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02x09 - Home

Posted: 11/21/21 09:00
by bunniefuu

- Doug?
- He's not here.

- I need you to take a look at little Susie.
- I'm not on yet, am I?

You're a pediatrician.
You're always on.

Yes, but I'm not your pediatrician.

What time is it?

Six a.m. She was up
half the night coughing.

All right.

Hey there, little one.

What's going on?

Let's see. She's pretty agreeable.

That's because I kept her company
for the last five hours.

What's the matter?

I got elbowed in the
Mommy and Me class yesterday.

- Sounds vicious.
- Oh, yeah. It was.

I had the blue end of the parachute,
and little Susie was underneath...

...and this yuppie mother came by
and yanked it and shoved me!

I'm telling you,
this mother thing is not easy.

You wouldn't know it by her.

No temperature.

Lungs are clear.

No sore throat.

This is the healthiest, happiest baby
that I have ever seen.

Oh, God, I'm never gonna make
Gymboree tonight.

Doug, paramedics are at the
back door with an infant, unresponsive.

- You need a hand?
- Always.

- Bye-bye. Can you hold her for a sec?
- Sure.

Hey, little Susie.

- What do you got?
- Two-month-old male...

...unconscious and cyanotic
in his crib.

- What is it? What's wrong?
- He was fine last night.

Unresponsive at scene. Gave him two
rounds of epi and atropine in the field.

- Got nothing.
- He just had a little bit of a cold.

I just took him to
a pediatrician yesterday.

Tube him. Number four uncuffed.
Hook up a compression, will you?

- Number one, straight laryngoscope.
- I need tape on the tube.

Here you go.

- Temperature?
- It's .

It wasn't a bad cold, not even a fever.

Deep tendon reflexes absent.

He's unresponsive to pain.
Try a high-dose epi.

- What's he weigh? Ten pounds?
- Twelve.

- Asystole.
- Point five.

- Did our doctor miss something?
- What's your name?

- Kenway.
- Okay, we need you to wait outside.

What's wrong with him?


- We need to let the doctors work.
- I want to stay with my baby, please.

- That's okay. I'll get that.
- Anterior fontanel is flat.

- Anything on the monitor yet?
- No petechiae or ecchymosis.

- Another dose of epi?
- What's his down time?

- Forty-five minutes.
- Any pulse?

- No.
- Pupils fixed and dilated.

No rhythm. I'm gonna shock him.



Susan, it's over.

Susan, it's over.

It's over.

I'll mark the chart.

- Lydia, take him off the monitor.

I'll get his parents back in here.

Will you stay with him?

You gotta look at that face.

She was fast asleep. Weren't you?

- Thank you, Conni.
- You're welcome. Here you go.

Yeah. What?

Yeah. You're my little girl.

My little girl.


I love you.

Yeah, I love you.

Yeah, I love you.


- Hi!
- Hi.

- You look awful.
- Post-op. Two hours' sleep.

- How does tonight look?
- Good, if Benton ever lets me out.

- It's been, like, two days.
- It's been, like, over two days.

I have a couple of hours tonight
between and .

Your place?

- Dr. Wolverton.
- Hi.

- Come with me.
- Where?

This way.

Hold the elevator.

Where are the films
on the Spencer kid?

- Radiology's backed up.
- Damn. Four West again.

- Gabriel's calcium back yet?
- Normal. It's on his chart.

Neuro's consulting on Weingast.
The films are...?

- Yeah, in the reading room.
- Next time leave it bedside.

This way.

Haleh, sorry.

- Hey, I could use some help here.
- Now?

- No, next Labor Day.
- We'll send somebody.

- We'll clean it up.
- Later.

- When we get back from....
- Radiology.


Oh, hi. Dropped the lateral decubitus.
Could you hand me those charts?

- We came looking for the films on....
- Smith, John.

- They don't appear to be here, so....
- We'll be back.

Close call.

- Could you give me a hand?
- Sure.

No problem.

- Right here okay?
- Great.

- You want a bite?
- No.

Oh, God, I do. I missed breakfast.

- What's in the boxes?
- Something for me?

It's for the children's
Christmas drive.

Oh, yeah, there's gonna be one
lucky -year-old who gets this.

