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03x14 - Witches of the Mist

Posted: 11/18/21 09:57
by bunniefuu


All right, all right.

You wanted to speak with me?

I've got something to show you.

What's this about?

A lightsaber?

Not just any lightsaber.


It can't be.

So you recognize it?

That I do.

It is the darksaber,

a symbol for the leader
of House Vizsla,

and later, the group
known as Death Watch.

I didn't know Mandalorians
developed a type of lightsaber.

We didn't.
This was one of a kind.

Legend tells that it was created
over a thousand years ago

by Tarre Vizsla,

the first Mandalorian ever
inducted into the Jedi Order.

After his passing, the Jedi
kept the saber in their temple.

That was, until members of House
Vizsla snuck in and liberated it.

They used the saber
to unify the people

and strike down those
who would oppose them.

One time, they ruled all of Mandalore
wielding this blade.

This saber is an important
symbol to that house

and respected
by the other clans.

I imagine Sabine was
excited to recover it.

(HUFFS) You wouldn't know it.

After we got back from Dathomir,

she gave it to me
for safekeeping

and hasn't brought it up since.

She doesn't want
the responsibility.

Kanan, if Sabine can
wield this saber,

she can reunite one of the most
powerful houses in all of Mandalore.

You're talking about
raising an army.

With Sabine leading it.

Sync and corrections by masaca
- -


Come in.


Who all is there?


Everybody, huh?


I won't do it.

So you do know
what the darksaber is.

I know it caused my family nothing
but trouble after Maul took it.

Maul used it to divide
and conquer our people.

You can wield it
to do the opposite.

Wield it? You're crazy.

Kanan, tell him he's crazy.

Consider what he has to say.

- What?
- What?

I don't think it's a coincidence this
saber came into your possession.

Yeah, but, Kanan, that doesn't
mean she can fight with it.

No offense.

Go on.

What I mean is...

Look, it's taken me
a while to learn,

and, I mean, I use the Force.

She might not be able
to fight like a Jedi,

but she can learn to be
proficient with the blade.

I am proficient, with many types
of blades and blasters and expl*sives,

but that is a lightsaber.

The combat training is not as important
as what that blade represents.

Right, right, you want
me to lead my clan.

I don't know
if you realize this,

but I'm not that popular
with my family these days.

- That can change.
- No, it can't.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

I know that family
is important to the Wrens,

just like it is
to all Mandalorians.

I have a family,
here, on this ship.

I don't need them.

HERA: But we do.

If there's a chance
that you can rally

an army of Mandalorian
warriors to our cause,

I have to ask you to do it.


Family history can be painful.
Believe me, I know.

But we can use those warriors
for our attack on Lothal.

Hera's right. We need
to ask you to do this,

but that doesn't
mean you have to.

You can walk away
and forget about it.


All right. I'll do it.

Just give me the saber.

Listen. Once people know you
have it, you will be challenged.

And you need to be able
to defend yourself.

Okay, I'll try my best.

First lesson, don't try.

Just learn.

Give me the sword.

- I'm gonna learn how to kick your...
- Sabine.


Hey, why can't we just
practice back at the base?

It's better out here.
Fewer distractions.

Keeps your mind focused.

And it's safer
for everyone else.

You'll do less damage.

I'll damage you
if you don't shut up.


When you said you were
going to be training me,

I thought there'd be
more sword fighting involved.

Hey, it's always like this.

He was the same with me.

Yeah, and look how well
you've turned out.

Are you being serious?
Is he being serious?

I can never tell.

We should get started.

Uh, try not to sound so excited.

- Hey, what's this?
- Training saber.


Before we start
with the real thing,

I want to see your technique.

I already know
how to fight with a stick.

Then this should be
easy for you.





That might work
on a stormtrooper,

but not me.






And that's your head.

Every mistake is a limb lost.

The blade is never at rest.


Okay, let's go again.


You better practice
with Ezra first.

- All right.
- Why?

Ezra, walk her
through the forms.


Okay, ready position.

Sabine! Ready position?

Okay, great. Yeah,
that's ready position.

Now we go one, two...

EZRA: Hey, slow down, all right?

You're not gonna
learn this in one day.

- SABINE: Ezra.
- EZRA: Ready.

One... two... three...


- I read you, Hera.
- HERA: It's been a couple of days.

- I wanted to see how things are going.
- Ugh, slowly.

Ezra's still taking her through the basic
forms with the training sabers.

Training sabers?

You mean those sticks
you and Zeb made?

KANAN: I'm being careful.

Were you careful with Ezra?

I don't remember him
fighting with a stick.

Well, maybe I'm trying to do
things differently this time.

HERA: Or maybe because
she doesn't have the Force,

you don't believe
she can do this?

No. The Force resides in all living things.
But you have to be open to it.

Sabine is blocked.
Her mind is conflicted.

She's so expressive
and yet so tightly wound.

- She's so...
- HERA: Mandalorian.

(GROANS) Very.

I'll be sending out supplies.

Is there anything
specific that you need?

- KANAN: Patience, understanding.
- Hmm. I'll see what I can do.

That's not gonna work.

Working so far.



I think you're doing well.

Opinion noted.


I've got your supplies.




You overcommitted.

Oh, good. Anyone else have
an opinion they want to share?

Let's take a break.

Ezra, help unload
these supplies.

What? I won. Shouldn't I get the break?

