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02x17 - Bounty Hunters

Posted: 11/17/21 15:42
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The death toll rises!

As the battles intensify and thr*aten
a growing number of Republic worlds,

planets are left to survive on their own

while the Jedi struggle
to fight a w*r on many fronts.

A series of medical stations
have been established

as a lifeline for those in need.

But the facilities are easy prey
for Separatist att*cks.

After losing contact
with the medical station orbiting Felucia,

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
and Ahsoka Tano are sent to investigate.

That's Felucia, dead ahead.

But where's the medical station?
I don't see anything on my scanners.


Wait, there's something.

- Vulture droids.
- Hang on!

I guess we know what happened
to the medical station.

- That's not good!
- They took out the plasma conduit!

- You thinking what I'm thinking?
- Almost certainly not.

Looks like we're doing this the hard way.
Starting ejection sequence.

How come every time you fly, we crash?

It's not my fault. It's the ship.

AHSOKA: Ready to eject.
ANAKIN: Wait...


He always blames the ship.




- You all right there, Master?
- I'm fine, Anakin.

Where on Felucia do you think we are?

I'm not sure.


- I don't like the sound of that.
- And I don't like the look of that.

We don't want to scare them.

We can't just wander around aimlessly.
We need a plan.

You always taught me to go on instinct,
and my instincts tell me to go that way.

Well, that doesn't seem right.
I think we should go this way.

ANAKIN: Why do you even ask for my
opinion? You never do things my way.

We crashed the ship your way.

Very funny. I see your sense of humor
survived the landing.

- It's about the only thing.
- Uh, if you two are done arguing,

I think there's some smoke on the horizon.

Which means people,
and a way off this planet.

Look. There's a village.

Maybe they have a ship we can borrow.

- Hmm, they're growing healing herbs.
- Nysillim, I believe.

One of the most valuable crops
in the galaxy.

- This place looks deserted.
- I don't believe it is.

The crops are ready to be harvested.
Tools are lying about.

No, something's amiss.

Well, there's one thing I learned
where I grew up.

If you want to know what a farmer's up to,

look in their barn.

This is an odd ship for farmers.

Perhaps someone's here
to pick up the sillim.

I still don't get it. Where is everyone?

- Mystery solved.
- (GASPING) They're terrified.

It's okay, we won't hurt you.


Kindly drop your weapons, Jedi.

Take it easy, Snips.
We don't want any trouble.


It's not always about the numbers.

Four on one is hardly a fair fight,
even for a Jedi.

Wait a minute, four on one?
You mean four on two.

We don't count you, knee-high.

Do you count me?

Stop! Don't harm them!
Can't you see these are Jedi?

- We are saved!
- Saved?

Need I remind you, Casiss,
you already made a deal with us?

- But with the Jedis' help...
- Excuse me, but help you with what?


Simply stated, if we don't give
the pirates a portion of our crop,

they will destroy our homes
with us in them.

Hmm, I see your dilemma.

Sillim farming is a meager trade.
Without our herbs to sell,

we will have no money for food,
fuel or equipment.

And yet you can afford
to pay mercenaries?

These bounty hunters drive a far more
reasonable bargain than the pirates.

- Why not just fight them yourselves?
- Easy for you, perhaps.

But look at us.
We are farmers, not warriors.

Even with the bounty hunters' help,
I had feared the worst.

But now, there are seven of you.

What do you want, Jedi?

We need a ship.
Ours is beyond repair, I'm afraid.

The one in the barn, that'll do.

(LAUGHS) That's our ride.
It doesn't go anywhere without us.

And right now, we're busy.

Busy extorting farmers?

I don't hear you offering to help.

Unfortunately, we couldn't help
even if we wanted to.


Master, these farmers are in trouble.
Why can't we help them?

Believe me, Ahsoka,
I would like nothing more.

However, we need to report that
the medical station has been destroyed.

If we stay too long,

the Separatists will show up
looking for us here.

- But...
- Better they get robbed by pirates

than attract the interest
of General Grievous and his horde.

Pirates! Pirates, pirates!
The pirates are back!

That's far enough.
I speak for the people of this village.

State your name and business.

My name is my own business.
And my business is taking what's ours.

There is nothing here that's yours.
Unless you're here to buy it.

Buy it? (LAUGHING)

Kenobi. Skywalker!

I can't believe
you came all this way to see me.

- Hondo.
- Hondo.

- You know each other?
- (CHORTLING) Of course we do.

Tell them how far back we go, Kenobi.

Too far, I'm afraid.

(LAUGHS) And here I thought
we were friends.

If you're truly interested
in friendship, Hondo,

might I suggest
you stop threatening these farmers?

Threatening them?

Oh, please tell me you have not been
listening to this bounty-hunting scum.

