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03x18 - S-E-- SEOUL B-R-- BROTHERS

Posted: 11/17/21 11:49
by bunniefuu
How long do we have to wait here

while Mom and Dad are in there partying?

They're refinancing their debt.

With some dude named Chaz.

When is the last time

someone didn't have a blast with a Chaz?

Well, if you're looking for a good time,

we are standing outside
of a medical supply store.

- So?
- So we go in there,

pretend like we have enough money

to buy a fancy microscope.

Next thing you know,
we're looking at my saliva

through the lens of a Hyperscope 2200.

"Hey! Is there some
debt we can refinance?"

Here you go.

Did she just...

No one pities my brother.

Let's do this.

Now, this is a party.

Fan out. You... go after her.

I'll cut through the building.

I'll go this way.

She's getting away! Hurry!

Okay, I'm sorry,

but they have an insanely
good deal on scarves.

There she is!

This scarf deal is even better!

Ugh! I hate my scarf!

"And that is why it is so offensive

to assume someone needs your charity."

Wow. When you put it that
way, I sincerely apologize.

"Apology accepted."

Where are we?

Really far from the bank.

Yeah, we're gonna need that fiver back

for the bus fare.

I... just gave him a
$1. That's all I have.

Come on.

I saw an ATM back there.

And finally, the most
recently named moon of Jupiter,

at an orbital inclination of 34 degrees,

- we have Valetudo!
- Boom!

You like that?! You like that?!

Darling, you keep asking
that, and I keep saying no,

but it doesn't stop.

Sorry. We were just studying
for the Quiz Bowl tournament.

Oh, and thanks to your son,

we are locks to bring home the trophy.

Is the trophy a shower chair?

'Cause JJ's is broken.

Gosh, if great segues
are a Quiz Bowl category,

I should really join your team.

But you're... too old.

Go home, Justin Chang.

Maya? Come here.

I need you.

You don't drag me out of rooms!

I drag you out of rooms.

Oh, come on, Kenneth!

You need me!

N... Never should have told
you guys how much I hate

barbershop quartet-like harmonies.

♪ We won't stop until you agree ♪

♪ To play the gigs with us ♪

♪ Isn't that right ♪

♪ Guys? ♪

Tell Jimmy he should have some fun.

They're trying to bully me

into taking a weekly gig at a bar.

♪ Gastropub, actually ♪

Well, that's fantastic.

Go for it. Have some fun.

You know, go and wail on your... shovel.

- Axe.
- Axe!

That's why Eric Clapton
called me a stupid idiot

that one time.

Fine. Enough!

I'll do the gigs.


Well, good for you, love.

- Glen, were you on the fifth?
- I was.

♪ Ahhh ♪

- ♪ Ahhh ♪
- ♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Room for one more ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

Damn, that's beautiful.

Mail call.



Dude, this is a check... A big one.


"Social Security benefits.

It was supposed to
start when I turned 18.

This must be a year's worth."

You get this for having a disability?


"Do it. Tell me I'm lucky."


Not if you're gonna yell at me.

I bet you have to spend
it on boring stuff.

"Living expenses,"
"income may not exceed"...

Yep. It's boring.

"Still, getting to spend
this much on anything

makes me feel like a big shot."

"I'd like to make it rain.

Too bad it's just one check.

Give me Mom and Dad's bills, too."

Sa-lang-un chom-go.

Sa-lang-un moon-uh-dah.

Kenneth, if I wanted
to listen to gibberish,

I'd have a conversation with you.

Sorry. I'm going to this Korean wedding.

I volunteered to give a speech.



Hey, boning up on your Korean.


When you get yelled
at in as many languages

as I do at the airport,

you pick up a thing or dul.

What night is your gastropub gig?

I actually bowed out of that.

- Oh, no!
- Jimmy!

Yeah. Bad time at work.

New supervisor came in, and
she's kicking everybody's ass.

No, you want to do these shows.

- Eh...
- I'll help you handle the boss.

I know a little something
about working for a woman

who's domineering but who
also gets your motor running.

Excuse me?

Please. Not you.

- Excuse me?!
- Okay.

My boss does not get my motor running.

Also, no, thank you.

Can we just circle back...

It's Dr. Miller.

- I see it. I see it. I see it.
- She's got it going on.

- Right?
- Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

Hi. What are you looking for today?


"I kinda thought this would be more fun.

Got anything cooler?"

Uh, this bracelet will
call the cops if you die.

Listen, I've got practice,

but they'll deliver this,
and you've got your money.

You good to ride the bus home? Cool.

And you're sure you
don't want anything else?

♪ Take it

No way!

JJ, you are the king.

