01x01 - Tip of the Spear

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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01x01 - Tip of the Spear

Post by bunniefuu »

Do you know why you're here?

I was ordered to be here.

That's not what I meant.

Yeah, well, look, my new C.O. thinks

that he's gonna make admiral one day

with his pioneering
approach to the management

of combat stress.

So you're not a fan of psychotherapy?



what should we talk about?

I don't know. It's your nickel.

Your time.

All right. Tell me about Nate.

Jack... pot.

You know...

even if I wanted to
talk about that night...

the op, and what happened...

I don't think you would be cleared.

Mr. Hayes,

I read the after action reports.

I know about the weapons on the ship

and where they were going.

I'm cleared to know anything you do.

TOC, we have confirmed

jackpot... I'm looking
at 14 Javelin missiles.

Request permission to move to demo.

Copy, Bravo 1. Wait one.

Bravo 1 standing by.

w*r on terror, baby.

w*r on terror.

TOC did give you the authorization

to move to demolition.

You set the charges,

but instead of proceeding
immediately to exfil...

Bravo 2, this is Bravo 4.

- Go for 2.
- What's the story

on those skiffs?

Still out of our hair for the moment.


There's no reason we can't look
inside that safe on the bridge.

Bridge safe is not our mission.

We get into that safe,
maybe we find something

lets us go after guys on
both ends of the shipment.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.
What's your status? Over.

Bravo 2, hold one.

Let's do this.

Let's go.

This is Bravo 1. We're
going for the ship's log.

We're gonna find out where
these arms were headed.

Sonny, you owe me that
bottle of Macharren's.

Nate talked him into it?

Why do I feel like you just hustled me?

'Cause I did.

Nate really wanted

to get a look in that safe.

It doesn't matter what Nate wanted.

I made the call.

- Clear.
- Clear.

You guys get back to exfil.

Alpha Team, moving to exfil.

We got names, numbers.

I mean, that's just the
stuff we can halfway read.

Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2. You have

three enemy boats inbound.

You need to exfil immediately.

Copy that. We're moving to
the secondary extraction point.

Let's go.

Go! Go!

You okay? Yeah.

You all right?

- We lost the bag.
- Nate, leave it.

I got it.

- Don't do it.
- Jace, I got it.

- Don't you do it, kid.
- I got it.

I got it!

- Let me get it.
- Get in.


Get him in!

Go, go, go, go!

Fire in the hole, boys!

Where's that blood coming from?

I understand that you're still in touch

with his wife and child.

He's my godson.

And they're living in Wyoming now?

That's where she's from.


That'd be Nate's, wife, um...

widow, so, yeah.

And she's bringing the boy back here

this weekend for his First Communion.

Will your family be there?

Well, look at that. Time's up.

So we're clear, the
fact that you refused

to talk about Nate's death
is the most obvious way

of telling me that that's exactly what

we need to be talking about.

It was really nice meeting you, Julie.

- Dr. Kruger.
- Right.

I trust you agree that

I fulfilled my obligation
here this morning,

and you will relate that
to my chain of command.


The body of Christ.

The body of Christ.

The body of Christ.

Aha! Look at that,
ladies and gentlemen,

our First Communicant, Landon Massey.

Come here, buddy.

- Bud!
- Yeah.


Hey, blow it up.

You know he's sleeping
on our foldout, right?

I heard.

I miss seeing you guys.

It sucks that's the way it works.

And if any of us thought
there was even a chance

you two weren't gonna get past this,

we'd all be taking it pretty hard.

All right, buddy, look,

you just enjoy it while you can, okay?

'Cause in a few years,
you want a sip of wine,

you're gonna have to
start copping to Father

about all your sins.

Maybe not all of them.

- We're gonna go.
- I'm sorry,

you can't spare a
single Saturday afternoon

to celebrate your
godbrother's First Communion?

We just watched him eat the wafer.

We really got to stay till
he drinks the KoolAid?

What you say in private's one thing.

In public, you represent this family.

- Hey, Daddy.
- Hi.

