05x02 - That Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x02 - That Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

the following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event

now.school policy
allowed me to do so,

I would tell you
how these methods

of birth control can be used,
and what they do.

But I cannot.

I will be fired, so...

Oh, ain't no thing,
Miss Danbury.

Carrie Swett
can tell us.


But can't you

teach us about

That's legal,

Oh, what do you need
to know

about it, Quinn?
You live it.

If you refrain from
sexual intercourse,

a practice known
as abstinence,

you will not
get pregnant.

And if you feel
you can't abstain,

well, let me give you a hint.

These items
on this sheet here might help.

Yeah, Miss Danbury.

Is it true that
oral copulation

isn't sex?

That is so not true.

And President Clinton
is a liar.

It's not

Yes, I'd like to hear
from an expert.

Shut up!

Okay, well, it's a form
of sexual activity,

yes. Whether or not

you consider
it as...

You know what?
I can't talk to you about this.

But it's current
events! Come on.

You can't get pregnant
from oral sex, but

you can get STDs, so please

be careful.

Or you'll end up
like Carrie Swett.

Jerry Wood,




Kidding, Swett.

with that woman,

Miss Lewinsky.

I never told anybody to lie.

Not a single time, never.

These allegations are false,

and I need to go back
to work for the American people.

Thank you.

You got here fast.

You, too.

We've been up
all night.

What's your excuse?

Uh, late night
with friends.



I got a life.

Yeah, right.

You see Gordon at the
office this morning?

IAD guy? Thought he was done.

Wants Scotty for round two.

What's the deal with the van?


Junkies been using it.

Southeast does a search
for narcotics,

this turns up in the wheel well.

Belonged to

Carrie Swett.

-year-old girl,

assaulted and left for dead

in Fairmount Park back in ' .

Found partially nude.
Blunt force trauma

to the head.

That area-- kids
get busy there.

Not that I remember.

That was a theory.

Lovers Lane
turned ugly.

Oh, Carrie had herself
some boyfriends.

Oh, that kind of .

Hmm. So, who owns the van?

Last and only
registered owner

is a Walter Peranski.

at Carrie's high school.

Wow. So, Carrie was pretty much
open for business.

Job gives this guy opportunity.

Maybe her reputation
gives motive.

Think a janitor would know
how to clean up after himself.

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Carrie Swett, ,
beat to death in Fairmount Park.

Only child.

Dad's in Ohio,
out of the picture.

Mother, Sheila,

tends bar at a
dive in Kensington.

Says Carrie

went out for a soda,
: p.m. May .

Didn't come back.

No m*rder w*apon
at the site.

ME says skull fractures
are irregular,

caused by a heavy rock.

Carrie's shirt's off,

but no signs
of a sex crime.

Doer couldn't close the deal,
gets embarrassed, lashes out?

Could be

Carrie rebuffed him.

Well, CSU flagged
her footprints.

Oh, she fought, tried to run.

Yeah, looks
like it.

Carrie's wearing a ring
on her wedding finger.

Engraved with the name Timothy

and a heart.

Who's Timothy?
Never found him.

Guys they interviewed

in ' laughed at the idea
of buying her a ring.

They said,"I didn't

take a dime to get
her ready to go."


Someone did care about Carrie
enough to buy her this ring.

Maybe. But then,
where's he been all these years?

Boss? You got a sec?

I made an appointment
with the shrink.


Know you
weren't happy,

me not keepin'
it together.

Well, it's required.

You're mad I went
in the room with him.


I shouldn't have let it happen.

You were shot.

Nothing you could have done.

It was my house, my guys.

It wasn't your fault.

It shouldn't have been you, Lil.

Let me know when you're
done your counseling.

I swear to God,
this is a mistake.

Sit down,

I-I never done anything illegal.

What about ditchin' your van?ou
It-it broke down.

I didn't want
to pay for a tow.

Listen, what happened

to that girl
is a terrible thing,

but it wasn't me!

You know about
Carrie Swett's reputation?

Girl like that puts
it on the glass.

She's asking for it.

She had very low self-respect,
I thought.

Yeah. She gave it out
to everybody, huh?

Why not you, right, Wally?

She was a kid.

Don't be perverted.

How did Carrie Swett's

shirt wind up hidden
in your van, huh?

Somebody put it in there.

We look like idiots

to you?