This is the same microscope
Johns Hopkins used

to discover a new STD.

There's a new STD?

How did you afford this?

"I've been saving money
from my grocery store job."

Thank you.

But why treat me?

Mom, Dad, and Dylan need stuff, too.

"Huh. Good idea.

Now, can you dance like a
girl in a rap video for me?"

For this?


You ready to win this?

Is the Earth's mantle
8.18% ferrous oxide?

No clue. I'm the history
guy. But I have a feeling

you're about to go Horatio
Nelson on these fools.

I have no idea who that is.

Our knowledge is siloed as hell.

How did regionals go last year?

Dude, we've never made it this far...

Because we didn't have you.

I will not let you down, Justin.

I am focused. k*ller instinct locked in.

Hi, Ray.

Why are you here?

Why is my ex-girlfriend here,

and why is she still so hot?!

Let's go!


These guys are pretty good.

Yeah, okay.

Jimmy's Korean?!


Kenneth, what are you...

I'm friends with the groom.

I just gave a speech that k*lled.

There wasn't a dry
eye in the hwajangsil.

What are you doing playing
with the Seoul Brothers?

They don't even spell "soul"...


That's awesome.

Look, it's work.

I get $25 a gig, plus dinner.

No meat! You messed up the last song.

Yes, Yoon-Taek.

Why not play with your friends?

I don't want to talk about it.

Just please don't tell Maya.

Now I got to go. We're back on soon.

And, uh... Yeah.

That signal from Yoon-Taek means

I have to go smoke a
cigarette while he watches.

Hey, JJ. What's up?

What's with the hat?

Did you remember my
two-thirds birthday?

God, I thought you
bastards had forgotten.

"No, it's for everyone.

I haven't gotten anyone
birthday gifts in a long time,

so happy birthday."

- Seriously?
- What?!

JJ! Come on.


You got me a new circular saw!

And bandages.

'Cause you remembered I'm clumsy.

How could you afford this?

Uh, yeah, JJ. How cou you afford it?

"I won it in a raffle at the mall."

This cashmere blanket is
like being back in the womb.

Go on... feed me through my bellybutton.

"Got the blanket in a raffle, too."

Thank you very much, son.

Come here.

Thank you, darling.

So interesting...

You win a raffle

the same week you get that big check.

You know what I think?

You bribed the organizers

to put more slips in
with your name on it

so you'd have a higher chance...

Wait. You just bought everything.

You know that's not
what the money's for.

It's for you.

"Everything this family does is for me.

I love being generous.

Now I'm not just a taker.

I need that more than a shower chair."

I didn't realize you felt that way.

Well... if it's what you need...


It's not just generous... know me so well.


Dude, why are you playing gigs

with some secret Korean band

that seems to really hate you?

I am playing with them
because it's secret.

W... Play with your guys.

Have some fun.

Kenneth, I appreciate the
role fun plays in your life...

Fun car, fun clothes,
fun relationships...

Hey! I've been with
Melanie going on six weeks.

Gosh, wow. How do you keep it fresh?

But in families like ours,

there's too much real stuff going on.

Maya and I don't have the bandwidth

for a lot of silly fun on our own.

She said "It's fantastic. Go for it."

Because she had to.

Just like I would have to if
she were the one having fun.

Maya and I don't want
to do that to each other,

so we each do our little things quietly.

It's a beautiful dance
that we both hate.

Give Maya credit.

If she saw you toiling away

like some sad white Pip...

The system works, Kenneth.
Just leave it alone.


That doesn't seem fun.





Who discovered the neutron?

- James Chadwick.
- Correct!

Oh, oh! That's time!

Lafayette High wins and
advances to the finals!


That was close, Ray.

I'm sorry. I was just
distracted that Taylor's here.

But of course she is.

She's got the mind of Einstein

and the body of the cousin he married.

Elsa Lowenthal.

Just get over it quick.

We're playing her school in the finals.

She's coming over now. Be strong!

Got it.

Hi, Ray.

You did great up there.


I haven't seen you in forever.

You look good.

Well, good luck.

I'll m*rder my teammates
just to feel your touch again!

Dude, did you see the
way she smiled at you?

I think Taylor's still into you.

- Really?
- This is good.

You can get her team's notes.

Then we'll definitely win.

Take the W, man... For the team.

JJ, I so appreciate you
lavishing us with gifts.

I can't believe you got
these at a yard sale.

Thank you, darling.

"The pleasure is mine."

I know it's the thought that counts,

but, I mean, when am I gonna wear these?

Yeah, it's getting out of control.

It is. I mean, this is cool...

...but, uh, the wires get hot.

Hide me from JJ.

I think he wants to give
me Elton John tickets.