- We're gonna go.
- Okay.

And they're off.

Well, you know, I'm...

I'm just gonna go be

- somewhere else.
- Yeah.

So, Molly and Landon are
gonna stay at the house

for a couple nights
after her parents go back.

Okay. Well, I don't live there anymore,

so it really doesn't matter, right?

- But...
- And I realize it's a long shot,

but it'd be great if you
could come by one evening.

- That's the first week of new rotation.
- Also,

Emma's recital is this week,

and I know she won't say anything,

but it would mean a lot
if you could just be there.

I'll try. I will try.

We got to go.

Okay, we got to go.

Sorry, you'll have to excuse us.


- Let's move.
- Go do this.

Just be safe.

Call when you can, okay?

I will.

Come on.

The Agency believes
we have an opportunity

to snatch Abu Samir.

Yes, I know, some of us

have been down this road before.

But for anyone needing a refresher...

Abu Samir Al Masri,

highlevel ISIL commander,

responsible for dozens of att*cks

on coalition forces in Iraq.

Last several months, we've
had sightings of Samir

throughout Central Africa,
meeting with various

local jihadi leaders.

He's due to sit down with
some guys from Boko Haram

in two days... that's our window.

We're going into Nigeria?

Not Nigeria.


Samir doesn't trust Boko enough

to meet on their own turf.

General Lionheart...

he's guaranteeing
security for both sides

at his compound outside Monrovia.

They've got 24hour drone
surveillance on the place.

They'll let us know as
soon as Samir's onsite.

We're looking for a
straightup snatchandgrab.

Live capture of a highvalue target.

So you believe a moment of truth comes,

and Abu Samir just passes on martyrdom?

Martyrdom's a young man's game.

Samir's talent for selfreinvention

is part of what's allowed him to survive

in the game for over 20 years.

But that means 20 years of gold

floating around his head.

And if you can bring him to me

still breathing,

I'm gonna get it all.

- Clear!
- Reset!

Yo mama.

- Get on the ground!
- Whatever.

- Get on the ground!
- Stop worrying about me.

- Get on the ground now!
- Stop worrying about me.

Stop worrying about me. Now!

You should worry about your
hostage 'cause you dead.

Hold there!

It appears we have a
problem, Mr. Spenser.

Big problem, Big Chief.

For you and me, both.

Matter of fact,

mine might be the bigger problem.

See, you get taken in
the prime of your life

while you still have your hair.

I have to live the rest of
my life with these fellas

whispering behind my back

how I got you k*lled

on account of I went easy.

What do you think of that?

I think the name Big Chief
is meant to be ironic.

How's that now?

Well, Big Chief in the movie,

I mean, the guy barely talks.

You know, in fact, itit
even kind of seems like

maybe he can't talk.

Whereas you...

Please step out, miss.

Thank you for your service.

Mr. Spenser, would you care
to save us a little time

and tell us the mistakes

you're already planning to correct

so as not to get yourself k*lled

in some dumb-ass way?

I can't think of one.

Do you believe you were right
not to assess as a threat

the woman we just saw
with a g*n to your head?

I believe I was correct to prioritize

the militaryage male
as the greater threat.

But I guess I should have
considered the possibility

that she was muling 'em.

You know, but, even then,

II don't think

that I would have turned
around to search her

before I got him on the ground.

And if I had,

I bet you would've dinged me for it.


- I'm telling you, he's not ready.
- So he's a wiseass.

- Wiseass? More like a smartass.
- Okay.

Do you remember what we were
like when we were in Green Team?

Okay, I'm sorry, but we
just watched him get k*lled.

What, did you see that?

You know as well as I know
that scenario is a nowin.

- I don't know about that.
- Big Chief says the kid sees the Matrix,

- just like his old man.
- What, is he gonna write a book, too?

Anybody see a way to hit
this place from the ground?

Well, not with Humvees
or APCs, that's for sure.

A little Mogadishu for my taste.

We could patrol in.

Insert somewhere on this beach.

