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03x09 - Hunt for Ziro

Posted: 11/18/21 09:52
by bunniefuu
A great escape!

Cad Bane and his notorious crew
of bounty hunters

liberated Ziro the Hutt
from a Republic prison

after holding the Galactic Senate hostage.

The Jedi Council has assigned
Obi-Wan Kenobi to retrieve Ziro the Hutt

with the help of Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos.

Unknown to the Jedi, we find Ziro
in the clutches of the five Hutt families

on the distant world of Nal Hutta.

Gentlemen, gentlemen,
I see no need for resentment

in light of this joyous occasion
of my freedom.

Of course I do appreciate
the help in my escape.

I have no illusions
about the fact that my escape

was a result of the highly sensitive
knowledge that I possess.

A holo-diary cataloguing
the nefarious deeds of this council.

k*ll me and the diary will show up
on the step of the Senate.

The cold, hard reality is

that as long as I control
this highly sensitive material,

my memory will only get duller.

Yes, take me to my room!

I only hope
the accommodations are satisfactory.


Sir, you seem troubled.

Quinlan Vos has that effect.

Ah... Yes, that Jedi has quite a reputation.

That may be overstating it, Cody.
Let's just say he's crazy.

Ship entry from the west, sir.

Hey, Kenobi!

Hey, Commander, looking good.

Kenobi, you look worse for wear.
How's Temple life?

Good seeing you, too.

Yes, well, if you could tell time
half as well as you can stick a landing,

we wouldn't be behind schedule now,
would we?

Well, that's your opinion, man.

Let's get down to business.

Ziro the Hutt was broken out
during a hostage takeover.

Yeah, I read the briefing about that mess.

I suspect Jabba the Hutt is behind this.

He still has it out for Ziro
over the kidnapping of his son.

Well, my information indicates that
Ziro has damaging evidence

against the Hutt Council.

My guess is they've taken him
to the Hutt home planet, Nal Hutta.

As for this bounty hunter, Cad Bane,
we must capture and return both

he and his quarry, Ziro, to the courts.

I trust you and I can keep eyes forward
in this common goal?

No problem. I owe Bane one anyway.
I'll fly, you're my co-pilot.

I was afraid he'd say that.

Sounds like that rough crowd out there
is an easy one tonight.

All in a night's work, baby.

Course, having Ziro locked up
in the detention cell block

probably isn't hurting their mood.

Ziro's here?
If you'll excuse me, I need to step outside.

Gardulla has a request.

She wants to know
which one of you is stronger.

Stop them, they're fighting!

Ziro, honey, my true love,
what happened to you?

I thought you were coming back for me.
I waited so long.

I thought you didn't love me anymore.

Our separation last time was a bit abrupt,
and I do blame Jabba for that.


He forced me to have you sent away
from Coruscant,

shattering the serenity
of the happiest time of my life.

Ziro, honey,

being with you
was the happiest time of my life, too.

And now, hearing you say that

makes me the luckiest little Pa'lowick
the galaxy has ever known.

Unfortunately, the cage
that entraps me now

also entraps the chance
of loving you again.

What do they want with you?
Why would they do this?

As hard as it is
to confess this to you, Snooty,

I'm not a perfect Hutt.

I don't care what you've done
or why they want to hurt you.

I only care about us being together,

You... You really mean that?

From the bottom of my fluid sack.

Unfortunately, my love,
there's no way for us to be together

as long as I'm in this dreadful cell.

With true love, there's always a way.

How goes the w*r, gentlemen?

Great Gardulla,
we bring unfortunate news.

Ziro the Hutt has escaped our custody

with the aid
of the bounty hunter Cad Bane.

The great Gardulla already knows this,
Jedi Knights.

I'm beginning to think
you're the ones who broke him out.

And why would the great Hutt families
do such a thing?

That's what I'd like to know.

Quinlan, the Hutts are our allies.

Mighty Gardulla says, you are lucky
to be with a Jedi as wise as Kenobi,

or you might not be allowed
to leave here alive.

In light of this joyous occasion
of my...

