01x02 - Chum

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Day of the Dead". Aired: October 15,2021 - present.*
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Takes place in a small town where an ordinary day takes a terrifying turn when the dead begin to rise.
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01x02 - Chum

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"Day of The Dead"...

Someone’s gonna have
to go down there.




Got a call from the Cleargenix
drill site.

Captain Pike: I need you
to go take a look.

Got a call about a body?

Can you get me down
in that hole?

I sent you home.


I’m still here!

[growling and snarling]


It would be

if the mayor’s son

got caught drinking under age
with his dickhead friends.


Paula: I’m in a very
tight race.

One of the cornerstones of
my campaign is open carry.

Let’s do this.


Your wife is right
in the next booth.

I am getting married today

and it would mean an awful lot
if you and dad could be there.

I do not know how you work
with dead bodies.

I’ll be taking care of your
grandfather’s service today.


[snarling and growling]


Lauren, the dead‐

Not dead anymore.

Get in the basement!

Nothing can get in.

Unless they’re already here.

[doors rattling]

[doors rattling]

What kind of funeral home
are you running here?

I told mama we should have gone
to Boltman Brothers Mortuary.

They got a coupon
and everything.

Those meat lockers only open
from the outside.

As long as no one touches them
we should be fine.

Not crazy about the "should be"
in that statement?

What do you want from me,

My first solo funeral has kind
of gone off the rails, here.

I can’t get through
to the cops.

I can’t even get a signal.

It’s this g*dd*mn basement.

Holy shit, did one of those
things bite you?

It’s fine. I’m fine.

You’re right, you’re right.

Zombie bites only turn people
into zombies in the movies.

She’s gonna turn
into a zombie?

I’m not gonna turn
into a zombie.

That’s what I said.

Besides, she would have
to die first.

I’m not gonna turn
into one of those things.

Ok. Well, if you feel like
you suddenly wanna eat us

definitely say something first.

She’s gonna eat us now?!

No! No, no, no, no.
She’s gonna say something

and then we can sh**t her
in the head.

I’ll sh**t her.

Woah, woah, woah,
woah, woah!

Why do you have a g*n
at a funeral?

I ain’t taking any chances.
I’m gonna sh**t her.

You don’t have to do that.

Yeah, we‐ we can just stop
the virus

from spreading to the rest
of her body.

Ok, what‐ like, what?

We cut off her arm
or something?

Do not cut off my arm.

I could suck the poison out.

I’d rather you cut off my arm.

Jesus, Dale!
What did you do?

Man, nothing.
It stopped.



Season 01 Episode 02

Episode Title: "Chum"
Aired on: October 22, 2021.






Come in.

Oh, I knew this was gonna
happen, Dr. Fisher.

I’ve told you a million times,
I cannot run away with you.

Do you mind?

We got your test results back,

Well, they gotta be bad if
you’re here on your wedding day.


What’re we talking?
Six months?

Three months?

Look, we do have options.

There’s targeted chemo,
stem cell therapy,

experimental trials. It’s‐

No, I’m not doing
any of that.

I’m 88 years old.

How much more time
do I need?

You can’t just give up.

Oh, my goodness.

Come on.
Live a little.

I don’t wanna spend the last
three months of my life

feeling like shit,

and praying that some
experimental therapy

is gonna let me see 89.

I’m ready to say goodbye.

Especially to this place.

The food here sucks.




[struggling grunts]

[machines whirring]

[growling and snarling]

[crying out in pain]

Trey, would you hurry up?

I wanna hit the polling place
at First Baptist before noon.

They have some new booths
I’d love to check out.

I don’t know if I can vote again
that soon.

Oh shit.

[crowd booing]

She’s poisoning our water!

[booing continues]

This came out of my tap!

I wouldn’t give this
to my dog!

[booing continues]

Listen, listen, folks.

I hear what you’re saying.

You feel powerless,
you feel ignored...



My friends, you can bring
real change to Mawinhakin,

and all you gotta do is vote.

Crowd: Yeah!

[crowd cheering]



What do you think
you’re doing?

You know there are laws against
campaigning at a polling place.

I’m not telling them
who to vote for.

Besides, someone
has to calm them down.

They’re very angry.

Take a look at this.

How much are they paying you
to defile our land?


Defile our land?

Cleargenix is the only thing
bringing jobs into this town.

Jobs that pay taxes
that pay for our schools

so your kids can grow up and
make something of themselves.

Hey man, you gotta talk some
sense into your wife here.