- I haven't sorted through it yet.
- Is it secret Santa time already?

Almost. And I arranged for you
to get me, so make it good.

My mom sold the house.

- Helen's moving?
- Yeah, to the 'burbs.

She's been storing this stuff
in her basement for years.

Now Carol is pawning it off on some
unsuspecting -year-old.

- No, I'm gonna toss half of it.
- You never throw away this stuff.

- My mom's a saver, not me.
- KC and the Sunshine Band?

Yeah, you could toss that.

- Whoa, this....
- Come on, now.

- You never twirled a baton.
- No, I did. I did. I did.

Something like this.

Okay. Scalp lac in .

- Anyone seen Carter?
- No.

What is it?

You're not a Catholic, are you?

- Said good-bye to the old homestead?
- Yep.

- Must be hard.
- No, not really.

When my folks sold their place...

...I went back there, and I carved
my name into every closet.

- It's just a house.
- It's a home, Hathaway!

It's got little height measurements
on the kitchen door.

It's got a banister where I fell
and broke my collarbone.

It's got this cool crawl space where my
brothers and I used to hide our Playboys.

- Playboys?
- Yeah, when we were kids.

- So no ID on this patient?
- Nope, nothing.

We found him at the Goodman.
He's been sitting there for a while.

Shepard, you gotta move your rig.

- I need someone to cover a shift.
- Not tonight. I'm sorry.

- Bet she'd take a rain check.
- Sorry, it's something I can't move.

Hit-and-run's here.

- You need a hand?
- Yeah.

- What's open?
- Trauma .

- Doris...?
- -year-old male.

Auto versus pedestrian.
BP / .

Pulse tachy at .
Possible mandible fracture.

Five hundred cc bolus normal saline.

O- liters,
and hare traction on the left leg.

On my count..., two, three.

Back to the slopes. See you.

- What's his name?
- Ethan Brown.

Mr. Brown, you're in the ER.
You were hit by a car.

Need a cross-table C-spine.
Here you go. Chest.

Pelvis, left femur, mandible.
CBC, type and cross four units...

-...Chem- .
- My wife!

Don't talk. Your jaw might be broken.
We'll contact your wife.

I'll get a Foley in.

Pressure's good, / .

Midshaft fractured femur.

- Good distal pulses.
- Abdomen's benign.

Droperidol . , slow IV push.
And let's watch his pressure.

- What happened?
- Someone ran him down.

Interviewing witnesses now.

TMs are clear, no Battles Sign.

Clear CT.

No, no, no, Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown, leave the mask on.

Okay, calm down, calm down.

Hi. I'm Carol.

What's your name?

Why do you ask that?

Just curious.

Mr. Sullivan.

Can't smoke in here, Mr. Sullivan.

Suture kit.

Thanks. Can you hang out?
I'm not sure he's gonna need any.

Can you hand me that saline?

May I borrow a pencil, please?

Why is your arm bleeding,
Mr. Sullivan?

I work for the committee.
I'm an architect. This is a pen.

Here you go. How's this?

Is there someone we can call
to take you home?

Why do you ask?
I mean, I know where it is.

He's not gonna need any stitches,
but call Psych and Social Services.

- Get Matthews.
- He's got the interview.

- Well, then get Jones to do it.
- They all got interviews.

Vucelich is never
gonna pick a third-year.

You ought to apply.
It'd be great for your career.

And yours.
You have a hematoma on your neck.

- What do we have?
- Hit-and-run, moderate velocity.

Left femur fracture, head trauma.

- What is he on?
- Droperidol for agitation.

- We couldn't control him.
- Got Mr. Brown's films.

There's a shadow in the right base.
Carter, hemothorax.

- Pulse up .
- I'll set up a Thora-Seal.

Sats falling.

- Number French.
- I know.

Curved Kelly.

- I'm in!
- Anyone call CT?

Yeah. They're ready for him.


It's draining.

His real name is Joshua Shem.

A diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.

Ran away from his residential home.

They faxed us this.

Prolixin, Thorazine, Trilafon,
even Clozaril.

Won't stay on any of them.

- It's the third time he ran away?
- They won't take him back.

Three strikes and you're out.
Any family?

