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02x14 - Duchess of Mandalore

Posted: 11/17/21 15:39
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: A diplomatic mission.

As dissent threatens to tear apart
the peaceful Mandalore system,

Duchess Satine struggles to protect
her people against the escalating v*olence.

Betrayed by two of her trusted allies,
Satine now travels to Coruscant.

There, she hopes to convince the Senate

that a destructive splinter group,
Death Watch,

does not represent
the entire Mandalorian government.

With your Death Watch army in place,

now all we need do is to sit and wait.

But for how long?
My men are anxious to fight.

Considering the plot
we've just set in motion,

I assure you the Republic will oblige you
the fight you're looking for.

First, send a Death Watch assassin
to Coruscant.

The Duchess of Mandalore must die.

Prime Minister.

- You found the Death Watch armies, then?
- Yes, sir. They are preparing for battle.

But if they attack,

it would strengthen the people's resolve
not to join the Death Watch movement.

The Death Watch will never be
strong enough to take over Mandalore

without the will of the people.

Not if the Republic
has a military presence here.

Their occupation will turn the Death Watch
from t*rrorists to liberators

in the eyes of the people.

But how can we stop the Republic
from coming here?

Our fate now lies in the hands
of Duchess Satine.

It grieves me to say it, but Death Watch
is now a significant, deadly threat.

Mandalore is making great strides to find
the leaders of this t*rror1st movement.

They are not powerful enough
to destabilize our government.

We will resolve this without conflict.

If the Republic gets involved in our affairs
it will only lead to further v*olence.

Thus I shall reassert our position
of neutrality.

- Talk of an idealist.
- No, those are the words of a pacifist

and a people
who have chosen non-violent action.

That may be so, Duchess.

However, this message was delivered
to my staff just this morning.

I think you shall find
it most illuminating.

The actions by our government
have taken us into a period of civil w*r.

To acknowledge it
would be to invite panic in the streets.

- Duchess, do you know this man?
- And so we hid the truth from our people.

Yes. Deputy Minister Jerec.
He's a dear friend.

It is more than mere possibility,
more than eventuality.

- It is here.
- Stop!

Deputy Minister Jerec
is an honorable man.

He would never commit such lies
to the record.

The Mandalorian government
holds no secrets from its people.

If only that were true.

Death Watch is far stronger
than we once thought.

If we are to combat them effectively,
we must have Republic assistance.

Instead, this government acts out of pride
and rejects the help of the Jedi.

It's not true. It's not true!

The Duchess Satine
will ultimately cause our defeat.

Make no mistake, Republic intervention
is absolutely necessary.

This isn't right. Something here isn't right!
I wish to speak to Jerec immediately.

Sadly, Deputy Minister Jerec
perished this morning

in a Death Watch bombing on Kalevala.

Let us ensure
that his death was not in vain.

Let us commit our military might
to defending the Mandalorian people.

Defending? You mean to occupy our home.

You would trample our right
to self-determination.

We mean to save your people.

You will turn our planet
into a military target

which will bring the w*r to us.

Mandalore must remain a neutral system.

The vote shall commence
in the next session.


Satine, wait.

I just heard what happened in the Senate.

You're sweet to be concerned.
But I promise I'll be all right.

I am concerned. We're friends, are we not?

Yes, friends and nothing more.

Satine, as your friend,

I don't think you should make
any decisions in this state of mind.

This state of mind? And what
state of mind would that be, precisely?

What I'm saying is...

Any person would be hysterical
by now, but...

Hysterical? The Republic is
attempting to force its will

- upon innocent people.
- I only meant...

Frankly, I'm surprised
you're not hysterical.

Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical,
they'd be more inclined to speak up

when the Republic tramples
on their rights.

Rushing in like this, it's...

It's foolhardy.

Ironic words from a man who spends
his days running hither and yon,

wielding his lightsaber with deadly force
as if on a crusade.

Why should I listen to someone
who so frequently relies on v*olence?

In my opinion,
you're the one who's foolhardy.



- What's happening?
- It's the navigation system.

Get her out of here.

There's a platform ahead.
I'll try to get closer.

No, stop! Aramis!


What do you mean,
no charges are to be filed? None at all?

Someone tried to k*ll me.

The controls on my speeder
were compromised.

Sadly, my dear, there is no proof
anyone tampered with anything.

I'm afraid it might have been
just an accident.

An accident?

And it just happened to coincide
with me defending my home world?

- I agree with Satine.
- Well! Finally.

It proves what I've been saying all along.

Death Watch is out of control.
The Republic must step in and help.

No. Wait, I didn't...

You can't keep them reined in, obviously,
so we will.

This is patently offensive.
You can't do this.

Unfortunately, it is up to the Senate now.

I'm sure they'll make
a reasoned and thoughtful decision.

Satine, I just heard about your accident.

Those two are...

(SIGHS) This government will...


Satine, tell me what happened!

(GRUNTS) I'm fine. I wasn't hurt.

I didn't want to worry you.

Well, I'm afraid on that count
you failed spectacularly.

- Look what happened.
- Look what happened?

This attack proves I've upset someone.
I must be on the right track.

This attack proves your enemies are here
even on Coruscant.

You're not going to let Republic
authorities handle this, are you?

- You're not backing down.
- Republic authorities? Certainly not.

I'm on my way
to the Ministry of Intelligence right now

to meet my contact.

