05x06 - Barney's Bloodhound

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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05x06 - Barney's Bloodhound

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

What's the matter?
You kidding?

It's time for Leonard blush.

I didn't know it was that late.

This is wmpd,
the voice of mount pilot.

And now stay tuned

for "Leonard blush,
the masked singer."

Hello there.

This is Leonard blush.

We have had some
very nice letters this morning

and I'd like to start off
today's program

with a request...

One of my favorites and,
I hope, one of yours.

♪ Oh, will Sylvia...

We interrupt this program

to bring you
a special news bulletin.

Of all the times.

Police report that
a state penitentiary convict

has escaped.

He is Ralph Neal,
' ", pounds.

The public is warned
to use extreme caution.

He is armed and dangerous.

We repeat... dangerous.

We return you now...

What do you think
about that, Andy, hmm?

Sounds like that Neal's
a pretty tough character.

I feel he's heading this way.

I doubt that.

State prison's
a long ways from here.

We ought to be prepared
just in case.

If we hear of him around here

we'll do something.

But the state police must have
- men looking for him...

Cars, radio, radar, pack dogs.

Turn Leonard blush back on.

I think we ought to be prepared

in case we come
vis-a-vis with him.

In case we come what with him?

Vis-a-vis, hand-to-hand.

If the state police need
our help, they'll let us know.

Now, turn on Leonard blush.

Andy, I like Leonard blush

just as much as you do
if not more.

But this is no time
for Leonard blush!

We got a manhunt on our hands.

We're not involved in a manhunt.

Now, turn Leonard blush back on.

For all we know

this guy could be
five miles from here right now

and here we sit doing
absolutely nothing about it.

For all we know,
he could be miles from here

and there's nothin'
for us to do about it.

Turn Leonard blush back on.

Leonard blush! Leonard blush!

Is that all you can think
about !

Hi, and.
Where you been?

It's nearly : .

Anymore reports on Neal?

No. Nothing official.

Some motorist thought
he saw him near mount pilot

but he's probably
just imaginin' it.

Mount pilot, huh?

I'll be darned.

You coming in?


What's going on?


Say, mount pilot, huh?

Boy, that's gettin'
kind of close, ain't it?

Well, like I say,
it's unofficial.

Probably just imagining.


What are you doing out there?

I didn't go anywhere, and.
I was right here.

Well, are you coming in

or are you gonna just keep popping
in and out of the door like that?

Oh, I'm coming in.
I just had something I wanted to show you.

I wanted to prepare you
a little bit first.

Prepare me?

You know what you were saying

about all the things
the state police have?

You know, like radio and radar?


Down you go.

Down you go.

There. There.

Well, there he is, and.

What do you think of him?

What you doing with that dog?

Not just a dog...
Part bloodhound.


Yeah, that's right,
part bloodhound.

Come on.
Take a look at him.

Where'd you get that dog?

Henry choate.
Expert trailing dog.

Well, don't you get it?

This dog is going to
lead us right straight

to that criminal.
That dog?

Boy, your first reaction's

always negative, isn't it?

All right, watch this.

Let me show you something.

What's that?
Special dog whistle.

You won't even
be able to hear it

butresponds to it instantly.

He was raised on this whistle.
He was?

I don't think he likes that.

Don't be silly.

It's his whistle.

He don't like that at all.

Easy, easy, easy.

See, I was only kidding.

I'm going to put
the whistle away.

I'm gonna put it in my pocket.

I'm not gonna blow it anymore.

Barney, you want
my honest opinion?

I don't believe

that dog could find
his own food dish.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm gonna
tell you something.

I'm gonna make
you eat them words.

I'm gonna give you a
little demonstration.

See that handkerchief?

Well, it belongs to Floyd.

On my way here, I stopped

at the barbershop and I got it

because I knew just
as sure as anything

what your reaction was gonna be.

Come here.

Now, I'm going to let the dog

sniff this handkerchief.

Now, I want to make
it absolutely clear

that this dog

has never seen this
handkerchief before.

Right, boy?

I'll...I'll take
his word for it.

I'll just take
this leash off here.

All right, come on, boy.

Now, sniff the handkerchief.

Take a good sniff... sniff it.

You got it

all right, go, boy!

Go, boy! Get your man!

Open the door, and.

He's ready.

All right, hit the trail, boy!

Hit the trail!

Come on, boy!

Go on, boy!

Go on, boy.

Hi, Barney, Andy.

Keep your voice down.
He's working.

Who's working?
The dog.

Oh, is he, now?

The dog's working.

See? That's interesting.

What's he doing?

Is he looking for something?

Quiet, quiet or you'll get him

off the track.

Is he looking for something?

He's looking for you, Floyd.

