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01x05 - The Whistleblower

Posted: 11/22/21 07:39
by bunniefuu
Call notes are starting
to come in that patients

are showing signs
of addiction.

Anecdotes about abuse
are not a scientific analysis

of the drug's safety,

so until you can prove
the drug is dangerous,

I don't see how we can
put restrictions on it.

I want to look
into launching OC in Germany,

under a relaxed status.

I had a doctor tell me
he had two patients

taking way more pills
than he prescribed.

If people are suffering,

they need a higher dose.

It is really difficult
to find anything

without the proper resources.

Guys, I get it, trust me.
We'll just keep pushing.

You sell poison, Billy.
Doc, any‐‐

Everyone in this room
is here

because we're very concerned
for your health.

Will you commit to a program?

♪ ♪

Is there a specific flower
you'd like for the service?

Pink silk roses.

They were
my daughter's favorite.

And please mention what
a wonderful mother

she was to Brian.

She loved him so much.

Didn't she, sweetie?

Mommy changed
after taking that pill.

What pill?

She was weepy all the time.

♪ ♪

No, no, no, no.
Something isn't right here.

My daughter was healthy, okay?

The medical board needs
to look into Purdue‐‐

♪ ♪

Yes, this is Marianne Skolick
for the U.S. Attorney.

Yes, I'm very aware
what time it is.

I have done all my research.
Tell him to call me back!

Please direct anyone at the FDA

There's tons of information
in there about Purdue Pharma

and their crimes
against humanity.

Thank you, ma'am.
We'll look into it.

♪ ♪

Ms. Skolick?



I'm Rick Mountcastle,

Assistant U.S. Attorney
in Virginia,

and I'd like to speak to you
about Purdue Pharma.

♪ ♪

Ms. Skolick?

Yes, yes, I'm here.

Sorry, just surprised.

You're the first person
to ever call me back.

♪ ♪

This, uh‐‐this back injury
just keeps flaring up, doc.

You think you could
write a script for me?

I'm only in Tennessee
for a couple of days.

It's an old back injury.

Think you could write
a script for me?

I'm only here in Kentucky
for a couple days.

Lower back, you think you
could write a script for me?

I'm only here in North Carolina
for a couple days.

That's it.
Separate those greens.

I think I burned out
Stone Gap Pharmacy.

They're getting suspicious.

Yeah, hey.

Go to Knoxville
for these.

Be good to keep
a little distance.

You bet.

Maybe that would...

Hey, how's Sue's cough?
That ginger and sugar work out?

Oh, like a charm!
It's pretty much gone.

She's‐‐she's feeling
much better.

She still hates
your guts, though.

Tell her
that makes two of us.

This is a lot of work

to keep us
from getting dopesick.

What are you up to per day now?

400 mg.

♪ ♪

Welcome back.

♪ ♪

Pearls, huh?


All right, let's see.


You know what, for a pretty
little thing like you, though,

I could do another 30

if you want to come on back
to the back room.

What do you think?

♪ ♪


Come on.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

In 1997, we sold
one million prescriptions.

And in just two years,
we have tripled our sales.

If we continue as projected,
I believe OxyContin could soon

become Purdue's
first billion‐dollar drug.

Is that so?
How soon?

Less than three years.

And to cross
into this threshold,

I think it necessary
to make a key move.

We will soon be releasing

a 160‐milligram tablet.


Since sales are increasing
at such a fast rate,

wouldn't this be a good time

to start
distributing larger profits

to A shares and B shares?

Ah, yes,

greedy little piggies
want their money right away.

Since you've sat on your ass

and done nothing to make
any of this happen,

I completely understand
while you feel so entitled.

I demand
an apology from B shares.

That is an
outrageous accusation.

You'll get that‐‐you'll get
that when Hell freezes over.

Please, gentlemen.

Gentlemen, please, please,
I want to assure

A shares and B shares
there will soon be

the largest profits
this company has ever seen.

But in order to get us
across that finish line,

I think it's time we rethink
our leadership structure.

How so?

I believe, if I were
named president of Purdue,

I could cut through any type

of red tape
or family dissension

and create billions
in profits every single year.

But of course, it would
require a majority vote

in both A shares and B shares.

Oh, that's a good one,

That's really good!

You are out
of your f*cking mind!

