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05x18 - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much

Posted: 11/18/21 10:25
by bunniefuu
[orchestral fanfare]

[star wars theme]


Male narrator:
Terror at the temple!

The jedi temple
is in disarray

After a vicious
t*rror1st attack.

Anakin skywalker
and ahsoka tano

Set out to find the truth

Of who was really behind
this horrendous catastrophe.

Their investigation led them
to discover the true saboteur,

Letta turmond.

Now the jedi attempt to return
the temple to normalcy.

But first master yoda
must give a eulogy

To the fallen jedi warriors.

- One with the force,
they are.

And our job it is
to remember that we will,

In time,
also pass on.

Luminous beings are we,

But temporary vessels,
our bodies are.

And we shall all find ourselves
here in time.

A moment of silence, I ask,

To remember and to move on.

- You were close
to one of them?

- Tutso mara.

We trained together.

He taught me how to hold
my lightsaber correctly.

- Live for the living jedi,
we must.

Live through us,
forever they will.

- So what happens
to letta now?

- The bomber has been moved.

- Moved?


Why should she be moved?

- The republic military
has taken her into custody.

- But why?

This is a jedi matter,
isn't it?

- Clones were k*lled,

Which makes
this t*rror1st attack

A military matter.

An attack on the jedi
is an attack on the senate.

- Admiral tarkin is right.

Letta isn't a jedi.

It's not for us
to be judge and jury

Over a citizen
of the republic.

- If letta's guilty,
she's guilty,

And she should be dealt with.

- Calm down, ahsoka.

revenge is not the jedi way.

- The evidence seems clear,

Nothing will ever change.

- The chancellor
feels very strongly

That the jedi be removed

From as many military matters
as possible.

You yourselves
said that you're peacekeepers,

Not soldiers.

- I hope chancellor palpatine
knows what he's doing.

- I assure you
that he rarely does anything

Without a strategy.

[elevator beeps]

- I have many things
to attend to, masters.

Good day.


- Go.

Be with your friend, ahsoka.


In ways,
she is still very young.

- Indeed.

- Company?

- Sure.

- Every time I think about this,
I feel conflicted.

It's hard not to let feelings
turn into attachment and pain.

- Ahsoka,
have you ever wondered

If it was right
to ignore your emotions?

- My master would say,

"our struggle as jedi
is to move past them."

- You make it sound so easy.

- [chuckles]

No, it isn't easy.

But it's possible.

Like, when we were stuck

Inside the battle t*nk
on geonosis,

It was hard not to be afraid.

you and I got past it.

And I guess
we'll get past this.

- You've always been capable
of seeing things clearly.

- [chuckles]

I guess I've fooled you
like I have everyone else.

[comlink beeping]

Yes, master.

- Ahsoka, we're needed
in the w*r room.

It appears the separatists
have mounted another attack.

- Coming, master.

Look, I have to believe
that one way or another,

This woman's going to pay
for what she did.

- You shouldn't
keep your master waiting.

- We've uncovered
a separatist plan of attack.

We shall travel
to the anoat system here,

Then move across
to saleucami.

- So far out of our way?

- Unfortunately, we must avoid
these neutral systems.

- Excuse me, master jedi.

- Yes, admiral.

- Commander tano,

Your presence is requested
by prisoner letta turmond.

- The prisoner
from the hangar bombing?

- Why is she asking
for ahsoka?

- Not exactly sure.

But commander tano
is the only person

The prisoner will speak to.

- I'll report back
with whatever I find out.

[engines whooshing]

- Yes?

- I'm commander tano.

Letta turmond
requested to see me.

- A lot of innocent people
died in that blast.

Good job capturing her.

All right, scan her.

[scanner pinging]

Leave your comlink
and lightsabers here.

Follow me.

- What do you want, letta?

- I was told
if I ever needed help,

You were the jedi
to contact.

- Give us a minute, please.

You don't have much time,

So I suggest you get
whatever you have to say

Off your chest.

- The idea of feeding jackar
the nano-droids was not mine.

- Why are you saying this now?

Why didn't you
reveal this before?

- Because my life is in danger.

The person behind this
will be able to get to me

Unless you know the truth.

- Huh.
What's the truth?

- A jedi.

A jedi showed me
how to create the b*mb

And how to put
the nano-droids in.

- Why would a jedi do this?

- There are some citizens
of the republic, like myself,

Who believe the jedi order
is not what it used to be.

The jedi
have become warmongers.

They've become
military weapons.

