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03x17 - Ghosts of Mortis

Posted: 11/18/21 10:00
by bunniefuu

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano,

are caught in the middle
of a treacherous battle

between good and evil.

The scales now tipped
toward the dark side,

our three warriors
must guard against attack

as they plan their escape.

A great weight has been placed
on Anakin's shoulders,

for it is now that he must face
who he really is.

I'm getting a little tired
of how unreliable the weather is here.

Some might say that's part of the appeal.

You did well, Anakin. How do you feel?

I'm not sure we're doing
the right thing by leaving.

The son is consumed by the dark side.

And if we stay, we may be used
to the dark side's advantage.

Well, you want the bad news
or the really bad news?

Well, let's try the bad news,
laced with a little optimism.

We've got two cracked silo pins,
a busted power converter,

the engines should be
fired twice to dump debris,

and the backup vents need charging.

Sounds terribly downbeat.

Can it be fixed?

Uh, I can re-route the primary initiator,
weld the dampening vents,

and that might give us enough power
to leave the atmosphere.

After that, I have no guarantees
she'll hold together.

We'll take our chances.
Better than staying here.

Where are you going?

To see the father.

I'm not convinced that the son
will be contained here without our help.

Perhaps we should make a stand.


If I don't get the father's blessing to leave,
it'll haunt me forever.

Forgive me, Daughter.

I am an old fool who believed
he could control the future.

Now you are gone,

and all is lost.

Sleep well, my child.

Sleep free.

You should have left by now.

Our ship needs repairs.

Do not underestimate my son.

He will seek your ship
to escape our isolation

and sow terror through the universe.

And while you are here,
he will use you to do it.

What will you do now that he's
given himself over to the dark side?

It is my actions that have unleashed
great danger on the universe.

I must k*ll him.

But he's too powerful for you alone.

Hmm. Perhaps.

Perhaps not.

The Force will decide.

I can help you.

The choice is no longer yours to make.

Both our destinies are clouded.

This place is strong with the Force.

Darkness has no hold here.


Ask, and you will know what to do.

You have grown strong and powerful,
just as I imagined.


Do you believe you are the chosen one?

How can I know?

I can tell you what I believe.

I believe you will bring
balance to the Force.

That you will face your demons
and save the universe.

And this creature of the dark side?
Do I leave or do I stay and k*ll him?


Look deeper. You will find another way.

I don't understand.

Not far from here there is a place

which is strong
in the dark side of the Force.

You must go there.

And destroy the son?

Remember your training, Anakin.

Trust your instincts.



Might I suggest less sleeping
and a little more work?

Sorry, Master Kenobi.

Here, this should help.

We need to change plans.
You must focus on the firing drives.

Disengage them.

But I'm almost finished putting
this junk heap back together and now...

Just do as I say. We don't have much time.

You're the boss.

Where's Anakin?

He came to me for guidance,
but at the crossroad, only he can choose.

The Force will be his guide now.

I don't like this. What have you done?

I have done nothing.

I am merely letting the will
of the Force take shape.

Where has he gone?

To the well of the dark side.


I believe there has been
a misunderstanding.

We really don't have to be enemies.

You m*rder*d your sister.

The Force is out of balance.

I have to stop you.

Must you?

Anakin has gone
to confront your son, hasn't he?

Deep within this planet exists a place
where all that is dark is channeled.

And how do I get there?

You cannot interfere.

The way I see it,
if we were not supposed to interfere,

Ahsoka and I wouldn't be here
in the first place.

Look after the ship,
I'm going to find Anakin.

There is no use for such
crude implements here.

I have a gift for you.

I have had enough of your trickery.

Oh, but you'll like this one, I promise.

What if I could show you the future?

No! No! Stop it!

Know yourself.
Know what you will become!

I will not look!

The Force is strong with you.

- Anakin, please!
- You were my brother, Anakin!

A powerful sith you will be.

I hate you!

No, no, no!

I will do such terrible things.


But it doesn't have to be that way.

The choice is still yours to make.


The future, by its nature, can be changed.

Join me, and together we will destroy
this Emperor you see in your visions.

Then, we shall end w*r, corruption,
and suffering throughout the galaxy.

Will we bring peace?

Of course.


This is Jedi Shuttle 634
calling on all secure channels for help.

Do you read? I repeat,
we are stranded and need immediate evac.

Come in, please!

Anakin, are you all right?

There has been a change of plan.


You will not understand
what I have to do to end the Clone w*r.

You will try to stop me.

Anakin, why?

I'm sorry.

I have seen that it is the Jedi
who will stand in the way of peace.

He's mine now.

Ahsoka, come in, please.
Can you hear me? Ahsoka!

Yes, Master. Any success with Anakin?

No, quite the opposite.

Master. What are you saying?

Anakin has joined with the son.
Do not engage him.

- But...
- Just do as I say.

Listen to me. You have to disable the ship.

But I just finished putting it back together.

Ahsoka, please, listen.

We have to prevent Anakin
and the son from leaving.

Yes, Master.

Ahsoka, what have you done?


Hmm, nice job.

What took you so long?


I did as you said.
The shuttle's going nowhere without that.

Good, that gives us some time
to rescue Anakin.

I can't make contact with anybody.
I don't think anyone will hear my signal.

My father still has hold over this realm,

but I will be able to draw
any ship here soon.

If I know my old Master,
he, too, will try to stop us.

Together, with your father,
they could be a formidable opponent.

I can turn the tide in our favor. Stay here.

What did he show you?

I've seen what I become
and I cannot let that happen.

And for this you join him?

Your destiny can change just as quickly
as the love in one's heart can fade.

Nothing is set in stone.

But I will cause so much pain.

If there is to be balance,

what you have seen must be forgotten.

So cold.

It's ironic, my sister.

You were the only one I truly loved.

Where am I?

I have brought you back to my monastery.

What happened?

My son broke the laws of time

and showed you
what you should never have seen.

I don't remember.

I have erased that time.

We shall never know.


Are you all right?

I think so,

but we must stop the son once and for all.

We have little time,
and you will get only one chance.

You know what you must do.

How quaint.

My own personal send-off.

I ask you one last time.

Do not leave, my son.

You have no power to keep me, old man.

You must understand by now
this planet is not my destiny.

What you will do
will destroy all that is good.

I beg you!

Restrain yourself and stay!

I cannot.

And then it shall be.

I love you, my son.

Do you?


You're going to k*ll me now?

I held hope that
you could resist the dark side,

but I see now,

there is no going back.

Father. No!

What have you done?
It did not have to be this way!

Yes, my child, it did.

You and I are tied together
and your strength runs through me.

This way, I take your power.

Please, don't die.

I always knew there was good in you.

And so you have betrayed me, Father.

It is done.

And now I die,

my heart broken,

but knowing the role you will play.

And what is that?

You are the chosen one.

You have brought balance to this world.

Stay on this path,

and you will do it again for the galaxy.

But beware, your heart...

General Skywalker, come in!

We read you, Rex. Can you hear me?

Yes sir, standing by. We were worried.

You were off the scopes
there for a moment.

A moment?

We've been gone
more than a moment, Rex.

Sir, I don't understand.
You'll need to explain.

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

We're coming in now.