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03x10 - Heroes on Both Sides

Posted: 11/18/21 09:54
by bunniefuu
Conflict with no end in sight.

Across the galaxy,

the quagmire of w*r continues.

While clone troopers suffer
casualties at alarming rates,

the galactic senate convenes
an emergency session

to debate the true cost of the w*r.


Let senator Saam finish.

This is a matter not of philosophy.
More troops are needed.

The Republic cannot afford to let
the separatists gain any more ground.

Our generals inform us that troops in
the field continue to perform valiantly.

What we cannot afford,
is to be irresponsible.

The Republic is near bankruptcy
due to the cost of this w*r.

Bankruptcy is not necessary, my friends.

If we pass senator Saam's
bill to open new lines of credit,

we will gain access to
the needed funds.

Won't this bill essentially
deregulate the banks?

A small price to pay
to finance the w*r, is it not?

We must keep the w*r going.

- Get a bill on the table!
- Keep the w*r going.

Members of the senate.

Do you hear yourselves?

More money,
more clones, more w*r.

Say nothing of fiscal responsibility,

what about moral responsibility?

Hasn't this w*r gone
on long enough?

Senator Amidala,

are you suggesting we
surrender to the separatists?

Of course not.
But negotiation,

might be a better course of action.

You can't negotiate with
those animals.

Keep the w*r going.

Vote now.

Members of the senate,

I suggest we table any
emergency bill,

until it is determined,

whether or not deregulation,

is the right course of action.

Very well. We shall let
calmer heads prevail.

That legislation would have
meant billions for us.

I tried my best to push
the bill through.

I thought age might
temper her idealism.

I know people who could
do something about her.

That task is more difficult
than you presume.

Gentlemen, the banking clan
and trade federation are about,

business, not v*olence.

In this case, our business is v*olence.


With or without senator
Amidala, the galactic senate,

is unlikely to deregulate the banks.

until this w*r hits home.

What exactly are you proposing?

Perhaps some unexpected
bloodshed on Coruscant,

may change a few minds.


Coruscant has not been att*cked
in over 1,000 years.

Then it has a false sense of security.

There are some powerful clients on
the other side who could help us,

shall we say, make the point?

- I like this plan.
- No one cares what you think.

You must ask the Jedi council to
speak with chancellor Palpatine.

Don't involve me in this.

A peaceful solution is the only
way out of this morass of w*r.

That's not my role, Padme.

Why not?

Why isn't it your role?

Aren't we Jedi knights?

Isn't it our duty to speak our minds
to advise the chancellor?

I suggest you teach my young padawan
a thing or two about politics.

After today's debate, I was hoping
she learned a great deal.

I don't understand any of it.

I know the separatists are evil,

but all anyone argued about was banking
deregulation, interest rates,

almost nothing about why
we're fighting in the first place.

w*r's complicated, Ahsoka.
But let me simplify it.

The separatists believe
the Republic is corrupt,

but they're wrong,
and we have to restore order.

Maybe talking to the Jedi council
isn't the role for you after all.

Thanks for your help.
Come on, Ahsoka.

You told me to teach her about politics.

So I'm going to.

There is a problematic situation
brewing in the senate.

We must insure that everything my master
has set in motion does not unhinge.

My representatives in the republic
are relying on you, general.

See that your droids
complete their mission.

But of course, Count.

They will not fail.

If only I could talk
to senator Bonteri.

Who's he?

He is a she,

a senator in the confederacy
of independent systems.

Your friend is a separatist?

One of Dooku's pawns?

The separatists used to
be a part of the Republic.

I was close with many
of the senators who left.

I may not agree with them,
but they're more than pawns.

If you think negotiating is the right
thing to do, let's talk to her.

The senate's made it illegal.


They say official meetings would
only legitimize the separatists.

Master Skywalker and I hold what we call
aggressive negotiations all the time.

It's a shame you can't hold more
peaceful talks when you want.

You just gave me an idea.

You're a Jedi, which gives
you special clearance.


And Jedi are allowed to travel to
neutral worlds like Mandalore,

Where we could then board a
cargo ship to a separatist system.

Are you suggesting I
use my status as a Jedi,

to smuggle you behind enemy lines?

It's just that you could get
us through to meet with her,

I haven't seen her
or her family in so long.


I'll help you.

Besides, master Skywalker said
you should teach me about politics.


You know, you two have
more in common than you think.

It's no wonder you get along well.

Of course.

So where are we heading?


Have all the preparations been made?

I'm about to deploy
the infiltrators.

You must hurry.

The senate is restless.

I don't take orders from you,
only count Dooku.

You have been designed
for this mission,

to be the ultimate
infiltration units.

Some of you may not return.

Actually, none of you will return.

But don't let that get in your way.

Is that clear?

- Get them to Coruscant.
- Roger, roger.

Move along, please.
Move along.

Identification, please.

Excuse me.
Is this platform B?

- Platform B...
- This way.

Hello, old friend.

Ahsoka, this is Miina Bonteri.

She was my mentor when
I was growing up on Naboo.

You're a separatist?

Well, of course, my dear.
What were you expecting?

Now, come.
I have a transport waiting.

Lux, come down here and help our
guests with their luggage, please.

Padme, it's so good to see you.


How things have changed
since the last time we met.

Let's go inside.
There's much to discuss.

Please, allow me.

May I?

I can handle it.

He's grown so much, Miina.

Time won't stop,
even if we are at w*r.

And I'm afraid this events
are shaping his young life.

