06x25 - Tangled Web

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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06x25 - Tangled Web

Post by bunniefuu »

- Where are we going anyhow?
- Where are we going anyhow?

There's an enormous attraction
between you and me.

- Mark. You know I'm married.
- Lf you really were, you'd be with Bobby.

Remember I told you Mark Graison
made one of his jets available to her?

Well. What I didn't tell you was
he was on it.

Well. Finally.

Are you going to tell me
what's going on?

- Come with me.
- All right. Where are we going?

Where are we going anyhow?

Señor Ewing. So nice to see you.

Sit down. Please.

Who are you?

You came to Cuba to see me, no?

Ignacio Perez.


What's going on here?
Why was I locked up like that?

Have a glass of brandy. We'll talk.

I'll have an answer to my question.
If you don't mind.

I wanted only to teach you
a little lesson. Señor.

- A lesson?
- Yes.

I wanted to show what could have
happened to me the other day...

if l. A Cuban national, had been caught
by the American authorities...

while I was waiting
for your friend in Puerto Rico.

You have a hell of a way
of making a point.

The point is, señor.
That you're not the only one...

who took a risk
in this oil business of ours.

If the Americans had found out
I entered your country illegally...

they would have kept me in jail
a lot longer than I kept you.

Sit down. Please.

Those people I flew over with.
Didn't they inquire about me?

No. Not at all.

We told them that you had been granted
a special interview with El Primo.

- Fidel Castro?
- Yes.

Your companions were very impressed.

If I'm such an important man.
You mind giving me back my passport...

and my briefcase
your men took away from me.

Of course.

And I think maybe you have a check.
$1 million for me.

You don't think.
You know damn well I do.

You must have gone through that thing.

As a matter of fact.
There is a check in there...

but it needs to be countersigned
to be of any value to me.

All right. Mr. Perez. I'll tell you what.

I'll be happy to sign this over to you...

when you hand me
what I came to Cuba for.

Payment for my
one million barrels of oil.

You're a cautious man.

I like that.

I do my best.

A Swiss bank draft for $40 million.

That's what I came to Cuba for.

We pay our debts, señor.

We are honorable people.

I never once doubted you wouldn't be.

A continual shifting
of substrata material right along there.

Rocks. Mud. Shale.
Everything keeps moving.

This Wentworth drill
is perfect for us.

It's supposed to maintain
hole integrity...

and keep the gases low enough
to eliminate blowout.

Lucky you found it.
Because it's the only one we tested...

that's got a chance to make it.

Well. Boys. We're gonna have to go out
and find another one.

Bobby. We've looked all over Texas.

If the Wentworth company can
develop a prototype like that...

mother companies can too.
It's your job to go and find it.

I don't understand. I thought
Wentworth's drill was ready for testing.

It is.

I just don't have permission to use it.

Bobby. Didn't your wife inherit
part of Wentworth?

Yes. She did.

Well. Then. Can't she bend
a couple of arms over there?

Jackson. She only inherited
one-third of the company.

- So?
- Look. If I could get the Wentworth drill...

don't you think
I'd have done it by now?

- Okay.
- Well. Okay. Bobby.

We'll keep b*ating down the doors.

Yeah. Thank you. Time's running out.

- Wasn't it great today. Sweetheart?
- It's really nice here.

- Yeah.
- George.

- Honey. Come on.
- Oh. I'm coming.

I just hate to leave
this beautiful beach.

You just hate leaving those girls
in French bathing suits.

- That's what you hate...
- That's not true.

Pam Ewing.

George. Marie.

I can't believe it.
What are you doing in France?

Well. We could ask you
the same thing.

- Of all the places to run into you.
- Well. I'll say.

Well. Now. Where is that
handsome husband of yours?

Well. Bobby's back in Dallas.

You don't mean to tell me
he let you come over here alone.

Well. I wanted to come alone.

Just needed some time to myself.

I know what you mean.

