03x18 - Edge of Nowhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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03x18 - Edge of Nowhere

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

Will you go to work one day and never come home?

Sonny Quinn.

In the flesh.

You are still my son.

I stopped being your son the day that Mama died.

Clay was about to tell us about STA-21.

I accepted Lindell's offer.

You want to change paths, that's what you're gonna do, fine.

Pack your bags.

You're heading to COP Redding.

Jack Daniels! He's got the same watch on I gave him last time, huh?

w*r needs men like us.

Men like us need w*r.

We lost a brother today. Jack Daniels.

The key leader engagement m*ssacre was only the beginning.

In the ensuing two weeks, there have been three similar att*cks on Taliban leaders involved in the treaty negotiations.

Most recently, a VBIED detonated in a Kabul public square, k*lling three senior Taliban figures and 12 bystanders, including two American journalists.

These acts thr*aten to undermine the treaty process meant to bring stability to this region.

They will not go unanswered.

The apparent mastermind behind these att*cks is Taliban tribal elder Akhtar Zahed, a vocal opponent in the Taliban's efforts to broker peace with the U.S.

Zahed's gone underground since the KLE m*ssacre, but the nature of his crimes should limit his options for travel and safe haven within the Taliban network.

Latest intel indicates he remains in Jalalabad.

Not our guy.

Cuff him.

Jump back in the stack. Let's move. Move!

Get him! Get him!

Go get him!

There's no one. Empty.

Ah, they must've just been in there.

Out! Move! Get him out, Ray.

I got him. Come on.

Get him out.

Havoc, this is 1, passing Cherokee and Jackpot.

Got him. Yep.

Got him?

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

ISR shows two trucks carrying what appears to be six armed fighting-age males approaching your pos.

How copy?

Copy that, Havoc.


Got enemy inbound.

Ray, set security.


You're gonna tell 'em, you're gonna get out there and you're gonna tell your men to back off or my air support's gonna melt them.

Those are not my men.

Call them off!

They are not here to save me.


'Bout a dozen enemy clocking us from the back.

What's the play?

We got fewer enemy down here, plus it looks like enough room to get past.

That's the play. Thirty, you get the rear with the boys.

Me and Ray will work this problem. Got it?

Got it.


Move vehicles! Move, move, move, move!

Havoc, this is 1.

We pass Navajo. RTB.

Well, Bravo 1, you got your w*r.

Hey, Brock, give it a rest, will you?

Come have a drink, huh?

Yeah, let me just finish working these odor drills quick.


Pooch misses once, and he's going full Bobby Knight on him.

Dog's good. So is Bravo.

Bravo's back. How 'bout that op, boys, huh?


Come on. That's the way to crush, right?

Yes, sir.

Full Metal.

For a second there, it looked like we'd bag the bogeyman without firing a shot.

Yeah, I'm glad it was just for a second.

It's good to get our w*r on.

It's finally something worth shaving our legs for.


Oh! Did...

Stop playing. Hey. Hey.

We can only hope.

Man, this PG version of Ray Perry is a lot less fun than the wild man I knew who ate lead for breakfast.

I hate to disappoint you, Thirty, but I've evolved, so...

He's evolved.

Yeah? You evolved into Mr. Belvedere.

Hey, hey.

So with this guy captured, do peace talks continue?

I-I just can't help but thinking that, uh, we're putting ourselves out of business here.

I hope not.

I ain't going back to art school, man.

The w*r is not over. We're not going anywhere.

You understand?

There's plenty for us to do around here.

Well, sucks Clay and Sonny had to miss this one.

Any word from Spenser?


That Army outpost is at the edge of the world. The communication's spotty.

We'll hear from him soon.

Okay, look, it doesn't matter who's here or who's not here.

Bottom line is, once the Agency slices into that guy, we will be grinding.

I can promise you that, so, cheers, get it up.

All right.

Be strong.


Let's grind it out there, Full Metal.

Come on, Spenser, you're up next.

Yeah. No, hard pass, Kopel.

Teenaged grunts putting holes in me is something I try and avoid.

Ah, you're gonna want something to remember us by when you leave in a couple days.

Not a bloodborne disease and his girlfriend's name misspelled.

That was one time, Lieutenant.

I think "Mee-gan" and "Step-anie" would beg to differ.

Mounds, quiet but deadly.

What do you have left to complete on your task list before heading back to J-Bad?