♪ ♪

You're being ridiculous,

♪ ♪

Just let it go.
It's not worth the fight.

♪ ♪

I understand, but we sent
in the request six weeks ago.

Yes, I'm sure we sent it
to your department.

Don't pass me off.

Come on.

Y'all go wash up for dinner.

Hey, hey.

The kids are starting to ask
why you're gone so much.

I'm doing the best I can.

♪ ♪

Morning, everyone.

Morning, Sharon.
How's the financials looking?

Deceitful, confusing,
unwieldy, fraudulent.

You know, just another day
with Purdue Pharma.

He's in a mood today.

Oh, yeah, what time
did he come in this morning?

Usual, 5:00 a.m.

might be more chill
if he got some sleep.

Why's he always
come in so early?

He always faxes Purdue

between 4:00 and 5:00
in the morning.

That way, they think
we got people working

on this around the clock.


Yeah, he does it
on the weekends, too.

I got sprinkles.

I got glazed.
I got some creme‐filled.

Can we get started?

Let's all try to be on time
in the future.

Sharon, what do you got?

Yeah, so,
I'm still working my way

through the '98
internal budgets,

but the sales rep bonus
structure incentivizes reps

to push for higher doses
over longer periods of time.

I don't think I've ever seen a
pharma company do that before.

Do you have management

specifically pushing reps
to sell higher doses?

Not yet, but it is implied.

I don't need implied.
I need a direct link.

I need examples that show

reps dangerously pushing
higher doses for profit.

Well, we might find that
in the call notes.

We just completed
cataloguing all of them,

and a part of me thinks

that there could be
some information in there.

I need orders
from management,

not with the sales reps
or telling management.

Can I finish, Rick?

We might find something
that leads us to a sales rep

who's willing to flip
on the higher‐ups.


These call notes contain
everything that they wrote

to their managers
after every doctor's visit.

So maybe there's a rep
that said people are

getting addicted,
but they got ignored,

and now they want
to talk about it.

We might find a whistleblower.

Right, well,

since we haven't found a
smoking g*n in the higher‐ups,

then whistleblower would be
our best bet, wouldn't it?

That is a wonderful idea,

and I wish that I had had it.

I can't believe you boys

spent two years on this case
without these computers.

Nobody would give us
the funding.

What made them
change their mind?

They didn't.

Rick convinced the Virginia
Medicaid Fraud Unit

to give us the funding.

So how's this work?

Every call note

has been inputted
into the system.

So you give me a keyword,

and it automatically searches
for all of them.

What's taken you months

will now be accomplished
in just a few seconds.

Okay, well, let's get
the party started.

Try "Sackler."


Well, makes sense.

Why would the sales reps
be discussing Sacklers?

What types of things

would you want
to see them discussing?

I want to know if they were
reporting drug abuse.

All right.

I'll print it off.

You know,
you might get more hits

if you're even more specific.

What kind of abuse?

Try "crush" and "snort."

♪ ♪

When you were a sales rep,
you wrote to your manager

that patients were
snorting their pills.

No, I never wrote that.

Oh, you never wrote that?

But that's actually
what you did write

in your own call notes

that you sent over
to your manager.

I got it right here
in my notes.

You wrote,

"A doctor said a patient
crushed her medication

into powder,
like it was cocaine."


Yes, I wanted to ask about your
call notes from June 6, 1998,

in which you referenced
a growing culture

of OxyContin abuse.

Um, I'm sorry.
This isn't a good time.

I just got home from work.

Oh, perfect, I'm actually
outside your place right now.

I'd love to just come in
and chat

with you real quick,
if I might.

Come in.
You can sit.

Can I see your ID?

Of course.

If it's a fake,
it's pretty convincing.

I assure you, ma'am,
I'm an Assistant U.S. Attorney

working under John Brownlee

in the Western District
of Virginia.

I know I'm acting crazy.

The first six months
after I was fired,

I thought
that I was being followed.

Did upper management

that the drug was being
abused in 1997 or '98?

I don't see how
they couldn't.

I mean, we all knew.

So it was widely known
amongst the sales force.

Look, sales reps are
like a bunch of frat boys

that just want to make money.

Deep down, they all know
it's built on a lie.

And what is
that lie, exactly?

That the drug's less
addictive than other opioids.

But, you know,

when you have an FDA label
that says it's safe,

you can convince yourself
it's fine.

