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02x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 11/20/21 06:46
by bunniefuu
As this producer, I
promise to listen to you

and have your back in good
times and in bad and...

Is that your wedding speech?

Yeah. I've been working
on it. What do you think?

Australia, I want you
to meet Liam Johnson.

I'm angry. And you were lying.

Well, maybe I'm not like you, Lil.

I'm not brave. I feel
trapped and screw up.

Did you think that I was so repulsed
because you can't use your legs?


- I don't reckon we need a month.
- Yeah?

I don't know. This
feels pretty real to me.

That's because it all
ties back to this one girl,

- who's, like, Pete's unrequited love.

- And that's the whole reason why...
- No.

- he wrote the book in the first place.
- It's not the whole reason.

He's been in love with Lily
for basically... forever.

Pete told you that.

Why did you lie to me?

Are you in love with Pete?

No. I'm in love with you.

- He's left.
- What?

No. Huh?

Lily, he's left. I'm so sorry.

- What did he say to you?
- I don't know.

Something about a pause.

He said you'd know what that meant.

♪ We're all scared of trenches ♪

♪ And grow weak at the knees ♪

♪ I want you to know that ♪

♪ If all you've ever wanted ♪

- ♪ Was a dream ♪

♪ Then you know that
I can't help you... ♪

PETE: Hey, um, it's me. Welcome back.

I'm sure you'd rather be next
to a pool on your holiday.

Yeah, just calling to see how you are.

If there's anything I can
do. Yeah. I hope you're okay.

Okay. Um, I'll talk soon.

♪ 'Cause you know you left a hollow ♪

♪ In the author of my face ♪

♪ 'Cause you know you left a hollow ♪

- ♪ Where your body cut an alcove...♪
- Hi. You've called Jack.

Please leave a message
and I'll get back to you.

- MIMI: Sweetheart? Hello?

Hi. We tried your phone
last night but it...

I forgot to charge it.

Lil, we've been driving
around for a bit,

and I'm sorry, but I'm
about to pop a bearing.

Would you mind if I...?

- Thanks so much.
- Yeah. It's...

So... How was... the holiday?

- How was the resort?
- Yeah. Great.

Really relaxing.

Bloody hell.

Have you spoken to Jack?

I mean, your father wants to call him

but I said on the strictest terms.

- Yeah. He's been calling a lot.
- Jack?

- No. Dad.
- Oh.

You know, Yvonne found
some more sleazy texts.

They were old ones,

but she kicked him out anyway,
which is probably a good thing.

- Mm-hm.
- Anyway...

- Lil...
- Mmm.

I have been going over
and over it in my head.

How Jack could do that.
It is so out of character.

I should get ready for work.

- Work?
- Yeah.

- Today?
- Mm-hm.

Oh, good.

Look, milk it. Have a
holiday, a proper one.

- That... That's not Lil.
- Right.

Well, look, I never liked him.

- Never trust a bloke that good looking.
- Mmm. Yeah.

- I said all the wrong things.
- No, I did.

So, once you've cut the
last triangle we go voila...

- Ah, little Eiffel Towers.
- Look at that.

- C'est magnifique.
- Yeah.

Oh, my God. It smells amazing.
It's a cooking class in here, huh?

Hey. See you, monkey. See you.

- Oh, Pete...
- Mmm.

Can we schedule in a Manisha
meeting tomorrow morning?

Uh, yeah, but can it be midmorning?
Might be a late one tonight.

- Oh, yes, the big launch.
- Mmm.

- Are you nervous?
- No. It'll be fine.

It's just media buyers and advertisers.

Mmm. He didn't sleep. I woke up
and he was practising his speech.

Oh, okay. Thanks for that.

Well, give Lily a squeeze for me.

Still no idea why Jack just up and left?

Uh, nup. No clue.

- Anyway. Have fun.
- Okay. Thanks.

- See ya.
- Bye.

Hi. You've called Jack. Please leave
a message and I'll get back to you.


- Lily.
- Morning.

- How was the resort?
- Good.


And what about that pool bar,
the topless Colombian bartender?

What's his name? Um... Raoul, was it?