And they're k*lling

When they should be
keeping the peace.

One of these jedi
agreed with us.

One of you
wanted to make a statement

And was willing to attack
your own order to do it.

- Who?

- If you protect me,
I will tell you,

Because it is obvious to me
that I have been set up.

- Letta, you have to tell me
who is behind this.

- It's--

- Letta!



- Prisoner health critical,

Holding cell 173.

- Commander fox,
the prisoner.

- Follow me.

- [choking]

- Letta!

Don't know what happened.

- Commander, she's dead.

- I can't say I blame you,
commander tano.

But all the same,
you're under arrest.

- I...
No, no.

I did not do this.

- Admiral tarkin,
I don't know what happened.

I went in the room
to talk to letta,

And she said
she was afraid of a jedi.

- You don't have to tell me
any more, commander tano.

- I don't?

- No.

There are recorders
in every room.

Curiously, the sound
isn't working on this one.

It seems the jedi
she was afraid of was you.

- I did not k*ll that woman.

- You were the only one there.

I know that you were upset
when this woman

Was taken into custody
by the military.

- That means nothing.

- I beg to differ.

- It was someone else,

Someone I didn't see.

- You know
that is very difficult

For me to believe.

This is a secure facility.

We do not have
just anyone running about.

And if there was someone else,

Why did you not sense them?

- I said
my padawan is in there.

Now, step aside.

- General skywalker,

Admiral tarkin has ordered
that no one be allowed in there.

- I don't care
what she's accused of.

Let me in.

- Sorry, sir.

The admiral's orders stand.

This is now
a military operation

And under his jurisdiction.

- [coughs]

A key card.

Master, I knew
you wouldn't let me down.

I wonder
what you have planned.

Oh, no.

This does not look good.

My lightsabers.

[comlink beeping]


Who is this?

Why are you helping me?

- What's going on here?

- It wasn't me.

[alarm blaring]

- Alert!

The jedi prisoner
has escaped.

[droid speaking alien language]

- Commander tano, stop!

She's heading north
in the prison corridor.

Cut her off!

- Copy that.

- Oh, no.

[blaster firing]

- The suspect
has k*lled three clones.

Code red.

If you see the target,
sh**t to k*ll.

- Belay that order,
commander fox.

- She's k*lled troopers.

- I know commander tano.

She would never
do something like this.

- Then who did?

- Quiet!


It's me, anakin.

Stop running.

- You can't help me, master.

Someone's setting me up.

- I believe you, ahsoka.

- But no one else will.

- Keep searching
until we find her.

Rex, call security.

Tell them we need
to search the entire base.


[comlink beeps]

- General skywalker
has just issued

An all-points bulletin
on commander ahsoka tano.

She's k*lled three clones

And should be considered
armed and dangerous.

- The prisoner was just spotted
in the east wing,

Cell block 1218-11.

[creature sniffing]

[creature growling]

- [whistles]
come on, grizzer.

There's nothing here.

- There she is!

Quick, stop her
before she gets to the ship!

[blasters firing]

[blasters firing]


- All right, don't lose her.
We'll be right there.

- What's going on?

- We've found her.

She's heading towards
the industrial pipeline.

- Set weapons to stun.

I want her alive!

[blaster firing]

Do not sh**t to k*ll.

Do not sh**t to k*ll!

Try to box her in.

Don't let her escape.

Tell me what you see,

- She's moving west
along the central viaduct.

All right,
we got her now.

- This will knock her
off her feet.

[blaster booms]

- Not so fast,

[creatures growling]

- Ahsoka!

[creature squawks]

what are you doing?

- You didn't even try
to come and help me.

- They wouldn't let me in
to talk to you.

- You could have
if you tried.

- How would that look,
ahsoka, huh?

Forcing my way in

Would've made you look
even more guilty.

- I'm not guilty!

- Then we have to prove
you're innocent.

The only way we can do that
is by going back.

- I don't know
who to trust.

- Listen, I would never
let anyone hurt you, ahsoka,


But you need to come back

And make your case
to the council.

- No.

I'm not going to take the fall
for something I didn't do!

- I am ordering you
to put down your lightsaber

And come with me now!

Trust me.

- General skywalker,
where are you?

- I do trust you.

But you know
as well as I do

That no one else
will believe me.

you have to trust me now.

- Ahsoka,
I do trust you.

- I know you do.

Wish me luck.

[orchestral fanfare]

[star wars theme]


[r2-d2 beeping]