Um... did any
higher‐level executives

ever discuss drug abuse
with you?

I know this is tough.

But in order for us
to truly bring accountability

and to end this cycle
of rampant abuse,

we need someone inside
the company to testify.

I've carried this
on my conscience

for such a long time.

When I was fired,
I had a choice.

I could walk away with nothing
or get a severance

and sign a strict NDA.

♪ ♪

I signed it.

There is no way
I'm gonna cross Purdue.

If I could,
it would cost me everything.

Look, I've already said
too much to you.

I'm‐‐I'm sorry.
You have to leave.

Uh, the‐‐the grand jury

No, no, you have to go.

♪ ♪

Howard Udell's office.

Maureen, can I talk to you?

Let me call you right back.


So I've got
an assignment for you.

No need to take notes on this.

Have a seat.


A few call notes have been
coming in about people

abusing the drug,

snorting it in parking lots,
teenagers stealing it.

Well, there's diversion
with all narcotics.

Exactly, we know OC is
basically non‐addictive,

but I'd like to get
a better sense of street abuse.

Can you go online into
drug chatrooms under an alias

and see what people are saying?

Absolutely, sir.
I'll get right on it.

It's probably just teenagers
getting high.

Thanks, Mo.


I saw a guy
in the parking lot

of the clinic snorting meds.

And, uh, the security guard

just, like,

shrugged it off.

You know?
Like he sees it all the time.

How do you know it was Oxy?

Because that's all
the clinic sells now.

And I put it in my call notes,

but, like,
no one's gotten back to me.

Why would you report it?

Why wouldn't I report it?

Because your job is
to sell the drug.

What happens after
isn't your concern.


I grew up in Bumfuck, Oregon,

with two fat, stupid brothers
in a one‐bedroom shack.

I do not need you f*cking up
our golden goose.

I'm not trying to‐‐where
are you going right now?

I have a date.


We've talked
about what this is.

Yeah, no, I know.

Just, uh, you know,

make sure you leave some money
on the dresser when you leave.

Oh, please.
You should be paying me.

I'm serious.

This is San Francisco in 1849,

and we are the first miners.

There's nothing like this in
the history of pharmaceuticals.

We're so lucky
to have this job.

You're right,
we're very lucky.

Fine, bye.

Have fun on your date.

Hope it's awesome.

♪ ♪

"I chopped
a 40‐milligram tablet

"into fine powder,
snorted half of it,

"and instantly felt
the most amazing high.

"It's so easy to get
around their time‐release.

"Just pop it into your mouth
for 30 seconds.

"Crush the pill, eat
it, snort it, or inject it.

"Stepped up from
10‐milligram to 30‐milligram.

"I never, ever want
to leave the world of Oxy.

It's pure bliss."

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Susan, what is that?

It's the new 160‐milligram.

We're releasing a 160?

Oh, yeah,
we had to make it oblong,

'cause the circle wasn't
big enough to write 160 on it.

♪ ♪

I have found
many discussions of misuse

and abuse of OxyContin
in numerous drug chatrooms,

where the drug is quickly
becoming more popular

than cocaine or heroin.

There's an entire
drug subculture

surrounding OxyContin,
where people teach each other

how to bypass
the time‐release system,

as they describe in detail

how OxyContin is
the best high of their lives.

♪ ♪

Still can't believe
I married a cook.


Sure I can't help?

You hear back from Purdue?

Oh, yeah,
they sent a letter saying

they would look into
the actions we discussed,

which is pharma‐speak
for "go f*ck yourself."

So what's your next move?

I don't know.
It's tricky.

The FDA has all the power

to limit the amount of pills
on the streets,

so my only move is
to get them to act.

But right now,
all they seem interested in

is parroting all of Purdue's
talking points.

You know, in the game
of power politics,

if DOD is pissed at State

because they won't do
what they want them to do,

they'll plant a story
in the Times,

create national pressure
for State to act.

So I should go after Purdue
in the press

to create pressure on the FDA
to take action against them?

Exactly, but you don't have
to do it.

You just leak it.

That way, if it backfires,
your fingerprints aren't on it.

♪ ♪

Or I can hold
a press conference

so the FDA and Purdue

know exactly whose high heel
is up their ass.

Yeah, but then, uh,

you'd be creating
a public press w*r.

