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05x13 - Point of No Return

Posted: 11/18/21 10:17
by bunniefuu
Mission accomplished!

Colonel Gascon and his droid squad

steal an encryption module

needed to crack a Separatist code

and stop an impending attack
on the Republic.

After surviving The Void

and escaping the hostile planet
of Abafar,

our heroes finally appear to be
headed in the right direction.

Hmm, looks like the Jedi cruiser

is expecting this shuttle.

Well, I'm sure there's someone aboard

who can put this encryption
module to good use.

Well, soldiers, this is the end
of the mission.

Colonel Gascon has succeeded.

R2, contact the bridge.

Tell them I request a meal
with the captain.

Nothing too fancy,
and, uh, I don't eat bantha.

What do you mean you still
can't make contact?

I have got a bad feeling
about this, Colonel.

Something is not right.


It's probably just the effects
of The Void.

All that, uh, magnetic disruption

messed up his circuitry.

I will not allow your frivolous worrying

to undermine this...
this glorious moment!

I expect a hero's welcome,

not to mention my inevitable promotion

to P1 Brigadier!


They really went overboard
on the welcoming committee.

Good question, QT.

Why are there not any other
shuttles or crew members?

Well, everyone's probably
preparing to, uh...

Well, they'll all want to be there

when we break the Separatist code.

How should I know why
all the blast doors are shut?

That's a question
for the captain of this ship

and one I intend to ask
just as soon as I find him.

Sergeant, Colonel Meebur Gascon.

You have no doubt been expecting me.

I am delivering the Separatist
encryption module.

Why... it's just a hologram.

What in the blazes is going on here?

I do not know.

But we just made the jump to hyperspace,

which means somebody
is navigating this ship.

You, droids!

What are you doing on our ship?

Surrender or you will be destroyed.

Battle droids!

Whoo... ahh!

The commander wants the detonator

taken to the control room.

Roger, roger.

Okay, let me just...

Lift with your legs!
Lift with your legs!

Uh, heavy, heavy.

Watch it, watch it! Look out!

Good thinking back there.

But next time I give the orders.

I got it.

I got it.

I don't got it!



I wasn't programmed for this.

Stop! Which way are we going?

Down here!


Have you seen the intruders?

They went that way?

Roger, roger.

All right, something
very strange is going on here.

It appears this ship has been
h*jacked by Separatists.

What do you mean it doesn't belong here?

He is right, Colonel.

This is not Republic technology.

Not unless they have lowered
their standards.

Well, what exactly do you think it is?

A b*mb?

What kind of a b*mb? Is it on?

How long do we have? Talk to me!

What do you mean the ship is a b*mb?

How can the entire ship be a b*mb?

Mother of Kwath...

There must be enough rhydonium in here

to blow up the entire Republic fleet.

I don't know what any of this means,

but I want off this ship immediately.

My mission is over.

I had no orders to stop
Separatist piracy

or disarm massive,
titanic-scale bombs!

C4 has a good point.

If we do not stop this ship
before it explodes,

it could cost the Republic
thousands of lives.

Pure speculation.

We're evacuating this ship,
and that is an order!

Oh, right.

We'll have to wait to evacuate

until the ship is out of hyperspace.

By then it could be too late.

Once we get where we are going,
my guess is...





okay, okay!

I don't know, QT.

Where is R2 gone now?

What's going on? Who is this?

I am BNI-393,
an LEP Servant Droid.

My master called me Bunny.

And where is your master?

He was k*lled

when the Separatists
took control of this ship.

Why were you hiding from us?

At first I did not know
if I could trust you.

Then I was not sure
you would believe me.

Once you saw the truth,

I was simply hoping
you would abandon ship

and take the rest of us with you.

Rest of you?

You're telling me

there's more
Republic crew members on board?

Did you destroy the intruders?

Uh, no.

There are Republic droids on this ship

that could ruin our plans.

You will search the entire ship
until the intruders are found

and report back to me.

Is this a joke?

The rest of the crew is in our shuttle?

I told them to wait inside

and that we would be leaving

as soon as we came out of hyperspace.

You can come out now.

It is okay.

These are the other crew members?

As you can see,

none of us can pilot the shuttle,

which is why we needed you.

Why you need me.

Hi, there.

I am the pilot.

What is this Separatist plot?

I do not know the details.

I was only able to steal the coordinates

of their target.


You mean they aren't just
planning to blow up this ship?

I do not believe so.

The coordinates are a space station

in the Carida system.


That's the site

of the Republic Strategy Conference.

How do I know?

