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05x04 - The Soft w*r

Posted: 11/18/21 10:09
by bunniefuu
The rebels elect a new leader!

With their training complete,

Obi-Wan and Anakin have left
Ahsoka on Onderon

to monitor and advise the rebels

as they continue to strike
Separatists targets

under the command of Steela Gerrera.

Facing an escalation of rebel att*cks,

the Separatists
have sent reinforcements

to strengthen their hold
on the city of Iziz,

as the battle for the planet unfolds.

Oh, yummy, yummy.

Looks like more reinforcements.

A small droid convoy leading
a multi-troop transport.

An AAT bringing up the rear.


Ah! It's an ambush!

We need reinforcements.

Ah, no!

Do not be afraid,
brothers and sisters.

We mean you no harm.

It's time.

People of Onderon,

the time has come
to take back our freedom.

We have all been deceived.

King Rash is a traitor

who has sold Onderon to
the Separatists for the crown.

But Onderon is ours.

We need your strength
to reclaim our planet

and restore our sovereignty
under our true king,

King Dendup.

The t*rrorists
are no longer a nuisance

but a threat to Onderon.

It is only a matter of time
before they are all eliminated.

How much longer before
they plunge us into chaos?

It seems they're only
targeting the droid army.

If you allowed
the royal Onderon militia

to assume control of security,

the t*rrorists may stop
and discuss terms.

You will assume nothing,
General Tandin.

With their coordinated att*cks
and weapons,

it is possible they're finding
sympathy within your own ranks.

The threat is external,

and your reinforcements
have done little to stop them.

We will not negotiate with t*rrorists.

They fear diplomacy.

They embrace mayhem.

What do we know about them?

We've identified Steela Gerrera

as the woman in the hologram.

Her brother, Saw,
is also part of the group

as well as the fugitive criminal
Lux Bonteri.

The late senator Mina Bonteri's son?

Yes, my lord.

Why was I not told of this?

You just were.


It's clear that Dendup is behind this.

We mustn't allow his followers
any momentum.

Justice must come swiftly,

without mercy.

Bring him in.

What now?

Your supporters have begun
to publicly decry my reign.

Am I still to believe you
are not behind their att*cks?

You must order them to surrender.


I have been isolated and alone
without visitors,

confined to my prison.

Again, the will of the people
is theirs, not mine.

Well, then we shall see
what the will of the people

is made of.

Okay, guys, put it in the back
with the rest.


They're executing King Dendup
tomorrow in Yolahn Square.

Where did you hear this?

Malgan Market.

The merchants.

The Separatists are saying
he's behind our att*cks.

More lies.

They're making him an example
to humiliate us.

Maybe, but their efforts
could work against them.

Executing him would
only make him a martyr.

We can't let him die.

We have to break him out somehow.

No, we should wait
until he's in public,

at the execution.

That's where they'd expect it.

I know, but this is our moment.

We'll save him
for all of Iziz to witness.

We don't have much time.

They're counting on us to show up.

Where are you going?

Trust me.


Let me take care of this.

This isn't about you.

We can't afford
a reckless move right now.

Go write a speech about it.

You have to weigh the risk.

That's why I'm going alone.

Follow him.


Saw is strong.

He'll be fine.

He's always been brash.

Never thinks.

He doesn't realize,
by leaving us, he's hurting us.

We need a plan.

They'd bring King Dendup
through the east entrance

of Yolahn Square.

Security will be tight.

And rescuing him will...

will not be easy.

Lux, please don't
look at me like that.

Forgive me.

I'm sorry. I...


I just need to be alone right now.

Gather everyone to go over the plan.

Of course.

I sense fear in you, Ahsoka.

The rebels are divided.

If they try to rescue the king now,

I'm afraid we might lose them.

We cannot control their fate.

It's just,

they're risking their lives
to save just one.

Do not underestimate the king's power.

He represents hope

and he's critical to their success.

I feel responsible for them.

I know you do, Snips,

but remember, purpose
must come before feelings.

I know, Master.

Step in only if you must,
but remember,

if this experiment is to become
an effective strategy,

they must learn to survive
on their own.

Yes, Master Kenobi.

I understand.

Uh, hey!

My lord.

Who are you?

I'm Saw Gerrera.

What do you want?

You freedom, sire.