Don't you see?

You need your friends with you,
not held at arm's length.

In your quest to be self-reliant,

have you decided
to out your friends out of your life?

I don't know.

Senator, what is it?

The Senate completed its vote.
They've decided in favor of occupation.

When did this happen?
The vote was supposed to be tomorrow.

It was during your meeting
with the Chancellor.

Your accident
accelerated the Senate's decision.

Republic forces are set to leave
for Mandalore at sunrise tomorrow.

You see? I was right before.

Counting on the Republic is a mistake.

(QUIETLY) I don't have much time.
They're following me.

You've put yourself in great danger.
I'll never forget it.

I had to come. This is worth it.

Where did you get this?

Buried deep in the evidence facility
at the Ministry.

It was not easy to find, believe me.

You were right.
Someone faked the evidence.

The recording presented to the Senate
was not the full recording.

But this disk is.
You must show the Senate...





POLICE DROID: We have a sh**ting
in Sector GL-5.

Subject identified
as Duchess Satine Kryze.

Hands where we can see them.
You are coming with us.

I didn't k*ll him.

POLICE DROID: Subject identified
as Duchess Satine Kryze.





We spotted her.
She's heading into the alley.

Cancel that. She's escaping in a speeder,
heading for section I-G-44.


Duchess Satine escaped again,
but I took out an informant.

Not sure if he successfully
delivered something to her,

but it looked like a handoff.

Find her. Whatever she's carrying
may compromise our plan.

My lord, everything is going
as you instructed.

Death Watch is prepared to fight?

Yes. The people have been worked
into such a frenzy

that when the Republic does arrive,

the Death Watch
will be considered heroes.


The Republic occupation force is loading
their ships and will arrive on time,

if the Duchess Satine
does not get in the way.

The Duchess Satine
will not be in the way much longer.

One of the Death Watch assassins
is taking care of her.

Uh, excuse me, sir. If you see this woman,
report her to the local authorities.


Uh... You know, I don't think he
understands us. Let's try someone else.

(SOFTLY) Obi-Wan, come in.

Obi-Wan, are you there?

Satine! Where are you?

Mas Amedda has demanded
you turn yourself in.

I know. Listen to me. Obi-Wan,

I need your help.

Have you seen this woman?

Nice disguise.

Seeing you all right is...

Well, it's a relief.

You should turn yourself in.

We've both sworn a loyalty
to the Republic.

Believe me, neither one of us
is breaking our oath.

And this will prove it.
I need to get it into the proper hands.


But the Republic guards are hunting you,
which means...

Whoever doctored this recording
is likely in the government itself.

If you set foot inside the Senate,
they'll take you.

And the disk will be destroyed
before anyone can see it.

Which is why
you must take the disk to Padmé.

Blast it.

Where will you be while I'm in the Senate?

- What if they find you?
- They won't.

- I'm going to surrender to them.
- What?

You'll need a distraction
to enter the Senate freely.

I can't risk them searching you
just because you and I are associates.

- I'm a Jedi. They wouldn't dare.
- Things are changing, my dear.





Excuse me.
I believe you were looking for me?

The occupation of Mandalore will usher in
a new level of security for the Republic

and its fight against corruption.

- If there are no objections...
- PADMÉ: Supreme Chancellor.

There has been a development
in the case for Mandalore's neutrality.

The chair recognizes
the senator from Naboo.

I think this should cast a new light
on the so-called evidence we saw earlier.

The actions by our government
have taken us into a period of civil w*r.

To acknowledge it
would be to invite panic in the streets.

Death Watch is far stronger
than we once thought.

But we have been training for this.
We can stop them.

But if we are to combat them effectively,

we must have the temerity
to stand strong in the name of peace.

And if we are to do so,
we must reject any Republic assistance.

Instead, this government will act.

It acts not out of pride, but for safety.

Intervention by the Republic
will inflame the opposition,

and this is why our government
rejects the help of the Jedi.

We must listen to the Duchess Satine.

If we do not,
we will ultimately cause our defeat.

- MAN: (ON PA) All troops will stand down.

All troops will stand down!

Unacceptable! You promised us

we would reclaim Mandalore
from these weak-willed cowards!

I will order my men to attack.

And if you do,
you'll hold the planet for perhaps a day.

Without the backing of my forces
or your people,

your revolution will be over
before it begins.

A neophyte such as you
wouldn't know these things, but I do.

I have other ways to accomplish our goal.

Thankfully, with the revelation
of this new information,

the occupation of Mandalore
is no longer necessary.

The person to thank is Duchess Satine.
She found the proof.

I require no thanks.

Satine, the Senate held
an emergency session,

and the Republic forces
have been ordered to stand down.

Allow me to offer a most sincere apology
on behalf of the entire Republic.

You are a most loyal servant,
and we are all grateful.

Yes. Grateful.

Chancellor, if you and Mas Amedda
would join me for a moment,

we have some logistics to discuss
in order to ratify the Senate's decision.

But for you, this wouldn't have happened.

No, it was your unshakable faith
in your people, and your determination,

- that brought about this result.
- I appreciate that.

But still, who is behind all of this?
Who tampered with that recording?

Who tried to convict me of m*rder
and throw me in jail?

I'm not sure, but as you said yourself,
things are changing.

And sometimes the line
between friend and foe is blurred.

Now more than ever.