- Hi.
- Oh. Mark.

This is a friend of mine. Mark Graison.

- George Walker.
- George. How do you do?

- My wife. Marie.
- How are you?

- Nice meeting you.
- Nice meeting you.

The Walkers are friends from Dallas.

Really astonishing
running into you like this.

It's amazing.

Well. Don't let us wreck
your good time here. Okay?

Oh. Yes. We have to get on and get to
the post office before it closes for lunch.

All right. It's good seeing you.

- See you back in the Lone Star State.
- Yes. So nice meeting you.

- Yes. Marie.
- Have a good time.

It looks like we're in for some rumors.

Oh. I hope not.

I wouldn't want to do anything
to embarrass Bobby.

I haven't done anything
to be ashamed of.

Yeah. I can vouch for that.

You weren't counting on something
happening between us. Were you?

Well. Maybe not at first.
But by now. Yes. Yes. I was.

I came here to be alone. Remember?

Pamela. There are at least a dozen
commercial airlines that fly into France.

If you really wanted to be alone.
You would have taken one.

- Well. You offered.
- You came because you wanted to.

And I don't see you racing home
that quickly either.

Well. The truth is, I...

The truth is...

there is an enormous attraction
between you and me.

And it's a truth
you're purposely ignoring.

I don't have any choice.

Yes. You do. We're not children.

You promised
you wouldn't push me.

I just want you to admit
your feeling for me.

I don't know what my feelings are.

You don't want to know
how you feel.

- Mark. You know I'm married.
- Are you?

If you really were, you'd be with Bobby.

But you're not single either.

It's being caught in the middle
that's driving us both a little bit crazy.

- Mark...
- No. I'm doing the talking.

And I'm gonna buy you lunch
and I'll tell you what else is wrong.

This house is not so bad.

We saw that one last week.

Did we?

Yes. It was the one with the chandelier
in the bathroom.

Oh. That one.

- Hi.
- Morning.

- Hi. Lucy.
- Are you going house hunting again?

Yes. We are. But I have a feeling
that Clayton is losing his enthusiasm.

I can't tell one house
from the other. That's all.

You haven't come across
any decent condominiums, have you?

Condos? No. Why?

- I was thinking I might like to buy one.
- A condo?

I've got the money
that granddaddy left me.

I thought it might be a good investment.

Well. If it's an investment
you're thinking about...

you should talk to Harv Smithfield.

He works with tax lawyers and they can
suggest all kinds of investments.

You don't have to limit yourself
to a condo.

Well. Maybe.

Thanks. Grandma.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye. LUCY-

Maybe that's what I should buy.
A condo.

After all the time we spent
trying to find you a house?

Don't you even think about it.
Clayton Farlow.

Okay. Okay.

Hello. Jean Marie.
No. I'm meeting somebody.



Thanks for coming. Bobby.

Well. I tell you. I was really surprised
to get your phone call.

The last time we talked.
You were spitting fire.

Well. I've had a chance
to think all that over.

You weren't responsible
for my losing that $17 million. J.R. was.

I tried to warn you. I did do that.

You did.

- Something from the bar. Mr. Ewing?
- Scotch on the rocks will be fine. You?

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

Heard about your problems in Canada.

I understand you need
some kind of cold-climate drill unit.

I need one that will work.

I found out that a company
my daddy was associated with...

has been developing just such a drill.

Matter of fact, they were one
of the few American companies...

allowed to work with the Russians.

- Barry Richards' outfit.
- In Waco?

You know them.

Well. I wanted to talk to them for you
about using their drill.

McLeish brothers already did that.

It's a very fine bit, it just won't work
in the conditions I'm up against.

I was hoping I could be of some help.

Well. I appreciate the offer.
Thank you.

Actually. I'm real pleased to see that
you don't hate everybody named Ewing.

No. Just those named J.R. Ewing.

I really don't want him
to win your company.