Right. Raoul. Yeah. Super cute.

There is no pool bar.

All right. I stayed at home.

Look, I get it.

What happened to you is
the stuff of nightmares.

- I just needed to hibernate.
- And I feel for you.

But Jeremy's got his focus
on this love song thing.

- Okay.
- Little weasel went over my head

and secured Nikkii as host,

which is a scheduling shit fight.

So I need you on your game.

I'm on it.

Although if you think
you're close to meltdown

- I can...
- No.

This is where I want to be.

Lil, I just want to say anything
you need, like, anything at all.

I mean, it's all so tragic and shocking.

Thanks. No one died.

That's what I said. She'll come out
of this bigger and better than ever.


When Simon broke off our engagement
after nine years I was devastated.

And now, I'm the star of two TV shows

and he has chronic psoriasis
and manages a bank in Ballarat.

I've got to go and see Jeremy and Pete.

How's tomorrow's show looking?

We've got bedroom Feng shui
and swearing makes you stronger

up before the first break.


Any thoughts?

Lil, are you okay? Huh? Lil?

- Yep. Is that it?
- Actually there was one other thing.

Our new co-host...

I mean, he's brilliant and
everything but also kind of...

- Arrogant.
- unreasonable.

The word "tosspot" often comes to mind.

Also, he hates us.

Mmm. Cat diets. You are serious?

These aren't even ideas.
They're not even brain farts.

People get paid for
these ideas. Correct? Yes?

Do you hate your audience? Is that it?

Okay. I'll talk to him.

Good to have you back.

Good to be... Yeah, back.

- I'll check.
- Okay.


Hi. You've called Jack. Please leave

a message and I'll get back to you.


- Hi.
- Hi.

I was... just about to come chase you up

and ask you how things have been going.

Um, globally? Politically?
What are we talking?

Locally. And professionally.

I know there's been somewhat
of a vacuum here of late

and I made a lot of promises
about not letting you down,

but I'm here now.

If any problems arise,
please tell me and I will...

You'll take care of them. No.

It's just red eyes and the, um...
the Cheezel dust that's in your hair

that doesn't inspire confidence.

You're aware they're
calling you a tosspot?

Yeah. I don't care.

No. Oh...

Oh, come on.


Vending... machine. You're
one function is to vend.



Um... How was the resort?

Yeah, it was great. Good. Relaxing.

- Are you...?
- Good.

I'm great. I'm really relaxed.

Really? I'm not sure I believe you.


Well, just so you know,

since you've been gone I've been
going through my own break-up.

Yeah, Jeremy wanted Bernard off
the show so I had to let him go.

I'm really sorry, mate.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Of course.

It's a good decision.

Um, good decision. Smart.

I mean, it's not exactly the
same situation, but, um...

Yeah. I have to go to work.

Okay. Just so I'm clear.

We're not going to talk about what
happened with Jack or why he left?

- No.
- Okay. Well, um...

Well, embracing the no talking then,

how about karaoke tonight?
Drinks, loud noises?

I could round up Sim and Vin.

Oh, no, I meant Jeremy's organised
it as a tie-in for the show launch.

I could put your name on the door.

Actually because of your show
launch, Jeremy's gone AWOL

and I'm left to make the
actual show by myself,

which is tricky

because everyone's talking to me
like I have a terminal illness.

So, thanks, but I may not make it.


JACK: Hey, just letting you know

I'm going to be swinging
by the house in half an hour

to pick up some stuff.

Jack? We need to talk
about this in person.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Where is he?


He sent you.

He didn't want to make things worse.

How could they be worse?

He does this. He retreats
like a wounded animal.

It's a pretty major character...

Can you not compare my
relationship to yours?

Where is he? Do you
know where he's staying?

You're not going to tell me?

Okay. No, fine. That's understandable.

Lily, I think you guys are terrific
together. I think this is fixable.

You tell Jack that this is
his house more than it is mine.

He can come back whenever he likes.

I won't be here.


How'd she sound?

Ah, on a scale of to
I'd say just shit, yeah?

Hey, if she's gonna be staying here,

I don't want her entering
another house of weirdness.