- What?
- All that garbage floating

on the surface gonna be a
problem for the outboards.

Guys, stop, you're way
overthinking this, all right?

We're not swimming the prisoner out.

Okay? We're going in the
same way we're going out,

that's with choppers.

Rotors are gonna make an awful racket

coming up the valley.

Give everybody in the house

time to get set to repel boarders.

It's not Samir's house.

But it's not Samir's house.


So why's he gonna dig in
when he hears the rotors?

He's not gonna dig in when
he hears the rotors, okay?

Spooks already said
he's not into martyrdom.

So we're come straight up the valley,

we're gonna buzz the compound,

we're gonna drop right
down on him, and then, what?

Samir's gonna spurt.

Instead of landing on the "X,".

Black Hawks gonna come about for the VI.

Boom. Bam.

Davis, you got a basic
sense of what we'll need?

For a helobased vehicle interdiction?

Don't insult me.

I wouldn't go down that path

if I were you.

Hey, you heard about your strap?

Whoa, wait a second, I
don't have a strap, okay?

Carlo's team's got the strap.
What, am I getting a DNA tech?

No, she's still with Carlo.
You're getting the translator.

Wait a second, they
speak English in Liberia.

Yeah, but the general's
guards don't speak English.

Because this weird bastard's
apparently so paranoid

about being betrayed,

he only hires bodyguards
who can't communicate

- with the neighbors.
- Okay, so what do they speak?

Well, intelligence just
said "local tribal dialects,".

But turns out there's
about 200 of those.

- Yeah, of course there is.
- I looked that up.

Good news is, Commander
Blackburn found a guy

that grew up over there,

so he speaks a whole
bunch of the big ones.

Okay, wait a second, last
time that I was in the Tribals,

it took two days to find a
translator who could speak Urdu.

So you're telling me, in 19 hours,

you found someone who can
speak the local tribal dialects?

Hey, it's better to be lucky than good.

You got to be kidding me.

Any word on wheels up?

Strictly hushhush.

You know how it is,

first spin of a new rotation...

What time did you pick in the pool?


It gives us about four hours.

I have an idea what we can do.


- No.
- What? Doctor said it was fine.

Good, even.

A... didn't he also say
that it could trigger labor?


No, we need this kid to wait in here

till Daddy's home to catch him.

You hear that, son?

Any idea when that'll be?

Time frame for the op is awful tight.

Just so as long as you
make it back home to us.

Roger that.

So the ISUs are all loaded

and I just got off
with the advance team.

- Great. TOC up and ready?
- Yeah.

What do you say, Jedi,
ready? Let's go brother?

Come on, man.

Clay Spenser, Jason Hayes.

Meet your strap.

We've had worse straps.

Remember Captain What'shisname,

froze on a HAHO ramp?

At least this kid's a Team guy.

Team guy? That's Ash Spenser's kid.

You realize that, right?

We're gonna hold it against him

'cause his dad got PNG'd?

His dad's only persona non grata because

he had the bad manners to write
a book without being an officer.

Big Chief already signed
off. It's one mission.

One mission.

I don't want to get
it in this kid's head

like this is some kind of an audition.

One mission. Here.

Hey, you got a problem
with your accommodations?

You know how many times I've
made a hammock on a C130?

Yeah, the new C.O.
says, "Straps get straps," so...

But I'm not a strap.

According to the Navy,

until you graduate Green Team,
you're a member of Chalk 2,

Alpha Platoon, SEAL Team 3.

- Damn right.
- Yes, and as impressive as that is,

if you're working on an operation

and you are not a TierOne Operator,

you're a strap.


how about you sit back down,

buckle up back here with the
rest of us support personnel,

and don't make me kick your
ass up and down this aircraft?

Can I at least get an Ambien?

If I'm gonna sleep sitting
upright for the next 19 hours?

It's gonna be 22 hours.

And Ambien, I can do.

I might even be able to
rustle you up a Seconal,

you treat me real nice.


straphanger, for now.


straphanger, always.