I'm ready to help you any way I can.

Well. We're in the home stretch now.
That's for sure.

Actually. We're neck and neck.

No way I can be assured a win
unless I bring in that Canadian oil.

And I can't do that
without the right drill bit.

Unless. Of course.
J.R. takes an unforeseen spill.

- You know something I don't know?
- You never know.

Home stretch is full of potholes.

J.R. may just stumble into one yet.

I'll get it.


Where's Cliff. Afton?

Hi. Katherine.
Nice of you to drop in.

How dare you embarrass me
in front of Bobby last night.

Oh. That was your fault
for offering him my drill.

You had no right
to contradict what I told him.

Of course I had the right.
Mama left me that in her will.

Without that drill.
Bobby will lose Ewing Oil.

And just how much do you think
I care about that?

- You want J.R. to win?
- It don't make any difference.

You vicious little man.

- I will not let you hurt Bobby like that.
- Now. Wait a minute. Katherine.

I'm warning you, Cliff.
This time you have gone too far.

- No. You have gone too far.
- Afton. Stay out of this.

I will not.

How dare you come into our house
and talk to Cliff like this?

If he wants to stay out of
the Ewing fight. That's his business.

Out? Are you kidding? What he's doing
puts him right in the middle of it...

and he's gonna make
J.R. the winner.

You listen. Whatever...
Whatever Cliff is doing. It is his affair.

You just don't understand
what's going on.

Oh. I understand.
I understand a lot more than you think.

You know how your mother
set things up.

Two out of three of you
have to agree on any major decisions.

Afton. This is not your battle.

And this is not your house.

So why don't you just turn around
and get out of here now.

Cliff. You have not heard the end of this.

Well. What about you?

I didn't know you were
that much on my side.

Don't think I stood up for you
because I agree with you, Cliff.

- Why did you?
- Because I love you...

and I won't have your sister
come into this house and put you down.

Well. It's nice to have you fight for me.

If I were you.
I would call up Pam right away...

and let her know
what Katherine is up to.

What? About the drill?

No. About Bobby.

Can't you see what she's doing?

Oh. No. No. Wait... Wait a minute.

Now. Are you trying to tell me that
you think Katherine is after Bobby?

Well. Of course she is.
Didn't you hear her?

She doesn't care about that drill.
What she really wants is Bobby.

Wait a minute. I think that's
a big assumption, don't you?

No. No. Not from what I've seen.

Why do you think Katherine is being
so wonderfully helpful to Bobby?

His own wife isn't.

And Katherine is taking advantage
of every little opening she can get.

I don't know.

I don't think I'd put anything
past Katherine...

but I don't know I believe that.

Sweetheart, take a minute
and look outside of yourself...

you'll see an awful lot of things.

- Hello. Kendal.
- You're back.

Yeah. Here's a little present for you.

Thank you.

- Sly.
- Hi.

- I got a little present for you.
- Thank you.

- And one for Phyllis when she comes in.
- All right. How was the trip?

It was dull.
To tell you the truth.

J.R.. you've been away?

Yeah. Didn't you know?

I got a little present for you too.
Come on in.

Close the door, will you. Bob.

I didn't want the girls to overhear this
because what I did was highly illegal.

Had to smuggle these through customs.

A nice box of Cuban cigars.

You went to Cuba?

As a future public servant.

I mean. After all. I just might be
a senator one of these days.

I thought it my civic duty
to go on a fact-finding mission.

You went there to collect on a million
barrels of oil. That's what you did.

Yeah. I did manage to squeeze in
a little business on the side.

- Did you get your money?
- Every penny.

And since I'm sure you're keeping
a close account as I am on this...

that little deal I made
down in Cuba...

is gonna make me
the new daddy of Ewing Oil.

Have a Havana?

It's not over yet.

Yes. It is. Bob.

Because your assets are frozen solid.

You took the high road
and I took the low road.

I got the company before you.

