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02x13 - Voyage of Temptation

Posted: 11/17/21 15:38
by bunniefuu
A royal welcome!

Sent to investigate allegations

that Mandalore was joining
Count Dooku's Separatists,

Obi-Wan Kenobi was reunited
with an old friend,

the Duchess Satine of Kalevala.

While Satine claimed
Mandalore's intentions

were to remain neutral during the w*r,
an attack on the capital city led Obi-Wan

to the discovery of a t*rror1st
organization known as Death Watch.

Now the Duchess travels to the Senate

so she can plead her case
against her involvement in the w*r

as the Jedi prepare a defense
against her opponents.

You know your marching orders.

The safety of the Duchess Satine is
of the utmost importance.

The Death Watch will stop at nothing

to assassinate her
before she pleads her case to the Senate.

The Death Watch may be backed
by the Separatists, so stay sharp.

Artoo, use your scanners to probe
for any suspicious droid activity.

- Anything else, sir?
- No, that will be all.


The Duchess
and her retinue requests your presence.

Very well.

I sense some anxiety from you
about the Duchess.

- She couldn't be in safer hands.
- Yes, I know.

- Then why...
- Never mind. It's all in the past.

- Oh, so you're close to her?
- I knew her. A long time ago.

All secure here.
Let's move on to the next sector.

w*r is intolerable!

We have been deceived into thinking
that we must be a part of it.

I say the moment
we committed to fighting,

we already lost.

Excuse me, Your Grace,

are you suggesting we oppose the w*r
on humanitarian grounds?

I'm going to oppose it
as an affront to life itself.

As the designated regent
of 1,500 systems,

I speak for thousands of worlds

that have urged me to allow them
to stay neutral in this w*r.

And yet some might argue
that the strongest defense

is a swift and decisive offense.

You are quite the general now,
aren't you, Master Kenobi?

Forgive me for interrupting, Your Highness,
I meant no disrespect.


Senators, I presume you are acquainted

with the collection of half-truths
and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi?

- Your Highness is too kind.
- You're right. I am.

Allow me to introduce
my fellow Jedi, Anakin Skywalker.

Your servant, my lady.

I remember a time when Jedi were
not generals, but peacekeepers.

We are protectors, Highness.
Yours at the moment. We fight for peace.

What an amusing contradiction.

What Master Skywalker means is that we
are acting at the behest of Your Highness

to protect you from the Death Watch
and the Separatists,

who don't share
your neutral point of view.

I asked for no such thing.

That may be so,
but a majority of your court did.

I do not remember you
as one to hide behind excuses.

I do not remember you
as one to shrink from responsibilities.

I am certain we all agree
Duchess Satine and General Kenobi

have proven there are two sides
to every dilemma.


Now, in regard to the Senate vote,
we think...

I think a multitude makes discord,
not good council.

Right again, my lady-

There may be two sides to every dilemma,
but the Duchess only favors hers.

I'll check out the south quadrant.

- Careful over there, it's dark.
- Yeah, very funny, Mixer.

Stop messing around. That's not funny.


A Republic military presence is the only
sure defense against the Separatists.

Even extremists can be reasoned with.

Perhaps, if one can be heard
over the clanking of their battle droids.

- The sarcasm of a soldier.
- The delusion of a dreamer.

Duchess, Master Jedi,
it's been a long trip.

I think we could all use
a little rest and refreshment.

Hear, hear. Now let us put politics aside
until after dinner.

- Fine!
- Fine!

Stand by for lightspeed. Engage.

My side's secure.
What do you got, Redeye?

Redeye, do you copy?

- You and Satine have a history.
- An extended mission when I was younger.

Master Oui-Gon and I spent
a year on Mandalore,

protecting the Duchess from insurgents
who had threatened her world.

They sent bounty hunters after us.

We were always on the run,
living hand to mouth,

- never sure what the next day would bring.
- Sounds romantic.

A civil w*r k*lled most of Satine's people,
hence her aversion to v*olence.

When she returned,
she took on the difficult task

- of rebuilding her world alone.
- You didn't stay to help her?

That would have been problematic.

My duty as a Jedi
demanded I be elsewhere.


But it's obvious you had feelings for her.
Surely that would affect your decision.

Oh, it did. I live by the Jedi Code.

Of course. As Master Yoda says,
"A Jedi must not form attachments."

Yes. But he usually leaves out
the undercurrent of remorse.

Yes, Captain?

General, something's wrong
with Skywalker's astromech.

Scared him real good, sir.
I've also lost contact with two of my men.

I'm on my way down to assist you.

I'll go, Master. If there's something
dangerous down there,

the clones and I can handle it.

Deep-fried nuna leg. Mmm! Delicious.

I beg your pardon, Senators,

our men are investigating
a situation belowdecks.

I respectfully ask you to wait here
until it is settled.

All right, men. What's the problem?
I'm missing dinner.

We're not sure yet, sir. But there's still
no sign of Mixer and Redeye.

What's the matter, buddy?

I know, I know. But I'm here now.

Use your scanners.
See if something's out of place.

Well, what have we here?

Looks like the contents of this box
are missing.

Or it got up and walked away.

All right, fan out, separate squads.
I'll contact Obi-Wan.

Please excuse me.

Anakin, what have you found?

There's a large open container,
and the contents are missing.

And I still have two men unaccounted for.

That's not good. Keep things quiet,
I'll stay with the senators.