Oh, you mean the incident.

Yeah, I meant we could just
chalk it up to nostalgia.

Yeah. No, yeah.

Nostalgia or, you know, weddings.

That's what I thought.


Um... so...


- Should...
- Yah, no, that was a good chat.

I've got salted caramel ice-cream
and seasons one to six of Girls.

And I have vodka and
a tough love attitude.

I'm only staying if you promise
we're not talking about it.

No pitying looks, no questions.
Last two weeks never happened.

- Done.
- Done.

Mm. I keep thinking,
weddings make people crazy.

Not like runaway groom crazy,
like crazy, proper crazy.

But then it hits me, how
can I ever trust him again?

Because bad things happen
all the time, right?

And you don't just leave.

Because if you do, it
means you can leave anytime.

Like, if I have a baby one day

and it's organs are
born outside its body,

what would stop him from leaving?

That's a salient point.
I'm gonna tell him that.

No, you're not. How many times
have you called him? Oh, my God.

We have practical things
to figure out. Please.

Have a look at this call history.

- I'm deleting his number.
- Oh, she'll know it by heart.

Well, then I'm...
blocking him from Facebook,

re-routing her emails and
instigating a phone ban.

Unnecessary. I'll go to a payphone.

Ice-cream can wait.

I'm taking you out. You can't come.

All I want to do is go to bed and die.

Yeah, well, we've tried it
your way for the last two weeks.

Get dressed, young lady.


Jeez, what are you wearing? You
can't even stretch out for the ball.

All right, you got
seconds to say what you will.

Well, it's not your usual
"I dress like a lumberjack

"even though I've never done a
hard day's work in my life" look.


And you sit inside, you're tapping
away at the computer all day.

Your hands are as soft
as a baby rabbit's.

And your seconds is up.

Oh. You've got your fancy new
job, your fancy new girlfriend,

your fancy new jacket.

Things are coming up all
right for you, aren't they?

- Yeah, well, and, uh...
- Oh, yeah, and for me.


I'm thinking of asking Mims
to go on a trip with me.

The Camino in Spain. You heard of it?

- The... Uh, yeah, I have.
- Do you mind?

I mean, it's something I always
wanted to do with you one day.

- No, you didn't.
- No, I didn't. (LAUGHS)

We've got this.

Anyway, I saw a doco on
it. So, do you mind or what?

No, not at all.

Are you gonna take two tents or one?

- Go to buggery.
- Huh?

- Give me my phone.
- No.

Please. What if it's Jack.

It's not. It's Pete and your
dad. Do you want either of them?

I haven't even been
eating the last two weeks.

I mean, aside from breakfast and snacks.

You're down to three square meals a day?

Also, I just... I can't
stop thinking about...

His penis?

I've seen better. I found it
too sort of sure of itself.

Not so much as how much my
body has learnt to fit with his.

I learnt to sleep with him.

And how to sleep beside him.

Well, you know what you need.

You need clean-slate sex.

- What?
- Just like a palate cleanser.

Like a sexual sorbet.

Mm-hm. Or even just a pash.

What about, um...

What about bow-tie guy at two o'clock?

- Where?
- Excuse me?

- I don't want to. I don't want to.
- Excuse me, sir?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Oi, sir! Please.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Did you just throw a pretzel at me?

- She... Yeah.
- I did.

She's crazy. She's very drunk.

Uh... my friend here, she just
got dumped publicly. It was brutal.

Yep, he dumped me at our
C-grade celebrity wedding.

And I'm not the celebrity.

Anyway, we thought that
you would be the perfect guy

to pash her back into form.


Uh... yeah, nah.

I don't think so.

- Good luck, though, girls.
- Who does he think he is?

That was really good for my ego. Thanks.

SONG: ♪ I let a good man down ♪

♪ I watched him fall ♪

♪ I let a good man down... ♪

I kissed Vincent.

- Or he kissed me.
- Really?

What, like, a friendly peck?

Oh, definitely not a peck.

- Our tongues touched multiple times.
- Ew.

It was above-clothes groping that
stopped just short of dry-humping.

Please don't judge me.


What about Alice?