Checked off the outpost's combat readiness.

Site-surveyed most of the battle space.

Just... just one thing left.

Recon on that Taliban village.

Not letting that one go.

My order's to do a full assessment of the area.

Thought we could night patrol down, get some photos at daybreak.

Trying that hike again? I'm in.

Why, you hoping Batman's gonna let you carry his cape?

Same squad of locals who've been mortaring the outpost every other day will hit us as soon as we step off base.

It's not happening.

I've been mapping the points they've been shelling us from.

There's a-a pattern to their positions.

Now, I'd be willing to bet that they hit us tonight from this ridge right here.

You really believe that?

Enough to take my r*fle up to higher ground and wait for them.

All right. Guys already think you're the Dark Knight.

Now you gotta be Nostradamus, too?


You caught a bad guy?

We sure did, baby girl.

A bad guy who was making it difficult for everyone to play nice together.

That's good, right?

So now everyone's friends there?

You can come home?

Not just yet, azizam.

I gotta be here a little while longer.

But Daddy's being safe, and we're gonna talk soon.


I don't want you to die, Daddy.

Man was a hundred proof, no chaser.

Yeah, he was.

That's for sure. Smooth, right?

First time I met Jack, back in '06, he says, "Chaplain Walker, if you are trained in exorcisms, I'd like to introduce you to my wife."

You've been on the train for a long time.

Any friend of Jack's a friend of mine.

Jason Hayes. You remember me, right?

Of course. Yeah.


Steel-trap memory's more of a curse than a gift around here.

That's for sure.


Every name, every funeral.

Dash of forgetting would be nice.

Nobody's gonna forget Jack.

No way.

The impact he's had here, not gonna forget him.

Impact he had on us, sure.

You're saying that it...

He hasn't, uh, created any kind of change around here?

For 18 years, he's been on the right side of the, the w*r.

I mean, you can't just erase that.

I think if, uh, w*r and scripture have taught me one thing, it's that nothing is permanent, that the only constant is change.


Yeah, I don't buy that.

Some things, they live on forever.

Yeah, well, let's hope so.

See you around, Jason.


What the hell you doing?

Well, most of your, uh, your fences are rotten and... the livestock's only sticking around out of kindness.

After that supper the other night, I didn't expect to see you again.

I owe you for parts and maintenance on the car.

That's okay. I...

It was just something to do.

Yeah. I know the drill on that.

If you want some help, you just have to ask.

Well, I remember you more of a hands-off type of guy.

No truce would satisfy you.

"Striking a deal with the Great Satan America would make us less than groveling pigs."

Those are your words, Akhtar.

And yet, you were granted a seat at the table for the peace talks.

That was generous of your Taliban brothers.

I have always made my beliefs clear.


You made them very clear by cutting off the hands of those who dared sign in peace with the Americans.

I was not at that meeting.


Just your luck that you were the only one who didn't show up.

Everyone else ends up slaughtered, and you go underground.

You didn't do it alone.

You're gonna start listing names.

Otherwise, you are no use to us, and we hand you back to the very same Taliban brothers that tried to put b*ll*ts in you a few hours ago.

I can't imagine they'll be so gentle this time.

Last chance.

You talk or they take you.

I was not at that meeting because I was warned.

You were warned.

I cautioned the others, then I took shelter.

Okay. Who warned you?

My nephew Murad.

He is a young man here in Jalalabad.

The group he's a part of, they call themselves Tahara.

Who are they?

The network you will spend the next 20 years hunting.

And Tahara, this group is responsible for...

The KLE killings, the other att*cks.

All of it.

And they're only beginning.

It could all be a bluff.

Zahed's caught, he's flailing, blaming his crimes on some group he claims he knows just enough about to make them seem scary.

It's not a bluff. This network connects a lot of the dots I've been plotting.

I've only had one round with Zahed.

Want to go down rabbit holes already?


Miss Mandy, what are you and your friend in the mood for?

Lamb, chicken?

How about rabbit?


We need to find him.

File says he works for you, Samim.

I worried about Murad.

He has a spark of his uncle's fury, but I hoped he'd direct it in a different way.

He and two of the other young men stopped showing up for work a few weeks ago.

Where'd they go?

I don't know.

But they've been spending time at a hookah lounge.

Word was, there were meetings going on there.

A radicalization center?


I don't know for certain.

You hear any mention of Tahara?

The wind carries new threats every day.

