Cause life is too
short to live it in a lie.

Yeah, uh, Nari, why don't you go next?

- Oh, me?
- Yeah.

Well, I'm grateful for my son,

and for Emmett,

and for my loving husband, Paul.


Dad, why don't you go?

Are you grateful for you loving wife?

- For God's sake, Travis...
- That's a terrible start, Dad.

Would you stop it?!

You push and you push and you push

and you don't know when to quit!


I'm gay, alright?

I'm in love with a man!

And my son won't give
me one day of peace!



TRAVIS: Mom...

Excuse me.


[LAUGHS] I'm sorry.

I'm grateful for nervous laughter.



- Mom. Mom, wait.
- Travis, I do not want to speak to you.

- To me?
- You had to push him.

I didn't, Mom.

I saw you. The constant harassing.

We would have been fine
if you hadn't said anything.

Wait, did... you know?

Of course not.

I knew something was off.

Our sex life hasn't been

- Oh, God.
- the same for years...

... but we still go to the
farmers' market together

every weekend,

and he helps me do the
dishes every night after dinner.

Our little things.

No marriage is perfect.

Why did you have to push him?



Oh, my.

Mrs. Montgomery, I-I-I was gonna...

You're making a mess. Give me that.

No, I was gonna do it on my own,

- if that's... I'm just trying to...
- No, you weren't.

I'm helping.



Sorry, it's the... the watch.

What are you doing, Nari?



It soothes me.

People think they know
what's best for you.

Keeping information and
then doling it out as they see fit

to "protect" you.

When it just hurts worse
than the thing they think

they're protecting you from, right?

Because in addition to the pain

of the actual thing, you think,

"Did everyone just think I
couldn't deal with the truth?"

And then it's too late anyway,

because the truth just exploded,

like it does.


Though I suppose I now
have all the information,

and it doesn't feel very good, either.

You know, I used to think
things happened for a reason.

But the truth is, there's
nothing. There's no meaning.

[CHUCKLES] You know, you're...

You're in a building or
you're outside of a building.

The building blows up
or it doesn't blow up.

Your best friend's in love with you

or he isn't in love with you.

You live and you die, and...

It's all just random,
meaningless cruelty.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?


Sorry. I'm sorry.


Hey. Where is she?

- In the...?
- It's okay. It's okay.

She... She's upstairs
with Bishop and DeLuca.

[SIGHS] Oh. Sorry.

J... That call from the
lawyers has me on high alert,

'cause they are her
family, and if they want...

Miranda, you know better than anyone

that blood does not a family make.

We are also her family.




Oh, "Ben"?


Um, Ingrid, uh, this is Miranda.

Dr. Miranda Bailey.

And you are?

- Ingrid Saunders.
- I live in the neighborhood.

I'm gonna go check on Pru.



- Miranda is...
- My wife.


Oh, of course.

Yes, you're... you're married.

- Mm-hmm.
- Um...

You know what? I'm
gonna... I'm gonna go.

Uh, keep the pie.

- It's the least I can do.
- Um, I-Ingrid, Ingrid, Ingrid.

Ingrid, please. Just... [SIGHS] stay.

You don't have to be alone today.

Just, um...





Miller was clear on what he wanted.

He wanted Warren to raise Pru.

J.J. doesn't get to have
a say, not one word.

And I'm sorry, but
neither do Miller's parents.

Miller raised that baby. He raised her.

He did the work. He poured the love in.

Her Station family
picked up the slack,

so no one gets to take her away.


So, uh...

Did you know that Miller
was in love with Vic?

Please tell me you're not
so insecure in your manhood

that you're jealous of Dean.

He's gone.

He's... He's... He's...


And Vic had a... had a heart attack.

How are you making this about you?


How am I...?


You know, why is everyone else

allowed to process their
feelings around here but me?

I didn't say I was losing sleep over it.

I'm just talking to my friend
about something that...

I don't know, kind of
feels like a big deal to me.

Sorry that my worries aren't
as important as yours, Captain.





I'm hysterical, which
I have been told means

that it's historical. It's...

I'm... I'm making Miller's death

and that poor little
girl's life all about me.

And I'm mad at you
because I'm mad at the world,

because I'm mad at my own mother.



I-I didn't know Miller
was in love with Vic,

but once I found out, it made sense.

But I don't think she loved him back.

Because if she did, she
would have recognized

that he loved her, and instead,

she just chose not to see it.


Hey, I've been looking for you.

I needed a shower.

