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02x16 - Cat and Mouse

Posted: 11/17/21 15:41
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: An impenetrable defense.

Separatist ships blockade
the resource-rich planet of Christophsis,

trapping Senator Bail Organa
and his relief effort.

Desperate to aid the esteemed Senator,

a Republic task force under the command
of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker

must break the impasse.

But time runs short for the Senator
and the good citizens of Christophsis.


Separatist forces
have overrun our position


and we are out of food,
water and munitions.

Our situation is desperate.

Senator Organa?

Senator Organa!

General, another cruiser's been hit.

Master Kenobi better get here soon

or this is gonna be
one short rescue mission.

The command ship is bearing down on us!

Full forward shields! Incoming fire!

This isn't gonna be easy.

Fire all forward cannons,
cut off those Republic supply ships,

separate them from their escort cruisers.


I smell fear


and it smells good.


General, one of the supply ships
has been hit.

Over-fire all reactors.

We're gonna blow right past this guy,
whoever he is.

General, a Republic cruiser is
coming out of hyperspace behind us.


Looks like General Skywalker's
already engaged the enemy.

That's nothing out of the ordinary.

Especially since I gave him
a direct order not to.

The Republic ship
is not breaking off its attack.

Hold the line.
Intensify forward deflectors.

- Anakin, I want you to withdraw.
- Withdraw?

I brought a new toy
that might give us an advantage.

With respect, General,
now might not be a bad time to regroup.

Tell the transports
to fall back to Obi-Wan's position,

we'll cover their retreat
as they escape behind the moon.

I don't like this.
I hope Obi-Wan knows what he's doing.

They are escaping.
Should we go after them?

No! Our orders are to blockade, not chase.

(CLICKING) I have won this round.

Recycle the shields
and let the cannons reset to a full charge.

BOTH: Roger, roger.

And the enemy will soon return.
And when they do,


we shall be ready.

Well, here I am.
Tell me about this new w*apon.

- You're looking at it.
- I'm looking at what?

Two steps forward
and you'd actually be kissing it.


It's a stealth ship.

- Hmm. That's some trick.
- Let's hope the Separatists think so.

So I assume scanners can't detect it?

As far as we know,
but this is the first real field test.

- That's encouraging.
- I figured you'd be up to the challenge.

So, I can move in undetected
and take them out from behind.

It's a pretty small ship
to destroy a whole fleet. Are there more?

No, this is the prototype,
and you won't be on the offensive.

I need you to run a mercy mission
down to the planet's surface.

The ship can carry enough supplies
for Senator Organa's headquarters.

Oh, I'm still the delivery boy?

We don't need the whole fleet.
I can do this myself.

Anakin, slow down and do what I tell you.

It's more important to save lives
than destroy ships.

I need you to continue the mercy mission.


Impossible, it can't be him.

Tell General Skywalker
to hold his departure.

Yes, sir.

Thank you for waiting, sir.
I'm sorry to hold you up.

No apologies, Admiral. What have you got?

Something about this morning's
engagement struck me as familiar,

- so I did a bit of research.
- And?

I believe the opposing commander
is none other than Admiral Trench.

If I remember my military history,

wasn't he vaporized
at the Battle of Malastare Narrows?

That's what I thought, too.

But the tactics employed,
the efficiency of the droids' maneuvers,

and then there's this.

The last time I saw that symbol,

well, let's just say
I lost a lot of good men that day.

What do I need to know?

I have seen his work firsthand.

A corporate fleet was blockading
Malastare, a fleet led by Trench.

That's why I recognized the tactics.

He tore our ships apart.
We barely escaped with our lives.

In the end, a Jedi-led task force moved in
to settle the matter.

Trench's ship was destroyed
and we assumed he went down with it.

- Hmm. Are you sure it's him?
- It's possible.

Not every captain goes down with his ship.

Well, we may be in luck then, Admiral,

my orders are not to engage Trench,
just to deliver supplies to Senator Organa.