Hmm? Maybe...?
The baseball team,the captain.

I used to let him go in there
with girls, you know.

Frisky business
during the lunch hour.

Slow down.

And this one time...

Take a breath.

I saw him with Carrie Swett.

One time, I saw him go
into my van with her!

Who was this guy?
He was captain

of the baseball team
back in ' .

Uh... Uh, Jerry Wood.

Jerry Wood.

And you let himfor gettin' busy?
I didn't think

he was killin' anybody!

Look, you got to believe me.

No. I-I thought
it was heavy petting.

That's what I thought.

We'll look

into the guy, Wally.

Just don't go thinking

your ass is in the clear.

I won't.

You used to get busy with Carrie
Swett back in high school?

Yeah. Why?

We're looking
into a theory.

Been talking
to some guys.

And there were
a lot of guys.


Yeah. True.

We heard she liked it rough.

You know, maybe one of
these guys is trying

to give Carrie
what she wants

accidentallydeoes too fars
could happen.

So, how was she,

when you two were hitting it,

She was pretty boring, actually.

Lots of kissy-kissy, blah, blah.

I tried to mix it up once.


How did that go?

About the fourth time
we had done it,

brought her to this van
in the parking lot.

We found her shirt
in that van.

And when Carrie's
dead body was found,

no shirt.

You get how that's adding up?


I didn't k*ll her.

in the van?

It was just a prank.

I shouldn't
even be here

after what you said
in health class

I'm sorry. Don't be mad.

If you like me, why
can't you be nice to me?

'Cause I'm complicated.

Me, too.

So, why isn't your shirt off,
pretty girl?

Do you care about me at all?

I do. I think you're really
different from other girls.

In a good way?

In a beautif way

In a beautif way
What was that?

Is that a leopard print bra?

We were just kidding! Wait!

She runs away
like a freakin' track star,

so I ditched the shirt.

Romantic guy like you--

you ever call the girl again,
take her

into the woods?

The ghThshe ,
I had an away game.

You're a Grade D slice
of jackass, Jer.

Better hope
your alibi holds up.

The shirt we found had
Carrie's name in it.

She used to do that, so
I wouldn't borrow her clothes.

Didn't stop me.

You see this picture?


Pretty girl.

Real open-hearted.

Sheila, you know
if Carrie was hanging out

with anybody
from the baseball team?

Here we go. Carrie and the boys

She was a pretty girl.

People paid attention.

But if you're implying
that what happened to her

in those woods was her fault.

That's not what we're saying.

We just want to know
who she was spending time with.

Like I told you guys

all along, she was a teenager.

She didn't exactly share
the details with her ma.

But I knew something was up.

Meaning what?

Someone, something
was making her change.

I need new clothes.

I'm sick of people
looking at me

all the time.
They look

'cause you're adorable.
Not adorable.


I'm not the kind of girl
you marry.

First off, you're way
too young for marriage--

That's not
what I'm saying.

Mom, don't you get sick
of guys whistling at you

and looking
at your chest?

You got a woman's body.

I don't want it.


just ignore the boys.

And don't let anyone treat you

how you don't like.

There's Tina.
I gotta go.

Uh, just exactly
what are you guys

doing here on
a Saturday?

Mom, it'Sthing.

We just want to hang out

and I don't haveo tell you


I didn't know it was
an FBI secret.

I love you, Care-bear!

It kills me that she didn't know
how special she was.


Carrie was going to school
on a Saturday.

Who was this Tina?

Never brought her around.

I don't kno'

Girls were never very nice
to Carrie.


Thanks, Sheila.

Every year on
her birthday,

I light candles
and make a wish.

Maybe this year,

you guys'll find
who did it,

and my wish
will come true.

Found her.

Friend Carrie's mom described.

Tina Quinn.

Oh, there's your

The guy from Carrie's ring?

He's in the picture?

Book from the Bible.


"Flee also youthful lusts;

"but follow

"faith, charity,peace,

"with them that call
on the Lord

out of a pure heart."

Hearts Wait Club.

the president.

What's that about?


youthful lusts,

It's a purity ring.

Carrie's ring.

Purity, like...

Like, till I'm married,

this finger belongs to God,
and so does my virginity.

Veronica's babysitter
has one.

Doesn't stop her from getting
busy on my couch, though.