Scum? We're just here
to help them protect what's theirs.

Oh, come, come, my dear.
How much are they paying you?

Bububub! Does not matter.
Whatever it is, I will double it.

And all you have to do to earn it is, uh,

- step aside.
- (ENUNCIATING) We don't break deals.

- Steady, everyone.
- What is your stake, anyway, Kenobi?

All we want is a ride
to the nearest Republic outpost.

And I'm willing
to pay you handsomely for it.

Twice what you could make
selling this crop.

Well, um, how do you plan to pay me?

- A funds transfer when we arrive.
- Republic credit?


We've been over this before, Kenobi.
My associates don't accept that currency.

I'm offering a deal
that benefits us all, Hondo.

Don't let your greed
blind you to that fact.

You know, I like you, Kenobi,

but no one leaves this planet
until I get my sillim.

Then I hope you enjoy it here,

because you'll be staying
a long time, parasite.

You know,
this crop has not been harvested.

You better hurry, old man,
before things start to die on you.

When the attack comes,
it will come from two fronts.

The forest to the south,
and the ridge to the north.

Whatever you do,
you must defend both sides.

But there are only four of them.

How can four bounty hunters
defend against so many?


The farmers are right.
These bounty hunters don't stand a chance.

We've been over this, Anakin.

You seem to lack confidence
in our abilities, young Jedi.

I'm sure you're good at what you do,
but you are in way too deep.

Said the peacekeeper
who fails to keep the peace.

The rift in the galaxy is not our fault.

If more worlds would stand up
for themselves against the Separatists,

this w*r would have been over long ago.

That's it! We'll just train the villagers
to defend themselves.

But we are just simple farmers.

Why are we paying bounty hunters
to defend us

if we are just going to end up
doing it ourselves?

- Hush, Dilanni.
- Trust me. We'll have you ready.

Put it in the barn. Every bushel.

All right, everyone, form up.



Divide into rows of five.


I told you, we are not soldiers.
We don't even have weapons.

May I?

Yep, these will do.

What happens if you need the barn
as a fallback position?

With all the sillim here, it will be
difficult to squeeze the farmers in.

There's room.

I worry that you care more
for the safety of the sillim

than you do for the
safety of the villagers.

You think I'm only worried about my profit.
Is that it?

The thought had crossed my mind.

So, in your mind,
I'm just like any other pirate.

- Am I wrong?
- (LAUGHS) Not entirely.

But it is easier to protect the villagers
and the sillim

- if they're both in the same place.
- Then might I suggest...

You might suggest anything you like,
General Kenobi.

But I know what I'm doing,
and I will keep these people safe,

my way.



Seripas! It's too heavy!




(STAMMERING) Don't look!
I'm having a suit malfunction.



- Not very intimidating, am I?
- You don't have to look tough to be tough.

(MECHANICALLY) I thank you for your help.



(GROANING) The bounty hunter is right.

Every minute you waste
teaching us to twirl these stupid poles

is time you could have spent
beating those pirates yourself.

And what good would that do you?

Another band of brigands
would inevitably come along.

Or do you intend to give away
part of your crop every harvest season?

If you make us do this,
there won't be another harvest season!

All right, everyone, get back in position.
Let's continue.


Well, what have we here?
Getting ready for a fight, are we?

There! A scout!

- Embo!






Quick work.

- Yes,

but when this scout fails to report
to Hondo, he'll be coming, soon.

The scout has not checked in
from the village. He's long overdue.

Well, well, well. So it looks like the Jedi
are getting involved, doesn't it?

Or, at least we now know
we can't take these villagers for granted.

But you know what I always say.
"Speak softly

"and drive a big t*nk."

The farmers are in position.
Well, the ones who stuck around, anyway.

Very well, Anakin. Turn on the fence.


Battle positions, everyone!






Embo, can you hear me?

- You'll be all right. We'll get you inside.

Everyone, fall back to the barn!

That t*nk is going to tear
the villagers apart.

SUGI: Get him inside.
We'll hold them off as long as we can.

Die, Jedi scum!



- No!
- Sugi! Watch your flank!

Your situation is hopeless, Skywalker.

- Welcome back, Dilanni. Are you all right?
- Fine.



The Captain!

Let's go!

- The day is won!

Help me!

Skywalker, let me call off my men.

This effort is no longer profitable!

There are crops to harvest,
fields to till, huts to rebuild.

Now, let's get to work.

How can I ever thank you
for saving our village?

We didn't save your village, Casiss.
Your people did.

For the first time in my memory,
my people don't have to be afraid.

We will never forget you.

I seem to find myself light on company.

Still need that ride
back to the Republic outpost?

If it wouldn't be any inconvenience.

On the contrary, it would be my pleasure.