All right. Darling. I'll be there
as soon as I finish feeding John Ross.

Okay. That will be fine.

See you at the office. Bye-bye.

Looks like you are gonna have to
have dinner by yourselves.

I have to go into town and meet J.R.
He just got back.

- I didn't know he'd been away.
- He went to Cuba.

- Cuba?
- It was a political trip.

Something to do with
the senatorial campaign he may get into.

Doggone. Old J.R. went to Cuba.
And they let him out?


Well. I better go in and finish feeding
John Ross. So I can meet J.R. on time.

Why don't you let me do it.

Been along time
since I fed a man his size.

If he'll let you.

So after next election you'll probably
be going back to Washington, huh?

I'd love it.

Aren't you gonna miss Dallas?

- Maybe a few things. I'll miss you.
- Really?

You meant a lot to me. You still do.

You mean a lot to me
and I'll miss you if you go.

Ms. Harwood,
Bobby Ewing is here to see you.

Send him in. Tina.

- Holly. I have some news for you.
- Well. Why didn't you tell me at lunch?

Because I didn't know at lunch.
J.R. just got back.

From the way you look.
The news can't be good.

No. It's not for me.
But it's terrific for you.

J.R. just got back from Cuba.
He got all the money for your oil deal.

So he made it.

You knew he was going. Didn't you?

Well. That's what I'd heard.

I guess I can't really blame you
for not telling me.

I didn't want you
to mess up the deal. Bobby.

- Half the money is mine.
- Oh. I know that.

That's why I'm here to tell you.
So you can go after your share.

I wouldn't put it past J.R.
to try and keep both halves.

- I've already thought of that. Thanks.
- I'm not here out of generosity. Holly.

It's bad enough for my position with the
company he made a $17 million profit.

I sure as hell don't want him
to double that by keeping your half too.

I'll get it from him.

I was sure you would.


I feel bad for you.

Don't give up yet.

Your battle's not over.

You know. I didn't understand
what you were saying about...

something might happen to J.R.

If something is gonna happen to him.
It better be soon.

I think I should lease a place for awhile.
Don't you?

That way I can look around
a little more leisurely.

What do you think, Ellie?

- If that's what you want.
- I think it would be the wise thing to do.

Ellie. Are you all right?
Is something troubling you?

Clayton. Tell me. Why...?

Why did you leave San Angelo?

I thought I told you.
Don't you remember?

You told me that you were
running away from memories.

That's right.

Memories that concern Southern Cross
that have no place in my life anymore.

I wanted to erase them from my mind.

Have you been successful in doing that?

Not completely. But I'm trying.

Why do you ask?

Well. When we...

When we met at Galveston that time...

you were very troubled over a woman.

So much that you had to get away
from her and go down to the Gulf.

Clayton. Were you in love
with this woman?

Yes. I was.

Or at least I thought I was.

Clayton. I've...

I've been thinking about you
and Sue Ellen...

and all the things she's said.

Your attitude towards each other.

Clayton. Was Sue Ellen that woman?


Ellie. Try to understand.

Sue Ellen came to my home.
She was in love with my son...

and that relationship
didn't work for her.

She didn't know which way to turn.
She was desperately in need.

And I felt that I had to
comfort her someway.

And before I knew it.
I found myself in love with her.

Did you tell her that?

No. She thought of me as a father.

She never recognized my feelings.

Well. Didn't you tell her how you felt?

Yes. I tried. But I just couldn't seem
to get through to her.

Ellie. That part of my life is over now.

- Is it?
- Yes. It is.

And the feelings that I had
for Sue Ellen then are gone.

If it eases your mind.
Nothing happened between us.


- Hello. Bobby.
- Katherine. What are you doing here?

I brought over a bag of
Christopher's toys you left at the hotel.

That's sweet. Here, come on in.
Let me get you a drink.

Okay. I'd like that.

Bobby. Are you all right?