So, Carrie Swett was meeting
this Tina on Saturdays

to go to the chastity club.

School prude's trying
to reform the tramp.

Guess there was a guy
in Carrie's life after all.


I've been talking to everyone.

ecing together a
complete picture

of the hostage

on May th.


Which is what we did last time.


you fired your w*apon, uh,

let's see--

three times intending
to take out Ed Ruzio.

Oh, I did take him out.

When you fired
your w*apon,

what was your
line of sight?

I already told you.

I was on the blind side
of a two-way mirror.

Rush and I had a verbal cue.

She could see me,
so that's how I got him.

What was the
verbal cue?

It was "Hey."


And when did you establish
this verbal cue?

It was, uh, that morning.

In her apartment.

What were you doing

in your partners

In the morning?

Her mother died.

I was checking in on her.

I had time saved up,
don't worry.

Does your Lieutenant know

that you violated the perimeter
established by SWAT

when you came upstairs
the evening

of May th?

You do disobey orders often,
Detective Valens?

What are you talking about?
You know, like

when you told Mitch Hathtcay
that his son was molested

and m*rder*d by
Cliff Burrell.

Who told you that?

You sent a m*rder*r
on a vigilante mission

th early ended in a man
getting thrown off a roof.

Is that in my record?

Oh, I can't tell you that.

Only supervisors have access
to personnel files.

Have you ever had counseling
for your anger problem?

Screw you.

Go find out

who stole the quarters
from the piggy bank.

Carrie Swett.

I think about that all the time.

So tragic.

She was a member
of your virginity club?

Hearts Wait Club.

She came to a few
meetings, sure.

How's a girl

like Carrie wind up
at your club

I asked her in the hall one day.

You didn't have to have
your V-card.

That like


You could


Take a vow

and erase the past.

Carrie was really into that.

I can't imagine how hard it is

to be a girl right now.


and you see singers and
actresses giving it up for free.

How about us?
Trying to stay strong

when even the President can't.

And that's why
we're here.

Because it's easier,

I think,

to make a commitment
and stay strong

with other people by your side.

Definitely. Like a diet.

Nathan, I don't
know why anyone

isn't talking about
"that woman," Monica Lewinsky.

My father was seduced
by a girl like that,

who knew hT s married.

Why would someone do that?

I know why.

You're lonely..

You want affection.

And you think that after,

it'll be

They'll like you.

And do they?


And usually you don't even like

God sees you,esand He doesn'

He forgis the things
that you regret.

diI y.di

I want You can.ver.T



Nathan O'Doell.

w You

We loved him.

He was only , but we thought
he was very grown up.



You went to his office,
took your puty oath.

After hours?

It was you, Nathan and God.

It wasn't weird.

No, nothing weird about that.

Nathan O'Donnell?

Philly PD.

Got a few questions
we'd like to ask.


Carrie Swett.


I rememberer, of course.

Why don't you come
downtown with us,

take us down
Memory Lane?

Wait, I, um...

She attended a handful of Hearts Wait
Club meetings,

but I didn't,
I didn't really know her.

So, just a coincidence
you left the school a month

after Carrie was m*rder*d?

No, actually.

It was rattling.

Made me ly search


come on,let's go

too'st,I remember the thing changed in the groop

just before she was k*lled

Changed how?

I-I don't know

if this means anything, but, um,
that last meeting,

the mood was weird,
and Carrie was different.

What do you mean?

I used to
have them

share secrets.

It was a trust exercise.

But, uh,

Carrie stopped trusting us.

Sometimes like
I don't work out enough.

And I'm gross.


I think my parents
are mad

I don't do more

Um... I don't know.

I guess I feel like
nobody knows me truly.


I feel so overwhelmed
with life,

I want to go sleep
and never wake up.

Those are your deep,
dark secrets?

i thought this club was about trust
and being your true self.

Why aren't you guys
being real?

What about when you have
something in your mind

at you can't share?


can lift that weight
off your shoulders.

Write down something

that only God can hear.

are you sure no one's

I 'sure.

Noheyou' don't
i'll see you next week

Oh, my God.



She read that thing,
turned pale as a ghost.

You're saying

she read one of these
kids' secrets.

You still got
that can?

No, it was, it was years ago.
I threw it away.

Didn't want to see

what Carrie read?

No, I...

I guess I was thinking,

"How serious could a teenager's
secret really be?"

