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02x01 - Holocron Heist

Posted: 11/17/21 15:27
by bunniefuu
Jedi trapped on Felucia!

Clones are surrounded by droid forces.

Their only hope is to escape
on Republic gunships

waiting to land on the embattled surface.

Jedi cruisers have managed
to blow a hole in the droid defenses

and have sent gunships to the rescue.

Warthog, protect the gunships.
I will take out the fighters.

They made it through the first wave.

Concentrate all fire
on the cruiser on the left.

I can't shake these two droids!

Come around
and I'll try to get them off your tail.


Look out!

That was close.

If those fighters got through,
then our gunships can't be far behind.

Prepare the troops to evacuate.

- Go! Go!
- Come on!

Come on, grunts! We are leaving!

Ahsoka should be back
from her jungle patrol by now.

I'll try to contact her again.
Ahsoka, where are you?

- Ahsoka, what is your location?
- About 6 clicks east, Master.

We've engaged the enemy
and we've got them on the run.

They're here to extract us.
We're leaving!

What? What...

We can't retreat now, Master.
I've broken through.

Move it, trooper!
Come on, double-time!

The droids are retreating.

We're outnumbered. You must evacuate.
That is an order!

Master Skywalker taught me
never to let up

when the tinnies are on the run.

They are running back here
to regroup with the main force!

You are putting your troops' lives
in danger, young one.

You will get on the gunship
when we arrive.

- Where's Ahsoka?
- Following your teachings.

- Is she winning?
- For now.

- She's not stopping.
- Land in front of them.

What are you doing?

- Get in the ship, now!
- Can't you see they're retreating?

They're about to overrun you, Ahsoka.
You just can't see it.

Now, follow orders and get in the ship.

Padawan Ahsoka,

do you feel Master Kenobi's
description of the incident is accurate?

Yes, my Masters.

- More to add, do you?
- I know I was wrong.

I just got so caught up in my own success
I didn't look at the battle as a whole.

I wasn't being disobedient, I just forgot.

Masters, this incident
is my responsibility.

Because of Ahsoka's advanced abilities,
I forgot how young she is.

I gave her more freedom
than I should have.

That may be, but it doesn't excuse
what happened on Felucia.

I think she needs some time
away from the b*ttlefield.

On Archive security,
reflect on your actions you can, Padawan.

- Guard duty? For how long?
- Longer, now.

- I'm sorry I let you down.
- I know.

I was a Padawan not that long ago.

Madame Jocasta Nu, this is Ahsoka Tano.
She is to be your new security officer.

- Hello, Madame.
- So good to meet you.

Let's show you around.

There is more knowledge here
than anywhere else in the galaxy.

Master Kenobi says
there are even texts here

that are forbidden to be read.

Well, the Archives hold
a great many secrets, 'tis true.

Beyond this door lies the holocron vault.

The holocrons contain the most
closely guarded secrets of the Jedi Order.

Good morning, Master Fisto.

- Can we go inside?
- Oh, I'm afraid not, my dear.

I haven't been inside myself for years.

Only members of the Jedi Council
are allowed access.

Guarding the holocrons
is one of the most important duties

a Jedi can be given, Ahsoka.

- Do you think you're up to the task?
- Definitely.

Excuse the interruption.

As I was saying, bounty hunter,
I have need of your services.

I'm listening.

I need a Jedi holocron.

To get a holocron,
I'd have to break into the Jedi Temple.

It's impossible, not to mention deadly.

Perhaps your reputation
has been exaggerated.

I want a Rogue-class starfighter

with elite weapons,
cloaking device, the works.

- Oh, and triple my usual rate.
- Your price is of no concern.

I will also provide you
with the means to get inside the Temple.

You've got a deal.

The setback at Felucia has affected
our efforts in the whole sector.

It'll take weeks before we...

- Master Yoda, what is it?
- A disturbance in the Force.

Intruders there will be in this Temple.

You know, if you would just tell me
what it is you're doing back there,

I could probably be of some assistance.

Look, I'm just doing
some maintenance.

You've been having memory crashes.

That is preposterous.
I have no memory of any crashes.

Oh, my goodness!
I have no memory of any crashes!


Oh, no. I am doomed!
Bane, you have to help me!

- Calm down, I'm done.
- Oh. Thank you.

Get the door.

I am a techno-service droid,
not a butler droid.

Can it, Todo. You are what I say you are.

Well! Then...

Who are you?

I am Todo 360, techno-service droid.
Who are you?

- None of your business.
- Everyone is in a good mood today.

- Who's that?
- Bolla Ropal. Jedi, out in the Mid Rim.

- We going after him?
- Soon.

Right now we're stealing a holocron.

Impossible. The only place
you can get a holocron is...

I know, inside the main vaults
of the Jedi Temple.

Fortunately, our Sith Lord client
has set us up with some help.

For one, the map of the Temple
you're looking at right now.

For another, a security chip
that I've placed in my droid.

I have been given all the technical data

regarding security systems
in the Jedi Temple.

Both the vent shafts and the vault itself

are equipped with all kinds of traps
and security measures.

Todo can take them out,

but we'll need help
from someone inside the Jedi library.

And that's where your talents
as a changeling will come in.

- He looks like a Jedi.
- He was. His name was Ord Enisence.

You should be able
to walk into the Archives

and monitor us without a problem.

Now that I am a Jedi,

I can do that.

Good. You'll need these.

They're ear comlinks
so we can keep in communication.

Hmm. The vault is in the library,

which backs onto
the communications center.