With all due respect, General,

I do not believe
we will have a choice in the matter.

If it is indeed Trench,
he will come for us.

- Us?
- Yes.

I'm volunteering my services
as consultant, General.

Welcome aboard.

Hurry up, rookie, we're leaving.

CT 1284, Spark reporting for duty, sir.

We lost one of our starting lineup, kid.
You ready to step up and take his place?

Yes, sir, just show me my station.

You'll be sitting right across from me,

where I can keep an eye on you
until you're up to speed.

Everyone's onboard, we are go.

Dispatch, we are powering up
and ready to go.

- Going silent in 10.
- SPARK: Systems green.

BLACKOUT: Power core steady, pick up
your scanning five targets...

- Engage cloaking device.
- And 12-1-5.

Doesn't look like they can detect us.

Yes, but if you get any closer they may
not need scanners to know we're here.

Relax, Admiral.
Hey, you wanted to come on this ride.

I cannot calculate why the Republic fleet
has not launched another attack?

What is the status
of the as*ault on Christophsis?

Resistance is crumbling, sir,

I would estimate a half rotation
before it is over.


We need to add some pressure

on those who were sent to rescue
our enemies on Christophsis.


Send the Hyena bombers
to hit Senator Organa on the surface.


That should draw those cowards out
from behind the moon.


General, we have incoming bombers
with fighter escort.

Enemy ships closing,
15,000, 14,000, 13,000..

What's our defensive capability?

We've got torpedoes
and anti-aircraft cannons, sir,

but we'd have to de-cloak to use either.

Yeah, and if they don't know we're here

that would give our position away
pretty quickly.

9,000, 8,000...

- Have they detected us?
- Can't tell, sir.

If we are going on the offensive
we must do it soon!

5,000, 4,000...

Stay cloaked, power everything else down,
let her drift.



- They're going to hit us!
- Five hundred!

They missed us.
They don't know we're here.

They're heading for Bail Organa
and the command center.

They're going to b*mb it!

Sir, we have incoming bombers!

Get me General Kenobi!

We are under attack
by the Separatist fleet.

They're coming by air and by ground.

We can't hold out any longer.
There's little chance for survival.

Help us, General Kenobi,
you're our only hope.

Get me Anakin.

Anakin, I've just spoken to the Senator,

they're in dire need of our help.

Continue with your mission
to the planet's surface.

I will engage Trench's fleet
with the ships I already have.

General Kenobi, with all due respect,

you do not have the resources
to engage Trench openly.

He wants you to attack,
you'll be walking into a trap.

He's right, Master,
you won't stand a chance.

Anakin, I've got enough problems
without you becoming one of them.

Get those supplies to the refugee camp.
I'll worry about Trench.

- Just stay on course and...
- Your tactic won't work.

Prep torpedo tubes one through four.
Fix range on Trench's command ship.

- Sir?
- You heard me, Admiral.

- What are you doing?
- We need to destroy Trench,

and this ship
has the best chance of doing that.

- I want those supplies on the surface now.
- Don't worry, I'm on it.


The Republic fleet is holding position.

This is unusual.


What can they be planning?

Prepare to de-cloak on my command.

Prep torpedo tubes one through four.
Fix range on Trench's command ship.

I thought we were on a relief mission.

You'll learn pretty quick that
when you serve under General Skywalker

you're always on the offensive.
Now get ready to cycle those shields.

You realize
our torpedoes may not be enough.

All I want is for Trench to think about us
instead of the people on the planet below.

It's time to introduce ourselves.

BLACKOUT: Activate the turbo chargers.
Release torpedo safety!

- Ready to divert power!
- Shield regeneration on standby.


Something odd is going on out there.

Ready torpedoes,
lock onto primary target.

Disengage cloaking device.

There! A cloaked ship!


- Torpedoes locked and closing.
- Activate the shields.

