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02x22 - Lethal Trackdown

Posted: 11/17/21 15:46
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Lethal trackdown!

The young Boba Fett
has taken the law into his own hands

and made two attempts
on the life of Mace Windu,

the Jedi Master who k*lled his father.

Boba's mentor, bounty hunter Aurra Sing,
has taken three Republic officers hostage

in an effort to force Windu to face Boba
on their terms.

A tactic that does not sit well
with the young vigilante.

This isn't what I wanted.


You don't have to do this.
You're not like them. I can tell.

- What do you know, old man?
- I know a good soldier when I see one.

I'm no soldier!
I'm no clone, not like those two!

- What? What are you looking at?
- Boba! What's going on?


What are we going to do with them?

Oh, I think our friends here
are about to finally prove useful.




So? What are you planning to do
with this son of Jango Fett?

I am not planning to do anything.

That kid destroyed an entire cruiser
trying to get to you,

and you're just going to let it go?

Is there something else
I should be doing, Skywalker?

How about tracking him down?

So I should behave as this child does?
I should seek revenge?

No. How is it revenge if you stop this kid
and bring him to justice?

In case you hadn't noticed,
we are fighting a w*r.


We have a situation.

We received a transmission
from the bounty hunters.

They apparently took hostages.

Mace Windu, you were lucky to escape.

Your friends here were not so fortunate.

Until you face Boba,
these men will be k*lled, one at a time.

What's your name?

- Name!

(WEARILY) CT 4-11.

Pathetic. Boba, do it.



That was Ponds.

Only two to go, Windu.
Come and find us. We'll be waiting.

- MACE: I'll go.
- I thought you had bigger concerns.

That was before we knew
hostages were involved.

You are too injured to travel,

and your presence
would only aggravate the boy.

I shall go,
and take Padawan Tano with me.

Next time I tell you to pull the trigger,
you do it!

It should only be a matter of time
until they track us down.

Something on your mind, Castas?

Yeah, I got something to say.
We're in over our heads.

You signed on to k*ll Jedi.
Well, this is how it's done.

You said the Separatists would pay well
if we k*lled Windu.

That kid destroyed an entire cruiser,
and now we're taking hostages.

That was not part of the plan.

I never took you for a coward, Castas.

And what about you, Bossk?
You feel the same?

I'm still in.
I got a lot riding on this k*ll,

and I need the cash.

Not me. I'm out.

Well then, you're in luck.
I was planning on making a stop.

You can drag your worthless carcass
off of this ship when we land.

- Where are we headed?
- We're going to visit an old friend.

Maybe he can replace Castas.

Set course for Florrum.

Master Plo, I don't understand.

Shouldn't we be heading for the last place
we knew Boba Fett was spotted?

Why head to the one place
we know he is not?


The second bounty hunter
in the hologram is Aurra Sing.

Another bounty hunter.

- Like his father, Jango Fett.
- Mmm. Yes.

It seems this boy found himself in the care
of at least one of Jango's associates.

So we're looking for friends of Jango Fett,
or places where they hang out?

And to do that, we must go
to the lower levels.

The underworld.

Move along.

Move along. Move along.

DROID: Your pass, please.
Your pass, please.

Your pass, please.

Your pass, please. Your pass, please.

The data on Jango Fett suggested
he frequented this area.

We must be cautious.


- Come on, punch him! Yeah! Get him!
- Punch his teeth out! Yeah!

Oh, my dear, you never were good
at asking for permission to land.

I never ask for permission
to do anything, my darling.



(LAUGHING) Yes, I remember.

Not mine, I take it?

No, part of my crew. He's Jango's son.

Oh. Yes, yes.

Sorry about your father.
He was a friend, and an honorable man.


And that's Castas.
But he's getting off here.

Couldn't handle her, could you?
Well, don't be ashamed,

you're not the first man to bail out
from under her command.

He's speaking from experience.


Oh, you're a dangerous woman.

(LAUGHING) Yes, very dangerous.

Come, come, come! Let us go inside,

where we can discuss business
over a drink like civilized people.



I'm stuck out here on Florrum.

I warned you.
Working with Aurra Sing is bad business.

Yeah. This job's gone south,
like every job I do with that hag.

No, Boba.

I hear there's a downed
Republic cruiser on Vanqor.

- Your handiwork?
- I wouldn't take credit for that, no.

We saw it, though.
Crawling with Republic troops.

I wouldn't try and salvage it for a while
if I were you.

I appreciate the advice.

So, Boba, what is it like
working with Aurra?

BOBA: It's all right.
HONDO: It must be...

CASTAS: I have some information.

Information that's worth something
to the right people.

