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02x11 - Lightsaber Lost

Posted: 11/17/21 15:36
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: w*r creates opportunities
for the criminal underworld!

Ruthless mercenaries conspire
with the Separatists

to disrupt and exploit
the unstable situation within the Republic.

Now, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano

descend into the treacherous
gangster havens

in an effort to find a corrupt
and vile arms dealer

who is buying weapons
on the black market

and selling them
to the Republic's enemies.


(SOFTLY) Car Affa is an arms dealer selling
Republic weapons on the black market.

- Who is he selling them to?
- The Separatists.

According to intelligence,
he's inside this joint.

You stay here in case he tries to escape.

(SNORTS) Just like always.


(g*ns FIRING)




My lightsaber.


My master's gonna k*ll me.

This isn't happening.

- Where were you?
- I...

I was checking out a suspect.
I had a bad feeling about him.

- And?
- It was nothing. False alarm.

Well, come on, then.


Is it all right if I go to the library
and do some research?

Sure. I'll take care of
our little friend here.

I'm sure if you explain your loss
to your master, he'll understand.

No. He tells me over and over, "Your
lightsaber is your life. Don't lose it."

(GROANS) There has to be a better way
to find this thief.

I'm sorry.
Pickpockets aren't my field of expertise.

At this rate,
it'll take me years to find him.

I might have another idea. There.

That is Tera Sinube. He's an elder Jedi.

He happens to be an expert
on the Coruscant crime world.

- I think he's sleeping.
- Yes.


Well, he will be able to help you.

Uh, pardon me, Master Sinube?

What? Who?

I was just resting my eyes.

- Hello, Master Sinube.
- Good morning, Jocasta.

I don't know you, do I?

My name is Ahsoka Tano.
I was told you could help me.

- Help you? Mmm?
- I'll leave you two to your business.

A thief stole my lightsaber,
and I only got a quick look at him.

I could tell he definitely came
from one of the aquatic planets.

You know, one of the water worlds.

So you're saying
there was something fishy about him?


Well, let's try and see if we can find out
where he went, shall we?

We were near the slum district, G17.

Where would he go, your little pickpocket?

To a gangster hangout?
Unlikely, but possible.

Maybe the g*n market
to sell the lightsaber.

Within the radius.
Just a moment, let me see.

He was a Patrolian. That's a fish guy.

- Maybe...

Is it one of these fishes?

- That's him!
- Interesting indeed.

According to the file,
his name is Bannamu, a petty thief.

He hangs out in the slum district.

Thank you, Master Sinube.

- I'm sure...
- Your help has been invaluable.

- Well, you're welcome.
- If there's anything I can do...

Yes, there is.
I haven't been on assignment in years.

And if you don't slow down,

you're not going to find
what you're looking for.

I'll come with you.

(RELUCTANTLY) Okay, gramps.
It would be nice to have company.



Can I help you?

(CASUALLY) We're looking
to buy a lightsaber.

Any ideas where we could do that?

Come with me.

So, you wanna buy a lightsaber?
How much are you willing to pay?

If you have it, you'll give it to me.

What my little friend is saying
is how much?

- Twenty thousand.
- (INDIGNANTLY) Twenty thousand?

It's a rare w*apon, a Jedi w*apon.

- Do you have the item with you?
- No. But I can get it.

- From him?
- Hey, who are these guys?

- (GRUNTS) They are Jedi!
- And if we are?

I don't want to get mixed up with Jedi.

We were just doing our old friend
Bannamu a favor.

Well, I think it's time you forget
about him and do me a favor.

That's my lightsaber he stole.


Well, that makes a difference.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to tell me where he is.

I hope you remember this
and someday do me a favor.

He's not that far away.
He's at the Spider Arms Hostel.

- May I help you?
- We know where we're going.

You know where you are going.

SINUBE: We must be careful
not to warn him.

But, Master, we don't know
where we're going.

(GROANING) He could be
in any one of these rooms.

- You need to be more quiet, young one.
- Okay, okay.

Not quiet with your mouth.
Quiet with your mind.

You're so anxious to find this pickpocket
that your worry is equal to his.

You mean, if I relax,
I can sense Bannamu's anxiety?

Yes. If you relax,
you would realize he's in this room.

Well, well, Bannamu, I assume.

Who are you? What do you want? Hey!

My lightsaber, you slimy thief.
I want it back. Now!


I no have it! I swear! I got rid of it!

I almost k*lled myself with that thing.

- What did you do with it?
- No, no.

(STAMMERING) I don't recall.

- You little...
- Ahsoka!

It's not smart to steal from a Jedi.