- I'm still trying to track his mother down.
- Okay, thanks.

Randi, could you find me the number
to Campanelli's?

You don't wanna go there,
Dr. Ross.

Excuse me?

Drafty, stuffy,
and the pasta is kind of iffy.

- Anyone we know?
- What's this?

- You said you couldn't work tonight.
- Personal obligation.

We got failure to fly in .
A kid fell off his bunk bed.

- You care to join me?
- Okay.

Ethan! Oh, my God!

Is he hurt? Is he gonna die?

No, he's not gonna die,
but you can't....

- You can't go with him!
- I'm his wife.

Mrs. Brown, your husband has been
in a serious accident.

We're taking him up for a head CT...

...but his injuries do not appear
to be life-threatening.

- Then he's not gonna die?
- No, he'll be fine.

Come with me. I'll show you.

- My sister is unconscious.
- What happened?

She had a skating accident.
They took care of her at St. Anne's...

...sent her home. But in the car
she started shaking all over.

- Sounds like a seizure. What's her name?
- Reba. I couldn't wake her up.

Reba! Reba, can you hear me?

She's postictal. Let's start a line.
liters O- by mask.

- Does she have a history of seizures?
- No.

We were at the skating rink,
and a boy ran into her.

- Her legs were cut badly.
- Pupils equal, round, reactive.

- Did she hit her head?
- I think so. She had a headache.

- Were x-rays taken?
- I don't know.

They stitched up her legs.

Responsive to pain.

BP / , pulse .

- We need a head CT.
- What's going on?

Your sister had a seizure,
which can happen after a head injury.

We'll take an x-ray of her brain
to make sure there's no bleeding, okay?


A small gold pendant would be nice.
Earrings. Ford Explorer.

Thank you, Lydia. I'll keep those
in mind. How serious?

Seizure after head trauma.
They saw her at St. Anne's.

Barkley's the chief there.
You want me to call?

- They didn't even do a CT.
- Hey, doctor.

- We wrapped up that hit-and-run.
- That quick?

Witness ID'd the plates.
Get this, it was his wife.

Come on.

- Lydia, where's Brown?
- Who?

- Ethan Brown who got hit by a car.
- Exam .

Call Security.


You bastard!

- I hate you! I'm gonna k*ll you!
- Get her out of here!

- Let go of me!
- Cyanotic. Pulse ox's down to .

Hyperventilate him. Blood gas?

- What was that about?
- Marital bliss.

After dinner,
power Christmas shopping.

Everything for everyone
in under three hours.

You could shop
for Jennifer and Rachel.

Rachel's getting a bike.
Jennifer already has her present.

I agreed to spend four, count them, four
wintry days with her folks in Sheboygan.

Four days with the Reverend?
Go with God.

- How's she doing?
- She's coming around.

Hi, Reba. I'm Dr. Lewis.
Do you know where you are?


- Do you remember what happened?
- No.

It's normal to be confused
after a seizure.

We wanna keep her in the hospital
for a while under--

Valium, five.

- What's happening?
- Valium, five!

- Pulse ox .
- Put her back on the mask.

Help her, please!

Dr. Vucelich. Carter. John Carter.

Carter, yes. I'm gonna see
your Dr. Matthews at , right?

No, actually, I'm Dr. Benton's student.

In that case, I look forward
to seeing him later, then.

No, actually, he's not signed up.

He wanted to be,
but I believe your list was full.

You don't have to cover for him.
If the man isn't interested....

No, he is definitely interested.

To be honest, I forgot to sign him up.

And he was pretty upset about it.

I see. I guess I'm gonna have
to cover for you then.

Why don't you send him in at .

I think it's a hickey
you have on your neck, Carter.

Yeah, yeah.

That makes of Valium.

- How long has she been seizing?
- minutes.

Load her with Dilantin,
milligrams at minutes.

She's probably tearing
her sutures out.

- Is she on any dr*gs?
- No.

- Diabetic?
- No.

- Is she allergic to lidocaine?
- Lidocaine?

Like Novocain. They'd give it
to her before the sutures.

I don't know. They were injecting her
with a lot of stuff.

Hold the Dilantin.

Eight hundred phenobarb.
Could be lidocaine toxicity.