Exactly. It's a mess.

So, what now?


I don't know.

We don't know much, do we?

No. We don't know anything at all.

Shitty move, putting me in the middle.

I owe you.

So, are we gonna start
filming again soon,

or are you planning on hiding out here

playing with your knives and
a fire until the end of time?

I... I don't know.

I think you're gonna regret
it, ending it like this.

And... and if it's what I said,

then I just think you're
overreacting big-time.

It's not just what you said, Gill.

She she's not with Pete, trust me.

- Right now she's crying over you.
- That is not why she is crying.

- How do you know that?
- Because I KNOW her.

Better than she thinks I know her.


What happened?

My physiological inability
to get drunk wore off.

I meant with Jack.

I told you about Vincent.

It's just it's so incredibly stupid.

He asked me if I'm in love with Pete.


Well, so, what did you say?

That's the thing. I paused.

Paused how?

I don't know, just to
collect my thoughts.

He has this theory
that I pause when I lie.

So, are you in love with Pete?

No. No, I'm not.

I'm not.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

- You are. You're in love with Pete.
- No.

- You are.
- Sim, I'm not. It's not funny.

No, right now I am
devastated over Jack, okay?

My heart feels like it's been
ripped out of its chest cavity.

You're relieved.


You're relieved that
you're not marrying Jack,

and you think that that
makes you a terrible person

because you feel so relieved.

You're wrong. No, give me
my phone. Give me my phone.

No. You think that I'm right.

And you think that Jack was right.

And mostly, you're just
scared about what that means.

SONG: ♪ I miss him more than I should ♪

♪ I miss him more than I should ♪

♪ But when I hear his name I go blind ♪

♪ Oh, it happens all the time... ♪

would you say to yourself

in, say, , years' time?

All right, future Pete would
say, "Where are the hover boards?"

Unless of course there were hover
boards, then future Pete would say,

"Pete, stay off that hover board,
you've got terrible balance,

"you'll probably k*ll yourself."

Come on, answer seriously.

I'm asking you a ser... This
is a serious question. Future.

What? What do you want from me?

- More.
- More?

- Answers.
- See, that's your problem.

Future Pete says, "That's your problem."


Hey. You're Aaron's girlfriend Lily.


♪ Look in his eyes and
tell him the truth ♪

♪ That I don't think it's
supposed to feel like this... ♪

Thank you.

I'm in love with you.

Sir, I need to change my destination.

Pete. Stop biting your nails.

Calm and confident.

We have all the media
buyers in the house tonight.

- Really? Where?
- See that guy there?

- The beard?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, well, he represents

Australia's leading
manufacturer of breast tape.

You're a fan, aren't you, Nikkii?

- How do you know...
- Nikkii.

I see through you.


Hey, um, can I steal you for a sec?

- Sorry.
- Yeah, sorry. (CLEARS THROAT)

Thanks for that.

And, um, thanks for coming tonight.

Of course.

Just so you know, tonight,
it's going to get a bit sappy

but I want you to know

I'm still the same
cynical, unromantic man

you first went to bed with.

Thank God. (CHUCKLES)

But, um... I'm liking this.

Us. What we're...

Me too.

Which is why I'm hoping

what I'm about to say
won't make a difference.


Hey. Where's Lil?

Um, in hindsight I don't
think it was the best idea

to take her to the bar.

And also we have to tell Alice.

Otherwise you're an arsehole.


We're both arseholes

and I'm really busy right now with uni

and I can't have this
weighing on my conscience.

- I've got assignments, so...
- Sim.

I'm breaking up with Alice.


You're all I think about.

Me too.

With you.

I'm not all I think about.

- That would be narcissistic.
- (LAUGHS) Yeah?




- ♪ It's real easy to me. ♪
- _

Okay. Wow. So powerful.

(LAUGHS) Um...


So right now I would like to welcome
to the stage creator Pete Barnett

and host of our...

Um, it's Lily Woodward.

MAN: You're not on the list.

Those are my friends
up there on the stage.

Then you should call them and
get them to put you on the list.

Look, I don't know if
you appreciate it, mate,

but I'm having a bit of a night.


