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05x12 - Missing in Action

Posted: 11/18/21 10:16
by bunniefuu

On a secret mission for the Republic,

Colonel Gascon
and his intrepid droid squad

successfully steal an encryption module

from a Separatist ship.

During their escape, our heroes crash

on the Outer Rim planet of Abafar

and find themselves stranded
in the strange wasteland

called The Void.

Now, after surviving against all odds,

our heroes must find a way home

and deliver the encryption module

to crack the Separatist code
and stop an enemy attack.

I have never been to Tatooine,

but if this place
reminds you of it, R2,

remind me never to go there.

Don't be absurd, QT.

These people aren't dangerous.

Most of these people are probably hiding

from someone or something.

That's the way it is
on these Outer Rim armpits.

Nobody's here by choice,

which goes double for me.

I hope you have a plan

to get us off this armpit, Colonel.

Of course I do, Corporal.

All we need is a communications uplink

and some fuel.

Thank you for the reminder, C4,

but I'm well aware our shuttle's
lost in The Void.

I'm talking about fuel for me.

You droids can putter along
on battery power

but I need food to survive.

My power cells are running low, too,

and an oil bath would be nice.

All this dust is wreaking havoc
on my joints.

Forget it, BZ.

We're not on vacation here.

R2, is the encryption module safe?

Nothing short of death or dismemberment

will stop Colonel Meebur Gascon

from delivering
that module to Coruscant.

Well, I'll be.

A diner. A place of eating.

I'm saved.

R2, you and the other 'mechs
scout the perimeter.

Find out if there
are any unfriendlies around.

Corporal, you and I will refuel
in this fine establishment.

Good day.

I am Colonel Gascon of
the Grand Army of the Republic.

And I am here
on very important business.

I don't have much time,
so if you'll be so kind

as to fix me your daily special
and let my droid recharge.

No droids.


Wait for me outside, Corporal.

We don't serve your type either.

What type are you referring to?

Conduit worms.

I beg your pardon.
I am a Zilkan.

You'll be begging for your life

if you don't beat it.

Beat it.



Oh, ah!

This is an outrage.

That monstrosity will rue the day

he denied me a meal.

I would not push it, Colonel.

That monstrosity
might make a meal out of you.

I don't care.

I'm famished.

I think I can help.

Your meal awaits you, sir.

You short-circuiting

that's no meal.

That is garbage.

What is the difference?

It is edible, is it not?


Oh, uh, I'm sorry.

I didn't see you there.

Look, I could get you some food,

but normally people
come in the front door.

But there's no problem.

You do know that
you're eating garbage, right?

You're a clone.

Excuse me?

Uh, I...

I wouldn't know about that.

My... my name's Gregor.

Uh, wait, what's a clone?

You are a clone.

Are you working undercover?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Listen to me, soldier,
whatever your assignment is,

it can't be more important than mine.

It is his first real mission.

He is just a map reader.

Don't listen to that ignoramus.

You are a clone and a soldier
in the Republic Army,

and I order you to take me to your ship.

We need to get back to Coruscant

Uh, look, friend,
I was just trying to help.

I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way.

I do not think that soldier

believes you are a colonel, uh, Colonel.


Get back to work.

Uh, excuse me. I got to go.

I don't wanna lose my job.

But I'm still hungry.

Well, what's the scouting report?

Separatist droids?

Hmm, well, that complicates matters.

So, uh, boss,

you know, I was just wondering...

No, you can't have a raise, Gregor.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I don't want a raise, sir.

I-I just wanted to know,
what's a clone?

Someone told me I was a clone today.

They insisted.

Heh. A clone?

Clones fight battles across the galaxy.

They are brave soldiers.

Does that sound like you?

You're a dishwasher, Gregor.

Forget about clones
or anything like that.

You have good life here,

a simple life.

More than you had when Borkus found you.

I know, sir.

And I appreciate everything
that you've done.

Believe me.

But I thought maybe you could...

could you tell me, how did I get here?

Where did you find me?

Enough questions.

Go home. Sleep.

Come back tomorrow. Do your job.

And I don't ever want to hear
that word "clone" again,


I cannot help noticing

that we are already on our third plan.

Smart battle strategy requires
flexibility and improvisation,

something droids are not known for.

R2 is right.

Droids are not known for being flexible,

because we are programmed
to be right the first time.

Well, answer me this, Corporal,

if the Jedi Council
thought one of you droids

were better prepared
to lead this mission,

then why did they put me in charge?

'Cause you were the only one
who could fit inside BZ.

No, it is because my power
of deduction told me

that if there
are Separatist droids on Abafar,

then there must be a landing zone nearby

where there will be no doubt
a shuttle to take us home.

That, Corporal, is why I am in charge.

Now, we are going
to waltz down there, undetected,

just like we did on the dreadnought,

and commandeer that shuttle
without incident.

The mechs have a point, Colonel.

After what we did on the dreadnought,

those battle droids probably
have our identities scanned.

We will have to fight our way
onto the shuttle this time.

Hmm, you droids may have a point.