It's hard to tell what's real.

It's real. And you need to help us.

Talk to your employees, their friends.

About Murad, about what might be happening at the hookah lounge.


I can't do that. I'm sorry.

I know cooperating with us can feel dangerous.

I've told you all I know.

If I'm going around, asking questions...

Then you are just a concerned boss looking out for his guys.

Trust us.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

You think that's true?

Nothing to be afraid of.


Now, I know Jameelah's doll was in my hooch.

Which one of y'all has seen it? What's up?

You know, I think, uh, the deployment's starting to get to little Teena.

That's all him, man.

You don't ever touch anything of mine again. You understand me?

That's a...

I said, "Do you understand me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't touch it.

That's the Ray Perry I know.

Hey. What the hell's going on?

Come on. Cool off. You all right?

Yeah. After all these years, Thirty still does not know when to quit.

All right. Slow it down, all right?

Hey. Breathe, man.

Come on. You two were boys back in the day.

Yeah, those days I don't care to go back to.

Look, I understand.

It's not good for any of us just to be sitting around.

We're a lot better when we're operating.

Yeah, that's for damn sure.

Rolling up Zahed yesterday was the first time all trip we did anything felt like it justified us being here.

Turns out he's not the guy.

Intel's suggesting that there's another group behind the att*cks.

So, the one victory we have, it turns out it's-it's nothing.

A mistake?

It was a mission that we crushed.

Yeah, but now we're back to square zero.


We don't have no idea what we're doing here.

We have lost our grip, J.

Speak for yourself, Ray.

Oh, right.

Whole new batch of enemies has you thrilled.

Squeeze another 20 years out of fighting them, no matter what the cost.

Hey, go cool off. Take a walk.

Sorry, brother.

Hate to say it, Linus, but I don't think the Great Pumpkin's gonna show.

You ever go bass fishing, Kopel?

Same rule. Taliban don't come when you're talking.

All right, how we looking, spotter?

Uh, tree at about a hundred yards.

Looks like wind's picking up, blowing east to west.

Okay. At a thousand?

Dying down a bit.

Blowing opposite out there, west to east.


You let me know if it changes direction, okay?

Copy that.

You fish back home?

Yeah, a little bit. You?


Yeah, I live for it.

Pike, walleye.

You name it, I'm catching it.

Good old Lake Delton, Wisconsin.

Uh, these days, though, I feel more like the bait than the fisherman, if you know what I mean.

Just thrown to this outpost to chum up these waters.

You stick your platoon in a ditch on a mountain, man, can't see how that wins a w*r.

What, so they don't give you all the answers when they put that cool patch on your arm?

Not quite.

It's close to sundown.

We'll probably hear one of these clowns fire off from somewhere pretty soon.

Kopel, shut up. Look, look, look.

Mortar tube. They're gonna light up the COP.

All right. Mounds, if I miss, I may need you to spot the impact and help me correct, all right?

Got it.

All right.

I'm gonna start cutting them from right to left, in order.

Spotter ready?

Spotter ready.

Think your LT's gonna let us do that recon hike now?

People can say whatever they want.

They can drag their feet, they can doubt you.

But you can ignore the crap out of them, 'cause you were right since you got here.

You know, you're a far better cheerleader than you are a runner.

You know that, right?

Painfully aware. Especially my calves.

Hey, you want to get something to eat later?

Yeah, sure.


All right.


Hey. Seen...

What up?

Seen you two together on base a few times now.



Yeah, Reiss is a, he's a sharp interrogator, you know?

So, it's good to pick his brain.

Yeah, ups and downs we've had, it's good to have someone to ride with, right?

What do you mean, ups and downs?

Well, I just heard our big bad HVT isn't looking so big or bad now.

That type of disappointment warrants a distraction.

No, I'm not disappointed. And Zahed was our distraction.

No, now I'm-I'm driving towards what's really going on around here.

All right, then.

It's just nice to see you have some balance is all.

If I'm being honest, he doesn't seem like your type.

If I'm being honest, it's really none of your business.

And-and you know what? What is my type?

Somebody that need somebody to take care of them?

You know, prop them up, instead of standing on their own?

I-I didn't say that.

Davis, is everything all right?

You know, I'm locked in, I'm doing the work, I'm getting results.

I really don't need anybody worried about my balance.

Copy that.

You know, nobody ever questions when you guys are all in.

Now it's my turn.