Are you a romantic man?

I love my list.

This is a project from the heart.

But getting back to
origins for a second,

Pete, this started life
as a book, didn't it?

Where did the idea come from?

Big voice. Confident.

Um, yeah, well, after some
emotional upheaval in my own life,

I was listening to this
one love song on repeat

and, um, so had this idea to
write this book about love songs

and the stories behind them,

muses and the musicians.

And, um... and so when we
came up with the TV show,

we wanted to look at
love in all of its facets.

You know, the good,
the bad and the ugly,

how love can lift you up

and then how love can bring
you crashing down to earth.

Um... And then how love dies.

And... how, uh...

how new love can come
along... and new songs.


BERNARD: Sell-out! Judas!

Oi! Pipe down, would ya?

- What are you doing here?
- I will not pipe down.

Pipe down or I will pipe you down.

You can't thr*aten him.

I'll file an official complaint
with your supervisor. As a patron.

You're not a patron.

Your name's not on the
list. Your name isn't either!

- Go, go, Lily, go!

- Oi!
- (THUMP!)


Ow! Oh, oh, ah!

Hey, I'm not... It's not touching you.

Yeah, well, I've got
overactive pain fibres.

Okay, well... (COUGHS)

Do you want to...


You said my name was on the door.

You said you weren't coming.

You all right?

What is this? What are you wearing?

- Uh...
- What is it?

It's new. Do you...

I don't like it.

It says, "Look at me. I'm a jacket."

It's a sports coat, actually.

It's not you. None of it is.

You want to come inside

or you want to stay out here and
criticise my sartorial choices?

What are we even doing?

What was that speech?

And, what, dumping Bernard?

Look, I know why you're angry at me.

All right?

- Gillian didn't mean to...
- What's Gillian got to do with it?

She... she told Jack
that you and I had...

We... we slept together?

- No, no.
- That we what?

No, no, said what I'd said to you,

and I don't know why Jack
thinks that means anything.

Frankly I think he's being
a massive d*ck about it.

But if you want me to call and explain

that we're not anything anymore...

We're not?

No. We're not.

Because I want it on the record
that I disagree with that assessment.

Ha. Jesus, Woodward.

I'm serious.

Don't come here...

and explode my life

just because yours is falling apart.

It's not what I'm doing.


I know how you feel. I do.

When Pete dumped me I went
through all the stages at once.

Like, grief and sloth, lust...

I think they're the deadly sins.

Is it a sin to feel, Lily?


- Ooh! No.
- Okay. Why not?

Because my engagement
broke up a fortnight ago.

And you had sex with my mum.

Oh, yeah.

And I'm eating a garlic kebab.

You're right. You're right.

Wouldn't be fair on Mim.


- Sasha?
- SASHA: Okay, listen up.

Building collapsed in the city.

The news desk wants to hold
the story through into morning

but I thought you might
take issue with that.

I'm not sure I'm in the right
head space for it at the moment.

Do you want to try that
for me again, princess?

I don't think I'd do it justice.

You know, Lily, when
shit really hits the fan,

f*ck friends, screw food, forget family.

It's always, always work that saves me.

So. You coming in?

- What do we know so far?
- Workplace accident.

SASHA: Lily. Glad you could join us.

So, there's either three or
four or seven people trapped,

depending on which
reports you listen to.

- Or none.
- Always a pessimist, Dale.

Lily, work your magic. Find an angle.

Now, what do we know about
the company? Other projects?

We need to look into any
history of cutting corners

or problems with the union.

I mean...

Go and get ready and I'll brief you
by the time you're through make-up.

- There's no other producer?
- No.

As it happens. You and me.



I am going to make you a star.


Let me smell your hair.

- You are a terrible dancer.

I know!

Hey! Loved it. Completely loved it.

Thanks, mate. Thanks for
coming. See you next time.


And I'm still having major
shame/regret over the whole...

- Hey.
- No.

I shouldn't have said anything
to Jack. I should've told you.

Forget about it. It's fine.

There was no deep, dark agenda, or...

I know. I know.

Hey, um, what do you
reckon about this jacket?

I love it. It suits you.

