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05x15 - Shades of Reason

Posted: 11/18/21 10:22
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Villainy swells!

With an army of the galaxy's
most vicious criminals,

Darth Maul and Savage Opress

conspire with Pre Vizsla
and the Death Watch

to topple Duchess Satine,
ruler of Mandalore.

While the conspirators prepare to attack
the Mandalorian capital of Sundari

from a base on Zanbar,

the fate of 2,000 other neutral systems
is under threat,

as Darth Maul moves closer
to establishing a vast criminal empire.

Where are my targets?

We've identified them at these locations.

However, as I've said before,

if we try to take Mandalore by force,
our people will turn against us.

I will use my army of crime lords

to attack different targets across Sundari
and sow chaos

to undermine the Duchess's rule.

Our gangsters will make her look too weak
to maintain control.

Then you and your Death Watch
will capture and arrest us,

bringing order where
Satine's weak government could not.

We'll be saviors.


A good plan.

Indeed. I'll prepare the troops.

It's a risk to trust those monsters.

How do we know
they'll keep their end of the bargain?

We need those Sith and their thugs
to cause some pain

and show the Mandalorian people
how weak Satine really is.

After this is done,

no one will doubt why we're in power.

Most will welcome us.

Then what?

Then we execute Maul and those thugs.

Those criminals will scatter,
and Mandalore will be ours.

I believe Vizsla will betray us.

We have no other choice.

We cannot rule openly
without drawing the attention of the Jedi.

We need Vizsla as the face of our rule.

For now.

The promise of wealth
will find us a new face on Mandalore.

You've learned well, my apprentice.

Greed never fails to motivate.

What's the matter?

I am scanning life forms.
I believe this spice shipment is infested.

Step back.


Gangsters! We're under attack!


My master is taking over these docks.

You are now under the control
of the Pyke Syndicate.

Duchess, the shipping docks
are under attack.

By whom'? The Death Watch?

No, it appears to be a crime syndicate.

Our guards are helpless
against their numbers.

And the people are demanding
we do something to stop them.

Welcome to Mandalore!


Stand down!

You're now all slaves
of the Black Sun Clan.


Fall back!


It's the gangsters. Lock the vaults.

Open the bank!

We're here for a withdrawal.

Guards, now!

The Black Sun is attacking the vaults.
Send reinforcements.




Take him.






I need you all to remain calm.

These attackers are just thugs,

brought on by the lowest element.

MAN: I'm not gonna take this...

VIZSLA: The Duchess Satine
has led us to ruin!

Death Watch!

Guards, stay back!

Vizsla, you must be the one
responsible for these att*cks!

No, I am not responsible!

But I can offer a solution.

People of Mandalore!

I am Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla.

Death Watch is here to save you

from these intergalactic gangsters
that thr*aten our great city.

This is a w*r.

And we will win.


Join me and let us defend Mandalore
against the criminals.

We need action, not pacifism.

Do not listen to him!

His w*r will cause the end of Mandalore
as we know it!

We are under attack!

There is no time for discussion!


The name "Mandalore" should set fear
into the hearts of these gangsters.


If the people are beginning to follow you,
it is time for Death Watch to take action.

Make sure you put on a good show.

As you wish, Lord Maul.

What should we do?

There's nothing we can do.

The Duchess's forces are being overrun

- across the entire planet.

Listen. It sounds like
there is fighting going on out there.


What's going on?

We're Death Watch,
and we're here to rescue you.

You have my thanks, soldier.

No, thank Pre Vizsla.

You're safe now.

MAN 1: It's Death Watch!
MAN 2: Death Watch are our saviors!

MAN 3: They freed us.
WOMAN: You're saviors!

MAN 4: We owe them our lives!
MAN 5: They saved us!

Stop them! They've robbed the main vault!



Keep up, you weaklings!




This monster will not trouble
the people of Mandalore any longer.

Take him away, Captain!

Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla!

MAN: Duchess, Pre Vizsla and his men
have entered the palace.

- Should we stop them?
- How can we?

The people are on their side now.


No! There will be no bloodshed.

But, Duchess!

I will not be provoked to v*olence
by these t*rrorists.

Listen, Duchess. Do you hear the people?

They cry out for change.

Your weak-minded rule of Mandalore
is at an end.

The resurrection of our warrior past

is about to begin.

Duchess Satine
and the New Mandalorian leaders

have fled in cowardice

while the Death Watch
brought these criminals to justice.