- Get a level.
- One hundred in.

Conni, get a hold of Dr. Barkley at
St. Anne's and have him fax her chart.

- I know I gave you nights off this week.
- Thank you.

Not that it did any good. Hudson pleaded
with me to cover for him tonight.

- You couldn't cover for Bowers?
- I'm good, but not that good.

Reba Siburry's seizures.

St. Anne's gave her
a toxic dose of lidocaine?

- Her level was nine.
- I missed all the fun.

This'll make a terrific case report.

Morgenstern wants someone
to present a paper... the SAEM conference.

- I could use the credit.
- The hospital pays for the trip.

- Trip?
- It's in Miami.

It sounds like a terrific opportunity.

- I can't write and present a paper.
- Sure you can.

- And take care of Susie?
- I thought your dad was gonna help.

I still barely have time
to get dressed in the morning.

I could help you
with your schedule here.

That's great, but I can't spend my
days off in the library doing research.

- And a trip?
- Okay.

- Are you disappointed?
- Of course not.

- Do you think I should do it?
- It's your decision.

Do your voices tell you
to harm yourself?

- Harm anyone else?
- Voice, voices, voices....

I don't-- I don't hear voices.

You wanna stay in the hospital?

I'm not crazy or whatever you think.

You might wanna try new medicines,
fewer side effects--

Thank you. No. I have work to....

May I?

Here, Josh.

- How you gonna eat, Josh?
- The Colonel makes me chicken.

- And sleep?
- I'm building a house.

- It's cold outside.
- I know! I have a jacket!

I know how to take care of myself.

- I'm a man....
- Okay.

Josh, it was nice meeting you.

Come on, let's go.

- Can you hold him?
- Nope.

Not even for a day?
I can place him in a halfway house.

He's in no danger to himself or
anyone else. There's nothing I can do.

Can he take care of himself
on the street?

- He claims he can.
- And you take his word for it?

I didn't write the law. He's an adult.
If he wants to go, he goes.

Guess Joshua is off
his checklist for the day.

He must get cases like this
a month. He does what he can.

- So, what do we do?
- Well, we try and stall him.

Hope that a home comes through,
wait for the mother to show.

I got Benton that interview at .
It's minutes to your house.

That gives us an hour and minutes
before study group, which is nothing.

- Look what you did to my neck.
- You're an incurable romantic.

- Only one problem, though.
- Carter!

Oh, man. I haven't told him yet.
See you later.

- Hi.
- I got a patient for you.

Great. I was wondering,
do you have plans this evening?

I'm asking
because I bumped into Dr. Vucelich.

- And?
- What? Nothing.

- You signed me up?
- No, not really.

You better not have.

He requested you. He thinks
you'd be great for this study.

And he wants to talk to you about it
in his office at . Tonight. Today.

Do a two percent block, irrigate.
Pull the nail. No stitches.

Hi, Josh.

I have to go.

But we're not finished yet.


Hey, Josh. This is really good.

I just draw what they tell me to.

I have to go home.

I have to.

- Where is your home?
- I just bought one.

- Where?
- Wicker Park, on Hoyne Street.

Oh, yeah. Jugendstil, Proto-Modern.

I guess, maybe.

It's nice. Very solid.

Turn of the century. Living room.
Fireplace. Copper inlay. Tile.

No fireplace. Just plaster walls.

No, you go behind. It's there.
You'll see that it's there.

Thanks. I didn't know I bought
a Juggen, Joggan thing.

Stop it, stop it, stop it!

- Hey, Josh, are you hungry?
- I....

You should eat something.

I'll let you keep the pencil.


Okay? Okay.

Your Psych patient still here?

- Consult been down?
- Yep.

- Not admitted?
- Nope.

Why hasn't he been discharged?

I'd like to put a sterile dressing
on his abrasion, antibiotic ointment.

As long as we have a bed,
let's get him fed, cleaned up.

- Good idea.
- Okay, : ?

You look beautiful whatever you wear.
I love you too. Bye.

Your personal obligation?

ER. Hang on.

Dr. Greene...'s for you.
Willsborough Community Hospital.

Where's that?



What happened?

Oh, God! Is she all right?