You guys, with the CIA?

We can neither confirm nor deny.


Just want to introduce
your new hair m*ssile,

get his scent on you
while he's still calm.

This is Cerberus.

Yeah, he's a pussycat.

Now, if he accidentally bites you...

well, in the unlikely
event that he does...

do not say no.

Part of their training is
that biting is never wrong.

Ain't that right?

Yeah. Hey, I should probably

tell you where we keep the broom handle

in case we got to pry open his jaw.

Thank you, Sonny.

- Hey, good boy.
- Hey! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. No.

Listen, pal,

you never tell him to sit.

Only time he's supposed to sit
is when he smells expl*sives.

We clear?

Those aren't clouds.


City's in the middle of burning time.

There's no way we get a green light

unless we can confirm Samir's presence.

Up till a few hours ago,
we were having no problem

finding holes in the smog.

"Finding holes"? I'm not
seeing any holes in here.

That's because now.

Lionheart's guys have
joined in the burning.

Right. And you failed to
mention that to us because why?

I told you, till a couple of hours ago,

our optics weren't compromised.

He means about the guys in
the compound starting to burn.

You think they're using the
fires to cover Samir's arrival.

I say we do a little sneak and peak.

A ground recon?

You want to go out
into the city on foot?

Yeah, we'll take the Scooby Van. Davis?

Seriously, guys, I know Monrovia's

supposed to have gotten better
the last couple of years,

but it's still kind of
Mad Max out there.

Wow, now, that was r*cist.

That sounded r*cist
to me? How about you?

Mad Max is walltowall white folks.

Definitely r*cist to ask the black guy

to rule if something's r*cist or not.

- Just FYI.
- Okay, mocha latte.


- Guys! You're punking us, right?
- See? Now that's r*cist.

You're not actually
considering going out there?

Set up the camera.

I'll get first watch.

You guys get some sleep.

Morning khat delivery?


Most of Lionheart's guys
are a bunch of speed freaks.


Look, my, my dad's book.

I know a lot of guys
had a problem with it.

Man survives the things he did,

he should write a book about them.

Come on. Your watch. Get in here.

Let's go. Hey.

Come on. Move over, will you?

You're crowding my space now.

Stay right there, strap,
so I can lean back into you.

Just like that. There you go.

We got movement.

White kufi. Take a look.

TOC, this is Bravo 1.

Confirming you're seeing
what we're seeing here.

Roger that, Bravo 1, we're seeing it.

Positive I.D. on Abu Samir Al Masri.

Congratulations, TOC.

He is exactly where you
told us he was gonna be.

I'll tell you what, we're gonna
pack up, and then we're gonna

exfil. How copy?

Strong copy, Bravo 1.

Great work.

- Let's go.
- I don't get it.

What do you mean you don't get it?

I mean, Samir's legendary
for his tradecraft.

Kept him alive all these
years, while his friends

were getting turned into pink mist.

Why is he coming out in the open now?

We don't know that it's
khat they're selling.

Bravo 1, this is TOC.

Current video feed
appears to show subjects

unloading a hooded prisoner.

Can you confirm?


Freeze it there.



I know who that is.

Believe everyone's
properly situated here now,

Ms. Ellis, so please
tell us what we know

about this poor woman, Ms...

Marshall, sir.

Stacey Marshall.
Abducted April last year

from her NGO's distribution
center in South Sudan.

We're not certain how she
came into the possession

of this particular group, but
as you know, it's not uncommon

for hostages to be sold and resold

through various pipelines,

particularly attractive Western females.

Thank you, Ms. Ellis.

Now, Eric,

how are we planning to
bring this young lady home

- to her loving parents?
- Sir?

- Yes, Ms. Ellis?
- Abu Samir's continued survival

would almost certainly
mean hundreds of deaths,

both of civilians and
of coalition personnel,

and in fact, we believe
he may have knowledge

of planned att*cks already in motion.

I'm gonna cut you off there, Ms. Ellis.