- Yeah?
- Yes.

Can we go home?

- Yep.
- Good.

Okay. Police are now confirming three

workers, cramped, a little cranky,

thank you, but safe for now.

- So it's a non-story.
- It's what we make it.

Well, whatever your name is, can
you give me the company info, please?


Jeremy Gerrins reporting for duty.

Nikkii, hi.

Are you okay?

Relax. She's as sober as a judge.

Not a reality show
judge but a real judge.

Nikkii, are you okay to go on air?

I'm good. I'm good.

Have you been briefed?

I'm across it.


Building collapse. I've got it.

Nikkii... What did you do to her?

(SCOFFS) I Will Always
Love You, karaoke.

The top note, it broke her.

Great. About time.

Nikkii, I'm sorry but you're
going to have sit this one out.


But it's husky. It's gravitas.


Okay. This is a big show.

Focus, everyone.

Close on Liam. Single on Liam.

Good morning.

Welcome to The Breakfast Bar

and our live coverage
of the trapped workers

in a collapsed building in the CBD.

We can confirm the name
of the company involved

is Disk Engineering.


No, that's the wrong print-out.

Got a spokesperson from
Disk this morning to...

Liam, it's not Disk Engineering,
it's Ellison Industries.

The company is Ellison Industries.

Ellison Industries.

The company is, in fact, Ellison
Industries, not Disk Engineering.

Sorry for that confusion.

Keep padding, Liam,

and we'll get the "trapped in tight
spaces" package ready to roll again.

Here is a man who was trapped inside
of an elevator for an entire day.

Now, what did he learn?

Dale, I thought you're
supposed to be the smart one.

How is it possible to get
the name of the company wrong?

It was a...

Monumental display of
your mass incompetence.

- I apologise.
- Don't apologise.

Okay? Just... just don't
cock it up in the first place.

Although I suspect that might be
an unattainable aim for this crew.

- I don't know.
- Hey.

MY crew.

And if you ever speak to any of
them like that again, I will...

You'll what? You'll cry?

Storm off?


Talk to me, Alice.

Okay, we're in and
we found an SES worker

who's in contact with
one of the trapped women.

Great work. Good.

Bad news, we don't have a feed.

We couldn't get the truck in.

- The trapped woman, what's her name?
- Andrea.

So, Lily, what do we do?


So does the hangover mean
it went well last night?

Uh, it went, um... complicated.

The launch?

No, no, the launch was all right. Um...

It was just the...
the rest of it that...

Anyway, it's a long story.

You guys all right?

Mitchell's moving to London.

For work.

There's really interesting
things happening

in the fractional
investment property space...

- Mitch, I don't think Pete needs to know.
- Sorry.

So are you guys...

Are you all right?

Oh, no, no, we're fine.
We've never been better.

It's just, um...

Well, you know that I have
a lot of family in London.


And I... I'd really
like to go with Mitchell.

So what about Manisha?

Well, um... Ivan wants to walk
it while he can still remember it.

Oh, my God. Camino.

You gotta do it.

I've never hiked before.

Yeah, so what? How hard can it be?

It's just like a long
walk with some big sticks

and a backpack full of manchego.

- Say yes, Mims.



I've got some news.


I think that Vincent and
I are going to be a we.

Or a... an us.

No, not an us. Hate us people.



You don't think...

I... I suppose I was just... very
happy that Vincent was getting...

you know, back to some
normality with... with Alice.

You know, a sort of stability.

He could have that with me.

Well... but how?

I mean, when a relationship
starts this way, I just...

Come on, you know how
I feel about... cheating.

Uh... No.

No, it's... it's terrific, I'm sure.

I just need to get my
head around it. Just...

Just hold on there, okay,
Michael? Thank you so much.

Alice has her now.

Good. Okay.

We're crossing to Erica.

Gotta be kidding. Audio only?

You know, the press conference
with vision of the Premier

is just about to start.

Yes, and I want you to cross to Erica.

Liam, I'm the producer. Cross to Erica.

Trust me, I have something, Liam.

MAN: Here we go. Three, two...

Welcome back to The Breakfast Bar.