♪ ♪

You know what I like
about that?

The word "w*r."


He quotes Purdue's
talking points

like they're the f*cking gospel

and didn't even reach out
to me for a quote.

Can you please send
a real reporter

to our press conference today?

Please and thank you.

I mean...

It's looking like
a good turnout.

We're, uh, expecting
a dozen outlets there.


But there's an issue
that's concerning us.

♪ ♪

What is it?

We're worried your temper
could be a distraction.

f*ck you.


You're confrontational
with the press,

like we just saw.

It doesn't help.

Okay, so when you're
confrontational, you're tough,

but when I do it,
I'm an angry‐‐

Don't want to get into
a whole gender debate here.

Oh, don't you?

We just want to launch
the press w*r...

Sounds like it.
In a successful manner.

Oh, because the idea
I brought to the table

I would not want
to be successful?

Bridget, we're on
the same team.

Just want it
to be successful.

Grant, you take point.

Let's have the nice,
pretty white boy out front.

He's a pretty m*therf*cker.

And he's nice.
They like nice.

I need you to be aggressive.

Purdue and the FDA will
not move unless we punch hard.

So don't be a f*cking p*ssy
out there.

I'm glad you're doing
the press conference.

Yeah, me, too.

Reports of abuse
have become too large

and too frequent to ignore,

and Purdue Pharma's continued
unwillingness to take action

demands a government response.

Today, I'm announcing, for
the first time in DEA history,

we are targeting
a specific prescription drug.

Excuse me, over here!

Mr. Simmons,

are you declaring w*r
on Purdue Pharma?


We just want
to shield the public

from a growing threat
to their health and safety.

We're trying to protect
the American people

from the dangers of OxyContin.

Picture perfect.
Other questions.

Will this be
in conjunction with the FDA?

♪ ♪

Hello, Rick.
Certainly is nice to see you.

Pastor Doug.

What, uh, brings you by?

My wife mentioned that one

of your young parishioners
had passed away.

I'm so sorry.

It's a, uh, tragedy,

with someone so young.

Ria Frimer was special.

But the devil has taken a hold

of so many parts
of this community.

Ria Frimer?

♪ ♪

Look at all this Purdue swag.

Site is definitely run
by a former employee.

Well, if
a former Purdue employee

then I think we definitely
found our whistleblower.

You see a contact on there?

Marianne Skolick.

Give it a go.

♪ ♪

Ms. Skolick?


Hello, uh, I'm
Rick Mountcastle,

Assistant U.S. Attorney
in Virginia,

and I'd like to speak to you
about Purdue Pharma.

♪ ♪

Ms. Skolick?

Yes, I'm here.

Sorry, I, um...
I'm just surprised.

You're the first person
to ever call me back.

Who have you called?

The FDA, the DEA,

medical boards, U.S. attorneys
all over the country.

Nobody seems to care
about what I have to say.

I am so sorry, Ms. Skolick,
but I'm happy to speak to you.

So on your website,

you posted pictures
of Purdue merchandise.

How'd you get those?
Did you work there?

God, no, I'd never
work for that vile company.

I was, uh, collecting evidence
to show

how Purdue marketing their drug
in a dishonest way

with stuffed animals and CDs
for senior citizens.

I bought it all on eBay.

Who'd you buy it from?

Uh, mostly
one woman.

She worked at Purdue
but was fired.

What did she do?

She was
Howard Udell's secretary.

Head of legal Howard Udell?

Yes, that's him.

All right, you think she'd
be willing to talk to us?

I know she would.

Morning, everybody.
Hey, darling.

How are you?

Doctor, your patients

have been waiting
almost a half hour.

Oh, okay, well, sorry.

Don't send me
to the principal's office.

Why did I come here?

I don't know, half hour.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Let me get your bag.
All right.

You know what
we should get here?

What's that?


We could do some dancing.

Remember that.
Don't eat my lunch.

I won't eat your lunch.

You know who I like?

George Strait.
I like George Strait‐‐hey.

♪ ♪

We're ready
for the procedure.

Are you okay?


How you doing, Randy?

I'm good, Dr. Sam.
Good, good, good.

You know,
we've been through this.

We know what we're gonna do.

We've numbed this area.

You shouldn't feel anything.

And if you do feel
some pain, tell us.

All right, here we go.