Foolish Republic scum.

Your puny torpedoes
are no match for my thermo-shields.

Prepare to fire all cannons!

Well, that did little good.

- Re-cloaking in nine, eight...
- Fire!

Six, five...

- Pilot, prep the flares.
- Too late, General!

Launch flares!

And cloak!

Fire a spread of lasers.

- Incoming!
- I see it.

Scans are coming up negative. We missed.



but we have learned something.

No clone could successfully fly
through that many lasers.

We are dealing with a Jedi.


Patch me into the com channel,
open frequency.


What you got, Spark?

There's an open communication signal
coming from the enemy.

Better tell the General.

Now that they know we are here,
what's your plan?

I'll think of something, Admiral.
In the meantime,

I've got Trench right where I want him,
thinking about us.

General, there's a transmission
on the open frequency, it's the enemy.

Put it through.


Hello, ugly.

I am Admiral Trench. (CLICKING)

If you are listening, Jedi,
you've made a bold move

and a grave mistake.

I appreciate your decision to face me,
ship to ship, to play this little game.

It's been so long
since I had a worthy opponent.

You have an impressive new vessel,

but I warn you,
I have dealt with its kind before.

Your technology will not save you.

And your friends on the planet below
shall perish as a result of your failure.

The people of Christophsis
and her resources


shall join the Separatist Alliance.

Turn back now, retreat while you can,

for I am your doom.

He said he's dealt
with this kind of ship before.


I calculate the Jedi will not turn back
as you request, Admiral.


Of course not. I do not expect him to.

He'll attack again. A stealth ship
could have passed our blockade easily,

this Jedi chose to attack.

DEA-WAN: You were right, Admiral,

there are records of Trench's battles and
a few against ships with cloaking devices.

- And?
- It seems, in each case,

he used tracking torpedoes
to hit the ship somehow

whether it was cloaked or not.

Then he knows a way of detecting us.

Tracking torpedoes? Hmm.

What class ship was he fighting?

Mostly cruiser to cruiser,
nothing as small as your ship.

Well, no ship this small
usually has a cloaking device.

Maybe he's tracking
the magnetic signature...

Thanks, Obi-Wan. Hold off your attack
until we destroy Trench.

Might I remind you
that this was not your mission?

You might.

Admiral, prepare to disengage
cloaking device and fire.

Battle stations!

- Engineering, check.
- Navigation, check.

- g*ns, check.
- Torpedoes, check.

- Shields, check.
- Admiral, we are ready and waiting.

Your move, General.


There she is!

Re-cloaking in five, four...

Sir, four more Republic torpedoes
armed and closing.

Lock us onto that ship's
magnetic signature.

Magnetic signature locked.

Arm tracking torpedoes
and fire on my command.

But, sir, we cannot fire
unless we lower our shields.

Lower shields and fire!

Lowering shields.

General, I really hope
you know what you're doing.

So do I, Admiral.

TI-99: They are turning around.

General, the cloaking device is active,

but they're locked onto
our magnetic signature.

He took the bait.
Turn off the cloaking device,

divert all power to the engines.

- TI-99: He is headed right for us.
- He can't! Raise the shields!

We cannot,
the shields are still recharging.

- That's the way! Yes!
- We did it!

- We made it!
- Good job!

I hate to admit it, but good job, Anakin.

We're beginning our attack
on the Separatist fleet.

Have fun. I'll be delivering the supplies
to the surface, Master.

General Skywalker,
I have no idea how you did it,

but you saved a great many lives today.

Good job, kid. Looks like you're now

- officially part of the crew.
- Thanks, Commander.

Well, looks like we make
a pretty good team.

I must admit, I am a bit surprised
at the reckless nature of your tactics,

though I cannot argue with their results.

(LAUGHING) Well, you'll find
I like to do things, uh,

differently from time to time.

Indeed, the Chancellor mentioned as much,

though he insisted
it was the highest compliment.