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02x15 - Senate Murders

Posted: 11/17/21 15:40
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: w*r on many fronts!

While battles are fought
by clones in the field,

a different w*r is waged
in the Galactic Senate.

As heavy losses add up, a group
of senators led by Halle Burtoni of Kamino

propose an escalation of troop production.

Senator Padmé Amidala,

recognizing that more troops
will only prolong the fighting,

works tirelessly with her allies to
introduce a bill to cut military spending

and stop the creation
of more clone troopers.

Yes, of course, Senator.
Thank you for telling me yourself.

I completely understand.

Did we lose someone else's vote?

Senator Stonk.
Worried about public opinion.

But he wants us to know
how very sorry he is.

- "Sorry" doesn't get us votes.
- We'll get votes

when, in your speech, you convince people
to stand up for what they know is right.

I hope you're right, Uncle.

You've been doing an amazing job
rallying votes to our side.

Chos koo, Senator Farr.


Perhaps I am the most influential man
on Rodia, Lolo,

but after all the mistakes I've made,
peace is what matters to me now.

Senator Amidala? They're ready
for your speech now. It's time.

We'll see you in the Chamber,
Senator Amidala.

Good luck, Padmé!

It is quite exciting.

"Exciting" isn't exactly
the word I would use.

I think "terrifying" is more appropriate.

Pay her no mind, Senator Organa.

Even as a girl,
Padmé downplayed her strengths.

Helps her maintain
the element of surprise.

I learned it from you.
See you inside, Senators.

The creation of more warriors
will not end this w*r.

The financial costs alone will bankrupt
and cr*pple the Republic.

By adding more clones to the conflict,
we are only escalating destruction,

not winning the w*r.

Which is why we must vote
for this resolution,

to promote more diplomacy

and to bring an end
to this k*lling and hatred.


- That was quite a moment, my dear.
- Thank you, Senator Deechi.

Oh, it wasn't a compliment.

You shouldn't make speeches like that.
It's unpatriotic.

The only thing I find unpatriotic
is your warmongering.

Truly, you have turned the tide!

- My dear, you were brilliant.
- Thank you.

But perhaps we should wait
till we actually win the vote

- before we make a victory speech.
- What a novel idea.

Imagine that. Amidala's actually
making sense for once in her life.

Senator Burtoni,
this is a private conversation.

Private conversation
or Separatist conspiracy?

How dare you? We are not pro-Separatist.
We want to end the w*r.

Committing more troops to the front lines
will not allow diplomacy to resume.

Diplomacy failed the Republic long ago.

- Senators, please!
- Senator Burtoni.

The Kaminoans might have bartered
their creation of the clones

into a seat in the Galactic Senate,

but this does not give you free rein.

Thank you for visiting, Senator.

We would like to continue
our meeting now, if you don't mind.

Enjoy your moment
in the spotlight, Senators.

This w*r will not end soon.

Well, we must be doing something right
if we've rattled Senator Burtoni.

What matters is that we've made great
strides in our fight against this bill.

Ono, you've done a wonderful job
leading the effort.

I am just trying to do what's right.

I only wish I'd tried doing that
a long time ago.

You're doing it now.

To victory and an end to this w*r!

To victories.

(GROANING) My heart.

- I can't breathe.
- Uncle, what is it?


Ono! It's his heart!
Please, someone get help!

And we are all aware
that Onaconda was a flawed man.

He knew better than anyone
of his own mistakes.

But he never compromised his principles.

And what he did, he did for his people.
Their needs always came first.


- Senator, if you need anything...
- What we need

is to get his resolution passed.

He was my mentor. I don't know
how to carry on without him guiding me.

I know. No one could ever take his place.

Excuse me, Chancellor Palpatine has
summoned both of you to his chambers.

- What's happened?
- I'm afraid, my friends,

that Lieutenant Divo here
has some questions.

About Senator Farr.

Do you know of anyone who,

hmm, how to put this,

hated Senator Farr enough to k*ll him?


I'll need to find out
who wanted to hurt Senator Farr.