Word is it's been tough going.

I brought you something,

since you're partially in this
mess on my recommendation.

I'm sorry, "partially"?

How about completely?

To make up for that,
you can have these.

Whoa. Mandalorian vambraces?

Where did you get these?

Try them on.

Grappling line, paralyzing
darts, repulsor.

All designed to combat
the abilities of the Jedi.

Go take Bridger down
a peg or two.


What have you got there?

More than you can handle.

Oh, yeah?

Well, maybe I won't go
easy on you this time.






And that's your head.

Hey! Not fair!
Where did you get those?

Special delivery.



Is this a game for you?

No game, just outsmarting
my opponent.

Care to take a shot?




History lesson. The Jedi won
the w*r with Mandalore.

These tricks will
amount to something,

maybe save you
from time to time,

but they won't keep you
alive in the long run.

Only training...

and discipline will do that.

The only thing I'm learning
is that Ezra must be really gifted

to learn as well as he has
from a lousy teacher like you.




Not now, Ezra.


I just wanted to say
I know what it's like.

Believe me,

Kanan's not the easiest teacher
to have, but he means well.

(SCOFFS) Does he? Do any of them?

I know how to fight.

I believe I can learn
to use that sword.

I just don't want everything
that comes with it.

You mean your family?

I'm a disgrace to them, Ezra.

A traitor.

But that's not true.

To them it is.

You don't know.

No one does.

I don't want to talk
about these things.

How can I lead my people?

How can I go back there
and face them?

I'm sorry, Sabine.

At least you have parents
to go back to.

(SIGHS) Ezra...


Teaching Ezra wasn't easy,
but you did it well.

I'm sure you'll find a way
to get through to Sabine.

It's not the same.
Ezra was eager to learn.

(CHUCKLES) Sometimes too eager.

I was the one
who was holding back.

And that's not
what you're doing now?


And yet, you still won't let
her train with the darksaber.

Look, Sabine is
a capable warrior.

In some ways, more so than
Ezra, but she can't...

or won't find balance
within herself.

Until she does, wielding an actual
lightsaber is far too dangerous for her.

By letting her pretend
with that stick,

you're only encouraging her
not to commit to this.

You're not listening to me.

If I let her use the
darksaber, she will get hurt.

She's already hurt.

Her family hurt her
more than any sword could.

You don't see it because
she doesn't want you to.

But you can?

Because I know what it's like when
people you love don't believe in you,

when they let you walk away.

Remember how hard it was
for her to trust us.



So what do you want me to do?

Give her the sword.

Let her own it and who she is.

Help Sabine face her demons.

(SIGHS) I don't know.

I know you don't.

But this isn't about you.

I didn't think
she'd be gone this long.

She'll return. Then we'll see.

I know she can do it,

but it just seems like Kanan is asking
her to learn everything at once.

She just needs more time.

Time is a luxury,

one the galaxy seems
to be running out of.

She's back.

I owe you an apology.

I can say the same.

Uh, maybe I should
practice more first.

Take it. It's yours.

Ignite the blade.



It's heavier than I thought.

Energy constantly flows
through the crystal.

You're not fighting
with a simple blade

as much as you are directing
a current of power.

Your thoughts, your actions,
they become energy.

They flow through the crystal as well,
and become a part of the blade.


The blades will be
drawn to each other.

Block high.


There's pull. Can you feel it?

That sword is old,
heavy, but powerful.

Respect its strength.


Block low.






Good. Let's work on a series.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

Remember the forms
Ezra taught you.

Take ready position.

We'll start slow.

One... two...


four... five...



One, two, three,

four, five, six.

(RAPIDLY) One, two, three, four,

five, six.

You're making it easy on me.

Ready position.


One, two, three,
four, five, six.

The blade feels lighter.

You're connecting with it.

It's becoming a part of you.


But you cannot rely
solely on the blade.


You must use all
your skills together.

Ready position.


You'll have to do better.




You're not fighting me,

you're fighting yourself...

and losing.


You're not committed to this.

- You should quit.
- I don't quit. I never quit!

Really? That's not
what it looks like.


- You did run, didn't you?
- No!

But that's what your
people believe, isn't it?


You ran from the Empire.

- You ran from your family!
- Lies!

So what's the truth?



The truth... is that...

I left to save everyone.

My mother, my father,

my brother!

Everything I did was for family,

for Mandalore!

I built weapons, terrible weapons,

but the Empire used them
on Mandalore,

on friends, on family.

People that I knew.

They controlled us through fear.

(SCOFFS) Mandalore!

Fear of weapons I helped create.

I helped enslave my people!

I wanted to stop it.

I had to stop it.

I spoke out!

I spoke out to save them.
To save everyone!


But when I did...

My family didn't stand with me.

They chose the Empire.

They left me.

Gave me no choice.

The Empire wanted
to destroy worlds.

And they did.

They destroyed mine.


The Empire rules with fear.

And not everyone can be
as strong as you've been.

Your family is in a prison,
one of their own making.

It's up to you
to help them out of it.

But how?


Why would they believe me?

Why would they follow me?

FENN: I know this might not be
what you want to hear.

But for what it's worth,

I would follow you.

EZRA: So would I.

And I mean it.

You've come a long way
in a very short time.

Where you go from here
is up to you.

But know, this family,

will stand by you
no matter what you choose.