You are very understanding

and very forgiving of my father.

Because I've been where he is.

Yeah, that man didn't
show up to my wedding,

and he didn't let my mom come, either.

And I understand that he
was mired in self-loathing.

I get that now.

But does that mean that
all the pain that he caused

my whole life and the pain that
he's causing my mother now,

that it's just... it's nothing?

It's just instantly forgiven?

I need you on my side.

And, yeah, that...

It's selfish and it's irrational.


But I'm in pain, too.

I know. I...

It would just be nice
if someone could...

You know, be on my side.


Trav, there are no sides here, okay?

No. I'm sorry. I love you.

But there's work to be done.



Not officially back.

But... No, I'm not. I just...

I did just find out

that this is where I'm gonna be benched

for the next several weeks

while my fragile, fragile heart heals.


Hey, thank you for...

Taking over Crisis One.

It means a lot, and I'll be
ready to help again soon.

It's just...

Sullivan's been helping.

And Warren and Montgomery.

That program will not
die with Dean Miller.

It's his legacy, - and
we will all protect it.


That sounds concerning.

Oh, it's not. It's just my heart.

Your heart is not concerning?

- Metaphor. Cool. Okay.


Thank you. Thank you so much.

- Thanks for the pie.
- Mm-hmm.

And, you know, thanks for checking in.

I don't want to keep
you from your family,

so I'll... I'll take
this upstairs for you.

Nothing you want to get off your chest?


You know, I'm just kinda...

Doing my thing.

You know, my push through it and...

Keep it light and feel the feelings

but don't dwell on them thing.

The truth is, I want
to crawl into a hole.

And I want to let that hole swallow me

and hope that no one finds me.

And why can't you let yourself do that?

Because everyone expects me

to be me and to make jokes

and make them feel better and...

laugh through the tears,
like I did when Lucas...


Why do you care about what they expect?

[SIGHS] Because if I don't,

it means that this death
hurt more than that one,

and I can't let that
be true, 'cause it's...

It's not.


We all have a

psychological immune system.

Just like our physiological
immune system

helps our bodies recover
from physical att*cks,

our brains are working to protect us

from psychological ones.

Maybe when your fiancé died,

that's how your brain protected you,

and now it's dealing with
the attack a little differently.


Miller was...

He was in love with me, it turns out.

I know.

Why did everybody
know that but me? What...

Psychological immune system, maybe?


I can't.

Your love for him can be as real

as it feels for you right now...

As real and immense and
significant as it was and is

without you having been
in love with him back.

You're punishing yourself

for not being in love with him back...

something your brain knew on some level,

because you're not dumb.

You were just afraid of what
would happen if it were true.


Thank you...

For the...


... for the pie.

You guys always feel
better when you talk to me.

- Yeah.
- I do not understand

why you always fight me on it first.

Enjoy that pie.

- Thanks.


Isn't Thanksgiving supposed
to be one of our busier days?

So, uh, Paul? [CHUCKLES]

What do you do for work?

SULLIVAN: Hey, Warren.

Oh, thank God.

That, uh, woman you invited?

I just saw her wandering
around the locker room.

Um, you invited her?

Wh... S-She's a widow.

What... Okay, where'd you see her last?

I don't know, poking around the bunks?

Alright. I'll find her.

Yeah, you find her, and then later,

we're having a conversation.



How are we doing? Is that a turkey?

Thought you'd be off
with your boyfriend by now.

I'm not leaving.

I love your mother.

I'm sorry for the way
things came out, but...

I'm not sorry I said it.

I feel... free.

I have held onto that for decades.

I never let myself feel okay.

I never let myself feel.

I'm not you.

I'm not brave like you.

But I'm learning from your example,

so I'm not leaving.

I want your mom to know that I'm here.

I want her to know that, at least.

I'm still here for her...

And I'm still here for you.


I'm gonna, uh... grab more dishes.


He'll come around.

Sorry, w-we haven't met.

Paul. Paul Montgomery.

Paul. Hi, uh, Dr. Miranda Bailey.


Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.



I feel so stupid. [LAUGHS]

You're married. Of course you are.

I-I'm sorry if I ever gave you

the wrong impression
about my intentions.

Yeah, that... that's like an "I'm
sorry you feel that way" sorry.

- I don't know how I got this so wrong.

- Ingrid, I never meant to...
- I know!

Please stop saying that.
It's more embarrassing.

You have nothing to
be embarrassed about.

You invited me here like
a stray dog you felt bad for,

and I thought it was a date.