We're about to go live
to audio from the scene,

where Erica is on her phone
right beside the building.

Erica, can you tell me
what it's like down there?

ERICA: Yes, Liam.

I have with me an emergency worker

who has been in contact with one
of the trapped people, Andrea.

Michael, we're gonna put you on air now.

Erica, Liam, I have Andrea on the line.

Andrea, can you hear me?

Uh... yep. Just.

We have your husband
Michael on the line.

- MICHAEL: Hello?
- Mikey.

- Um, up the levels.
- Are you okay, baby?

Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just scared.

Although... if you hadn't taken the car

when I expressly asked you not to,

I'd be home right now.

- Okay. We've been through this.

It's... it's my only way
of getting to work, okay?

Andrea, could you tell us what happened?

Oh, he does this, my husband,

because he thinks his job
is more important than mine.

I don't think that.

I mean... yeah, in dollar
terms, sure, I earn more, but...

Well, I meant in terms
of the building site,

but if you'd like to talk more
about your marriage, we could...

- Baby?

Andrea, can you tell
us what's happening now?


Andrea, can you hear me?




- They're through!

They're through! The emergency workers!

- Fantastic. Andrea, fantastic news.
- SASHA: Hey, yes.

- Listen, get out safely.
- That's my girl.

To all of you at home,

we'll keep you up to date
with any news as it comes in

and we'll be right
back after this break.

Don't ever... ever talk
to me like that again.

I love this show and
this job and these people

and I've been wanting to work in TV

since I started filming student
protests about tampon tax

over a decade ago.

Don't ever, ever tell
me I'm not committed.


You were impressive.


so were you.



But not...

not unengaging.

(GASPS) God, no!

(LAUGHS) Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me?



♪ If you wanna hold me dear ♪

♪ Whatever you call it ♪

♪ If you wanna take it back ♪

♪ Just please don't ignore it ♪

♪ But if you're unfair on me ♪

♪ If you just turn back ♪

♪ I'm not gonna lie ♪

♪ We've just run out of time ♪

♪ If you wanna hurt me now ♪

- ♪ If you wanna shame me ♪

It's okay.

♪ If you wanna make it last ♪

♪ Then I'll be your holy water ♪

Hi. You've called Jack. Please leave
a message, and I'll get back to you.

- (BEEP)
- Hey, it's me.


I just wanted to say...

I get it.

Why you left.

Maybe not the way you did...

Look, I really...

I hope you're okay...


♪ Oh, even with you ♪

♪ Even with you, babe ♪

♪ Oh, even with you. ♪

Hi, I'm Jack, and I'm an alcoholic.

GROUP: Hi, Jack.




Knock, knock.


Big romantic gesture?

Yes. Yvonne's kind of punishing me.

I kind of deserve it.

Come in, darl.

I got baked beans, I got canned tuna.

You hungry?

I'm sorry, Dad.

For all the money you
spent on the wedding.

Aww, don't worry, Lil.

Took out wedding insurance.

You what?

Well, you know, just in case.

You... bet against my wedding?

Well, I wouldn't put it
exactly like that, darl,

but... I have to say,

part of me is not surprised.

I mean, don't get me wrong,

if you and Jack sort it out,
that would be just fantastic.

But I did wonder...

was he exactly right...

for you, Lil?

Been a bit lost, Dad.

Gotta get lost to get found, darling.


I reckon there's nothing left to do

but defrost that bloody wedding cake.

Cake sounds good.

- Want some?
- Yeah. How we gonna get it?

You're going to have
to go into the house.

I've got my shoes on.

Well, I'm gonna have to lift
you through the bathroom window.

You can't, your back's...

I know. Well... I can't go in there.

It's the most exciting
night for Aussie TV

Breakfast Bar team, we
are going to the Logies.

But in the Wrong Girl season finale...

nothing's going right.

I did what you did
not have the guts to do.

Because smoke bombing a
wedding takes so much courage?

You think I'm emotionally closed off,

you had one foot out
the door all of the time.

Isn't that right, Pete?

And a heart breaking loss.

Lil.. I've been trying to reach you.

We're at the hospital.

Lily didn't see it coming.