Back in senior year, we were What was that guy, Pudge?

Pudge, uh...

Oh, McHenry.


McHenry. You remember that?

You He did that Jaeger shot.

It came back up, it was I mean, guy was a disaster.

There was more carnage than I've ever seen on a b*ttlefield.

And I believe you mean State Senator Pudge McHenry.

No way.

Swear it. Mm-hmm.

You serious?

Is that so hard to believe in a world Wow. where you just spent all day working with your dad?

Okay, you got me.

What'd you two talk about?


Wood and barbed wire.

It was very, very, very Hallmark.


Well, I think that's a start.

Yeah, we'll see.

You know, when he comes in here from time to time, I get the sense he's fishing for information about you.

I haven't had the heart to tell him I've been in the dark all these years same as him.


That vanishing act you pulled, you ever gonna tell me why?

Well, you know, you went off to UT and...

I guess I was just reminded Hmm. every single day of what I... ooh, what I didn't have anymore.

I decided then that no one could leave me... if I left first.

So I-I just went to the recruiting office and I signed up. "Hey, man, put me on a boat."

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want you talking me out of it. Come on.

Hey, look, it's the Navy.

You know how terrified I am of water.

Well, you still should have said goodbye to me.


There's a lot of things I should have said to you back then.

You want to go for a drive?

Whoa. Hey.


What's up?

Well, we need to talk.

What about?

About the Ambassador Marsden letter situation.

Look, the, uh, truth came out.

There's nothing to talk about. It's over.

It's done.

Yeah, it's far from over.

What do you mean?

State investigated their people at the Yemen compound.

They've concluded that someone from Bravo wrote the letter.

You're kidding me.

The brass has been, you know, coming to a lot of conclusions lately that, if you ask me... ...they've been off.

Yeah, well, this is serious, Jason.

A Tier One operator breaking classification Yeah. to accuse the State Department of a cover-up?

State Department could kneecap this team in a dozen different ways.


Remember when this w*r was just about fighting?

Yeah. Well, I just wanted to keep you in the loop...


...so you won't be surprised when this thing comes crashing down on us.

I'll be back.

There will be a meeting tomorrow morning.

That hookah lounge we talked about.

All I know.

Okay, we'll need somebody at that meeting.

Eyes and ears inside to help us ID the members of this network.

Your pushy boss might have some ideas.

I need to get back to work.

You're a known and trusted member of this community.

It's perfectly plausible Tahara's rhetoric Stop! might have struck a chord with you.

You're gonna help make this place safer.


Tell my wife and son I put myself into a room of murderers in the interest of safety.

I did what you asked for.

Please, leave me alone.

Your on-base vendor contracts are up next month.

I'd hate to tell your wife and son that you lost your business.

You are not serious.

We all have choices to make.

So everything's good, right?


I mean, look, you got your asset.

You got eyes inside of that meeting.

We're good.

Yeah, extortion's good like that.

How you're feeling right now, does that have anything to do with Davis?

She, uh, force your hand at all?


No, no. No.

My call.

Nothing I haven't done before.

Just seems like she's been, uh, pushing it hard, almost like she's on some kind of warpath.

Well, we are at w*r.

If she's got a path to follow... it's better than what I got.

She's staking her ground, embracing her job while I'm just trying to remember how to do mine.

Coercing sources, developing assets.

I used to enjoy that. Whatever it took.

Right. Until Caracas.

Dr. Craig.

You see him in this guy?

I hear him.

The tremor in his voice when he asks if I can protect him.

The lie in mine when I answer.

Well, you can't We can't lose sight of what we're doing here.

Opportunity to take out I know, but... a major network before it spreads.

Nothing's gonna come for free, that's for sure.

Tali village should be two more klicks.

You guys holding up all right?

Imprisoned in an outpost for ten months?

They're happy to stretch their legs.

Amazes me you guys can keep morale up living in that b*llet sponge.

Take it a day at a time.

Getting mortared keeps things lively.

You guys are better than your command deserves.

Doesn't make any sense, man.

Strand the platoon on a desert island like this.

Obsolete tactics against an evolving enemy.

Someone has to maintain presence, but I don't disagree.

Glad you're being fast-tracked for brass, this program you mentioned.

I imagine a West Point ring-knocker like you is eager to start calling bigger sh*ts as well.

Not in any rush.

Way I look at it, every day out here is an education.

Something new about leadership, combat, what makes a w*r fighter.