Actually, "k*ll him" would be more
accurate, what with him being dead.

No one wanted him dead.
Everyone loved him.

Well, that's obviously not true,
or I wouldn't be here, and he would.

Lieutenant. Even Ono's political enemies
respected him.

We need time to deal with this situation.

Time. Time. There's no time for time!

A m*rder*r is on the loose,
and it's my job to find him!

Now if I were a guy
who committed senator-side...

What makes you think it was m*rder?

Poison, of course!
The politicians' preferred method.

Found a chemical in his bloodstream,
k*lled him right away.

It's an obvious case.

Politicians always have something to hide,
and it always comes back to haunt them.

Am I right?

(LAUGHS) Look who I'm asking.
Room full of politicians. Huh.

So, one of Farr's secrets
must have resurfaced.

Ono had no secrets. That's not it.

Perhaps someone was upset about the
clone-troop bill currently on the floor.

It's very controversial.

Thank you, Senator... Amidala, is it?

But I already have my theory and
I'll follow my hunch, if you don't mind.

After all, I am the inspector,
you're the senator,

so I'll handle the inspecting,
and you can stick to the senating.

Good day.

m*rder? It's inconceivable.

Who would wish Onaconda harm?

What if it's the bill?
What if we're all being targeted?

Speculation gets us nowhere.
There is work to do.

We should double our efforts on the vote.
It will be even harder with Ono gone.

- No. No, we should delay the vote.
- But why?

No one will give the vote
their full attention

until they know what's happened to Ono.

Well, maybe I can put a motion
on the floor.

I don't think anyone will object,
given the circumstances.

Good. Then we'll have time
to conduct our own investigation.

Detective Divo specifically asked us
not to interfere.

Well, he didn't exactly inspire confidence,
did he?

He didn't know Ono. We did.

We'll have a far easier time
looking into this than Detective Divo will.

Running around
could disrupt our coalition.

Yet you still seem determined
to see this through.

Indeed I am.

And I don't suppose you'd consider
bringing Captain Typho with you.

No, I'd rather do this quietly.

Then perhaps, Senator Organa,
you should accompany her.

- I think that's an excellent idea.
- I don't need a guardian.

Of course not, my dear.
Think of it as precautionary.

- Don't worry, I won't get in your way.
- Very well. I have no objections.

And I know exactly where to start.


You're suggesting one of us
k*lled Onaconda Farr.

- How delightful.
- I don't find any of this amusing.

Neither do I.

Every time Ono opened
his befuddled mouth,

it gave us another quote
to use in our fundraising.

Why would we k*ll
our best source of income?

You both opposed Ono's ideas
in the Senate.

With enough at stake, maybe
you decided to silence his voice for good.

Onaconda and I were often at odds,
but I respected him.

I respected him greatly.

For the record,
I had no respect for Onaconda whatsoever.

Ono had a secret meeting at the docks
under the derrick major

the night before he died.

And you just happened to know
about this meeting how?

Oh, I was having Ono followed.
Just because I respected Ono

doesn't mean
I wasn't trying to get dirt on him.

- Of course.
- The point is,

a clandestine, off-the-books meeting
under cover of darkness,

perhaps that location holds some clue.

Fine. I will go look. But whatever we find,
I'll have more questions for both of you.


Have I said that I think
we're very far out of our element here?

Yes, Bail, I believe you mentioned it
once or twice.

You know, using this investigation
to bury your grief

- might not be the best way to...
- I'm not.

Then why can't you just leave it
to Lieutenant Divo?


Wait! Watch out!





Senator Amidala, is it possible
you might be going deaf?

- Lieutenant?
- Because when I said

I didn't want you to interfere
with my investigation,

I can only assume that you didn't hear me.

I had some information about a lead
here at the docks.

Which you naturally
brought to me straightaway

so I could investigate, only...

No, wait, you did the exact opposite
of that! There are rules, Senator.

My friend was m*rder*d.
I don't care about rules.


Don't care about rules?

My dear, without rules, there's only chaos.
Everyone must care about rules.

We know that.