What did you say?

I’m the mayor.

He’s the husband.

You know what?

Maybe you should go out
and get one of those jobs

I was talking about
instead of standing here

whining like a snowflake!


We are all very passionate
about our beliefs

and that’s what makes
a democracy great.

Thank you for expressing
your opinion.

God bless America.

We need to find a back way
out of here.

[crowd clamoring]

Can you believe that prick?

This place would be a ghost town
if it wasn’t for me.

- Paula, I don’t appreciate‐
- Talk sense into your wife?

Like, what can you do?

Now, see, that’s what I mean.

It just devalues me,
that’s all.

But you are the husband,

I’m the one who busted my ass
to become mayor.

The first female one in
the history of this town,

I might add.

When Pay‐mart shut down I’m the
one who brought in Cleargenix,

and when all those sheep are
down there stuffing their faces

at the new Ruby Tuesday’s,

who do you think
they’re gonna thank, huh?


I’m just asking
for a little respect.

Trey, try growing some balls and
maybe people will respect you.

Nicole, where the hell
are we?

I’m sorry, I thought
there’d be an exit in here!

Jesus Christ, do I have
to do everything?

You are an evil woman!

This town’s blood
is on your hands!




You ok?

[glass shatters]

Jai: Man of honor.

It’s‐ it’s weird, right?

Man of honor?

I’m‐ is‐ is it weird or am I
weird for thinking it’s weird?

I know a lot of women
who ask their gay friends

to be man of honor.

Yeah, but that’s the thing,
though, Shawn is straight.

Ok, a little unusual.

But nothing to worry about.

And Amy’s ex‐boyfriend
from high school.

Oh, honey.

See? I knew it.

No, he’s‐ he’s just so involved
with the wedding

and always around.

You should have seen the shower
he threw her. It was...

I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be
bothering you with this.

Yeah, you’re right.

You should go back to talking
about my terminal cancer.

Have you talked to Amy
about Shawn?

No, no.

She’s just so stressed out
from the wedding

it would just upset her.

Plus I still haven’t found
a way to tell her

that my parents might not even
make it here on time.

Dr. Fisher, you came in here,
looked me in the eye

and told me I got less than
six months to live,

but you’re afraid
to tell your fiancé

that your parents’ flight
is delayed?

I’m not afraid to tell her.

Well, good.

What you’re asking is not
a big deal.

If she’s any kind of woman worth
marrying she’ll understand.



- Thanks, cuz.
- Thanks, man.

We’re gonna be f*cking heroes
when we show up with this thing.


Alright, lift this thing up.

Alright, lifting.

Alright, lift it up.

- I’m lifting, man.
- Okay, okay.

Man, let’s just get your cousin
to help us with this thing.

Yeah, ask the guy who
just literally risked his job

to get us this keg illegally,

and now tell him to put it
in the car.

Man, stop whining.

Lift at your nuts.



See? Now that’s what
I’m talking about.

That’s how you kick off
senior skip day.

We got a keg, a party
in the woods,

and if you get enough beers
in her,

Julie might let you have sex
with her.

Dude, don’t be gross.

And by the way,
we have had sex.



We have.

I said ok.

Why are you saying it like
you don’t believe it?

’Cause that’s exactly
how I meant it.




You can’t be here.

Jesus, Jai, you’re not supposed
to see me.

I know, I know.
I’m sorry.

I just uh... I need
to talk to you.

Ok, well just call me
or text me,

but you have to leave.

We have to delay the wedding.


Look, just for a few hours.


Look, my parents,
they’re stuck in Florida,

there’s been
a tropical storm...

Oh, my god.

I knew it.
This is so your mother.

Amy, she can’t control
the weather.

No, but she could have flown
in at the beginning of the week

like we asked her to.

Instead she has to go make
my day all about her.

That is not what she’s doing.

I’ll just‐ I’ll call the club
to see if we can start later.


No, no, no.

We’ll add a cocktail hour.

No, no, no, no.

We are getting married at 4:30

whether your parents
are here or not.

I can’t do that.


Baby, I know, ok?
I’m sorry.

This totally sucks

and I want your parents
to be here, too.

But everything’s already been
booked for this afternoon

and it’s gonna be
really expensive

if we try and change it

and... Daddy’s paying
for the wedding.

I mean, he’s already
given us so much.

This house, your job.
Think about it.

We never would have
even met

if he hadn’t brought you
into his practice.

I’d hate to ask for more.

Wouldn’t you?

