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05x03 - Front Runners

Posted: 11/18/21 10:08
by bunniefuu
Jedi form rebel alliance!

Led by Anakin Skywalker,

the Jedi have trained a band of rebels

to fight the Separatists
on the planet Onderon.

With the help of the Jedi,
the rebels escape capture

and infiltrated the heavily
fortified city of Iziz.

Now our heroes
have launched an armed campaign

to subvert the Separatist
occupation of the planet.

The Jedi Council
continue to observe and advise

as the rebels strive to gain momentum

against the Separatist forces.

Despite the absence
of civilian casualties,

public fear has ensued

as reports
of the rebels' daring strikes

circulate throughout the city.

Your identification failed.

That's not possible.

You are coming with us.


- What's going on?
- No!

The rebels are attacking again.

That is the fifth time this rotation.

That should give King Rash
something to think about.

Huh, I'm sure
you've gotten his attention.

Dendup has been summoned
and awaits your order, my lord.

What about the t*rrorists?

They've att*cked
a checkpoint near the canal

and two droid patrols,

one in Malgan Market.

If they think destroying a few droids

is going to effect change,
they've run a fool's errand.

One more thing, my lord.

The royal carriage was ambushed

soon after it left the residence.

Hmm, an attempt on my life.

It appears that way.

Get my predecessor in here.

You surprise me.

Engaging with extremists
is beneath you.

Do you really want
your crown back that badly?

I only want freedom for my people.


Your supporters are responsible
for t*rror1st acts

against the kingdom and our allies.

I didn't know that.

You've made it quite impossible
to stay informed of anything

outside my prison chamber.

Call off the att*cks.

I cannot call off
what I did not dictate.

What you are up against

is simply the will of the people.

It's up to the king
to embrace, bend, or break it.

And I am no longer the king.

Stop the att*cks,

or you will atone with your life.

It is you that must end the att*cks

by ending the droid occupation.

Your success will not go unnoticed.

I agree, but we need to be
mindful of public perception.

What was your observation, Padawan?

The people were fearful, Master.


Judging from the reactions
I saw today,

I'm afraid they will mistake
your intentions.

We need to do more damage.

A few dozen broken-down droids
will do little to free Onderon.

The people need to believe
we can succeed.

Without their support,
our efforts are meaningless.

If they're afraid,
they won't support us.

We need to assure them
of our intentions.

I don't understand.
Why are they afraid?

They're afraid
we're not strong enough to win.

We need to earn their trust.

You'll have plenty of time
to earn their trust.

All of you are going to be very busy.

Today was only a taste.

You'll get your chance.

In the meantime,
make the most of your victories.

Welcome and learn from them.

Perhaps if we hit something big,

gave a show of strength,

they will overcome their fear
and join us.

Do you have something in mind?

I know the perfect target.

I think they're ready to give
the 501 some competition.

Let's not get carried away, General,

though these rebels have impressed me.

We will share the developments
with the Jedi Council.

Ahsoka will remain here as an advisor.

Monitor them and report back
with their progress.

Are you up for it, Snips?

Or would you like
to return to Coruscant?

No, Master.

I want to stay.


We should continue
to provide supplies and credits,

but they must learn
to operate on their own.

Their survival depends on it.

Yes, Master.

Remember your purpose.

This power generator feeds
substations across the city.

We hit that, the entire grid falls.

How does that help us?

Battle droids are no longer
linked to central control.

They operate individually.

Yes, but they still need power
to recharge.

If we take out this facility,

it will knock out the power grid,

and then it will only be
a matter of time

until the droid army
is brought to a standstill,


If you carry the plan out
by nightfall,

you'll maximize
your strike capability.

Okay, so we just need to figure out

how to destroy the power station.

We need to do more surveillance.

Those droids should have
all the intel we need

stored up in those tin cans
of theirs, right?

They should.

Then I'll get us one.

Hey, clanker.


Sentries at every access point,

inside and out.

We can't sustain combat
against their numbers.

But our size makes us perfect
for mobility and surprise.

We need something with heavy firepower

if we are to blow up this facility.

If we give them enough trouble,

they'll call for reinforcements.