Oh. Yeah. I'm fine.

No. You're not. What's the matter?

J.R. pulled a coup...

that put him very much ahead of me
in the race for Ewing Oil.

And he might just win...

unless the McLeishs can bring in
those oil wells in Canada.

I talked to Cliff this morning
about getting you that drill.

- He seemed a little more receptive.
- He's never gonna let it go.

Well. He might.
I'm gonna keep talking to him.

No. I think it's gonna be up to Pamela
and I'm gonna talk to her.

- But she's in France.
- I know.

That's why I'm gonna book a flight.
Talk to her face to face.

- Bobby...
- Look. I don't like going to her...

with my hat in my hand
and asking for favors.

But if I can convince her
to vote with you...

I just might get that drill bit
despite Cliff Barnes.

Bobby. Listen to me.

Going to France would be the
biggest mistake you could make.

It's either that
or back out of the fight aItogether.

Look. I...

I didn't want to have to tell you this.

Tell me what?

Bobby. I don't want to hurt you.

What are you talking about?

Pam didn't go to France alone.

Remember I told you Mark Graison
made one of his jets available to her?

What I didn't tell you was. He was on it.

- He went with her?
- Yes.

I just couldn't let you go there
without knowing that.

Come in. Darling.

Holly. What are you doing here?

A little bird told me you were back
with money.

The little bird was right. But I haven't
had a chance to deposit it yet...

- and I expect my wife any minute.
- Your wife?

And you're worried
about my being here?

Well. You know how some women are.
Their suspicious nature.

I certainly wouldn't wanna
cause you trouble.

You won't. You won't.

Your part of the payment will
be in your account tomorrow morning.

You can check with your bank or.
Tell you what. Better yet...

- why don't I bring the receipt myself.
- Great.

Bring it to my house tomorrow night.
Say around 9:00.

Then we can have that little celebration
I promised.

You and me. Some champagne.
Who knows what else.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Too bad it can't be tonight.

It can't be. Because.
Like I told you. My wife's coming.

I'm gonna take her to dinner.

Now you scoot out of here
like a good girl.

Tomorrow night. 9:00.
As long as that deposit's been made.

It will have been made.

- Hello. Darling.
- J.R.. I'm sorry I'm late.

- You wouldn't believe that traffic.
- It's all right. No problem.

I had something I had to
get out of the way first anyhow.

That Raymond is such a nice man.

Oh. He was so precious.

Oh. Just about perfect. Huh?

And that's a fact.

And sure didn't get two licks of help
from that ne'er-do-well father of his.

- Would you like more wine. Aunt Lil?
- Oh. No. No. no.

There I go.

I shouldn't have had that sip of wine
before dinner.

That's all right, we're just having fun.

Now. I'm not one to speak ill
of the dead...

but to tell the truth...

I never thought that Amos Krebbs
was the right husband for your mama.

I told her that.

I told him that too.

And he certainly wasn't
the right father for Raymond.

Well. I always had Ma.

Jock Ewing helped me a lot.

He sure did.

I'm mighty proud of you.

And so would your mother be.
If she was still alive.

She had a hard time with Amos Krebbs.

Harder than she deserved.

Aunt Lil. There's something
I want to tell you.

Are you finished?

Yes. What?

I don't know if this is
the proper time...

or if there is a proper time
to say something like this...

but there's something that
I think you should know.

Well. What is it?

Well. Mama told you about Jock Ewing.

About meeting him in England and all
during the w*r?

Oh. Yes. She spoke of him
with genuine admiration.


Well. Maybe with a little more
than admiration.

Love. Maybe.

Oh. It's all right to say it, Aunt Lil.

Mama was in love with Jock.

Well. I...

I thought that might have been.

I often wondered if she married Amos...

because she was missing
Jock so much.

Well. That may have been.

But it's more than that Aunt Lil.

Mama bore Jock a child.

No. Raymond.

Yes. It's true.