Got it.

What's up? Did you find something?

There you are. Redeye, where have you
been? You've had us all worried.


The mu

There's assassin probes down here!

One made it up the lift.
I'll try to hold the others here.

Quickly! Secure the lifts!


There might be one left.

- Let's spread out and find it.
- Watch it!

- They're everywhere!
- Get behind me!

Get it Off!

Do you always carry a deactivator?

Just because I'm a pacifist
doesn't mean I won't defend myself.

Now you sound like a Jedi.

Good work, men. You too, buddy.

Assassin droid.
How did that monster end up in the hold?

The question is,
who smuggled him onboard?

Just like that swarm of venom-mites
on Draboon, remember?

How could I forget? I still have the scar.

Begging your pardon, Duchess,

I distinctly remember
carrying you to safety.

I meant the scar I got
after you fell and dropped me.

Oh. Yes.

I'm looking for the droid
that services the cargo bay.

Uh, yes, sir. Are all those creatures dead?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

You're in charge
of the cargo manifest, right?

- Uh, yes, I have it right here.
- Well, where did they come from?

It is right here on the manifest.

"For immediate delivery to Coruscant.

"One container marked medical supplies."

There's no name on this chart!
There's no indication of who shipped it.

No, sir, just the Senate stamp,

always accepted for transport here
aboard the Coronet.

One of our four distinguished senators
appears to be a traitor.

I sense it, too.

It looks like one of our little visitors
is still alive.

I have an idea how to expose the turncoat.

Return to the hull of the ship.
Destroy the last assassin droids.

I'll find out
which of the senators is the traitor.

- Duchess, you're not eating.
- I have no appetite.

Begging your pardon,
you must keep up your strength.

By all means, be my guest, Senator.

If you insist. Ah, dessert! Excellent!

This morsel might prove too much

even for the legendary appetite
of Orn Free Taa.


On second thought,
it wouldn't agree with me.

My theory is
our little friend will attack the Duchess

and anyone who defends her.

Anyone that is,
except the traitor who programmed it.

Take it away! Please!

Obi-Wan, this line of questioning
borders on t*rture!

I assure our pacifist Duchess
that all is under control.

I'm trying to expose a bigger threat.


The droid displays unusual hostility
toward the honorable Kin Robb,

but it seems to like you, Senator Merrik.

Well, Prince?

Really, General Kenobi,

you're quite clever!

You're coming with me.

Anakin! Tal Merrik is the traitor,
and he's taken Satine hostage.

Copy that, but I've got
problems of my own right now.

- Cody, Rex, have you found anything?
- All quiet over here, sir.

Wait a minute.

Thanks, little guy.

Well, we found the little ones.
What about the mother?

Haven't seen it.

No! Please! I beg you!

- Monster! You're a horrid monster!
- Get used to it.

Did you find them?

No, but I've stationed troopers
at every escape pod.

Merrik will try to signal his allies
for help. We have to find him.

This may not be the time to ask,
but were you and Satine ever...

I don't see how that has any bearing
on the situation at hand.

- Death Watch Command.
- Tal Merrik here.

Senator Merrik.
Have you completed your mission?

Yes, sir. I have the Duchess,
but I'll need help getting her away.

Very good.
Reinforcements are on their way.

I'll take care of this, Obi-Wan.
You, go find your girlfriend.

Right. No, Anakin, she's not my...

Come in, Kenobi, you're expected.

Tal Merrik, you are under arrest.
Release the Duchess.

Hmm. I took the precaution of wiring
the ship's engines to explode.

I press this remote and we all die.

Obi, if you have any respect for me,

you will not take such risks
with so many people's lives at stake.

Satine, don't.

This is Merrik.

Stand by to disengage.
Say farewell, Duchess.

Obi-Wan, it looks like
I may never see you again.

I don't know quite how to say this,
but I've loved you

from the moment you came to my aid
all those years ago.

I don't believe this.

Satine, this is hardly
the time or place for...

All right. Had you said the word,
I would have left the Jedi Order.

That is touching. Truly it is.

But it's making me sick,
and we really must be going.

You have the romantic soul
of a slug, Merrik.

And slugs are so often trod upon.

Interesting turnabout,

but even if I do not deliver the Duchess
alive to the Separatists,

I still win.

The second I'm away, I'll hit the remote
and blow the Coronet to bits.

I will not allow that.

What will you do? If you sh**t me,

you prove yourself a hypocrite
to every pacifist ideal you hold dear.

And you, Kenobi,
you are no stranger to v*olence.

You'd be hailed as a hero
by everyone on this ship.

Almost everyone.

Come on, then. Who will strike first

and brand themselves
a cold-blooded k*ller?

- Anakin...
- What? He was gonna blow up the ship.

Obi-Wan, I...

General Skywalker, the last of the droids
have been defeated, sir.

Very good, Cody.

I must get back
to the business of diplomacy.

As you say, Duchess, some other time.

A job well done, Master Jedi.

- Thank you, Chancellor.
- Your Excellency.

How ironic to meet again
only to find we're on opposing sides.

The needs of your people are
all that matter.

They couldn't be in better hands
with you to guide their future.

Kind words indeed
from a mindful and committed Jedi.

- And yet...
- What?

- I'm still not sure about the beard.
- Why? What's wrong with it?

It hides too much of your handsome face.

What was that all about?

- A very remarkable woman.
- She is indeed.