Yeah, yeah, you’re right.


I mean, they should have
got here earlier.


We can always show them
the video, right?


I’m so glad we talked
about this.

Ok, well, now
get outta here.

You’re breaking the rules,


I am in control of my life
by the choices I make.

I am in control of my life
by the choices I make.

I am in control of my life
by the choices I make.


Cam: We can’t let it out!

Lauren: No shit
we can’t let it out!

You son of a b*tch!


No one else open
one of these.

This is not the way this funeral
was supposed to go.

I wanna talk to Lazlo
right now.

Be my guest.

He’s right down here.

Holy sh...

Alright, look.

I don’t know why,
I don’t know how.

But the dead are coming
back to life

and they’re trying
to k*ll us.

We need to stop yelling
at each other

and figure out how to get
the hell outta here.

Uh, did anybody see
what happened to the arm?


[door rattling]

[snarling and growling]

[snarling and growling]

What do we do?

You’ve got a g*n, dumbass!
sh**t it!

This is a high‐stress situation!

I don’t appreciate
you calling me names.

Give me that!


[vicious growl]


Jai! There he is.

Herb. Hey.

Just gonna start
getting dressed.

Getting dressed?
What’re you talking about?

The wedding’s not
for two hours.

In this country‐

I am from this country.

Women take hours to get ready.
Men play golf.

I don’t know.
If Amy finds out...

Ah, what’s she gonna say?

You’re out playing a quick nine
with your future father‐in‐law.

She can’t get mad at that.

Ah, really, Herb.
I don’t think it’s‐

I’m not asking you, son.

Now, come on.


Are you sure this is it?

Where are all the other cars?

Ok, look.

Can you at least act like
you’ve been to a party before?

You know if cars were lined up
down this road

cops would be on our asses
right now.

Ok, so should I move my car?

Would you stop talking about
the parking?

Ok, you know what, look.

There. See that trail
right there?


If we follow that it’ll take us
straight to the lake.

The lake’s over there.

Oh, I knew that.


What? I knew that.

No, I believe you.


You gonna help me with this,
or what?

Come on.



I don’t feel like you’re
lifting, man.

I’m lifting.

- I really don’t think so.
- I am lifting.


Come on, man.

Quit messing around.
This isn’t funny.

Trey, he’s dead!
You k*lled him!

Nicole: Oh god.

I thought he was pulling
a g*n.

Why’d you fire
in the air?

’Cause I didn’t wanna
sh**t him!

So you were gonna let him
sh**t me?

[panicking] It was‐ it was water.
It was just water.

He didn’t deserve to die
for that.

Nicole, get it together!

We are gonna get out of this,

I am not losing this election

because my idiot husband
m*rder*d a man!

It was an accident!

I was just trying
to scare him.

I am not a m*rder*r!

I’m just gonna turn myself in.

I’ve never been in trouble
in my life,

not even a speeding ticket.

What’s the worst
it can be?

Involuntary manslaughter.

I’m a white guy.
I’ll be out in 18 months.

You’ll wait for me,
won’t you?


- What?
- What?

I mean, no one’s going
to jail.

We can spin this.

We just have to hide the body
until the election’s over.

There’s lots of boxes in here.

We could put him in a box!

We are not putting him in a box,


[machine whirring]

Who told you to shut down?

Hey, Rhodes.

There’s a cop down there!

You keep that drill going
you’re gonna k*ll him!

I’m going down there.

The hell you are!

Looks like you folks are having
quite the morning.

Which one of you is Rhodes?

I am.

Who are you?

I’m Dr. Logan.
Corporate sent me.

Careful, might get some dust
on those fancy shoes of yours.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting
to come to a drill site today,

but when the company has
to call the mayor

to get the police to back off,
well, it raises some eyebrows.

This is a... misunderstanding.

We’ve got this
all under control.

He’s lying.

There’s not just a cop
down there.

There’s something else.

Blackwood, I’m handling this.

Not anymore.

Raise the drill.

Let’s find out what’s going
on here.

[snarling and growling]

[g*n clicking]


My Peepaw gave that to me
when I was seven!

[snarling and growling]

Bobby, we gotta go!

Oh, shit!

Come on! Go!

Get out of here!
Go, go, go!!!


Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!



Help me! Help me!

[snarling and growling]

[snarling and growling]

We got you, buddy!
We got you.

Ok. We got him.
We got him.

Uh, Cam?


[people clamoring]

Where’s Dale?
Is he ok?