Well, whatever it was,

Carrie was dead
that night.


Our Hearts Wait Club kids
are all here, boss.

One of these do-gooders

took out Carrie Swett 'cause
she found out their secret.

Not very Christian
of them.

At the very least,

they might have something
on each other,

so remind them
it's not high school anymore.

Put on
the heat,

they'll probably snitch
on each other in a second.

My secret was about
how I felt strange about sex.

I had guilt issues.

Big deal.
I was raised Catholic.

Laurie, we think
someone k*lled Carrie

for a secret she read.

We were kids.

That's crazy.
Is it?

You're saying nobody in that
group had something to hide.

There were things
you just didn't talk about...

but Carrie did.

Like what?

Have you spoken
with Phil DiPreta?

You think we should?

No one else thought
it was a secret--

how Phil was--

but he did.

One time,

after the first meeting
Carrie came to,

she made a big mistake.


Yeah, I'm trying to swear off
guys, too, especially that one.

What? Come on.

I know
you're afraid

to just tell the club, but
you should just be honest.

I am honest.

I don't know
what you mean.

Sorry, I got to go.

It's okay

to be gay.


Shut up.

Oh, sorry, I...

I am not--

I am not that!

You're just some nobody,
so shut your mouth.

Phil's gay?


Ask him.
He'll tell you

it's the biggest
sin there is.

You're saying
Carrie was off base.

I am married
with two kids.

What do you think?

So it didn't bother you,
her calling you a gay?

Yeah, of course it did.

So maybe you two get into a
fight, it gets out of hand.

No. No way.

Laurie said you were livid, says
you're against all that stuff.


Well, of course Laurie
would tell you to talk to me.

She got
something against you?

She had something against Carrie.

Her and Manny.

The boyfriend?

Pretended to be Mary
and Joseph, so perfect.

But that's not the case?

And Carrie Swett knew
all about it.

Are you okay?

I'm freaked out.

What's wrong?

Did you have a fight
with Manny?

How do you know

if you're pregnant?

You can't be pregnant.

You guys don't...

No, we do.

I know, I'm a
terrible person.

I say I won't, and then

when we're
together I want to.

No, you just need
to use protection.

He won't talk about it.

After we do it,

he cries.

You guys are in love.

I think you're lucky.

I'm not.

I'm dirty.

What are you guys talking about?

You told her, didn't you?

It's okayManny.

talk to my girlfriend ever again
or I'll make you pay.

So Manny didn't want
anyone to know about them

knocking boots?

He was the most repressed,
controlled person ever,

and that can poison you

on the inside.

I think.

Carrie Swett knew that you
and Laurie were making a mockery

out of the club.

Had a pregnancy scare?

I was ashamed
of that.

We were lucky it
was just a scare.

Ashamed enough
to pick Carrie off,

let your secret die with her?

Not at all.

I slipped, yes.

Sure did... a few times.

I lost my way in high school,

but I found my way back
through God.

Seems like
once Carrie showed up,

quite a few of you
"lost your way."

you'd like

to get off your chest, Manny?

I usually try

to stay away
from female drama,

but one time after school
I saw something kind of weird.


Don't just run
away from me.

I don't get it.

You made me feel
like I was the bad...

Carrie, come back.


You're looking for love
in the wrong place.

You're just like me.

I am nothing like you.

It was wrong

and I am telling.

No one will
believe you.

You're just some slut
with a whore for a mother.

After Carrie died,
Tina kind of went funny.

What do you mean?
She walked around,

like, with her hair all dirty
and not talking to anybody.

You don't think she was
just mourning her friend?

They weren't friends.

Tina's friends
play by her rules

or they don't
play at all.

Carrie was done.


No, I am not a person who yells.

I am not a person who shoves.

That is not me.

Witness saw
you, Tina.

You were looking for
love in the wrong place.

Maybe you didn't
deserve that ring?

I was a virgin
until my wedding night.

You cannot slander
my character.

And where'd you say
your hubby was now?

He's in Iraq.

Oh, Tina.

You just tell yourself lies,
don't you?

We got the papers

from the courthouse.

He filed for an annulment

three months ago.

He says the

was never consummated.

Can't let go of that
purity pledge, huh, Tina?

That's none of your business.

What happened to you?

Why are you stuck
in time

like the club never ended?

Some kind of trauma?