- Really? What kind of people?
- That's where you come in.

HONDO: Remember, Aurra?
That job we pulled?

Hmm? Oh, yes.

Excuse me.

- Castas!
- Huh?

Hey! Hey!
Someone scrape that guy off the floor.

He sprung a leak.

Well, I hope we have better luck here.

This is the fifth scum-bucket drinking hole
we've been to.

Yes. And this time, try to be more subtle.

What do you mean?

You've adopted
many of your master's ways,

including a lack of subtlety.

Sorry, Master Plo.

Just try to blend in. Listen.

You may be surprised what people reveal
when they have been drinking.



Have a look around.

- I need some information.
- We're not selling that here, pal.

It's been a while
since we had one of you down here.

Aren't you a bit busy with your w*r
to be bothering with the likes of us?

We are never too busy
for the citizens of the Republic.

I'm not getting anywhere.

Okay, try to relax.


Like Master Plo says, I'm listening.

- Listening...

This w*r is k*lling me.
My whole business has gone under.

Oh. Give me another round.

I saw her last night, on the video screen.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- I'm gonna ask her out.
- She'll never go out with you.

(CHUCKLING) She's gonna go out with me!

FONG DO: Florrum? A buddy of mine
was just m*rder*d on Florrum.


Yeah, yeah, he was working a big job.
At least, that is what he said.

He was telling me he had some
valuable information on a holotransmitter,

and then, boom, she shot him.
It must have been some good dirt.

What's her name?
Hope it's not who I think it is.

He was working with Aurra Sing.
She is bad news.

(GRUNTS) That's her, all right.
She's the boss's ex.

There's always trouble
when she shows up.

Yeah, that's the one.

Find something interesting, kid?

What's this? What are you reaching for?


- Stand down!
- You can't take us all, Jedi.

Would you like to try
and prove your theory?

Hey, nobody's sh**ting up my place today!

He's right.

- Drinks on the house.
- BARTENDER: Now wait a minute!

Not very subtle.


- I was being subtle.
- Interesting result.

But, Master, you were right.
I heard about a m*rder.

A m*rder Aurra Sing recently committed.

- Where?
- Florrum.

Well done, little Ahsoka.

We're off to Florrum.

Well, my dear, you are in
an interesting predicament once again.

Getting involved with the Jedi
is never a good idea.

BOSSK: Aurra, we've got an incoming ship.
Jedi, by the look of it.

- Windu!
- Finally. Took them long enough.

Move sl*ve Ito the outskirts
and get the hostages ready.


So, are you in or not?

I will not help you.
But I will not hinder you, either.

This is your fight, not mine.

(HAPPILY) Hello, hello,
and welcome to Florrum.

PLO: I should assume
you are walking us into a trap.

Yes, you should.
They're waiting inside the bar.

I have no idea
what she has planned for you.

PLO: And the reason you're telling us is?

So you know
that I am not involved in this.

Remember, patience.

Bad move, Jedi. This will cost you.

I wanted Windu. What are you doing here?

We can do this the difficult way,
or the simple way.

The choice is yours.

- Bossk, can you hear me?
- Roger.

Execute the hostages if I give the word.

Unwise. You have already lost,
and you don't even know it.

I am prepared to k*ll you, the hostages,
whatever it takes

- to get what Boba wants.
- PLO: Sounds more like what you want.


Aurra? Aurra!

Bad news, boys.
If I don't hear from her soon, I'm gone,

and you're both fried.

- Let her go!
- No chance.

She won't do it, Boba. She's not like you.

- She's right. I'm not a m*rder*r.
- I'm not a m*rder*r!

- But I want justice.
- We are justice.

Don't listen to them.

No one will be harmed if you come quietly.

- I can't let you die.
- You won't have to.


- Aurra!

It's over. Surrender!

Aurra! Now!

- AHSOKA: b*mb!

Boba, hurry!

Aurra, help! Help me!

Don't leave me! No!

The hostages, where are they?

Boba, if you do not tell us where
those men are, they are going to die!

- Innocent men!
- (SOFTLY) She left me.

He will not reveal
the location of the hostages.

I thought you might talk
some sense into him.

Tell the Jedi
what he wants to know, Boba.

Why should I help anybody?
I've got no one!

It is the honorable thing to do.

It's what your father would have wanted.

PLO: Ahsoka, she's trying to lead you
away from the hostages.

Go to coordinates 1-5-7-9.

Time's up.

Don't move.



No! No!

I see now I've done terrible things.

But you started
when you m*rder*d my father.

- I'll never forgive you.
- Mmm.


Well, you're going to have to.

Take him away.