Like a t*nk.


Then you can provide cover
while we hijack it.

And then we use
their own w*apon against them.

And we bring the droid army
to its knees.


Remember the plan.

We attack this patrol,

and hopefully they will
call in a t*nk for backup.


Let's go.

Patrol 118 to central.

We've been ambushed by t*rrorists

and need reinforcements.

Let's hope they send a t*nk.

Hear that?

They've sent destroyers.


We're not gonna last unless
we take out those destroyers.

We have to get behind them.

Let's go.

Roll it slow so it gets through.

I know that.

Nice job.

You screwed me up.


I've never seen a destroyer
taken out that way before.

We all have to adapt.

There's our t*nk.

Split up.

Let's move.

Good work.

Now, let's get this thing
up and running again.

What are you waiting for?

Give me a second.

Do you know what you're doing?

Yeah, I know what I'm doing.

You boys having a problem?

No. No problem. Why?

Well, come on.
We need to get moving.

Hey, who put you in charge?

All right.

Get out of the t*nk, hotshot.

This needs a woman's touch.

Fine. Be my guest.

We need to get to that power generator

before they realize
this t*nk's gone missing.

We're running out of time.

I was gonna do that.

Uh-huh. Sure.

Couldn't have done it better myself.

Now, that's the truth.

I'll draw their fire.

Good luck.

Good luck.

I'll cover you.

We're almost in position.

Ready when you are, Steela.

A sn*per. Get her.

Roger, roger.

Look. We have reinforcements.

Hey, you're not a droid.

Get down from there.

Fire the g*n.

The g*n is recharging.

You're all clear.

Looks like all that training
is paying off.

My lord, without power,
the droids will be massacred.

This loss will work for us.

There's been a power outage.

I've lost contact with command.

Switch to infrared.


- It's the rebels.
- Fight for Onderon!

They're destroying the droids!

- Free Onderon!
- Freedom!

Fight for freedom!

Get the droids!

Freedom! Freedom!

For freedom! For Onderon!

- Yeah!
- Yes!

For freedom! For Onderon!

Show those droids what we're worth.

We must celebrate.

With pleasure.

Come here, you handsome senator.

Steela is a born leader.

And quite courageous, I hear.

Ahsoka, remember what I told you

about staying focused.

I can't help it, Master.

I understand.

You do?

I do.

But try to remember,

always put purpose
ahead of your feelings.

This latest development

will surely get
Count Dooku's attention.

He will respond harshly.

They will stop at nothing to find you.

You must adapt
and continue to confront them

in order to liberate Onderon.

We will.

And we shall win.

In that, I have no doubt.

Now you must rally the people.

You will need their support.

Your ability to influence them

will also determine
your capacity to represent them

not only on the b*ttlefield
but off of it

against your enemies,
even within your own ranks.

Your commitment will inspire others.

Your conviction will lead to victory.

After tonight's efforts,

the people will be ready to follow.

You will need a leader
for them to rally behind.

They are waging a very public w*r.

Every trespass is an embarrassment.

Your forces cannot manage
a small band of t*rrorists?

My lord, your droids
have become ineffective

against the mounting rebel att*cks.

I thought I could trust you
to rule Onderon.

I find this report most disappointing.

It seems that the rebels
are far more organized

than they were in the past.

The attack against the power
generators proves that.

Perhaps it's time you send me
better reinforcements

than the droids I have.

I will grant you this request

and not only send you better droids

but a better general.

This is Kalani.

I assure you he will succeed
where you have failed.

We need to build on our momentum

and continue our att*cks
to keep them off balance.

We have to assure the people first.

If we keep disrupting their lives,

we risk alienating them.

We have to gain their trust.

I agree with both of you.

We can balance both.

We also need to recruit others
to join us.

Onderon is ours.

We will remind everyone

and keep reminding them

until we get it back.

- Onderon is ours!
- Onderon is ours!

- Free Onderon!
- Onderon!

For freedom!

All in favor of Steela as our leader,

raise your hand.


Looks like it's been decided.

You're the leader.


Let him go.

He just needs to blow off some steam.

He'll be back.

I can't.


He's my brother.