- There'll be swarms of Jedi nearby.
- We'll use that to our advantage.

Even if you get into the vault,
how are you going to crack that safe?

Let me worry about the safe.
First things first.

Where do we start looking
for these intruders?

What could they be after?

I doubt they've come
to hijack starfighters.

What can they get here
that they can't get anywhere else?

- Information.
- The Jedi transmitter codes.

Every piece of troop information
in one place.

- And it's all in the east tower.
- The east tower communications center.

I'll head there right away.

I'll monitor the perimeter defenses
from the central security station.

- Good afternoon, Master Enisence.
- Good afternoon, young one.

May I be of assistance?

No. No, thank you, my dear.
I don't want to bother you.

Oh, it wouldn't be a bother at all, Master.

Things are slow right now.
I could use something to do.

Oh, uh...

Cato, come in.
Cato, are you there yet?

Cato, come in!

Thank you. I'll be fine on my own.

You sure?

Look, youngling, I said I was fine.
Now let me go about my business.

Can't do anything right these days.

- I'm in.
- It's about time.

Just tell us where to get in.

All right, there's a weak point in the shield
that Todo should be able to break through.

I'm beaming him the coordinates now.

Okay, I have got it.

I will jam the Temple's scanners.

Let's see, it is around here somewhere.


- In.
- You're welcome.

- What was that?
- The system is just recycling, sir.

Master, I'm in the tower. No intruders,
but something just happened.

All the scanners were behaving strangely
for a moment.

Yes, something happened
to the system down here, too.

It cannot be a coincidence.

Arrived, the intruders have.

But if they are not in the tower,
what are they after?

The communications center, perhaps,
their target is.

They must be
in the central ventilation system.

Let me check the system.

You're right, there has been a disturbance.
It's near the top of the south tower.

- I'll meet you up there.
- On high alert, place the Temple.

The control board for the fan
should be on your left.

All clear, sir.

Not quite. The fan you're passing through
has a security switch.

I do not see anything.
Besides, we've already gotten past the fan.


Todo! We're getting sucked into the fan!

- Turn it off!
- I do not know how!

- Cato, do something!
- I've got it from here.


Okay, Bane,
the next part is relatively simple.

Make your way down the shaft,
until you reach...

Excuse me. I don't mean to disturb you,
but the whole Temple is on high alert.

Thank you.

- This is it.
- Perfect. Let's go in.

No. Cato, come in. We're over the vault.

Give me a
moment to check out the security system.

- What's wrong with your voice?
- Change of plans. I'm the librarian now.

Hurry it up, Cato.
We can't stay hidden for long.

Well, looks like
this is where they broke in.

Fortunately we'll have
a less troublesome time.

The vault is filled with laser sensors
that go in every direction.

I'll try to deactivate the whole system
from here.

Just hurry. I can hear them.
They're looking for us in the vent system.

- Great. Which way do you think they went?
- The communications center is this way.

We'd better hurry
if we're going to catch them.

- The Jedi are coming closer.
- I've got it. Go in.

I don't think they came this way.

Master Yoda, are you picking up
any other life signs in this quadrant?

Deep in the Temple, the intruders are.

How are they managing
to stay out of our way?

Possible it is,
receiving assistance they are from inside.


Almost there. Are you done
deactivating those laser beams yet?

- We are good to go.
- Good. Start cutting through that wall.

This job just keeps getting
weirder and weirder.

Padawan, alert, you must be.
Sense deception, I do.

Posing as a Jedi the intruder is.

Find Master Jocasta you must.

the two Jedi have turned around

and are making their way towards you.

Who are you and what have you done
with Madame Jocasta?

The same thing I'm going to do to you.

You may have Madame Jocasta's shape,
but not her skills.

- Todo, are you done yet?
- These things take time.

- Some butler droid you turned out to be.
- I am a techno-service droid!

Looks like you were right.

Master Skywalker, I've captured
the impostor disguised as a Jedi.

She says the intruder
is in the holocron vault.

A holocron is no good
without a Jedi to open it.

What are they up to?

They must be trying to gain access to
the communications center from the vault.

Let's get in there.

I'm not going to be able to do this
without a diagram. Cato, come in!

- Cato?
- What has happened?

Something's gone wrong.
Todo, is the hole finished?

- Yes. But...
- Go to the communications center.

- What?
- You heard me.

Bane, the communications center
will be crawling with Jedi.

Why do I need to go in there?

- Now!
- Okay! Okay!

Quick! The communications center!
Let's go!

Oh! Uh...

Hey, guys!

I was just, um, testing the access hatch.
Works great.

- b*mb!
- b*mb? What b*mb?

Is there something going to blow up?


No! No, no, no, no, no...

Madame Librarian, are you okay?

I think I'm all right.
We must call security.

Hmm. Our w*r operations
it was never about.

Come on, changeling,
we have a new home for you.

What would someone want
with a holocron?


Bolla Ropal.

- What did you say?
- Bolla Ropal.

That's who Bane's next target is,
some Jedi.

- What's wrong? Who's Bolla Ropal?
- He is the keeper of the Kyber crystal,

the data on which
can only be read by holocrons.

What's on the crystal?

A list of every known Force-sensitive child
in the galaxy.

The future younglings.
The future of the Jedi Order.

- We have to warn him.
- That's going to be hard to do.

He's out of contact,
somewhere in the Devaron system.

- Seek him out, you must.
- Ahsoka and I will set out immediately.

If this Cad Bane is still here
on Coruscant, I'll find him.