Just put out a bowl of water for me.

I'll be fine.

Ingrid. Ingrid, look at me.

Have you ever lost anyone?

- Someone you loved?

Someone you'd slept beside
every night for years?

No. Not... Not someone like that.

Ugh, I didn't used to be like this!

I used to like being alone, but...


Scott, he became a
part of me, and now...

And now...

Ingrid. Ingrid. Ingrid, no, no, no, no!

No, Ingrid, listen to me.

No, no, no, please, just leave me alone.

I want to be alone.


Ingrid, please.

I can't. [SNIFFLES]

I can't do this anymore.

[SNIFFLES] I can't.


- No, no, no.
- J-J-Just stay... stay back.

Look, this building
is not that tall, okay?

If you jump, the worst
that's gonna happen is,

you break both your legs
and you're in terrible pain.

Yeah, well, that sounds
better than how I feel right now.

Besides, then I won't be alone.

I'll... I'll be in the hospital and...

And people will check
on me and bring me food.

Do you know what it's
like to cook for yourself

all by yourself every day, all the time?

The hospital sounds better than that.

Well, your next meal won't be alone

if you'd just come
downstairs and e-eat with us.

Yeah, what would your
wife say about that?


I'm sorry. [SNIFFLES]

What am I even saying?

I-It's not even... It's not about...


No one would even miss me.

That's not true.

I might break both my legs, but...

But maybe I'll get lucky

and hit my head and never wake up.



You know, Jack, I...

Lost my brother, too.

And it feels like...

Like you can't get
air in your lungs, like...

Like nothing will ever be okay again,

like you will never feel joy again.

So you try to push it down,

and you try not to feel it,
and the awful irony is that

the further you push it down,

the longer it stays.

So you have to let it out...

To cry, to laugh,
and... and cry again...

which is all the same thing, by the way,

crying and laughing and...
and screaming and...

And dancing.

I-It lets it out of your body,

and you need it out of
your body, because...

Because when it comes out,

it makes room for light to come back in.

Why do I smell... smoke?!

Oh, my God.


It's locked!

It was set to "clean" instead of "bake."

MAYA: Oh, come on, I can't put it out

if we can't get in there.

Come on, pull.


It feels so spiky
and awful and I just...


I should be at the
acceptance phase already.

I-It's been over a year. I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

Who says you should
be at acceptance yet?

A year, it... it... it's not that long,

n-not for grief.

That... That study, [LAUGHS]

Uh, the five stages?

It's, um...

It's crap, okay? I-It's utter nonsense.

It... It... It was about
terminally ill patients

coming to terms with their own death.

I mean, a person accepting
the end of their own life

is totally different than accepting

losing someone you love.

Look, we... we... we're, um...

We're all living that

firsthand right now.

You sign up to be a firefighter,

on some level you're accepting that

you could lose your own life.

B-But, um, when it's...

When it's someone else's, you know,

one of your brothers or sisters,

I-I don't know how
we'll ever "accept" that.

I-I'm not sure we ever will.



What is happening?!

Everything's on fire!

- My turkey!
- Pru.

I-It's okay. Vic took her to Bailey.

Open the patio door!

- Okay.

What are you doing?!

I'm getting that turkey out!

- Travis, hat oven is really expensive!

Mom, please!



Uh, Ingrid?

You don't really want to jump, do you?

I-I don't think you do.

You don't know me.

I'm just some crazy lady

who thought we were
getting romantically involved.

Well, hey, you know what?

I might be married,

but the next guy might not be.

You are a person who cares.

You're grateful and you're kind

and anyone would be
lucky to have you around.

But no one will be Scott.


No one will.

Life is painful.

There's no two ways about it.

It's love and it's grief...

A-and it's love and it's grief

and it's love...

And it's grief,

a-and our job... our job

is to make sure that

the love we feel...

Is worth the grief.


Okay. There you go.

- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.

No, don't be sorry.

Okay, you're okay.



Honey, you don't have to...

I paid bucks for this turkey!

It's heritage! It's organic!

[COUGHS] It's burning!
It's coming out if I have to...

Okay, yeah, I heard it.

Come on!

- Please!






What the... hell happened here?

I just destroyed an oven
that costs more than my car.

What in holy hell did you guys do?


You alright?

Uh, yeah, I'm... I'm... I'm good.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


- Yeah.
- Yeah, this seems about right.

Well, I guess you don't need this, then.

ALL: No! No! No!