Amos Krebbs is not my father.
Jock Ewing was my father.


Now. Don't hold this against Mama.

Jock Ewing was a very.
Very special man.

But what about his wife?

Does Miss Ellie know?

Yes. Ma'am.

Jock told Miss Ellie
right after he told Ray.

Must have been awful hard on her.

Didn't she...

dislike you after she found out?

- Well...
- I think the point is now...

Miss Ellie looks at Ray as though
he were one of her own sons.

Jock Ewing.

He really was your father.

Lord bless your mother.

She never said a word.


Madame Ewing.


- She is no! In he! Mom.
- Oh, she's not there.

I'll try again later. Thank you.

Thornton Mcleish is here, Bobby.

Send him in. Please.

- Thornton.
- Sorry to barge in on you again. Bobby.

- No problem. Come on in. Sit down.
- Thank you.

I hope you're here to tell me you had
better luck than I did finding a drill bit.

I wish I were.

Bobby. I've been talking to my brother
about our deal.

Both Jarrett and I
are painfully aware of your time limits.

And we both sincerely hope
that we hit oil before your deadline.

We have to keep trying. That's all.

It's the only chance I have
of winning Ewing Oil.

As I say. Jarrett and I are
behind you all the way.

But if it does come
close to decision time...

and the fields still haven't paid off...

and you feel strongly
that you're going to lose...

would you please sell your shares in
the deal to Cliff Barnes or anybody else?

We'll provide you with a list
of interested investors.

We just don't want to end up
in partnership with J.R.

It's not an easy thing to ask.

I can understand that.

But. Thornton.
I don't think it's gonna come to that.

If it does.
Would you do us that favor?

Well. You've always been fair with me...

I can promise you I'll be fair with you.

Okay. You just let them dry.
I'll be right back.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

- Is Mrs. Ewing here?
- Yeah. She's right over there.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hello. Sue Ellen.

Ms. Harwood, here again?

Did you and J.R. have a nice dinner
last night at Madison's?

You were there? I didn't see you.

J.R. told me you were going.

We just missed each other
at the office.

I was with him two minutes
before you got there.

You're a very vindictive woman
and I don't believe you.

You're making a big mistake.

He'll be with me again tonight.

Look. Why don't you tell me
exactly what it is that you want?

I want your husband out of my life...

but he won't go away on his own.

You want him out of your business.

Well. That too. But that will come later.

Look. Ms. Harwood. Why don't you
get your little story straight?

Before. You told me
you wanted him...

and you didn't know whether you
were gonna be able to leave him.

I wouldn't have gotten
involved with him...

except he told me you two
had an open marriage.

Then when I met you here.
I realized it was only open on his side.

I did try to give him up.
But he won't let me.

You're a very strange
and awful woman...

and I don't believe a single word
that you're telling me.

All you're trying to do
is to avenge some business loss.


Not anymore.
He just got back from Cuba.

- What did he say he was doing there?
- He was on a political trip.

No. Sue Ellen.

Our deal was in Cuba.

He went to pick up our money.

And he's coming to my house
tonight at 9:00 to celebrate.

- You're lying.
- I've said what I have to say.

Ewing Oil Company.

Ah. Yes. This is Sue Ellen Ewing.

I was wondering
if my husband's still there?

No. I'm sorry. Mrs. Ewing.
The office is closed.

I see.

Thank you.

Thank you for a lovely evening. Mark.

- And day.
- And day.

- And dinner.
- And dinner.

- We didn't run into anybody you know.
- Oh. Thank heaven!

Good night.

You want me as much as I want you.

- Hello.
- Pam, is that you? This is Allan.



This is a terrible connection.

Afton. What's wrong?

Look. I don't know if I should
even be calling you, but...

Maybe I'm butting in
where I don't belong.

- Did something happen to Cliff?
- Nu, nu. It's nut Cliff.

Well. Then. What is it? Tell me.