With all due respect,

as a separatist,
didn't you create this w*r?

- Ahsoka!
- It's all right.

That's a very polarized
point of view, my dear.

Would it surprise you to know that,

that many of the
people you call separatists

feel the same way about
the Republic and the Jedi?

Lux's father was like that.

Maybe I could speak with him.

If only you could.

A year ago next week,

he was setting up a base on
Aargonar when clones att*cked.

My husband fought bravely
in self-defense,

but was k*lled.

Excuse me.

I think I'll get some air.

The cleaning droids.

Don't waste any time.
Get to work.

You're a Jedi, aren't you?

Yes. Why do you ask?

Before the w*r,
I was always told Jedi were good.

And now?

I don't know anymore.

There are lot of terrible things
happening, a lot of k*lling.

And now my friends are saying
the Jedi are to blame.

I'm the first Jedi you've
ever met, aren't I?


Look at me.

I'm not so bad, am I?

No, not bad at all.

It seems boys are the same whether
they're Republic or separatist.


- How many separatists have you met?
- What?

I mean, you think we're
all the bad guys.

But how many of us
have you actually met?

And droids don't count.

Other than military officers
like Grievous and Ventress,

none, I guess.

You and your mother are the first.

Look at me.
Am I so bad?

I sense Dooku's
dirty hand in all of this.

He's just the leader of the senate.

He's not the leader of
the entire universe.

I forgot.

You actually admire the man.

We'll never entirely agree
on Dooku, my old friend,

But we can agree on the
need to stop this w*r.

The question is how.

That is why it was so
urgent that I speak with you.

The Republic senate
is holding a critical vote

on whether or not to
escalate the w*r effort.

However, many of the delegates
are undecided as to what to do.

How interesting.

You would find the separatist
parliament in a similar dilemma.

I am certain if you could
convince your representatives

to extend an olive branch
of peace towards the Republic,

there might be enough sympathy in
the senate to finally open negotiations.

I admire your spirit, Padme.

I can at least put the
motion on the floor.

Thank you, Miina.

That's all I ask.

To peace, then.

To hope.

How many lives on both sides have
to end before we see the futility?

Surely there's room in the galaxy,

for confederate and
Republic planets to coexist.

I move that we immediately
open peace negotiations with,

chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant.

The corporate alliance
will never allow this to happen.

This is a democracy,
and unlike the Republic,

corporations do not rule us.



In accordance with the bylaws
of independent systems,

a voice vote is required.

All in favor of initiating
peace negotiations,

with the galactic Republic, say aye.


- Aye.
- Aye.


All those opposed.

- Nay.
- Nay.

The ayes have it.

This is quite troubling, your own
senate voting to end the w*r.

I assure you, gentlemen,
your worries are gravely exaggerated.

How can you be sure this groundswell
of peace won't continue?

Where is the attack we were promised?

We need fighting to feed
the machine and our profits.

After our attack,
the chances of peace will disappear.

The banking clan, the trade federation,

and the techno union will
all get their fair share,

and then some.

This is good-bye.

I've been disappointed
before, and yet,

I almost feel as if this time
the tide has turned in the w*r.

You should hurry.

Good-bye, young one.

You really believe the
Republic will vote for peace?

I hope so.

I wouldn't want to meet
you on the b*ttlefield,

for your sake.

Go, you two, quickly.

Team leaders, come in.

Commence phase two.

All right, everybody have
your passes out.

Generator maintenance?

Everything checks out.
Good luck down there.

Wait a minute.

Power generators are that way.

Stupid droids.

This is quite a stunning development.

Your Excellency, we would
be remiss, if not irresponsible,

to reject the separatists proposal.

Of course.

And end to the fighting,

would mean there's no need to
borrow money for more clones.

I can see why you would
want so badly to believe

that the separatists desire peace.

I don't understand.

In the past, whenever we've reached
out our hands in peace,

They've been slapped away.

Can we believe that they're
ready to sue for peace so easily?

If I might speak with
you confidentially,

I know that this is sincere.

I've been in contact with
my old friend Miina Bonteri,

and the origin of the
proposal is with her.


How was the dialogue established?

Does it matter, chancellor,
if the result is an end to the w*r?

I see your point, my child.

Then we shall put the vote to the floor.

Sweeper droids?

We didn't schedule a cleaning.

What's going on?

Given that the separatists have put
a call for negotiations on the table,

the need for additional
troops seems ill-timed.

Which means there is no
need to deregulate the banks.

I say we vote that down now.

There is a move to vote
on the proposed bill to lift

regulations on the banking clan.

Dooku promised he
would stop this vote.

You may enter your vote.

We're under attack!

The bombing of the power
generator has been

confirmed as a separatist attack.

They must pay for what they have done.

But was the separatist congress
that issued the bill of peace.

Obviously a tactic to lower our
defenses and launch this attack.

No. That's not true.

I move to immediately
deregulate the banks.

We need a ban loan to
get more troops now.

What are we waiting for?

I'm afraid we've been
given little choice.

to insure the safety of the Republic,

We must deregulate the banks.

I'm returning your padawan.

I'm sorry your talks
with Bonteri failed.

How did you know?

We have eyes and ears
everywhere, Ahsoka.

That was dangerous and
careless, going to Raxus,

Not to mention illegal.

You went too far this time.

You would do the same.

You do the same all the time.

This was too much.

Maybe so.

But I did realize something.
The politics of this w*r,

are not as black and white
as I once thought they were.