But now you've alerted the k*ller
that you're on to him.

And my investigation is that much harder.

Do you have any idea
how many reports I'll have to file now?

- We alerted the k*ller.
- Yes. That's what I'm saying.

What if we were sent here on purpose?

- To the docks?
- Yes!

What if this was all a setup?

What if Deechi sent us here
just so he could k*ll us?

If we hurry,
we might still be able to catch Deechi

- before he leaves the Senate.
- Ag reed.

But wait! I'm still investigating! This is
still an active crime scene! You can't...

Oh, fine.

Senator Deechi, I'm sure you're surprised
to see me after what you... (GASPING)

- He's dead.
- He's been stabbed.

This is definitely gonna require
another report.

The k*ller is obviously
targeting the leadership.

You must stay here under my protection.

Why? So the k*ller can
take us all out at once?

Oh, that's preposterous.

Even if the k*ller
did get through my security,

it's very unlikely that all of you
would end up dead.

We're far too easy a target sitting here.
I'm leaving.

No, you can't leave, Lolo. I think,
in this instance, the inspector is right.

Out of my way.


Who else knew
you were going to the docks?

Just Senator Burtoni. She was
the only other one in the room with us.

Burtoni, eh?

Sir, Senator Burtoni is not here.

Oh. Looks like that long-necked Kaminoan
has flown the coop.

It's been a difficult time.
You've handled yourself well.

I had to try.

Ono believed if you see injustice,
you can't wait for someone else to fix it.

- You must stand up and get involved.
- He did.


Help! I have been att*cked!
She's over there! She tried to k*ll me!

- What happened?
- Senator Burtoni. She jumped me!

- She's in the East Wing corridor! Hurry!
- Guards! Go!

You're insane. I didn't k*ll anyone.

Last thing I remember,
I was walking to my office.

- Then I woke up here.
- Senator Lolo has a very different story.

- She says you att*cked her.
- att*cked her? Lolo?


If I ever attack someone, I hope
it'll be someone mildly important.

Someone like Senator Farr?

Ono was a harmless bug.
I wouldn't bother k*lling him.

And Deechi was my ally.

I've been thinking about how
you were in Senator Amidala's office

- right before Farr died.
- So what?

And I've been thinking about
how you were in Deechi's office

to hear about that meeting at the docks.
A meeting I think Farr had with you.

It wasn't me! You have no proof!

No? I have this.

I ordered an extensive forensic report
on Farr as soon as he died.

The poison which k*lled Farr
only affects Rodian blood.

And it was developed
by Kaminoan scientists.

But that's... I didn't k*ll him!

You're Kaminoan,
you had access to the poison.

That's motive, means
and opportunity. Guards!

But the scan must be wrong.

If the poison was in all our drinks,
Lolo would have died, too.

- What?
- She's Rodian.

She'd have been poisoned, too.
Unless she didn't drink.

But you drank, right, Lolo?

Lolo. You didn't drink, did you?

You're right.
I should have pretended to drink.

All right, you're coming with me
for insurance.

Why did you k*ll Ono?

- He brought w*r to my planet.
- No! He made a mistake, Lolo.

Which everyone seemed to forget,
including you. I didn't.

Did you honestly think
he had the moral right to lead us?

After he betrayed us?

- He was sorry.
- He was weak.

We needed someone with strength
to stand against this w*r.

I tried to scare him at the docks, but
he wouldn't go away. So I removed him.


And when I heard Deechi knew
about that meeting, he had to go, too.

Halt! Put down your w*apon.

With the final votes tallied,

let it be known that the motion to stop
the creation of more clone troops

has failed,

and the continued manufacturing
of clone troopers

shall proceed as scheduled.

After all that, we lost.

I know this decision was most unexpected.

I myself don't support it,
but democracy must stand.

Of course. You are right, Chancellor.

Hmm. Actually, given recent events,
perhaps it is for the best.

For how can we justify fortifying
our security here in the Senate

if we don't also provide reinforcements
on the front lines?

You see, the victory of the clone army,
for now,

is the only thing that
can lead us to peace.