All right, you're gonna feel
a little pressure here.

♪ ♪

Everything okay?

Yeah, I mean, I'm good.


♪ ♪


You all right?

♪ ♪

Dr. Sam.

I got it.

Dr. Finnix.

Ahh, Dr. Sam.

Dr. Finnix.

Dr. Finnix.


Call an ambulance!

Call an ambulance now.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

So what happened?

Everything was fine,
and he jerked suddenly,

kind of violently,
and the blade slipped.

It's a pretty wide incision
for one sudden movement.

Believe me, I know.
I couldn't believe it myself.

What is his status?

You're lucky you got him
in here before the blood loss

was too extensive.

He's pretty rattled,
but he'll be okay.

Oh, that's good, all right.

Doc, while I got you here, uh,

I've got a torn ligament
in my knee,

and taking Percocet
doesn't put a dent in it.

You tried OxyContin?
I haven't, no.

Could you write me a script?

I can start you
on 10 milligrams.

Okay, good.

10 is‐‐yeah, I wouldn't
start my patients on 10.

That seems‐‐

that doesn't seem
to affect them.

About 20 or 40 usually.

To just‐‐
Dr. Finnix, is this yours?

♪ ♪

Yeah, those are my‐‐

uh, my patients', uh,
empty pill bottles.

Well, why didn't you
dispose of them?

Sheriff, can I talk to you?

♪ ♪

Think he's a drug addict.

Where'd you get those?
You know where.

Hey, hey,
don't worry about it.

Place your hands
behind your back.

You're under arrest.

Well, let's just‐‐now,
I don't know‐‐

I said place your hands
behind your back now.

Oh, this is a mistake.
I'll talk to you about this.

This is nothing
to worry about, honey.

All right, let's go.
Don't worry.

I'll talk to you.
I'll talk you later.


♪ ♪

Where is it?

Where's what?

Your momma's wedding ring.

What'd you do with it?

I‐I don't know
what you're talking about.

♪ ♪

You're a liar
and a thief now?


You disgust me, Bets.

You have become
a disgusting human being.

♪ ♪

Now where is it?

Where is it?

Give me it now!
No, stop, stop!


Please, Dad, stop.

Where is it?
Dad, Dad.

No, uh‐uh.

I sold it!
I sold it!

I sold it.


At the pawn shop in Bristol.

And my grandmother's brooch?

I sold all of it.

♪ ♪

You've been‐‐
you've been going to AA.

♪ ♪

That's where I get my pills.



Get your god damn pills.

Dad, no!
No, Dad, no!

The only thing
you care about‐‐

Dad, no!

Get your hands
off of me!

Please, Dad!
Where's the g*dd*mn pills?

No, please, Dad!
Uh‐huh, right here!

You sold your momma's
precious heirlooms

for this trash, huh?

Give them back!
Dad, Dad!

Dad, no!

No, no!

No, Dad, no, ahh!

No, Dad, I'll die!

No, Dad, please!

My daughter's destroyed
our damn family!

Get your hands off of me!
No, please!

Please, Dad, no!


No, no, no, no!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What the‐‐stop!

Bets, don't!
No, don't‐‐Diane!

I hate you!
I hate you!

I hope you burn in hell!

Director Melton,
you wanted to see me?

I did.
Come in.

So how was your weekend?

I hope you got
some well‐earned rest.

Is this the new,
friendly Bridget?

Why, yes it is,
non‐threatening and docile,

just like every woman
should be.

Have a seat.

Look, I'm sure it wasn't fun
letting your subordinate

hold a press conference
on your own investigation,

but I think you made
the right call.

I know you think
you need to be tougher

than a guy to prove yourself,

but you already are tougher.
You don't have to be tougher.

Does that make sense?

Um, sir, if I'm not
forceful enough,

then I'm a weak woman
that shouldn't be in this job,

but if I push too hard,

then I'm
an out‐of‐control bitch.

And this job requires
that I push.

And sometimes you do
push too hard,

and your approach doesn't work.


Purdue requested
another meeting with us,

and this time, Richard Sackler
is going to join.

That means the press w*r
is already working.

It is,
but Purdue also requested

that you not attend
the meeting.

Is Purdue Pharma dictating
who attends DEA meetings now?

No, but there is a feeling
we might have more success

with a different approach,

since ultimately, we need them
to act voluntarily.