You're looking a little too young
to be a Jedi.


Come on! Okay, okay, okay.

His name is Movers, yes, Nack Movers.

Nack Movers?

He's a very dangerous one,
well-known in the underworld.

Yes! Exactly! Yeah, I sell it to him.
Yeah, yeah.

You should be afraid.

I got a good price.
He was very, very motivated.

You can find him with his girlfriend.

She has a place
on the upper east side of Happyland.

I bet he's there now. He's always there.

- You can stop talking now.
- Okay, I shut up.

Well, at least you know
where your lightsaber is.

Yeah. It's in the hands of a k*ller.
This is exactly what I was afraid of.

- Master, we've got to hurry.
- Patience, young one.

You worry that if people die
at the hands of your lightsaber,

that you will be as guilty for their death
as the one that strikes the blow.

A valid concern, young one,
and one for you to puzzle out.

What? What is it?

I believe we've reached our destination.

Oh, no.

- Let me guess. Nack Movers.
- A reasonable assumption.

He's dead.


- (TREMULOUSLY) Are they gone?
- Who's gone?

The men who k*lled Nack.


- Who are you?
- Lone Marcy.

I came home and found him here like this.

Lone, did you call for help?
Why were you hiding?

I was afraid.

(SOFTLY) She seems terrified.


And yet,
I sense something else is troubling her.

I'll search the other rooms.

Time to die!

- How does this work?
- My lightsaber!

You're a Jedi?

Master Sinube, you're right.

I found the intruder
and she has my lightsaber.

She's a Terellian jango jumper
and hard to keep up with.

So the assailant is a female?

Aha! That's it!

I am sure my little friend
will catch up to your intruder.

You have nothing to worry about.

Right. Of course.

Your friend Nack
wasn't a very good fighter, was he?

- Or maybe he was poisoned?
- What?

Well, obviously,
he's come to an unfortunate end.

He'd be stronger than the average man,
though, wouldn't you say?



You said a group of men
k*lled your friend Nack Movers.

And yet, my Padawan
described the assailant as a female.

There was a group of them.
I didn't get a good look.

I also contacted the authorities
to come here

and help you with your unfortunate friend.


You're very kind.


- PALPATINE: I have no doubt

the Jedi are doing their very best

to ensure the safety of every citizen
in the Republic.

The accusations
that the Jedi created the Clone w*r

to give themselves more power
over the government is absurd,

and I will not stand for it.

You should have a seat.

You might have been distraught before,

but ever since the intruder
left your apartment,

you've become even more nervous.

I'm upset. This whole ordeal
I just endured, it's upsetting.

PALPATINE: Count Dooku
and his droid armies.

To support the Jedi's efforts in the w*r,
I ask the Senate to pass these new laws

giving more jurisdiction
to planetary security.

Or is there a reason
you might be concerned?



You weren't afraid
because you were in danger.

You were afraid we would find your friend
hiding in the other room.

You're in league with the bounty hunter!

Arrest her!

Off she goes. Always rushing.

Cassie, the Jedi know I'm involved.
I had to run.

Just get over to J Street and pick me up.

- I see you've learned patience, young one.
- Where did you get that speeder?

I asked one of the police droids
to lend me some transportation.

They were kind enough to oblige.


Hey! You're driving too slow.
We need to go faster.

Patience. We'll cut them off
at the train station.

How do you know they're headed there?

Did I mention I planted a tracking
device on lone, the girl that ran away?




Stop them!

Halt. Halt. You're under arrest.

You ran off in such a hurry.
I trust you didn't mean to be rude.

I have nothing more to say to you, Jedi.

Well, perhaps you meant
to be a little rude.




You're trapped. Surrender now
and turn the lightsaber over to me.

Don't tell me what to do.

I've got a lightsaber,
and I'm as powerful as a Jedi.

I'll trade myself for them.

You know how much I'm worth to the Jedi.
It's a good deal.

All you have to do is let them go.


Once we're alone, you'd use
some kind of Jedi Force trick on me.

No deal. These two stay with me.

And you, you stay out of my way.

For a guy that moves slow,
you always seem to get ahead of me.

The value of moving slowly is that
one can always clearly see the way ahead.

Well, I best be getting back
to my master before he misses me.

Certainly. But first,
I need one last favor from you.

- Sure. Name it.
- Pass on what you have learned.

- Hello, old friend.
- Greetings, Master Sinube.

Padawan Tano,
a lesson you have for us today, hmm?

- Yes.
- A lesson in patience.

Gather round, younglings.
Listen to the Padawan, you shall.

This w*apon is your life,
but it is also your responsibility.

Don't let it out of your sight.