N': Katherine I'm calling about.

Some things are going on with her
that concern you very much.

What things?

H': Very difficult in talk about
on the phone...

but ill were you, I think I would
take the next plane name.

Wait a minute. Afton.

Pam. You could lose your husband.
You could lose your child.

Lose my child?

This is so complicated.

Afton. Just tell me what's on your mind.

Well. It involves her and Bobby and...

Afton. I'm having trouble hearing you.

Pam. Look. I may be wrong...

but it seems to me that Katherine
is trying to move in on Bobby and...


Pam? Hello?

Afton? Afton?

Afton? Hello?

- We were disconnected.
- What was that all about?

I don't know. Afton said something
about Bobby and Katherine.

She thinks you should go home?

Are you going to?

I don't really want to.
I feel good here. But...

I left all the stress behind.

I guess I have to go home.

You don't have to.

Stay here with me.

Let's face what's going on between us.

There can't be anything
between us. Mark...

until I take care of
what's waiting for me in Dallas.

I can't just close my eyes
to those problems.

Hello. Sue Ellen.

YOU going out?

Are you upset about something?

Well. I'm supposed to have a meeting
with Holly Harwood.

Sue Ellen. What do you hope
to accomplish with that?

I just want to get this
whole thing settled. That's all.

What thing?

She's an angry woman.
She has a right to be...

but don't let her unhappiness
affect you.

I don't know what to do.

Does J.R. know any of this?

I don't know what J.R. knows.

Sue Ellen. Take a minute.
Come inside. We'll talk.

No. Thank you. Bobby.

You go ahead.
I just want some time alone.




Well. I finally got through to France.

What a problem that was.

- You got through to France?
- Yup. I called Pam.

I thought she should be warned
about Katherine and Bobby.

Have you lost your mind?

Cliff. You've seen how
Katherine's manipulating him.

- It's only right Pam knows.
- Are you crazy?

Now. What if Pam comes back
and sides with him?

Well. I hope she does.
Bobby's her husband.

The drill. Afton.
I'm talking about the drill.

What if she comes back and votes
with Katherine to give Bobby the drill.

Then I lose the Canadian deal.

You're not involved
in the Canadian deal.

- But I will be if he's forced to sell.
- You selfish, egotistical...

He'll have to sell if he doesn't
have the drill!

What kind of man are you anyway?

I'm so tired of being everybody's patsy.

For once. I got sh*t at the big brass ring
and you call my sister...

the only person that can
knock it out of my reach.

You don't care at all
what happens to Pam. Do you?

For once. I think about myself.

For once? No. Not for once. For always.

Cliff. You're the only person
you ever do think of.

You weren't lying. Holly.

You sure know how to celebrate.

Some things even a woman
can do well. J.R.

I'll drink to that.

Well. I guess it's time
to cr*ck another bottle.

I gotta get out of here and go home.

Oh. No. Not yet.

Stay a while.

You don't expect me
to stay the night. Do you?

Well. I wish you would.

What on earth am I gonna tell my wife?

You just tell her
you're gonna leave her.

For me.

You are the most contrary woman
I have ever met.

How's that?

Well. Now you want me
to leave Sue Ellen for you?

Well. Why not?

I didn't think you approved
of the way I led my life.

I didn't approve of the way
you led your business life.

But it's not the business
that fascinates me.

It's you.

Anyway. I'd even approve of the way
you led your business life...

if you and I were together.

Well. We are together.

I mean really together. J.R.

Think about it.

A merger between Harwood and Ewing.

Do you realize what that would mean
to the industry?

We'd be the most powerful couple
in Southwest oil.

I don't know what's gotten into you.
But I sure do like it.

- I really gotta go.
- I know.

- No. I mean I really should.
- I know you should.

Just stay just a little while longer.
Won't you?

Maybe just a little while.

J.R.. I've never met a man like you.

And I sure as hell
never met a woman like you.
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