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05x08 - Bound for Rescue

Posted: 11/18/21 10:12
by bunniefuu
Piracy in deep space!

Infamous outlaw Hondo Ohnaka
att*cks a Jedi transport

carrying six younglings

who just received
their lightsaber crystals.

So rare are these crystals

that Hondo knows he can sell
them on the black market

for a small fortune.

In a desperate attempt
to save the younglings,

Ahsoka Tano is captured
by Hondo and his pirate horde.

Now, with a damaged ship,

the younglings are stranded and alone.

This is the Crucible

calling the Republic fleet.

Come in please.

We need help.

This is General Kenobi.

We have your transmission.

The General Kenobi?

The pirate Hondo has att*cked
and severely damaged our ship

and taken our chaperone, Ahsoka Tano.

I'm dispatching Commander Cody
to bring you back.

We shall deal with Hondo on Florrum.

Will Ahsoka be all right?

Hondo would be even more
of a fool than I think he is

to hurt her.

Once we've picked you up
we'll focus on rescuing Ahsoka.

But we could help Ahsoka
a lot sooner than you can.

You've shown great bravery,
but these pirates...

It was us who managed
to drive them from the ship.

You will not jeopardize your safety

trying to be heroes, understood?

Yes, Master.

Their coordinates put them
dangerously close to Florrum.

I do not want them getting any ideas.

You will need to leave quickly, Cody.

Sir, enemy fleets
coming out of hyperspace.

Battle stations.

Launch all fighters.

Cody, looks like
you're staying here for now.

Heh, what do you think?

I think you've finished
your lightsaber.

Doesn't mean you know how to use it.

Well, if you hurry up with yours,

maybe we could find out.

I'll finish mine when I'm ready.

Seeing as how our rescue party
has forgotten us,

you'll have plenty of time.

They probably just got delayed.


Ahsoka needs our help,
and we're sitting around

like children.

We are children.

I vote we mount a rescue mission.

Gungi is with me.


That's three votes for and...

One against.

Perfect timing.

There's a problem with the ship.

What kind of problem?

Breaking away from the pirate ship

ruptured the entire filtering system.

What does that mean?

It means she's venting coolant,

and if we don't land soon,
the engines will explode.

We'll have to land
and let the system reset.

Then it's settled.

If we stay out here we'll die.

We go to Florrum,
let the engines cool,

and rescue Ahsoka.

A rescue mission?

It would be wise
if you would let me go.

No, it would be unprofitable
if I would let you go,

and why would I do something
as shortsighted as that?

If you don't let me go,

you will wish you had been born
a protocol droid.

Sometimes I do anyway.

But you are really in no position

to make threats, young lady.

You look stressed.

Are you thirsty?

A drink, perhaps?

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Sorry, but I do not like to share.

Our forces are being overrun.

The droids are sending out
boarding parties.

We must get to the main hangar
to repel them.

We're being overrun!

Push forward!


You'll regret that.


Guess we're in the right place.

R2, finish reassembling
Master Huyang, will you?

I hate to see him like this.

Ganodi, you stay with the ship.

And who put you in charge?

We're going to need
to make a quick escape,

and you're the only one that had
flight simulator training

at the temple.

Oh, seeing as you put it like that.

I don't see anything.

There's no one.

Are we sure
we even landed near their base?

Well, we couldn't land
too close, could we?

My scanner's indicating
a strong power source.

Uh, that way.

It must be their base.

You have no idea
how we're going to get inside

and find Ahsoka, do you?

I'm working on it.

Byph is right.
We better get moving.

We'll figure out a strategy
on the way.

You know the Republic
won't pay a ransom for me,

and the Separatists can't be trusted.

They'll betray you and k*ll us both.

Yes, I know this, my dear.

The Separatists
are no friends of mine.

Don't ask me why,
but Dooku holds such a grudge

against me since our little
"I held him hostage" affair.


The truth is, I have my sights set

on more nefarious criminals than I,

a businessman who will pay
handsomely for a Jedi.

A female Jedi at that.

You don't scare me, Hondo.


Oh, by the way.

They don't care
if you're dead or alive.

I mean, I prefer alive.

Less messy.

But I find my moods
so changeable these days.


General, the fuel barrel!


Fall back.

Fall back!

This is General Kenobi.

Abandon ship. Abandon ship!

Sir, shouldn't we stay and fight?

We can't lose the ship now.

Cody, the ship is already lost.

We must face it.

But you and I are going to give
Grievous a little parting gift.

A ship? What kind?

The side of the ship says,

"Preigo's Traveling
World of Wonder".

They're a traveling carnival act.

Faster, you lazy creatures.

Oh, Hondo will be furious
if we're late.

You hear me?

Hey, hey, and now what?

You there, what the...
what are you doing?

I said faster, not stop.


Are we to understand
you were on your way

to the pirate stronghold?

Yes, what's it to you?

Who are you?
How did you get out here?

Sir, our ship crashed
and we've been stranded,

but our misfortune is to your benefit.

Oh, really?

And, uh, how is that,
my curious friend?

We are...



We would love to join your act

and travel with you
to your next destination.


All of you wish to join my act, huh?


You would like to come with us
when we go to entertain Hondo

and his pirate horde?

Very much so, yes.

Oh, no, no, I... I'm sorry.

The pirates are an unforgiving

I couldn't possibly...


How did you...

Oh, my, my.

Artists, true artists!

Young man, how many
of these tricks can you do?

How many do you want?

Ho, ho, ho, ho, welcome to the show!

General, we have secured the ship.


Waste no time,

and get me every last piece
of information

from the data banks.

General Grievous, you have defeated me

and taken control of my ship.


However, if you're watching
this message,

that means I'm boarding an escape pod

and shall soon be safely away
from the ship

which is about to self-destruct.

General Grievous,
you have defeated me...




Wait, wait!

What are you doing?



I'm afraid the younglings
are now on their own.


You'd better know
what you're doing because

I don't see Ahsoka.


I, Preigo, your humble servant,

have searched far and wide,

oh, illustrious plunderer
of the universe,

and found you
a most special entertainment.


I would hate to be forced
to cut off their heads

like I did to your last act.

You remember those guys.

You are a brave man
to come before me again.


He has Ahsoka's lightsabers.

I'll get them.

Where is my Jedi?

I would hate for her to miss the show

which I'm hoping
will be better than last time.


Let the show begin!

Ah, yes, of course.

May I present
the, uh, Animal Instincts.

Oh, no.

I love a kiddie act.

What is this business?

I believe he wants you to, uh,
be a part of the next stunt.

Oh, does he now?

Come with us.

Which one of you said that?

I may not be as young as I once was,

but I'm older!

Stand right here.

Who wants to see Hondo's moves?

Talk to me, hey!

You guys shouldn't be here.

Don't worry. We have a plan.

I think.

I am flying!


What the...

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Not again.



Well, that was a good act.

It's those bleeding Jedi kids.


The children are Jedi?


Get to those speeders.

We've got to run for it!

Those blasted kids
have screwed everything up!

Hondo's going to k*ll us.

Quick, get to that speeder.

Get us out of here!

What is going on?

Where is my Jedi?

Someone stop them!

Hurry, Gwarm, get after them!


I know how you feel.

You lost your master,
and I lost my Jedi.


How do you feel?

Better now.

I could pretend to be angry,
but you were all very brave.

Thank you.

We disobeyed orders.

Well, I've learned from my Master

that sometimes doing the right thing

means bending the rules.

Ganodi, come in please.

Get the ship ready.

We need to take off.