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02x21 - R2 Come Home

Posted: 11/17/21 15:45
by bunniefuu

Boba Fett, son of the notorious
bounty hunter Jango Fett,

infiltrated a Jedi cruiser in an attempt
to assassinate General Mace Windu,

the man who k*lled his father.

After a near miss at Windu's quarters,

Boba was forced
to destroy the Jedi cruiser

and escape with the help
of notorious bounty hunter Aurra Sing.

Now, having lost contact
with Admiral Kilian

when his doomed starship crashed,

the Jedi search for survivors
with the aid of a Republic rescue ship.

General Windu, we're picking up
the last of the survivors now.

It's critical to get them
to a hospital station as soon as possible.

We'll contact you as soon as our search
for Admiral Kilian is complete.

Let's go, Artoo.

We're coming up on the crash site.
Let's hope Admiral Kilian

and the command crew
are still in one piece.

Hmm. Looks pretty bad,
but the bridge seems to be intact.

Set down behind the cruiser,
we'll approach on foot.

You're not kidding,
little buddy.

I don't like the feel of this place either.

Your astromech is programmed to feel?

Artoo is kind of a special case.
He's got a lot of personality, that's all.

You encourage it too much.

R8, start scanning the area for signs of life
and calculate an entry point to the cruiser.

You're right, Artoo, it doesn't look good.

- A bit jittery, isn't it?
- He must have seen something.

Come on,
it looks like R8 has found an entry point.

There would have been a command crew
left aboard to try and land this ship.

Admiral Kilian and then
at least three navigational officers.

Commander Ponds stayed as well.

What did you find, little guy?

Mace, over here!

Hmm. This man did not die in the crash,
he was ex*cuted.

There's another one over here.
Same thing.

We know the assassins were after me.
Perhaps they returned to look for my body.

We need to get to the bridge
to find Admiral Kilian.

Send the droids to scan
for any survivors down here.

Maybe the k*ller missed one.

I know there's a lot of interference,

but do your best.


They're dead.
ex*cuted like the troopers below.

But I don't see Admiral Kilian
or Commander Ponds.

They must have been sucked into space
when the cabin lost pressure.

Captain, there's no sign
of any life down here.

I'm afraid Admiral Kilian
and Commander Ponds are lost.

Take the survivors back to the
hospital station. We'll meet you there.

- Mace out.
- Captain Silver out.

Head for home. Light speed.

Is that a Mandalorian helmet?

What is that doing here?

Clone cadets.

Jango Fett.


Anakin! No! Drop it!

Mace is dead. Are you happy now?

I want to make sure he's dead.

There's nothing left
of Windu to find, Boba.

I want to get off this planet now.

This place is crawling with gundarks,

and besides, we've got these hostages
to drag along with us now.

This extra baggage will fetch us
a hefty sum from the Separatists.

Well, it's a lot of trouble
for not enough payout, if you ask me.

You haven't even done anything!
I've taken all the risks.

Quiet, runt.

I wouldn't do that.

Count Dooku will pay us well
if we bring back the Jedi's head.

Dooku might pay us for k*lling Windu.

Then we're looking at a profit.


Now, relax. Boba is right.

To get paid,
we need proof of Windu's death,

and if we k*lled Skywalker,
we can ask for double.

- Double?
- Yes, but we need proof.

Bossk, take care of our guests
while we're gone.

Artoo! Over here!

Good to see you, buddy.

Careful, Artoo.
I'm afraid the whole bridge will collapse.

I need you to go back to the fighters
and call the Temple for help, okay?


Go get help.
We'll hold out as long as we can.

Go on, Artoo.

Go on.

Come on. We've got to find Windu's body.

Careful, Boba.

Yeah, careful. I'd hate
to only split the money three ways.

Look out!

This place is a death trap!

When I hired you, I didn't realize
that you were such a coward.

Well, I don't want to be next.

- Blast!
- The door must have malfunctioned.

Skywalker? Skywalker, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.
Except I can't move.

Can you get free?

I already tried that.

You'll bring the whole place down on us.

Well, how do we plan
on getting ourselves out of this mess?

Don't worry. I already sent Artoo
back to the fighters to call for help.

I'm sure he has everything under control.


I'm just saying, I didn't know
there'd be all this climbing involved.

Shut up already. It wasn't my idea
for you to tag along anyway.

The next one who says anything
will get a blaster bolt through the brain.

- But, Aurra...
- Not one more word.


- What was that?
- The ship is falling apart around us.

This is no good.

If we can barely survive in here,
Windu must have been k*lled in the blast.

I'm not quitting now.
Not when I'm so close.

Look out!

We're running out of time.

That's it. We're out of here.
No one could survive this place.

A Jedi could.

I hate to agree with Castas,
but there is a better way to do this.

But, Aurra...

Bossk, fire up sl*ve I.

We're going to blast
what's left of this ship to pieces.

I'll be ready when you arrive.

- I hate just sitting here.
- Calm yourself, Skywalker.

We'll soon see if the faith you put
in that droid is worth it.

What was that?

Scanners picked up an expl*si*n
near where the Jedi landed.

- Windu.
- Jam any communications off this planet.

- The fighter's markings match Windu's.
- I knew it! I told you he wasn't dead.

Bossk, after him.

I don't like the sound of that.


I thought your astromech
was supposed to call for help,

not take off and leave us here.

Come on, Artoo, I'm counting on you.

Hold it steady.

We've knocked out his communications.

Two rings, mark three-five,
they're powering up.

If we can take out the rings,
he'll be trapped.

- Which one?
- Destroy them both!

We can't get range.
You'll get one shot at this, kid.

I've got you, Windu.


Well, there goes a fortune. Nice work, kid.

What's our next move?

Great! Well, this has gone well.

Windu will be back here with a fleet.
He'll hunt us down.

Don't count on it.
The Jedi don't carry grudges.

But I have ways of motivating him.

We'll make Windu come to us next time,
on our terms.

Now, let's get out of here.
I want to regroup.

We shall reinforce our fleet
along the Hydian Way,

this should prevent Grievous from...


Stop it! Artoo, what's wrong?

- Ahsoka, you know this droid?
- It's Anakin's droid, R2-D2.

Well, then, Artoo, deliver the message
you so obviously need to communicate.

I need you to go back to the fighters
and call the Temple for help, okay?


Prepare my ship.
We shall leave immediately.

Whose helmet is that anyway?

It belongs to a bounty hunter
I k*lled on Geonosis,

by the name of Jango Fett.

You mean the clone template?

Yes. Strangely enough he had a son,

or at least a clone he regarded as a son.

His name is Boba Fett.

I remember now. Obi-Wan listed him
in his report on Kamino.

Boba was on Geonosis
when his father died.

He watched as I k*lled him.

- That would complicate things.
- Indeed.

Your astromech has been gone too long.

He must have failed
to deliver your message.

Artoo will come through.

There! In the bridge, I can see them.

Ahsoka, hold the ship steady.

Comet! Let's go!

Hurry, Commander Wolffe!

Hold tight, General.

We're losing it, sir.


Cut the lines!


Some pretty serious burns,

but nothing
a night in the bacta t*nk won't fix.

Oh, sorry.

We were lucky to arrive when we did.

Guess we have Artoo to thank for that.

Come here, droid.

I can see why your master trusts you,
little one.

Good job.

That's definitely more praise
than I ever get.