And if I go
for Sackler's jugular,

it might scare him to act.

Or not.

Sometimes being
a hard‐ass isn't

as effective as being politic.

So we're gonna try
a different approach.

Of course, sir.
Yes, I understand.

♪ ♪

Thank you for coming.
Oh, sure.

Thank you.

Good to see
you again, sir.

How are you?

And thank you.
Thank you for coming.

Thank you.
Dr. Sackler.

Hello, everyone.
Pardon my tardiness.

♪ ♪

Deputy Director Meyer.

We were gonna stop by
and say hello before we left.

Oh, so glad I could
save you the trip.

Dr. Sackler,
I'm glad you could make it.

Bridget Meyer, Diversion.

Nice to meet you.
Here you go.

Thank you.

Shall we?

Sir, pardon me...

To reduce sporadic incidences
of abuse,

we would like
to join your efforts.

We will finance and organize
training sessions

for pharmacists to help them

better spot signs
of illegal diversion.

And we will also develop
a tamper‐proof prescription pad

that we will distribute
at no cost

to prescribing physicians
around the country.

With these steps and others,
we can help ensure drug abusers

will not prevent pain patients

from receiving
their crucial medication.

Thank you.

Well, thank you, Dr. Sackler.

We appreciate you
being proactive

with these excellent ideas‐‐

But unfortunately,
it's not enough.

Not even close.

You're trying to put a Band‐Aid
on a g*nsh*t wound.

The real problem, as you know,

is a powerful
and extremely addictive drug

being prescribed by all kinds
of doctors for minor ailments,

in increasingly higher doses,
without adequate safeguards.

Dr. Sackler,

I'm not going to stop
until you, your company,

and the FDA have curbed
excessive prescribing.

People are dying!

And I'm not going to back down.

I want pills off the streets.

Do you understand that?

I think I understand that.

Thank you,
gentlemen and lady.

Uh, we appreciate your time.
Thank you.

♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Give Bridget and me a moment.

♪ ♪

Sir, he was playing you,
I promise you.

These are the same tired‐‐

Bridget, stop.
What's your next move?

Well, they're not gonna take
any action after this meeting.

So I will use that fact

and the negative press
that we've generated

to go back to the FDA
to make another set of demands

to restrict access
to this drug.

And if that doesn't work,
we'll do another round

in the press
and keep wearing the FDA down

until they finally make
a move against Purdue.

♪ ♪

You were right.

Their offer
would have placated me.

Keep doing what you're doing.

♪ ♪


Good morning.

You okay?

Something happened
at work yesterday.

I didn't want to talk
about it last night.

What happened?

My boss called me in
to his office to tell me

that his dad needs OxyContin
for his back pain.

Are you serious?

Tells me it saved his life,

and he is concerned

that the DEA is trying
to block a drug

that helps millions of people.

He read about your case
in, uh, USA Today.

Yeah, bullshit piece
Purdue planted.

And he just wanted you
to know that he is scared

you're gonna take away
his dad's medicine.

Well, you can tell him
that I know Richard Sackler,

and I'm sure

that I can get his dad
all the OxyContin he needs.

This isn't funny.

Okay, what do you
want me to do?

Drop the case?

No, no.

I wasn't asking you to.


Can you think

about how what you're doing
might be affecting me?

No, I can't.
I'm sorry.

I'm trying to, you know,
prevent a corrupt company

from selling prescription
poison to teenagers.

I can't believe you didn't
even flinch when I asked

if you were concerned about
how this was affecting me.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

Gentlemen, this is the woman

I was telling you about,
Maureen Sera.

Randy Ramseyer.

And her attorney,
Paul Handler.

Rick Mountcastle.
Nice to meet you, Randy.

Mr. Udell asked me
to do some online research

regarding abuse of the drug,

so I sent a memo to him
and various people

in upper management,

um, about what I had found.

Who all did you sent it to?

Michael Friedman,
Paul Goldenheim,

Jonathan Sackler,
Kathe Sackler,

Richard Sackler.

Did any of them respond?

Only Mr. Udell did.

He screamed at me
for sending it to them.

And then he told me to delete
and destroy every copy.

He said, if it ever came out
in discovery,

we'd be screwed.

Did you keep any copies
of the report at all?

No, I did what I was told.
I shredded it.