[glass shatters]

[snarling and growling]

right out the side door.

Let’s just go.

We can’t just leave
these people.

Yes, we can.
They’re horrible.

They bring g*ns to funerals.

g*ns they got when they were
seven years old.

Lauren, these people are victims
of a political system

that preys on their prejudices.

It uses them for their vote
then it abandons them

to big corporations that
profit off their misery.

It’s not their fault they’re
uneducated white trash.


I’ll have you know Dale
had a PhD in sociology.

Oh, great.

The moron that let the zombies
out was the smartest one.


Listen up, everyone.

We’re getting outta here.

It’s ok.

You’re gonna be ok.

I’m a doctor.

It’s not human.

It should be dead.

It should be... should...

We need to figure out what the
hell that thing down there is.

Sarah, right?

You saved that man’s life.

I know it can’t be easy standing
up to assholes like Rhodes.

I met plenty of guys like him
in the service.

He’s not as tough
as he thinks he is.

You’ve been through
a lot today.

Take some time off,
with pay.

Just get some rest.

But I‐

I promise. We’re securing
the site, no more drilling.

The right people are
in control now.

This is bullshit!

I wanna talk to
my union rep!

Shut up.

You have monumentally
screwed up here.


Attempted m*rder?

Oh, don’t worry.

I’m gonna give you a chance
to fix it.

You make sure she doesn’t
tell anyone

about what happened
here today.

Yes, ma’am.


You’ve got a heck of a swing
there, kid.

If only you could hit it
where you wanted to.

Listen, Herb, I uh...

I really should be
getting back.

You know, Jai,
when I interviewed you

I didn’t know I was hiring
my son‐in‐law.

I mean if I did, I’d be asking
a lot tougher questions.

But now that I see
that this marriage

is actually gonna happen,

well, I’ve been doing
some thinking.

I know that the plan was
for me to retire

and hand off the practice
to you,

but I’m‐ I’m thinking
I’m gonna stay on.

Oh... for uh,
for how long?

Oh, I don’t know.

’Til I die.

Why are you telling me
about this right now?


Well, I just wanna
make sure you know

that if you’re marrying
my daughter for my practice

you still have time
to get out.

That is not why
I’m marrying her.


Then you won’t mind signing
a prenup.

You’ve gotta be kidding me,

Jai, you’re a fine doctor.

You might even make
a good husband.

But after what happened
last year

there’s no way that I’m leaving
my legacy to you.

Now I want that signed
before the I do’s.

And don’t forget to return
my driver when you’re done.


Man, why don’t we just leave
this thing,

go find the party and bring
some people back to help us?

The whole point is
to arrive with it.

It’s like you don’t want
to get laid.

Why are you so obsessed
with my sex life?


Sex life?

I swear to god, Bowman,

sometimes I feel like
you’re still a virgin.

You know, screw you, Trent.

Holy shit, you are.

Yeah, fine!
So what?

Then why did you tell me
that you nailed Julie?

Because you’re always
asking me about it.

You’re all over me
all the time.

You never shut up
about it.

Ok, whatever.
You can be a virgin.

It’s cool.

I mean, it’s not cool, but I
guess it is, you know, for you.

It’s not just that.

I almost got caught stealing
beer this morning.

I didn’t even wanna do it
but I had your voice in my head

going "come on, dude,
don’t be such a p*ssy".

And then my mom comes in
and she’s like

"do you have any idea
what it would be like

"if the mayor’s son
got caught drinking?"

So I put it back.

But she knows I tried to take it
so she’s disappointed in me.

And, you know, I didn’t take it
so you’re disappointed in me.

Man, I’m just so tired

of not living up to other
people’s expectations.

You know what?

It’s my bad, ok?
It’s my bad.

I’m the bad friend.
I’m the bad friend.

My bad. I apologize.

Let’s just get to this party.

Stop. Dude.

Ok, I will help. I’ll help you.
Ok, stop.


Come on, where are you?


Uh... hello?

Hey, you uh, you haven’t
happened to see

a driver around here,
have you?

Uh... hello?


Great. Great.

This is uh,
this is perfect.

No, no, no.


Hey... Uh, excuse me.

You, um, you don’t happen
to know

the way back to the golf course,
do you?

I’m kinda supposed
to be getting married

and uh, I’m a little lost.


What are you doing?!

[loud roar]

PA: A movie is now starting

This is never gonna work.

Just because it’s election day

doesn’t mean I don’t have time
to take care of our seniors.

