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02x09 - Grievous Intrigue

Posted: 11/17/21 15:35
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Diabolical defeat!

Though Republic victories
outnumber their losses,

the Jedi have been unable to stop
Separatist advances in the Outer Rim.

The ever-elusive General Grievous
stays one step ahead of his opponents.

With thousands of droid armies
at his command,

the Jedi can never predict
where Grievous will strike next,

until now.

Stand by! Grievous is boarding.

- Status report.
- There's too many of them!

Get yourselves to the escape pods.
I will deal with Grievous here.

But, sir, they're commando droids!

That does not matter, Captain. Now go!






Eeth Koth, isn't it?
I've been looking forward to meeting you.



Your reputation precedes you, General.

The reputation
of a coward and a m*rder*r.

m*rder*r? Is it m*rder
to rid the galaxy of you Jedi filth?





Greetings, Jedi. It would seem once again
one of your order has lost his way,

and, even better,
a leading member of your Jedi Council.

Listen to me, Jedi.
I do not care about your politics,

I do not care about your Republic,

I only live to see you die!


But death will not come so easily
for Master Koth.

I will make him suffer endlessly,

because I know
that is more painful for you all!



Away with the younglings.
Much there is to discuss.

It's time somebody finally put an end
to that monster.

On that, agreed we are.
How to find him, the question remains.

After engaging Grievous,
we lost contact with Master Koth.

He could be anywhere.

Commander Wolffe has found a message
in the holo-transmission.

Play back the message.

Look, hand signals.

I admit my skills are rusty, but...

"Saleucami system, Sector J-19,

"zero-eight, zero-five, two-nine."

Saleucami? But intelligence reported
Grievous has no ships near that sector.

Yes, but so often inaccurate
our intelligence is.

- I shall go.
- So will I.

And I.

Are you ready?

Ready and waiting.

I shall engage the Separatist fleet

and send you the coordinates
of Grievous' command ship.

- Just make sure you get it right.
- I always do.

How do you plan on getting Grievous
aboard your ship?

Not to worry,
the good general and I have a history.

I'm sure he'll want to even the score
face to face.

Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected
and board the command ship.

If Master Koth is still alive,
we will find him.

Hopefully, by the end of this mission,

we will have saved Master Koth
and captured General Grievous.

Sir, we have entered
the Saleucami system.

- Begin preparations for our landing.
- Yes, my lord.

Sir, there are several ships
coming out of hyperspace.

Are they Republic or Separatist?

Three cruiser class, four escort class.

You see? Your compassionate friends
have come to rescue you.

Just as I knew they would.

One of the Republic ships
is hailing us, my lord.

Put him through.



I knew one day I'd catch up to you.

Kenobi! What a surprise. I assume
you are here to bring me to justice?

- You know me too well.
- Indeed I do!

Prepare to fire all cannons, and be alert.
Where there is Kenobi,

you will always find Skywalker
not far behind.

The enemy ships are faster and
more maneuverable. I suggest caution.

Draw them in. I want to board that vessel.
I shall k*ll Kenobi face to face.

Well, we certainly have his attention.

Admiral Yularen, keep Grievous' fleet
occupied so Anakin's arrival is undetected.

Yes, General.
Commence attack! All ships fire at will!

Yes, sir! We're moving in.

Commander Cody, do you have the exact
coordinates of the command ship yet?

We are patching them through now, sir.

We are receiving the coordinates
from General Kenobi.

How close are you going to jump in
next to Grievous' ship?

(CHUCKLES) Pretty close. Buckle up, boys.

- Define "pretty close."
- Close enough to get the job done.

Get me a tractor beam lock on Kenobi's
ship and prepare a boarding party!


Tractor beam has us, sir.
Shall we fire on the source?

No, Cody. Let them think they have us.
We need the diversion for Anakin.

We're coming out of hyperspace. Hang on!

Primary power down.

So, was that close enough for you?

Any closer
and we'd be flying down hallways.

Ah, next time.

- Coast is clear, Rex.
- Copy that, sir.


Stay here and guard the entrance.
This may be our only way out.

Skywalker, Master Koth is located
on the bridge. This way.

Remember, we need to keep Grievous on
this ship until General Skywalker is clear.

Look out!



- How are we doing?
- We are close.

So, Kenobi, is everything
going as planned?

That depends
on your point of view, General.

You wouldn't come here without a plan.
And you wouldn't come alone.

Tell me, do you think Skywalker
has rescued Master Koth yet?

- Surprise.
- Not exactly.

Well, at least they're
not destroyer droids.

The General's description of your tactics
have been 100% accurate today.

Very impressive, even by my standards.

(GRUNTING) Your plans
have come to ruination, Jedi.

I hear a lot of talking, General.

But in the final accounting,
what does all the talk get you?

A futile quest for power, a mutilated body

and your place as Dooku's errand boy.

I'm no errand boy.
I am not in this w*r for Dooku's politics.

I am the leader of the most powerful
droid army the galaxy has ever seen.

An army with no loyalty, no spirit.
Just programming.

What have you to show for all your power?
What have you to gain?

The future.
A future where there are no Jedi.

The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here.


One more step and your friend will die.

Ha, ha, ha.


Your friends shall die, Kenobi,
and you shall soon follow.

(GRUNTING) Got to get it.

Behind you!




I see you got my message.
Where's Grievous?

If everything's gone according to plan,
he's onboard Obi-Wan's ship.

He's been captured?

If we can cut off his escape,
there's a good chance of that.

- Surrender, General.
- Never!


Anakin! I hope
you've rescued Master Koth,

because Grievous is headed
back to his ship.

(WEAKLY) You both go.
I'll make it back. I'll be fine.

I'll have to disagree with you on that one.

Master Gallia, you go ahead.
I'll get Eeth back to the shuttle.

May the Force be with you.

Get back to the bridge. We need to detach
before Grievous jumps ship.

- OBI-WAN: Cody, come in!
- Yes, sir.

Grievous is headed your way.

Open fire on the Republic ship.
Target their engines!

But, sir, the ships are still attached.

It doesn't matter. Prepare all troops
for our landing on Saleucami.

The circuits are fried. We have no controls.
I can't even get the engines online.



- We've lost our stabilizers!
- I can't hold her steady!


Until we meet again, Kenobi! (SNICKERS)


Hurry! We can still catch him!

Obi-Wan, Anakin's leaving.
We'll be trapped on the ship.

Anakin, come in.

We're in a bit of a spot
and we need a way off of Grievous' ship.

There's a large hangar near your position.
Make your way there and I'll pick you up.

All droids to the landing craft.

All droids to the landing craft.

- DROID: Hey!

Get to your stations,
we're going to detach.

Prepare to launch.

The reactor's been breached.
I can't lock it down!


Here we go!

Anakin, get me Admiral Yularen.

Several craft detached from Grievous' ship
and attempted to land on Saleucami.

Then we'll have to land and follow them.

- Prepare the tanks.
- YULAREN: Yes, sir.

There must be several landing sites.
It may be hard to locate the good general.

You'll have to command the space battle
while Rex, Cody and I head to the surface.

You sure you can handle this on your own?

I think I can manage.

I'll get Master Koth to a medical frigate.

- You all took a great risk rescuing me.
- You're welcome, Master Koth.

Since you divided your forces,
Grievous is still at large.

I would have gladly given my life

if it meant bringing that monster
to justice.

Well, at least we all live
to fight another day.