And as for my emails,

I lost access to my inbox
when I was fired.

And were you fired
over this email?

No, it was something else.

It's okay, Maureen.

Yeah, okay.


shortly after all
of this happened,

I was in a car accident,

and some
of the injuries lingered.

One day at work,

Mr. Udell saw me limping,

and so he took me
into his office,

and he said...

♪ ♪

He said, "We've got
to get you on OxyContin."

♪ ♪

And at first, it was great.

But then,

the pain kept coming back,

and I needed more and more,

until finally, I was hooked.

♪ ♪

And then they fired me
for being a drug addict.

I am so sorry that you had
to go through all of that.

It is truly unjust.

Can I ask, are you clean now?

Yes, I am.

That's great.
Did you ever sign an NDA?

No, she did not.

We're actively pursuing
litigation against the company

for wrongful termination.

Would you be willing
to testify

in front of a grand jury
what you just told us?



I've seen what they do.

If they know that I testified,

the harassment and intimidation
will never end.

Well, they'll never know.

Grand jury testimony
is sealed and secret.

Ms. Sera, your story is

precisely what
we're looking for.

'Cause see, it shows that the
highest levels of the company

knew exactly how dangerous
the drug was.

♪ ♪

You could even
do this tomorrow,

and then you could
go home right after.

♪ ♪

They won't know?


♪ ♪


Okay, I'll testify.

♪ ♪

Samuel Finnix?

Come with me.

♪ ♪

All right,
just take a look around,

and I'll be right back
to check you in.

All right.
All right.

♪ ♪

No, no!

Relax, Betsy.
It's okay.

It's okay.

No, no, no!

Betsy, relax.

It's okay.

No, no, no!

It's okay.


♪ ♪

Oh, my...

That's all we got.

I think it is.
It's everything.


My ring.
I know.

So I could probably do 3,000
for the lot.

Or I could do 1,500
for the wedding ring.

Oh, no, no, sir.

You don't understand.

all our property.

Our‐‐our daughter, uh‐‐

well, she stole it from us.

Yeah, you know,
I hear that all the time.

You calling me a liar, huh?
Honey, honey.

No, no, look,
if it's yours, press charges.

Come on back with the police.

it's gotta stay here.

♪ ♪

Maybe that'd be good for her.
We're not gonna do that.

But Diane...
We're not doing that.

What else has worked?

Let's just get out of here.

How about 2,500?

Just keep it.
Come on.

God is watching you, son.

You have a good day, sir.

You're a f*cking assh*le.
Come on.

God bless you, too.

♪ ♪

Uncle Mortimer,
despite our differences,

we share a certain ambition
to keep striving

when others would settle.

They told me we couldn't get
relaxed status in Germany,

and I'm still fighting.

There's a reason people
are repelled by you,

and that's never
going to change,

not even if you become
president of Purdue.

So don't feel bad
that that's never gonna happen.

I'm so sorry,

but Germany is officially dead.

We tried everything we could,
but BfArM just won't budge.

The Germany regulators are
just‐‐they're too strict.

You were all defeatists
from the get‐go.

That's why it failed.

Because no one ever believed
in it, none of you.

No, that's‐‐that's
absolutely not fair.

It's fine, Jon.
It's fine.

We all pushed as hard as we‐‐

Thank you.

I know you thought
this was your big play

to become president,

but Mortimer will
never let it happen.

You really should
just let it go.

Ah, I see.
Thank you.

I just don't‐‐
Thank you.

Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.

♪ ♪

Jesus, Richard.
Germany didn't happen.

It was never going to happen.
You gotta get over it.

Enough of the map.

You know it's my weakness,

obsessing over things,
driving everyone crazy.

Oh, you?

I'm aware I'm not the most
popular member of the family.

But, uh, I always felt like
we had a special bond.

Oh, yeah?

We're the outsiders, hmm?

The different ones.

I always hated the way some
people judged your girlfriends,

like you had a social disease.

It brought me so much joy
when I met Susan.

I knew you two
would end up together.

I remember telling your father

that I felt that you two
made a wonderful couple.

I remember him saying
that you said that,

and I, uh‐‐
I really appreciated it.

It makes me so happy you get
to be with the woman you love.

Well, look, I‐‐I always hated
how your father used money

to control you,
your choices, your life.

I hated that.