Rachel? My daughter?

Of course. I'll be there
as soon as I can.


Jen and Rachel. They're at a hospital.
I gotta catch a train.

- What happened?
- Car accident.

- Is Rachel okay?
- It's only Jen.

- Take my car. Here you go.
- Thanks.

- Greene. Jennifer Greene.
- Any news?

No, they won't tell me anything.

Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

- Are we this bad when people call?
- No.

I give complete
and accurate information.

- Anyone know anyone over there?
- I used to date one of their O.R. Techs.

- I haven't talked to him in six years.
- Dial.

- That's cool.
- A patient gave it to me.

Which patient's doing a drawing
of the Sullivan Arch?

Joshua calls himself Sullivan.

Louis, Lewis, something like that.
It's over at the Art Institute.

He says it's his home.
Unfortunately it's about to be true.

- Shep, no, no, no, give me that back.
- Oh, no. Come on.

Is that you?

- You were cute. Stop, stop, stop!
- Come on, give it back!

- "To the coolest girl in the class."
- Okay. Very funny.

"I'll never forget what you did for me
last summer at the lake.

Love, P.J."

Oh, yeah? What did you do
to make him so grateful?

It's a "her," not a "him."

I was calming her down because
she broke up with her boy--

- I don't need to be telling you this.
- This is great.

This is trash.

No. This is going home.

You're gonna thank me one day.

This is good stuff.

Food poisoning in .

And Morgenstern wants to see you.

No, it's good news. About presenting
the lidocaine toxicity.

Mark told Morgenstern
about the case?

No, I did. He was very excited.
This is a great opportunity.

- Finally got rid of that migraine in .
- Good. Food poisoning in .

I can make that window of opportunity.

- My place at ?
- You got it.

Carter. Harper. I need
to pull the drains on some post-ops.

- Your interview's at .
- Which is why you're gonna do it.

Harper, scalp lac in the Suture Room.

- I have food poisoning in .
- Well, after the food poisoning in .

Shem, Joshua. He's .
Diagnosed schizophrenic.

- There's nothing.
- You gotta be kidding. Six months?

No. I checked there too.
They don't have any beds.

Okay. I'll try Carnegie House.
Okay, thanks. Bye.


I see you've found all my patients.

And they're all grateful
to still be with us.


Thanks, Claire. Tell my wife
I'll meet her at the restaurant.

You can't believe
the Christmas presents.

- Must be hundreds.
- At least.

Why don't you
come with me, Benton?

I think you're gonna find this

- What about the interview?
- This is it.

Excuse me.
I'm Madeline Shem. Joshua's mother.

Hi. I'm Carol Hathaway.
I'm glad you came.

- Was he hurt?
- No, just a small abrasion on his arm.

We spoke to the residential home.

But they won't take him back, I know.
He's run away so much.

We've had no luck
getting him into another.

Took us nine months
to get him into that one.

- Could you take him home?
- I wish.

Joshua's let go of everything.
His past, his family, our home.

None of it means anything
to him anymore.

He'd never stay.

Hard to believe
he was gonna be an architect.

Had a breakdown in college.

Hi, Josh.

I brought your pencils,
sharpened just the way you like.

Thanks very much.
We've been waiting for these to arrive.

I give him money,
which makes me feel better...

...and his pencils,
which makes him feel better.

It's really the only thing
he still cares about.


I love you, Josh.

- Radial and ulnar pulses are strong.
- He's gonna need a tetanus.

Give him five of morphine,
slow IV push.

- Give me the b*llet.
- Impaled foreign body.

Fell off a ladder
onto a Christmas reindeer display.

They're gonna fire me.

Through and through left deltoid.
Distal neuro and vascular intact.

- I crushed Rudolph.
- Darned expensive, those displays.

- Your last meal?
- Breakfast.

No, no, lunch-- I don't know.

- Feel this?
- Yeah.

BP is / . Pulse .

- O.R. Been notified? This?
- It's k*lling me.

- O.R.'s ready.
- Gram of Ancef.

Spectacular case earlier, Susan.

It's a shoo-in for presentation
at the SAEM conference.

Might even make it in the Annals.

Doctors forget that
a benign anesthetic...