Hey, hey!


ANDY: Whew.






I don't know why this
happened. I-I'm sorry.

I... [SNIFFLES] I swear I'm not crazy.

I know. I know.

I mean, grief is a powerful thing,

especially on a day like today.

So, listen, my friend here

is gonna take you to Grey Sloan.

- The hospital?
- And they'll check you out

and get you the help you need.

- I don't think I need...
- Ingrid.

Your husband passed from CO poisoning.

You almost died in a fire.

You call the station every day.

You smell gas or smoke every day.

It's not gas. It's not smoke.

It's grief and PTSD,

and you need to let the
professionals take over now

and help...



And, hey, you know,

come back and visit us, you know,

when you're feeling better.

Thank you.


Dr. Bailey.


Hey, baby.

It's Grandpa.


So cute.


Oh, I missed you.

BILL: I understand that you love

my granddaughter very much,

but it is Thanksgiving,

and my wife has gone
through enough with Dean.

She needs her granddaughter.

Mr. Miller, I cannot imagine

the loss you've suffered.

I'm so deeply sorry.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

son was a wonderful man.

Please, please stay for dinner.

Stay so you can get to know us,

'cause we don't just love Pru, we...

We all are her family, too.

She's lost so much.

She can't lose this family...

The family whose arms

she was literally born into.

Yes, there's... there's
family that blood makes,

but there's also the
family made of this...

Made of shared experience

and familiarity and sensibility

and shared passions and
understanding and love.



Alright. We'll stay for dinner.

Thank you.

But after...

I'm leaving with my granddaughter.


♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Well, my eyes are on the high road ♪

♪ And my back's facing the sun ♪

♪ The dark is coming and
the daylight's almost gone ♪

♪ But a change is gonna come ♪


♪ Something on the horizon ♪

♪ Yeah, it's beating like a drum ♪

♪ I hear it coming and I
know it won't be long ♪

♪ But a change is gonna come ♪

♪ A change is gonna come ♪

♪ A change is gonna come ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ It's getting hard to find
the strength to carry on ♪

♪ But a change is gonna come ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Look at him with her. [SIGHS]

- Today was a lot for him.
- Mm.

It was a lot for everyone.

Yeah, it was a disaster. [LAUGHS]

A pretty beautiful one.

It was.


I mean, all of it.

There were disasters
happening in the kitchen...

Mm-hmm... and in
families and on the roof...

and we're all in pain and heartbroken.

- Yeah.
- And yet...

when there was a child in the building,

we were all fine.

When there was a child in my arms

in the middle of it all, I was fine.

- We kept her fine.
- We knew how to keep her fine.

We can do this.

I can do this.

Let's have a baby.

Sorry, what?

I want to have a baby.

Okay, it's usually not
best to make decisions

while in mourning.

I'm not. I mean...

I am in mourning, but...

I've been thinking this whole time

that I needed to stick to some plan,

but plans don't work.

People die. Families fall apart.

Let's have a baby.


- Are you serious?
- Yes.


There you go. Choose.

- Thank you.
- Good pick.

It's not how it should have gone.

- Oh, Travis...
- Okay.

... please let's not do this again.

And who knows what mess lies ahead,

but just let me say...

It gets better.

I know from experience.

This is the worst it'll ever feel.

You don't want to join us for dinner?

No, that sounds like a kind of thing.

Well, you are the captain of .

I'm pretty sure no one wants me there.

No one blames you for Miller's death.

Everyone's just glad you made it.

You know, if I had died,

there'd be nobody to
take that phone call.

My ex-wife's in Florida.
Parents are dead.

My brother is an alcoholic
who doesn't take my calls.

The only people who
might have mourned me

are the people in this building,
and they'd be busy...

Mourning the guy they actually liked.


But, hey, if you ever, uh,
change your mind about

taking me up on that drink...

A-Appreciate it, Beckett.

Please call me Sean.

- Sean.
- Mm-hmm.


Things are still messy with Robert.

It's just...

It's just not a good idea.

Thank you for the pie.


- BAILEY: She's gonna wear him out.
- BILL: Arike!

It's time to go.

Oh... Oh, you're using her middle name?

It is her true name.

Th... This doesn't have to be a battle.

Alright, we all love her.

You don't love her as much
as her grandparents do.


[CLEARS THROAT] Okay, w-when...

when should we pick her up?


Thank you for dinner,

and for looking after my granddaughter.

Oh. Here, baby.


Take care.



Bye, honey.