I was putting the finishing touches

on a report for that conference

when I was assigned this mission.

The Jedi Council will be there,

along with Republic officers
from around the galaxy and...

What the...

The Separatists are going to ram
the station with this ship!

I agree.

We have to do something, R2.

See if you can send a transmission

to the Republic so we can warn them.

It is no use.

We have tried that.

All transmissions from this ship
are being blocked.

Hmm, you're right.

We can't just sit here and do nothing.

Where's he going?


That buzz droid is not with me.

It must be a spy!

Stop that droid!

Where'd he go?
We've got to find him.

I do not know.
I do not see him anywhere.

Uh, Colonel...

I think I see him.

I think I see a whole lot of him.

It's a trap!

Good work.
You've established a perimeter.

There are still more coming!

Please tell me you have
a brilliant strategy, Colonel!

I don't know!
There's just so many of them.

What do you mean, "get out"?

All right, what are you going to do?

You are going to open the air lock?

Are you crazy, BZ?

Everybody, magnetize your feet!

Lock down!

BZ! Magnetize!



R2, close the door!

Close the door!

Poor BZ.

You will be missed, soldier.

R2 is right.

Colonel, would you say something
to honor this heroic sacrifice?

I suppose that's appropriate.

I'll have to make it quick
because we don't have much time.

When this D-Squad
started our mission,

I had doubts.

Grave doubts that we would ever survive,

let alone succeed.

But we worked together.

We didn't give up hope.

We showed courage in the face of death.

It shocks me to say this,

but we make an excellent team.

Now we've lost one of our members...


But we must remember.

BZ sacrificed himself for us.

That's what a good soldier does

The only way to honor that sacrifice

is to stop this ship

and prevent the Separatists

from taking any more Republic lives.

Are you with me?

Have the buzz droids
reported back in yet?

No, there has been no signal from them.

In fact, I cannot even locate
their signal anymore.

We must assume, then,

that the buzz droids have failed.

I want those intruders found
before they ruin our plans.

- Roger, roger.
- Roger, roger.

All right, everybody knows the plan?

We get the injured droids to the shuttle

and distract the battle droids

while R2 goes up to the detonator

and programs it to explode early.

Hopefully he can make it
back to the shuttle

and we can all get off the ship
before it blows up.

Good luck, R2.

The intruders! Destroy them!

You can make it!

Hurry! Hurry!

We have our target in sight.

Full ahead.

Ramming speed.

Evacuation plan is now under way.

I will go to the detonator
and start the countdown.

The worst part about our job

are these boring strategy conferences.

Cheer up, Anakin.

This is your chance to voice
all your complaints

about military protocol.

And it looks as though
we can finally get under way.

I will inform Master Windu
the last straggler has arrived

while you work on your attitude.

Isn't that ship coming in
a little too fast?

There's the shuttle!

Careful, you'll hit the rhydonium.

Everyone, head to the ship!

C4 and I will distract them.

You are too late.

Once the detonation sequence
has commenced,

there is no stopping it.

Now let's see if R2 made it
to the detonator.

R2 is in trouble!

Come on!

R2 will never make it back
to the shuttle in time.

We've got to delay the launch.

The cruiser has not slowed its pace.

Have you been able to contact
their captain?

Z9 says he cannot make contact
with anyone.

Where's R2 when I need him?

We've got to regroup
and head back for R2.

Well, we're changing the plan!

No one gets left behind,

and we're not leaving until I say so!

Prepare for liftoff!

No. It is too soon.

We are scanning a large amount
of rhydonium on that ship!

It's a b*mb.

And you thought
this conference would be boring.

Mayday! Mayday!

Space station Valor,

this is Colonel Meebur Gascon.

Can anyone hear me?

We read you, Colonel.

This is General Skywalker.

What's going on out there?

Slight change in our mission, General.

The droids and I were stowaways
on that cruiser.

Where's R2?

I'm sorry to report he was on that ship

when it blew up, sir.

He just saved all your lives.

I want a salvage team out there now!

Yes, sir.


You made it, buddy!

Hey, you're a big hero.

There's someone here
who wants to speak to you.

R2D2, are we glad to see you.

I am most glad.

Quiet, WAC. I'm talking here.

Yes, sir, Colonel.

In truth, I might just be a map reader,

and I don't have much battle experience,

but, R2,

you are the bravest droid
I have ever met.

You all are.

I would be proud to serve
with you droids

anytime, anywhere.

Oh, I am glad to hear you
say that, Colonel,

because I hear we have been
assigned to the same platoon!

We will be seeing each other every day

for the rest of the w*r!

That's great, WAC.