Yeah... actually,
but you guys don't even see it.

I've been having

thoughts and dreams
and I'm not sure

if it's the devil
inside of me

or if it's God guiding me
or what.

What kind of thoughts?

Sex thoughts.


That's normal.

About you.

It's not normal.

What's wrong
th me?

Hey, hey, heNE

You don't even
have to look at me.

You can turn
around if you want.



one of them,

we were in my house

and I was like...

"Let's go for a swim."

In the pool?

And then...

I was like...

"Don't wear your bathing suit,
Nathan, and I won't wear mine."


Go on.

So we were both
in the pool...


Sorry, are


Oh, my God.

What is wrong with you?



Nathan was insanely mad.

Said he'd never be able
to be hired as a minister

if she told.

He say anything
after she was k*lled?

I don't know.

He disbanded the club.


trust you as a man of God.

You were a snake in the grass.

I was weak.


kept coming to my
office every week

with these elaborate stories.

Oh, right, so now
Tina's to blame.

No, it was my fault.

Tina was a troubled girl and...

instead of helping her,
I took advantage.

Carrie Swett knew
what you were doing

and you beat her
to death.

I am to blame
for their corruption,

but I did not lay a hand
on Carrie Swett.

You saying one of
them did? The kids?

I was supposed to be
their guide and I was

so lost.

Nathan, if you know
anything about it,

you need to do right by her.

I read it.

The secret Carrie found.


The day she disappeared
after the meeting.

I thought maybe Tina had written
something about me, so...

What did it say?

"Carrie is going to die."

Which one wrote it?

I don't know.

I kept them hidden away.

God, forgive me.

Well, one of you confessed.

"Carrie is
going to die."

You wrote it down.

You wanted God
to take your burden away,

but He didn't.

Did He, Phil?

I didn't write that.

Calm down.

You used to be good kids.

Good students,
traditional values.

What happened?

Carrie happened.

She came and corrupted you.

Talking to you
about premarital sex,

and you about being gay,

and, well, you.

Everybody knows about you.

No? Oh, you didn't share
with the group?

Carrie saw you and Nathan.

Nathan crossed a line with me,
that is true.

And you came back

every week to let him cross it.

Little Miss Virginity,

exposed by the slut.


Why is it some

great mystery, how some
screwed-up girl died?

Didn't just die,

she was stoned to death.

Kind of fitting.

But you know that.

She was a corruptive
influence on all of us.

No, she wasn't.

What we were doing
wasn't corrupt.


It wasn't until
you went into the woods.

See her footprints.

Oh, she ran like hell,
didn't she?

Then she stopped
and changed direction here,

here, here and here.

Four times.

Something got in her way.

Something strong
wouldn't let her escape.

One, two, three, four obstacles.

You were all there
in the woods with her.

You k*lled
Carrie Swett together.

You all made Carrie die
for your sins.

You have to confess...

...to be forgiven.

I hated her for using that word.


So I tricked Carrie into coming
to the woods with me.

I don't want
to be different.

I don't want to be alone.

You don't have to be.

You can love someone.

You can be who you are.

You want to go for a walk?


And then what?

I can't do this.
Manny, don't.

Please stay.

I wrote it down.

What we were going to do.

I wanted someone to stop us.

I waited for her.

With Tina.

Tina convinced us.

I wanted to get rid
of Carrie, too,

and everything
she reminded me of,

but then we were in the
woods and it was real,

and I wanted to run,
but my feet wouldn't...

Shut up!

Shut up!

What are we going to do
when she gets here?

What do we do?

We k*ll her.

We stepped out of the shadows.

And I think right away
he knew.

And then we made
a circle around her.

I don't know
who started yelling,

but we were just
calling her names.


Dirty whore!

Please, Phil, help me.

What are you doing?

You have to stop
saying things to me

that are not true!


You poisoned us

and now God doesn't love us.

You guys...


And then...

I hit her.

You're taking him away from me!

We can't.


A whore should be stoned.

"So shalt thou put evil away
among you!"


Do it!

I'm sorry.

I'm... sorry.

You guys, she's still breathing.

Manny, do something.

I can't!

I let her die in the woods.

I hit her. I helped k*ll her,
t was a blur.

I k*lled her.
I don't know why I did.

I k*lled Carrie.

I k*lled Carrie Swett.
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