But there's no way in Malachor

that I'm going to lead
this pitiful squad

on an as*ault of that landing zone.

What is the plan now, Colonel?

We're going to wait
until our clone gets off work,

then enlist his help,
whether he wants to or not.

Captain Rex reporting for duty.

Agh! What?


I don't understand.

That's me?

No, that's Captain Rex.

He's a clone in the Republic Army,

just like you, Gregor.

I can't believe it.

Okay, slow down. Slow down.

So you're telling me that there
are more of these clones?

Millions. A whole army's worth.


And they all look exactly like me?

No, those clones are warriors,

professional soldiers
created by the Republic,

trained to fight, and die if necessary,

in our w*r against the Separatists.

They're not dishwashers

living in
some vermin-infested hovel.

Look, I'm lucky to live in this place.

Mr. Borkus says my salary
doesn't even cover the rent,

so he pays the difference for me.

Don't you get it, Gregor?

You're his sl*ve.

We need to figure out
who you really are,

how you got here.

Are you sure
you don't remember anything?

Well, all I remember is
waking up on a transport.

Somehow we crashed on Abafar.

And, well, Mr. Borkus says
I have amnesia.


Every clone has an
identifying code on their wrist.

Your military records
will be in the database.

Scan him, R2.


Gregor, your designation
is CC-5576-39.

You were a captain
and part of an elite squad.

A clone commando.

Your file says you were reported

missing in action during

the Battle of Sarrish.




What was the Battle of Sarrish?

It was one of the Republic's
most devastating losses.



Yes, I remember now.

So many soldiers were dying.

Do... do you remember
how you escaped Sarrish?


I just remember seeing all those bodies.

Bodies everywhere.

I knew I had to get help.

But that's where the memory stops.

Well, soldier,

there's nothing you can do
about that battle now,

but you can help us.

Our mission depends on it.

Uh, Colonel, Gregor said
to give him five minutes,

but it has been six.

What if he does not accept
your offer to join us?

Then I'll go back in there

and personally
knock some sense into him.

That won't be necessary.


I figured
at least looking like a soldier

might bring back some more memories,

until we recover my equipment anyway.

I overheard you guys talking.

I think I know where my armor is.

Let's go check out the diner.

Step it up, soldiers.
This isn't a party.

We do not have all night.

Looking for this?

My uniform. My equipment.

All this time you knew who I was
and didn't tell me.


I don't care who you were.

You are dishwasher now.

And you owe me for saving you
from your crash.

Your life is mine, Gregor.

You didn't save me.

You turned me into a sl*ve.

I've worked in this dump
taking orders from you

when I could have been fighting
for the Republic.

I want my life back.

You want your freedom, Gregor?

Take your g*n from me.

Show me you are a soldier.

You see?

You are no soldier.

You are a dishwasher.

Why, you no-good droids.

Let go of me.

Agh! Oh.


Take your things, Gregor.

We're getting out of here.

Don't leave, Gregor.

It's a big galaxy out there,

bigger than you know.

Stay here, where your life is simple.

Simple isn't good enough anymore.

Not for this clone.


You will never get off Abafar,

you and your little Republic friends,

not after your Jedi cruiser blows up.

What are you talking about?

Why do you think the
Separatists bother coming here?

They are mining our rhydonium

to load on the shuttle
and destroy your ride home.

You will see.

You will all be stuck here

begging Borkus for a job in his diner.

Okay, let's see what we're up against.


Wait. There.

There's a cruiser up there.

And that shuttle, I think...

Yes, it's being loaded up
with rhydonium canisters.


I guess Mr. Borkus

was actually telling
the truth... for once.

What exactly is rhydonium?

It's a fuel.

Mostly been mined out on Abafar.

It's volatile and dangerous.

Yes, we do have a new mission:

Stop the Separatists
from blowing up that cruiser.

I'll cover you
and clear the way, Colonel.

You all head straight to the shuttle.

I'll take care of those clankers.

Hmm, sounds like a good plan.

You soldiers ready to get dangerous?

I'll meet you at the shuttle, sir.

Let's roll.


You need authorization
to enter this area.


Get them!


Good job, Gregor.

Look, he's up there!

Just keep moving.

It is all under control.

I'm beginning to remember
how much I hate these guys.

Hey, I don't recognize those astromechs.

Blast them!

They are on to us.

Colonel, can you hear me?

Save yourselves!

Okay. Whoa!



Did everybody make it?

No, BZ and the colonel
are still out there.

Get the shuttle ready to roll.


Colonel, you all right?

I'll never make it back alive.

Yes, you will, sir.

This is what I was born to do.

Now, go before it's too late.

It's been an honor
serving with you, Colonel.

R2's right.

We can swing back around
and pick you up.

Don't worry about me.

You made me remember who I am.

I'll make my way home.
I promise.

Now go!

Where is Gregor?

Where is Gregor?

He's doing what a soldier does:

Sacrificing himself
for the lives of others.

You will be remembered, Captain Gregor.

We'll take your heroic story
back to the Republic,

and we will watch for your return.