...has the potential for cardiac
and neurological toxicity.

Let's get this puppy up to the O.R.

Call upstairs. Tell them we're en route.

I presented at the conference
when I was a Resident.

Terrific case, terrific opportunity.

I left the visual aids on the plane.

I have to decline your offer, Dr.
Morgenstern. Personal reasons.

You do realize, don't you, you're a
candidate for Chief Resident next year?

I know I need
to start presenting and publishing...

...but now is not a very good time.

There is never a good time.

I just hate to see
the personal overwhelm the job.

I'm not overwhelmed,
and I'm doing my job.

Yes, but to build a career, you've got
to take on more responsibility.

I've taken on plenty of responsibility.

So you'll have to forgive me if I don't
stay after school these days... work for extra credit.

Where's Emergency? My wife
and daughter were in an accident.

- Where's Emergency?
- Over there.

Dr. Connors, report to Station .

- Where is the ER?
- This is the ER.

- Jennifer and Rachel Greene?
- Sorry?

I'm Mark Greene. My wife and
daughter have been in an accident.

- Just sent up to O.R.
- What floor?

Second. Take the stairs. It's faster.

Jen! Jen! I'm here.

I'm okay, Mark. Rachel's okay.

Where's Rachel?
Where's my daughter?

- Probably in the waiting area.
- She's okay.

- I wanna stay with my wife.
- You can't right now.

- I'm a doctor.
- I'm Dr. Shreiger.

- What are you, a Resident?
- Yes.

I'll be working under Dr. Musgrave.

- You can't be in here, Dr. Greene.
- I'd like to talk to the Attending.

She has multiple injuries
from being broadsided.

She's stable, but she's got
a compound right tib-fib fracture.

- The films?
- Abdominal CT showed free blood.

We're gonna do
an exploratory laparotomy.

And we'll have an orthopod in
to fix the fracture.

Have a seat in the waiting room.

Dr. Musgrave will find you
when we're through.

Susan! This came for you.
I had to sign for it.

Secret admirer?

- Is it from Chloe?
- The one and only.

Might as well open it.

These are $ bills.
It's, like, of them.

- Thirty of them, she says.
- Three thousand dollars?

Are they marked in sequential?

- What'd she write?
- You read it.

"Ho, ho, ho, little Susie.

Aren't you surprised
your mommy is so rich?

Give this green stuff to Aunt Susie...

...for helping out
and doing so much for you.

Do you remember me?

Loves and kisses, your crazy mom."

- She must have been stoned.
- That's a holiday thing, you know.

Brings out the ghosts
of deadbeat relatives.

I come from a long line of them.

I don't want her money.

My advice,
you take what you can get...

...and do not expect more.

Hey. Hi.

- Daddy, Daddy!
- Hi, how are you, baby? All right?

- This is Craig, Daddy.
- Craig Simon.

This is my daughter, Amanda.
We were all in the accident.

- Hello.
- Hi. We've spoken on the phone before.

Right, the appeals court.

The kids are fine.

Jennifer's got a bad break to her leg.
It's a....

Compound fracture, yeah.
I talked to the doctor.

We were going to a staff Christmas
party. A guy came out of nowhere.

Yeah, she's a terrible driver.

But I was driving.

Our car was squished, Daddy.

- Your head's all right?
- Yeah. It's nothing.

I wanna make sure
that Jennifer's gonna be okay.

If it's all right with you,
I think we'll stick around for a while.


Randi! Randi!

It's gonna be hard for people
to see through that.

- They can walk around.
- I'm out of here.

If you hear anything about Mark,
will you call my machine?

Bad news for Joshua. St. Joe's,
Lacey Street, Carnegie House.

All the residential homes have
a wait list of years.

It's too late anyway.
He left an hour ago.

- He's too sick to be out there.
- He's not sick enough to stay in here.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

In Rehab, I feel like I'm giving
the patients something.

- We give them something.
- A Band-Aid...

-...and send them back to the front.
- Treat them and street them.

We do the best we can.

And when that's not good enough?

Most days it has to be.

You're familiar with endarterectomy
for the prevention of stroke?

I've done some reading.

And you also know that symptomatic
patients with stenotic lesions... better with surgery
than with medical care alone.