Me? Oh...
I'm right here.

Here I am, doggie.

Be still. Be still.

You'll get him all confused.

He's getting colder.

He's getting colder, Barney.

Oh, he's cold.
He's cold, Barney.

He's cold.

Watch. He's
comin' back.

He's comin' this way.
Here he comes.

He's gettin' warmer.

Sure, he's gettin' warmer.

He's gonna come right to you.

There, you see?

You got him.

Look at that.

He's probably looking
for some more of that candy.


Has that dog
been in here before?

Yes. Barney had him
in here a while ago.

I gave him a lollipop.

Oh, he's a smart dog.

He knew where

to get another one.

It was not the lollipop
he was after.

He was after the man's scent.

That's all. Just the scent.

I think it was the candy.

I smell of witch Hazel
and shaving cream

and that wouldn't interest him.

No, it was definitely the candy.

Yep. Good dog.

He'll probably lead us
right to the criminal...

Provided he's traveling around
with a pocketful of lollipops.

A criminal with a pocketful
of lollipops.

That's funny, Andy.

Yeah, that's very funny.

Come on, blue.

Let's get out of here.

Blue! Come on, boy!

Come on, blue.


Come on!

Want one of these
lollipops, Andy?

Uh, no, thank you, Floyd.

That's him... Ralph Neal.

character, ain't he?

Yes, sir, and he's not fooling.

I'll leave these posters
for you to distribute, sheriff.

I'll get them right
to the post office.

Now, our men are covering
roughly this area here

and we feel certain that
we've got Neal hemmed in.

My deputy was right.

I never thought
he'd get this far.

He did.

What we'd like you to do

is to check out this area
here, north of Mayberry.

Good place for him to hide out.

Some cabins in there...
Summer places, you know?

Come on, blue! That's it!

That's my deputy.

He's trying to train a dog.

Sounds like a hound.

Can you use him for trailing?

That's what he was hoping,
but I don't know.

A dog might be useful up there.

Not this one, I'm afraid.

Not much of a dog, huh?
Not much.

There's one thing more, sheriff.

If you do run across
any signs of Neal,

don't try to take
him yourselves.

Call and we'll send
men to help you.

That's right, sheriff.

Don't take any chances.

Neal's a tough cookie.

We'll do the best we can.

Thank you very much.

Much obliged.
See you boys.

Down, boy.

Up, boy! Come on!

Come on, blue!
Come on, boy!

Hey, Barney!
Here, blue!

Hey, Barney!
What do you want, and?

Come in here a minute, will you?


You ought to see him.

This dog is coming along great.

He's taking to this training

like a duck takes to water.

You look like he's taking to it.

I got him trained
to that whistle perfect.

He obeys the whistle
commands instantly.

Yeah, listen...
Watch this.

The state police were here.

The state police?

Right. They want us

to help track down
this escaped convict.

No kidding?

Yeah. Now this
is what we'll do.

Boy, this couldn't have
come at a better time.

What? This dog is gonna
be such a help to us.

He'll do the job for us.

You wanna see what
he's learned so far?

Watch this. Just watch.

Watch. Will you watch?

Blue come on, boy!


You get in here, blue!

Barney, listen.

Let's just leave the dog here.

No. Wait a minute.

You better leave him here.

He looks like he needs the rest.

You're gonna see that dog move.

What are you gonna do?

Watch this.

All right, blue.

Now, there's a man out here
with a g*n.

Get him!
g*n, blue!

g*n! Man! Get him!

Barn, you better
leave that dog alone.

Barney, the dog
don't like that whistle.

Watch it, Barn!


Yeah, did you see?

See how he goes
for a man with a g*n?

Yeah. Good trick.

I believe that's as good
a trick as I've ever seen.

Want to get him off me?

Now all we have to do is give
the criminal your whistle,

tell him to blow it,

and get him to yell, "g*n, blue!"

g*n, blue!
Man! Get him!"

All right.
Come on, boy.

Come on, blue.
Come on.

Come on, blue.
Come on.

Blue, come on.

Barney, why don't you
leave that dog in the car?

Andy, our only chance
of finding that guy

is to get blue
to smell him out for us.

Come on, blue. Come on.

Now, blue, come on, blue.

Come on. Blue.

Blue, come on.

Come on. Here we go.

Here we go.
Blue. Th...

Come on. Yeah.
There we are.

Attaboy. Attaboy.

You're gonna wind up
carrying that dog.

Oh, yeah? Just wait till
he gets out on the trail.

You just try
and keep up with him.

How you gonna get him started?

You ain't got Neal's
handkerchief, have ya?

Oh, come on.
Of course not...

But I do have this.

You gonna show him the picture?