There's still a lot for me to learn.

They got an armored technical.

Some serious weaponry.

They look like foreign fighters, too.

Out here?

Why would they be out here?

Where's it coming from?

Mounds, down!

Whoever it is down there, they got a lookout up here.

Village is waking up, vehicles are moving.

We need to fall back to the outpost.

Fall back to the COP.

Fall back to the COP.

Alpha 2, this is Alpha 1.

We have troops in contact. Do you copy?

Copy, Alpha 1.



Let's move.

Samim, we need a comms check.

Touch your wrist if you can hear me.


All right, we need you to work the room, get us clear visual on as many of the men as possible.

The facial recognition won't work unless he's closer.

Uh, Samim, can you get in closer with the group?

We need clear looks.

Anyone familiar?

No hits on the database.

Ray, what's he saying?

"The old guard has betrayed us, "degraded us by seeking peace with our tormentors."


"Tahara will drain the blood from the throats of these fakes " Uh, "frauds."

All right.

You're okay, Samim. I got you.

He's beating the same drum.

"Tahara will wipe the land clear, "wash it with fury so a new age can begin.

"Joining us in words is not enough.

True devotion comes with action."

What have they got there?

Samim, can you show us what's in the crates?

Looks like they're gearing up.

Getting ready to hit their next target.

Let's go.

Three! Three!

Go, go, go!

Go, go!

Set security posts on the perimeter.

We're already there.

We're taking small-arms fire from ten to 12 enemy on the south and east walls.

These are Tali from the village?

We've got no idea who they are.

Get down!

Hey! Vehicle-mounted heavy g*n.

Where we at with air support?

Fastest they can get out here is an hour.

We're on our own till then.

Mandy sent me. You understand?

It'll be okay if you play the part. Come on. Play.

Quick on the exits!

Quick on the SSE and move out. Move!

Thirty, grab those cell phones, laptops.

Let's go.

Right here! Right here!

Let's check out the west wall.


That technical's not gonna stop till it chews through that wall.

We're doing everything we can.

I can get an angle on the same high-ground spot I used earlier.

You'll get devoured before you're halfway up.

All right, then draw some fire and buy me a minute to make the run.

We need everyone inside the wires. It's not Rambo time.

Look, we've got 45 minutes till that air support gets here.

Okay? We're not gonna be able to hold that long.

Give me a g*n team and a 240 and I'll make it work.

Kopel! Mounds!

Hey, I'm telling you, trust me.

All right. Go with Spenser.

Get a 240, okay? You stay low.

Yes, sir.

Spenser, they're not doorkickers, they're kids.

All right?


I told them to hold Samim for two hours, then cut him loose.

Look, you know what? He did good, all right?

Probably gonna need a new lunch spot, though.

Sacrifices we make.

Thanks for looking out for him.

You bet.



Laptops and cell phones.

Consider it an olive branch for yesterday.

Well, you know what peace offerings lead to around here, right?

Look, I'm really glad you're all in.

I am. The big picture around here is a little fuzzy for me.

Who we're fighting and why.

I'd love for you to clarify it, Ms. Davis.

I'm on it.

Spenser, Mounds is down!

I need help here!

Come on, buddy.

Oh, it hurts.

I can't make it stop.

I need a medic!

Medic's on the way.

We got you, Mounds.

Let's get him on this table.

All right. Here we go.

Easy, easy, easy, easy.

Come on.

Easy, easy, easy. You're all right.

Get him up. Come on. Get him up. Come on. Get him up.

Nice and easy.

Hey, Private, you with me? Hey.

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Uh, he took those guys out.

Two sh*ts, bang, bang. That was crazy.

Did you see that?

How bad is it?

Well, round missed the artery.

He gonna be all right?

Looks like a scar and a story.

All right. Okay, let's get back to the perimeter, make sure there's not a second wave.

All right.


Should've given you more than this.

Tell me about Tahara.

We know that you're the group behind the peace talk assassinations.

Who was your next target going to be?

Tell me about Tahara.

The key leader engagement attack, the hands.

Who was behind that?

Who took part in that?

Tell us about Tahara.

Who gives Tahara its orders?

Who is giving Tahara its orders?

You're not going anywhere until you tell me something.

Who was your next target going to be?

The KLE killings. Were you there?

The KLE killings. Were you there?

I've been at this for six hours.

For 12 hours.

I've been here for 18 hours.