Maybe next time I'll come alone, hmm?

We only came to deliver the message.
We shall be leaving now.

Ziro was here.

He was holding one of those cups.

Nice work.

Vos, Ziro escaped.

- I think he had help.
- We best hurry.

I disagree.

The Jedi aren't the ones
that broke Ziro out of jail.

He was gone way before they arrived.

It looks like we're right back
where we started.

I'm kind of tired of being paid
for this job, too, but not that tired.

If you Hutts ain't interested
in knowing who's behind this

and making it go away,

I can take a hint.

So, we doing business or not?

I understand your tracking talent,
but why wouldn't Ziro leave the planet?

Why not just fly away?

My senses tell me that he's still here.

It's illogical.

He knows he's being looked for here.

Something is keeping him here.

If we'd brought a droid,
this would go faster.

Are you finished messing around?
We're trying to catch Ziro, remember?

Which way have they gone?

Well, since you're suddenly
so interested in my tracking abilities,

they went this way.

I never doubted you.

Why are we stopping here?

I guarantee Gardulla
is searching for us as we speak,

so I came to the one place
she would never, ever show up.

Hello there!

Son! Who invited you?


Should've figured
after all these years of never calling,

you'd show up at dinner time.

You gonna sit in your stink,

or you gonna pass the slime pods?

Never would've had to tell that
to your brother Ebor,

rest his soul.

So, Sonny, what the heck you been doing
the past few years anyway?

A smidgen of this and a pinch of that.

Using all of my facilities
for the betterment of my fellow Hutts.

What is it you want, Sonny?

Can't a loving son just want to
visit his mother on occasion?

When plebos fly out of my hump!

Well, now that you mention it,

I wouldn't mind swapping
my swamp speeder for your starship.

That's what I thought.
Who's chasing you this time?



Take it! Just make sure
you bring it back full power.

Thanks, Mama.

I've got some important business on Teth.

Todo, how far ahead are the Jedi?

I don't know.

This is the last time
I take one of these jobs.

Looks as though
we're not the only ones after Ziro.

We must be cautious.

Vos! Somebody lives here.

Smells like somebody died here.

Break in my house, will you, smart guy?

Thousand pardons, madam.

He hasn't mastered the concept
of knocking, for that I apologize.

I got trouble for you, too,
mister fancy pants.

No need. We're not here to harm you.

That'll be a first for tonight.


Meaning, first, my deadbeat son
and his limp-lipped girlfriend come in

and sponge me out of my starship.

Then some slime sap and his droid
charge in

and force me to give up the skinny
on where Ziro's headed.

Big hat?

Yeah, Chad-something out for blood.

You wanna k*ll my little boy, too?

No, madam,
but if we don't find him before Bane does,

your son will not be so lucky.

Teth. Ziro's heading for Teth.

We need to get to that jungle planet.
We need to get there fast.

Hey! Who's gonna pay for my door?

Are we close to your holo-diary, baby?

This way.

My papa's grave.

I never did have the heart to tell Mama
that Papa ran away, or that he died.

Some people are just happier
when they're miserable.

The Hutt Council records.

Every dirty deed
those criminals have slithered through.

Worth a fortune, baby,
plenty enough to retire on.

That's too bad. I still got work to do.

But... What about Solarine?

The sunsets, you and me sharing a future?

Next time, you'll think twice
about breaking someone's heart.

Oh, wait. There won't be a next time.

I just hate it when someone does my job.

And the holo-diary is gone as well!



Who could have done this?


Looks like we're both too late
for the party.

So this is not your handiwork?

I wouldn't have made such a sloppy k*ll.

Doesn't seem like much sense
hanging around here,

or making any trouble between us.

Are you forgetting how you held
the Senate hostage?

I may not be capturing Ziro,
but you are going to prison.

Well, now that you mention it,

the Separatists are paying
a million credits a head for a Jedi.

I never did enjoy hanging out with you.

Jabba thanks you
for delivering the holo-diary.

No one would suspect
that a lovely creature such as myself

could do a bounty hunter's work.