Let’s get you some air.

Nicole, bring the car around.

Why my car?

Because we brought
the damn truck

and we can’t drive around town
with a dead assh*le in the bed.

Oh, dammit.

Mayor Bowman.

Who you got there?

Get rid of it.



Everyone’s half dead
around here, anyway.

Just stash him somewhere.

You wouldn’t be trying to sway
a voter, would you?

Oh, no.

Just being nice.

You know, not everything
is about votes.


Now, you know I know
that’s some bullshit.

Ok, Dad.

Here we are.

Look at that.

They’ve got your favorite
show on.

That one that you like.

So much.

Well, I better get going.

Dad, don’t be like that.

I know, I should visit you more

while you’re alive and healthy
and breathing.

Trey, come on!

See you next week, Dad.

Love you.

Oh, you don’t have
to say it back.

I know.

You sure this is
gonna work?

Yeah, I ran it through
a computer simulation

and it worked 100 percent
of the time.

You could have just said
"I don’t know".

Let’s do this.


Go, go, go, go!

I’m sorry.

I’m going as fast as I can.

I’ve never carried
a body before.

[snarling and growling]

[tires screech]


Why do I have to do the part
with the guts?

Because it was my idea.


Did‐ did you just puke
in my hearse?


I’m not sorry about it, either!

A finger...

[honks horn]

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
They stopped following us.

Hey, over here!



Get off!
Get away!!!

Go! Drive!

[tires screech]

Woo! It worked!

It worked!


You got a little barf
on your face there.

Did I get it?

Yeah, you got it.




[exertion grunts]

This shit’s gonna be all foam
by the time we get there.


Man, where is this party?

I don’t get it.

Kyle said it was right
by the lake.

Man, this lake is huge.

You know, I’m not feeling
your tone right now, ok?

I’m the one who got
the beer.

I’m the one who heard about
the party.

All you’ve done is b*tch.

You’re right, man.
I’m sorry.

I could have sworn
it was around here.

Maybe the Enfields got ’em.

What the hell’s an Enfield?

You know, the Enfields.

You know, the story
about the lake.

You know, like, back
in the old days,

pioneer times.

There was a river
that went through here?

The settlers built a town
next to the river.

They lived there
for like 100 years.

And then in the 1920’s

the government wanted to dam
the river to make a lake.

So this one family,
this really weird family,

the Enfields,
refused to leave.

They fought with
the government

and it got really bad
and people died

and they still
wouldn’t leave.

So the government said screw it
and they built the dam anyway,

and even as
the valley flooded

the Enfields still
wouldn’t leave,

and they stayed
in their homes

even as the waters rushed
in around them.

They’d rather die
than leave their houses.

And people say that somewhere
deep at the bottom of the lake,

in the darkness,

the Enfields are still there.

And legend has it that on
the light of a full moon,

just below the surface,

you can see the Enfields
waiting there,

calling you to join them.

- Oh!
- Oh!!





I am not going to apologize
for speaking the truth.

This town is on
the wrong path.

If we keep worrying about
trigger warnings

and micro aggressions
and safe spaces

how are we supposed to tackle
real problems

like unemployment
and drug abuse, huh?

We can’t just hug
those things away.

What the heck is going on?

Pops is pushing all her buttons
and she’s falling for it.

We have to get him
outta here.

I know, Trey.

Listen, I appreciate
your passion,

I know you care
about this town,

but the way you go about
fixing things is wrong.

It’s hateful, it’s dangerous,
and I won’t stand for it.

Well, you’re gonna have to,

because the polls have me
up by five.

Well, now, here is the thing
about that.

You are gonna drop out
of the race.


What have you been smoking,
old man?

That’s never gonna happen.

I think it is.


You have until 4:30 to concede
the race or I go public.

Trey, Nicole.

You folks have yourselves
a wonderful day.

- Paula?
- What’d he say?

What does Pops know?

Where did you put the body?

Relax, it’s safe.
He’s in the TV room.

Holy shit! Holy shit!
Holy shit!

Holy shit! Holy shit!

Operator: 911 what
is your emergency?

Yeah, I need to report a...
what the hell do I call this?

Zombie apocalypse?

I am not saying
zombie apocalypse,

they’ll hang up on me.

Hello? Hello?



It’s fine.

It’s gonna be fine.

I know.

’Cause if you were gonna turn
into one of those things

you probably would have started
to by now, right?


If you do start to turn,
what do you want me to do?

Hey! Hey!




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