And I've got no problem doing 18 more.

You get anything from the detainees?

Every one of them was clueless or stonewalling.

Hey, hey. Step away from the tomato plants.

Just keep it moving.

All right.

You checked with all the databases?

DIA's doing it, too, but it takes time.

Longer than we can hold them with our reduced resources.

You got to be kidding me. Look at this place.

Everybody's packing up and this country's about to explode.

Mm. We held onto the more senior detainees, anyone with a record, but we kicked the recruits free.

Kicked them free. All right.

You got to be kidding me.

You cracked all this open from those laptops and those cell phones?

Apparently, encryption is the one weakness in their organization, because everything else is beyond what we imagined.

This is a movement of operatives from at least a dozen nations, drawing from a seemingly bottomless w*r chest of money and arms.

We don't know anything about these people.

Anything, till three days ago.

How does How is that possible?

Working theory? Tahara was formed around a singular "black swan" leader.

Someone with enough money and influence to pull all these elements together with unprecedented speed and force.

The question is who.

Doesn't matter who.

They'll take their shot... we'll take them out.

Won't be easy.

Why is that?

The last time the region saw a group rise with this sudden ferocity?

Go back to al-Qaeda.

Before any of us were here.

You got to let some of it go.

You can't afford to keep this property up.

The tax bill, the hired help you need.

All right, you want to make some suggestions to, uh, which acreage I should sell first?

The hill where my folks and your mom are buried?

Or these pastures, which have supported this family for the last 90 years?

Now, even though you left, I had really hoped that you'd remember that you are connected here.

I do remember how good things were once.

You, me, Mama.

But you need to accept the fact that you cannot manage this property all alone.

Alone was never the plan.

I was just dealt that hand.

This ranch is the Quinn legacy.

And I'm gonna sort it out.

Sort what out? Emmet, if you don't let some of this go, you will lose it all.

I'm gonna go wash up, put some steaks on.

And you're more than welcome to join me for dinner.

Well, hey, there.


I just wanted to swing by before you head back to base for the week.

You know, uh, I'm gonna go back and forth from here.

Crash in my old room.



Just got this, uh, this feeling I should stay here for a while.


Good work, man.

We'll be back in J-Bad by dinner.

Yeah. Doesn't feel right leaving you guys out here like this.

As far as the enemy knows, the death dealer who sniped their guys is still here.

Make them think twice about causing trouble.

Whoever they are.

I'll have JSOC dig into that question.

It's the least I can do after I poked the hornets' nest.

Not on you.

You had orders to check it out.

What happened to Mounds, that's on me.

Like I said, school's in session every day out here.

All got things to learn.

Take care, Spenser.

All right.

Looking for something?

Yeah, a, uh, the interpreters' quarters.

My-my friend, he... uh, lived here.

I-I left something for him here.

Base drawdown.

Cleared out these structures this afternoon.

Everything must go.

You know what I'm saying...


Spenser, what's up, man?

Man, it's good to see you. Hey.

Grab a drink, tell us tales of the hinterland, brother.

What up, little buddy?



Welcome back.

Thank you.

What's going on?

How you doing?

Hey, what's up, man? Reiss.

Uh, Davis's friend.

Gotcha. Cheers.

Yo, buddy.


Oh, man.

How'd it go out there?

You know, we, uh, took a little fire.

Got a little rough for a minute.

I didn't know that.

No. All good.

Look, you know... the way I sent you off, uh, maybe that wasn't the best way to...

No, it was exactly what I needed.

You know, the whole squad on your back, living and dying by your calls, I mean...

I got a taste of what that means.

What it's like to lead.

You know, what you do every single day.

But, you know, there's some... some things I need to think about.



Things I'll take with me to STA-21.


I got to show you something.


Say that again?

DIA got a hit on one of our detainees.

Grozny, January.

Three Chechen extremists, and this man.

Here he is a month ago in Beirut, talking to Hezbollah leaders.

The guy's a player.

Told us his name was Elham Wali.

Tea shop clerk, never been out of J-Bad.

Meanwhile, he's been cavorting with some of the most powerful t*rror1st groups on the planet?

Great, fine. Pull him from the cell, tighten the screws, do what we do.

We can't.

I'm sorry, what do you mean, we can't?

He sold himself as a clueless recruit.

He got released.

He got released.

Drawdown means we couldn't hold everybody.

We may have just found the head of the snake, and we just let him go?
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