Your new prime minister, Pre Vizsla,
leader of Death Watch,

exiled governor of Concordia,

true son of Mandalore,

presents you with the lords of the
most feared crime families in the galaxy.

ALL: (CHANTING) Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla!


You cannot hold me here!
I am the Duchess of Mandalore!

Your actions will bring
our civilization to ruin!

- Is that you, Satine?
- Almec'?

Here for a visit?
Or has peace betrayed you, too, Duchess?

Peace exists
only in the minds of the faithful.

And faith has been
the greatest disappointment.

Only when it is broken.

What you did for the people
as prime minister

betrayed their trust.

And you betrayed mine.
Destitution leaves little room for faith.

My actions allowed the people
hope in your leadership.

The supplies I bought on the black market
kept you in power.

Another error of judgment.

The people made willing sacrifices
for their freedom.

Corruption is not the answer.


Then enjoy your freedom, Duchess.

You'll have plenty of time
to tell me all about it.

The transition of power will be seamless.

We now have the support of the people,
and Satine to bait Kenobi.

With his demise, our deal will be complete.

Your oversight requires correction.

We now have a base, an army,

and the means to expand
to other neutral systems.

It wasn't an oversight, it was intentional.

I don't have an interest
in the other systems.

Your vision no longer matters.


Oh, don't fret! I'll still honor our deal.

Kenobi will be dealt with.

But now, you'll do as I say.

VIZSLA: The v*olence is over!

The last of the parasites infecting
Mandalore has been caught.

The Duchess has abandoned her duty
to protect Mandalore.

Her political dream only encourages
aggression against our planet.


We have learned from this beast
the consequences of pacifist principles.

It's now time to restore
the traditions of Mandalore!

No one will ever thr*aten us again!

Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla! Vizsla!

Vizsla has captured
the support of his people,

just as we planned.

However, he is not
their anointed leader yet.

There is still time for us to put in place
a leader under our control.

Then let us escape, and we shall find one!

Patience. We must move cautiously.

By placing us in prison,

Vizsla has unwittingly put us in reach
of several candidates for his successor.

Who do you mean, brother?

Vizsla has imprisoned the Duchess here.

Other political advisors of hers
will be within these walls

whom will suit our purposes well.

Hey. Quiet, You two!

Apprentice, I wish a tour of this facility.




You are the now former
Duchess Satine, are you not?

What do you want, you monster?

Mmm. Nothing yet,
but I will have a use for you in time.

Where are the other leaders
of your people?

You should know already.

They've either sided with Vizsla
or have been k*lled.

There's no one left now but Almec and I,

but he's as corrupt and vile as you.



Thank you for being so cooperative.



I can deliver you from this prison.

What was your position
in this government?

I'm the former prime minister.

Satine imprisoned me
on charges of corruption and conspiracy

for using the black market.

He's a m*rder*r.

- He calls the death of children...
- Quiet.


What do you want from me?

Mandalore is in need of a prime minister.

I thought you were in league
with Pre Vizsla.



We were.

Oh, clearly, you are powerful.

But how can two of you
overthrow Vizsla and his supporters?

Vizsla is a soldier.

And like every soldier,
he is bound by honor.

I will challenge him
to single combat in front of his men.

He will not deny me.

Ooh, if you defeat him,

according to the ancient laws of Mandalore

his soldiers will be
honor-bound to follow you.


Sir! They're attacking!


I challenge you, one warrior to another,

and only the strongest
shall rule Mandalore.

So be it.

Give him his w*apon.



For Mandalore!















Like you said,

only the strongest

shall rule.


I claim this sword,

and my rightful place
as leader of Death Watch.

No outsider will ever rule Mandalore.


If you will not join me,

you will all die.

You're all traitors!

Unfortunately for you,
history will not see it that way.

Execute them!

"ALMEC". Silence! Please! Silence!

Hear me now!

Duchess Satine, the so-called pacifist

who could not protect you
when your lives were at stake,

- has m*rder*d Pre Vizsla,

the true hero of Mandalore.

- Satine is now under arrest,

and it was Pre Vizsla's last command

that I be reinstated as prime minister.

I know my past is checkered,

but I promise you,
I take full responsibility for my people.

And my heart now bleeds for your pain.

However, from this point on,
Mandalore will be strong,

and we will be known as the warriors
we were always meant to be!


You have done well, Prime Minister.

I shall waste no time
in building my administration.

Choose wisely.

I will hold you personally responsible
for their failures.

Yes, master.

Uh, is there anything more you require?


Rule my people.