It sounded like you're about to suggest

we do nothing for Ms. Marshall,

and instead adhere to our
current operational plan

to snatch Abu Samir.

Eric, I'm gonna ask you
a very simple question.

Do we have the resources
to rescue the hostage

and perform a successful
nonlethal snatch of the HVT?

Well, sir, it's
difficult to be definitive,

till we've had enough time
to fully revise our ops plan,

but I think at the moment...

We can do both.

II'm sorry.

- Who is that?
- Senior Chief Hayes.


You were saying?

I'm saying that we can
accomplish both objectives.

Now, son, needless to say,
your reputation precedes you.

But that's mighty hard to imagine.

Assuming that Samir digs in.

But according to the CIA, he's
gonna pick flight over fight.

Isn't that right, Ms. Ellis?

That's correct.
That's our projection.

So, Helo 1 and Helo 2

are gonna fastrope the as*ault team

on top of the building.

They're gonna clear down
and secure the hostage.

Helo 3 is gonna go after
Samir when he squirts.

And Helo 4 is gonna maintain
our close air support.

Eric. Clearly your opplanning
was much further along

than you led us to believe.

Nice work, son.

Thank you, sir.

You'll launch this evening?

Soon as the sun goes down.

Good. Good luck.

Thank you, gentlemen.

We miss out on this guy,
right, we miss out on Samir,

who knows how many more people
he's gonna k*ll? II get that.

This may be our only shot, I understand.

I almost had him in
Baghdad two years ago.

I was meeting with this
deputy economic minister,

coffee shop in the Mansour district.

We're getting ready to go.

Door opens.

It's Samir.

Walks right by our table,

not much farther than
where you are right now.

I'm close enough to see the
crystal's cracked on his Rolex.

That's close.

Then I look at my source.

Take out Samir, even if I get away,

my asset's a dead man.

Probably tortured for
a month first, right?

So, as soon as we're on the street,

I call it in, but turns out,

our intrepid local partners
at the state security services

had been infiltrated by extremists.

Hey. There's nothing you could've done.

- Nothing.
- Well, a week later,

one of Samir's cells blows
up a school bus in Mosul,

kills 26 teenagers. Week after that,

my source, the guy I was protecting?

Samir's guys grab him and his family.

Send the death videos to Langley.

We got this.

The hostage?

Like I said.

We got this.

This is Chalk 4.

I'm having some kind of
trouble with my pedals.

I'm getting a lot of shake in 'em.

It's affecting our stability.

I'm trying to hold it steady.

All right, Chalk 4, I need
your honest assessment.

Can you continue this mission?

Negative. I need to put her down.

Copy, Chalk 4. Chalks 1, 2 and 3,

your birds are still
functional, correct?

Roger. Fivebyfive.

Chalk 2, fivebyfive.

Chalk 3, fivebyfive.

All right, all call
signs, initiate bump plan.

Mission is now
exclusively hostage rescue.

Snatch and grab operation
has been scrapped.

Sorry, ma'am.

We'll have to get him next time.

Confirming. Hostage rescue only.

RPG 12:00 o'clock.



Put it down now!

Put it down!


I'm gonna ghost him.

Try another dialect.

- Jace?
- Try another one.

It's okay. It's okay.

Look, hey, it's all right.

It's okay. We're here. We're American.

We're gonna take you home, okay?

Shh. You're safe. All right?

- I'll get this off of you.
- Thank you.

We're gonna take you home, all right?

It's okay. Hey.

All Chalks, this is Bravo.

Move to secure the hostage.
We're gonna move her to exfil

from here.

Roger, Bravo 1.

Nice work.

This is XRay 1. We're
on the first deck.

Looks like your dog's
found something. Over.

Sonny! Sonny!

You and the strap, you exfil her.

We're gonna go see what the dog has,

then we're gonna go home
on Chalk 2. Let's go.

Boss, we run into another
one of the general's guys,

it'd be great to have
a translator with us.

You want the strap on my back,
don't you? Okay, let's go.

Let's go.


Chalk, this is Bravo 1.