You're to be ex*cuted tomorrow,

but I'm getting you out of here.

The people of Onderon need your help.

Stand up.

Are you one of the meddlers
creating disorder,

interfering in the affairs
of the throne?

Only to restore your kingship
as the rightful ruler.

I see.

This was all my doing.

I opened the door.

That's why the Separatists are here.

I was faced with a difficult choice:

To join the Republic
or the Confederacy.

Both are corrupt,

but I had to pick a side
before one was chosen for me,

except I chose neither.

Now is the time to take back Onderon.

Our movement is gaining momentum.

It has the backing of the Jedi.


Yes, sire.

I've been waiting
a long time for this.

Follow me, sire.

Onderon awaits.

One-way shield.

Do any of you have questions?

It's a risky plan,

but it's our best shot.

Ahsoka, will you join us?

I can't.

I've already been more involved
than the Council wanted.

I'm afraid I've been instructed
to sit this one out.

They have Saw.

He's alive, but I watched them
take him away.

We have to save him.


We have to save King Dendup.

We don't have time
or the bodies to do both.

He's your brother.

That's what Saw would want,
what he would expect.

And I expect the same
from everyone in this room.

I know it's a hard choice,
but I agree.

Purpose must come before feelings.

Where are the other t*rrorists?

Onderon is our system, not yours.


We have to keep him alive.

He is a direct link to the t*rrorists.

You pity him.

I pity your ignorance.

You can control the people of Onderon,

but you won't sustain it
against their will.

What you're doing guarantees
others will take his place.

They, too, will suffer.

Then the w*r is lost.

You have strong tactics,
but it's unfortunate

you cannot calculate
a different approach.

Here, drink.

It will give you strength.

The Separatists have
very little compassion

or patience for things
that stand in their way.


We have a duty
to protect what's ours, General,

a duty once entrusted to you.

I thought you depleted
your arrogance with Kalani.

It replenishes every hour.

King Rash is the crowned head
of Onderon.

What's yours is his,

and he will do with it as he pleases.

Dendup is the true king.

Are you following his orders?

We take orders from no one.

Aligning yourself with the past

does not bode well for your future.

We share the same future.

We can sit here as free men
or servants of the Separatists.

I am free,

while you have chosen
to become a t*rror1st.

I'm not a t*rror1st.
I'm a patriot.

And resistance is not terrorism.

King Dendup chose his people

instead of taking a side
in the intergalactic w*r.

Separatists have taken over
Onderon because we let them.

As your king,

I present to you Ramsis Dendup

not as a former king

but as a criminal

sponsoring t*rror1st acts
against the people of Onderon.

But fear not, good citizens.

As your leader and protector,

I will see that you are safe
from such villainy.

He has betrayed you,

and today he will pay
for those treasonous deeds

with his life.

Your people will see you
into the next world.

May you find forgiveness there.

Time to die.

Wait for my signal.

Ready weapons.

Not yet.


Come on. Go, go, go!

Come with us.

Blast 'em!

Follow me.

This way.

Come on. Let's go.

Surrender now or die.

It's over.

Do as they say.

Calm yourselves.
The threat is over.

See for yourselves as these traitors

all endure the same punishment.

Good try, sis.

Ready weapons.

They're innocent!

Let them go.

The snake will not strike again.



The only snake I see, sire,

is you.


I was.

Not anymore.

What are you doing, General?


Let them through.

Make way.

Everyone go with them.

But, sir...


Huh. What now, General?

As soon as you release me,
you'll be shot dead.


General, follow me.

After them. k*ll them.

k*ll them!

Dendup is the true king!

We want the Separatists gone.

Save Dendup!

Why now?

It was time
for a new approach, my lord.

Do I have your loyalty?

And that of the army.

You also have ours.

With your rule, our numbers will grow.

Thanks, child.

Your mother would be proud.

Thank you, my lord.

We must first win the will
of the people.

That is the only way.

The Separatists will assemble
their forces.

Count Dooku will want me dead
more than ever.

Then we'll have to teach them
another lesson.


Ahsoka, I knew you couldn't
resist a good fight.

Am I becoming that predictable?

Only to me.

The Separatists definitely
know we're backing the rebels.

Then prepare yourself.

The real fight is about to begin.

Will you be able to send some help?

That's up to the Council, Ahsoka.