- Not all studies agree.
- True. When do doctors ever agree?

You're familiar with
the CASANOVA trials?

Carotid artery stenosis with
asymptomatic narrowing.

- Operation versus aspirin.
- Right. And what did they find?

No benefit from endarterectomy.

Well, I'm about to prove them wrong.

I really wasn't planning
on hiring third-years for my studies.

- They don't have the skills.
- I've got the skills.

Really? You're arrogant as hell.

I like that.

Let's see those skills, doctor.

Scrub in.

Jennifer Greene?

- I'm her husband, Dr. Mark Greene.
- Doctor, I'm Dr. Musgrave.

- Everything went well.
- Thank God.

I took a look at the spleen.
No rupture. No lacerations.

Ortho did an internal fixation
of a fracture of the right tib-fib.

No complications.
You can see her soon.

- How long the screws gonna stay in?
- About six months.

You can hold on to it. It's a copy.

Thank you.

Do you wanna translate for me?


How are you?

Let me look at you.

Still ugly as sin.

Let's get a drink.

So, what about this fancy dinner?
Something wrong?

Can't I just take you to
a nice restaurant?

I would've thrown something
together at home.

Mom, just let me do this.

- Well, suit yourself.
- Thank you.

What do you want?

Champagne cocktail.

Moët, please.

I'll have a Manhattan, straight up.

So how's my famous son doing?

I'm still fixing kids for a living.
How's Howard?

I never see him.

Year-end tax deadline.
I'm a CPA widow. What can I say?

Have you heard from anyone?

Besides the Tribune
calling about you?

- Anyone else?
- What's up, Douglas?

Nothing is up.

Now, don't even start. I know you.

Dad called.

What does he want?

He saw me on TV,
and he just wanted to touch base.

So, what did you say?

I told him to get lost.

- He wants money.
- He's not gonna get any money, so....

Does he think he can just waltz into
our lives any damn time he wants to?

I didn't tell you this to upset you.

- He's up to something, Doug.
- Just forget about him.

Hey, he can't touch us...

...ever again.

Hi, Josh.

- How are you doing?
- Why do you ask that?

It's beautiful.

They destroyed this in
nineteen seventy-something....

We're gonna go
and rebuild, side part.

Look, you forgot these.

Thank you very much.

We've been expecting these in....

Is there anything else you need?

We can always use--
If you have pencils....

Good night, Josh.

Try and stay warm, okay?

- What did she say?
- She said, "Okay, hon. Let's go home."

The beauty of codependency.


Hi. Jeanie and I
are just drowning our bad day.

Over root beer.

- How was surgery?
- Slow. I held a clamp.

- Sorry about tonight.
- Did you guys have a date?

A date? During med school?
What, are you kidding?

- How many more years?
- Counting the Air Force?

Air Force?

She felt like she needed
a little more direction in her life.

Did a lot of dr*gs.
Didn't do well in high school.

- Fifteenth in a class of .
- Could have done better.

And in college I knew I wanted more.

- Be a fighter pilot.
- And a doctor. So one semester--

This really good-Iooking
recruiter comes by--

And I signed up.
You have been listening?

- Yeah, I've been listening.
- They're paying for med school...

...and after residency,
I give them four years of service.

My husband thought I was
an overachiever.

She hasn't even gotten to
the astronaut part.

Sorry. Ride's over.

- Forgot my soap.
- Hi, Mrs. Bassett.

Your baby's getting so big.

Oh, well, actually she's....

Oh, and beautiful.
Just like your mama.

- Thank you.
- She's really cute.

Yes, you are.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I used to love this.

There better not be anybody
behind this wall.

Watch out!


It's beautiful.

- How did you know about this?
- I met an architect today.

He knew about my house.

An architect?

Dance with me.

To this?

Oh, you don't know how?


Now you've gone too far.

Hi, baby.


I spoke with the doctor.
Everything went really well.

- Rachel?
- She's fine.

In the waiting room.

Is Craig still here?

Yeah, he is.

Oh, Mark....

I know.

We don't have to talk now.

When you come home.

I didn't wanna tell you
before Christmas.

I know.

I know, Jen.

You fell in love with him?

I didn't mean to.