We still have a chance to grab Samir.

We good?

You can run but you can't hide.

You're gonna stay
here and watch our six.

Are we clear?

Yeah. All right. Clear.


Bravo 1, this is Sierra Hotel 1.

The tunnel is not
secured. Do you copy? Over.

Bravo 1, tunnel not secure. Do you copy?

Okay, easy, easy.

Hey, easy.

Hey, hey.


Putput your hands up. Real slow, hey.

Raise your hands.

Put them up.

Easy, hey.

Look at me, look at
me, look. Right there.

Raise your hands.

Raise your hands.

Listen to me, I told you to
stay out of the tunnel, no?!

Jace! Jace!

Walk me through it, okay?

When I left you at
the tunnel's entrance,

I told you to watch our six.

Ready? Go. Then, how, why?

I caught a dude trying
to creep on you guys,

so I figured I needed to clear
the rest of that tunnel section

- in case he had a partner.
- But really? Okay.

Then, why did you
decide to shwack some HVT

when we were sent 5,000
miles to bring him in alive?

I came on the room, I saw the "S" -vest,

I assessed that all three of
us were in imminent threat.

Did you assess why we weren't sh**ting?

I figured you didn't have a clean shot.

Did you check his hands?

No, III didn't want to give
him time to clack off the vest.

What? Come on. I mean, the
guy was wearing an "S" -vest.

ThatThat's got to be clean, right?

I told him, "Stay
outside, watch my six."

Yeah, I know,

but the kid made a call. No, what...

what kind of call did he make?

- And you know what, he's got a point.
- A point?

That guy trying to creep

could've just as easily had a friend.

Plus, he got Samir straight
through the light switch.

- Right.
- I mean, come on.

You know what, Samir
is all about martyrdom.

I tell you what, that detonator, bam,

right when we enter the room.

- Boom.
- Maybe he was trying to draw us closer.

You know what? His thumb
wasn't on the detonator, okay?

How was it with the hostage?

- Got her number.
- Got her number.

Hold on, you're saying
that's why you didn't smoke him?

That's something. Wait a second.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Stop.

You're saying that's
why you didn't smoke him?

No. No, man.

The kid was right as far as my position.

- I didn't have a clear shot.
- I did, I did.

I had the shot. I
could've brought him in.

Bottom line, kid saw
a guy in an "S" -vest,

saw he had the drop
on him, took the shot.

White noise right now in my
head. I am not hearing you.

You're gonna call him out in
the AAR, say he got it wrong?

'Cause you know that's
gonna follow him, Jason.

Your name in an AAR,
saying it was a bad sh**t?

Look, you might actually be

the best damn gunfighter who ever lived.

If not, you're awful close.

All right, I'm listening
now. What was that?

So, if you tell me that even
back when you were in Green Team

you were good enough to
give a guy in an "S" -vest

the pregnant pause before smoking him

because of where his damn thumb was?

Samir's thumb wasn't on the detonator.

Thumb was not on the detonator.

- Did you see his thumb?
- I couldn't see his hands.

I could see his hands.

You feel honor bound to call the kid out

because he missed something that you

and a half dozen other guys on Earth

are good enough not to miss?

Just make sure you're not doing
it 'cause of who his father is.

All right, okay.

Or who he reminds you of.

Nate's death isn't on you.

Hell of an op, gents.


Thank you very much, sir.

Listen, obviously, most of the AAR

is gonna be about the chopper problems.

Comms we obviously know about.

Intel turned out to be solid.

Eight enemy K.I.A.s, including one.

HVT wearing an "S" -vest.

All clean, correct?


Eight clean kills, sir.

It's good work.

Look, we should've
brought him in for you.

I told you he'd choose
surrender over martyrdom.

Almost got everyone k*lled.

You just saved a woman

from probably being tortured
to death on the Internet

in front of chat room trolls

and budding, sexual sadists
and her friends and loved ones.

You also, by the way,
found time to rid the world

of one of its few dozen
or so most evil people.

Call that a good night's work.
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