I don't know about you,
but I think it's time

we moved beyond what the family
thinks is best for us.

♪ ♪

It's time
for some new traditions.

Like what?

♪ ♪

Richard Sackler has requested
a vote for president,

which requires
separate majorities

from A shares and B shares.

Per his request,
B shares will vote first.

All in favorite of elevating
Richard Sackler to president,

please raise your hand.

Oh, almost lost your brother

on that one,
didn't you, Richie?

B shares agree to promote
Richard Sackler to president.

A shares will now vote.

All in favor of promoting
Richard Sackler to president,

please raise your hand.

♪ ♪

What the hell's going on?

A shares
have a majority,

and Richard Sackler is
now named president

of Purdue Pharma.

Thank you so much.

My first act as president is

to request the allotment

of profits be increased

and distributed immediately

to both A shares and B shares.

I also nominate Kathe Sackler
to be vice president.

Looks like the kids pulled one
over on you, Morty.

God damn you!
God damn all of you!

Sorry, Dad, but it's time.

She's right, Morty.
It's time.

Hey, hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Get your hands
off me!


You are a miserable son
of a bitch!

Don't touch me!

♪ ♪

Hi, um,
Mr. Mountcastle?

Um, this is Maureen Sera.

And I just‐‐
I'm having a hard time.

If you could just call me back,
that would be great.

Okay, bye.

♪ ♪

Please, you have to help me!

I need something for the pain.

You don't know.

I just need some Oxy
or a Vicodin.

All I need is‐‐

The doctor said there was
nothing wrong with you.

That's not true.
Please, can you help me?

I'm so sorry.
Ms. Sera, we can't.

Then get the f*ck out.

You don't understand.

Don't touch me.
I'm dying.

You're not dying.
It's okay.

♪ ♪

She's relapsing
from the stress.

God, I feel terrible.

I do, too.

♪ ♪

She can't testify.


♪ ♪

So you, um‐‐you weren't
always religious, were you?

♪ ♪

I converted in 1995.

Wow, that's not, uh‐‐
that's not very long ago.

Eight years.

Did something happen that‐‐
that caused you to convert?

♪ ♪

I just want
to be a better person.

♪ ♪

Were you ever religious?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Samuel, you have a visitor.

Hey, Billy.

Thank you for coming.

I know this, uh‐‐this
probably isn't easy on you.

No, of course.

How long you here for?

90 days, mandatory.
It's, um,

lucky I'm not in jail.

I'm only on probation,
'cause it's my first offense.

Lost my medical license.

Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.

Don't be.

It's‐‐you know...

I'm lucky I'm alive.

I, um‐‐

I promise,

when I first came to you,

I didn't know
they were addictive.

You know, I really believed
what they were telling me.

Of course you did.
Of course you did.

Why‐‐why wouldn't you?

They showed us all this data
from famous doctors...

And think tanks.

You know, it was
really convincing.


You know,
at a certain point,

you start to realize
there's a problem,

but you can't stop selling,

because you're addicted
to the money.

And we were making so much,
and it's all legal.


And, um,

I lied to you
about, um, my dad.

He never had cancer.

And I think I, uh‐‐

I said that because

I wanted you to be comfortable
with me, you know?

And I'm so sorry.

It's all one big lie,
and I know that now.

But I‐‐I don't know
how to stop, you know?

It's the first time in my life
I feel like I'm something.

I have things.

I‐‐I have everything
I ever wanted, but‐‐

Hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

Life's hard, you know?

It takes some‐‐

takes some crazy turns, right?

I didn't ask you
to come down here to,

you know, tell you, "Hey,

you should leave your company
and get on out of there."

I didn't ask‐‐that's not why
I called you down here.

You‐‐you didn't?
No, no.

♪ ♪


You think you can
get me some pills?

♪ ♪

So here we go.

Hi there.
Thank you.

You can take a look at these.


So as you can see,
it's a gorgeous glass building.

It's 450,000 square feet,
sits on five acres.

It's located in Stamford's
Central Business District,

so walking distance
to restaurants, shops.

What's the listing price?

84 million.

You sure about this?

We won't even be able
to move in for a few years.

What if we pay all cash?

Yes, I'm‐‐I'm sure that
could help the negotiation.


♪ ♪

Tell them we'll be
making an all‐cash offer.

Well done, Mr. President.

♪ ♪