Are you kidding?

Show a dog a picture?

Show a dog a picture.

There he is, blue.
That's your man.

Now, you go get him.
Go on, boy.

Andy, there he goes!
Let's get after him!

I didn't come up here

to go chasing after
some ol' half-blind dog.

He's gonna take
us right to Neal.

You go after him if you want to.

I'm goin' this way.
Well, I...

Don't get too far off.
Let's not get separated.

I'll catch him,
then I'll join up with ya.


Come here, blue!

Here, boy! Here, boy!




There you are, blue.

Come on, blue. Here, boy.

Here, boy.

There you are.
There you are.

Here you are.
I knew I'd find you.

Hi, mister.

My... my dog ran away from me.

I just got him yesterday

and he ain't learned
to mind yet.

Yeah? I'll teach him, though.


Oh, say, I don't wanna
be telling you what to do

but I'd be mighty careful

fishin' all alone up here now.

There's a convict on the loose.

You hear about it on the radio?

He could be right
around this area.


Me and the dog are up here
huntin' for him.


His name's Ralph Neal.
He's not a big guy.

"He's about ' "...

About your size.

Round face, brown hair,
kinda thinnin' on top

like yours, sort of.

I got a picture of him.

I'll show it to ya.

See, this is him
right here. We...


Now, turn around

and walk in the
direction I tell ya.

What's the name of your dog?

Let's go.

Come on, blue. You, too.

You're trespassing.
You know that, don't ya?

This cabin belongs
to the forbeses.

It's private property.

Well, uh, you won't tell 'em
anything, will ya, deputy?

I'd hate for them to know
that I was trespassing.

How long are you
gonna keep me here?

Well, just till it gets dark.
Then we'll leave.


I'm gonna take you along
for a little insurance.

Cops don't sh**t so quick
when ya got a hostage.

Oh, uh, listen.

You won't go anywhere, will ya,

if I go outside to the pump

and get me a little water?

Hey, boy!

You keep an eye on him, blue.

He's mean.




Blue, come here, boy.

Come here.

There, that's it, blue.

That's it, blue.

No, the ropes, the ropes.

No. No, blue. No.

No, no, no, no. No, no.

Bite, boy. Bite.

Hold it!

All right...
Now, you just turn around

and get right back
to that chair.

Good boy, blue.
Keep an eye on him.

You let me know
if he moves again.

Thanks a lot, blue.


You ain't the deputy.
You're the sheriff.

Where's your deputy?

Where do you think he is, Neal?

You better give yourself up.

This place will be surrounded

by police in a
matter of minutes.

My deputy's getting
the posse right now.

All right. Then you and I
are leaving right now

and I'm taking you along
as a hostage.

Now, let's go.

It's, uh...


Now, hold it.

Here you go, sheriff.

Now, you tie his
hands behind him.

He'll lie on the floor
in the back.

You're gonna do the driving.

I'm gonna sit beside you
to see that you do it right.

Where's the mutt?

Hey, blue?


Uh, th-the dog's a little
hard of hearin', Neal

but you got a whistle
in your pocket there.

If you'll blow that,
he'll come right to ya.


Yeah, just blow that.

He'll come to ya.
But he don't like...

What kind of whistle is this?

It don't make no sound.

You have to blow it hard.

Blow it real hard
and he'll come to ya.

Get the g*n, Barney.

I got it.

All right, now,
hold it, Neal. Hold it.

Did you see that, Andy?

Did you see that dog?

What a dog!
He got him!

Didn't I tell ya
he was a real pro, and?

Good dog. Real good dog.


I told you, didn't I?

All right, come on, boy.

Sniff it.
Sniff it.

You got that?
Blue, sniff it.

All right, here it goes.

Go get it, boy.

Come on, boy.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Sniff it.
Take a real good sniff.

Yeah, that's it.
You've got it.

Here it goes.

Now, this time I know
you're gonna do it, boy.

Get it, boy!

Get it!

Aah! Do you see that,

Is that a smart dog
or is that a smart dog?

Barney, why don't you come in
here and give me a hand?

But did you see it?

All I got to do now
is teach him how to fetch.

Come on. Bring it here, boy.
Fetch it.

Fetch it, boy!
Give it to me, boy!

Come on! Fetch!

quit playing with the dog

and come in here
and give me a hand.

But, Andy, you saw him
pick up the key.

Now all he has to do
is to learn how to fetch.


It's real important now, boy.

Bring me the key, blue.

Fetch, boy.

We're locked in, see?


Come on, blue.

Here, boy.

Blue! Blue!



Come here, blue!
Come here!


Blow the whistle,
blow the whistle.

Come on, boy.
Come on, boy.

Come on, blue!

Come on.
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