What is this, Kenneth? Why am I here?

You said you'd be happy for Jimmy

if he played music with his friends.

Look what he's doing instead.

What? Who's doing where?


Your husband...

The only not-Korean guy up there.

I see people on the stage,
and they're all Korean.

They are not, and you know it.

I'm ending this.

Hey, Jimmy!

Look who's here!

- Who's here?
- Seriously?!

You're both sick.

You have to address this so you can...

Wow. Jimmy, she really
can't deal with...


I'm not getting any meat, am I?

Mind if I join you?

It's just really crowded in here.

Ah. Nice study guide.


There's so much to memorize.

But you probably don't
need something like this.

It's all in your brain.

Don't sell yourself short.
You're a smart cookie.

Well, up against you, I feel... crumby.


She's so funny.

Can I, uh, take a look
at your study guide?

It would be our own little secret.

Well, this is just part of it.

Here's the rest.

I divided it up by section.

I wasn't sure if I should put
art with culture or history.

I chose culture.

Oh, Taylor, I missed this.

I missed your highlighting,
I missed your color-coding,

your handwriting that's so perfect,

it looks like a font.

I missed this, too, Ray.

But what are you doing?

Are you trying to win me or...

win the tournament?


Yes, I came in here
planning to use my wiles

to gain an advantage.

But forget the tournament.

I want you, Taylor.

I'll throw the tournament

just to show you that
you are what I want.

No, Ray.

Yes, Taylor.

Go now.

Tomorrow, this will be you.

And my book bag will be you.

The one time I come in the library!

Oh, darling, I forgot to ask you,

how was work last night?

Lot of flights. What'd you do?

- Oh, I just stayed home.
- Cool.

What is this unhealthy

Tennessee Williams-ass
marriage nonsense?!

You saw each other at a
Korean wedding last night!

- No, we didn't.
- No, we didn't.

Okay. That was super scary.

Maya, Jimmy plays in a wedding band,

and he feels so bad
about it that he hides it.

Tell him it's okay.

Jimmy, it's...

No, I'm sorry. I can't.
I don't think it's okay.

I think he should be at
work. We have so much debt.

Why'd you have to show me
that last night, Kenneth?

'Cause now that I know,
he can't do it anymore.

Isn't that hypocritical?

Once a week, you and Melanie

say that you're working late,

but you sneak out to a
bar to get a glass of wine.

Damn it, Kenneth! Why'd
you have to tell me that?

Now I have to k*ll
her weekly indulgence.

I'm sorry, hon.

It's all right, darling.

It's not your fault. It's Kenneth's!

For the record, twisted stuff like this

is the reason why neither
of you gets my motor running!

"Everyone, you know
how we are always saying

we wish we had

a custom oil painting of our family?"

- Nope. Never did.
- No, we do not.

"Well, I lucked into a coupon.

Please welcome..."

JJ, I just got off the phone

with the Social Security office.

I was complaining that you
haven't received your checks.

They looked at your
file, and it turns out

you have been receiving your checks.

You've just been spending
the money on flashy gifts.


Well, I hope we can all
laugh at this someday."

Oh, if you think that's
funny, there's more.

When they looked at your
file, they saw that you hadn't

reported your earnings at
the grocery store last year.

You shouldn't have got any money.

And now you have to return all of it.

Are you ready?

He can't pay you.

That money's for your living
expenses. This is fraud.

And we can't return any of the gifts,

because if yours are anything like mine,

they are covered in chili stains.

It's okay. We'll help you pay it back.


I will fix this myself.

Kenneth, could I take on
more hours at the store?"

You think that'll make
a dent at you rate?

Who do you think you
are... The deli guy?

Everyone knows the deli
guys make a fortune, right?

Do I overpay the deli guy?

"I know what I have to do."

Welcome, all,

to the Lafayette High Quiz Bowl finals.

We canceled a basketball
game to accommodate this.

Excuse me for dreaming.

Well, we didn't get Taylor's notes,

but we'll still win.

We have Ray.

We'll crush them.

But losing wouldn't
be a huge deal, right?

Who needs a partial scholarship?


Let's begin.

Oh, no. He got into the trash.

Darling, the chocolate could
k*ll him. Make him vomit.

Look, I-I wanted to prove

that your situation isn't so dire

that you can't afford
a little bit of fun.

So I-I took the liberty of...

digging into your financials.

What?! You had no right.

I wish I hadn't. It's ugly.

Based on what you bring
in and what you spend,

you guys are gonna be
bankrupt in two years.

Oh, no, that's impossible.

Dear God, he's right.

We're gonna be bankrupt in two years!

No! It's bad!

Sure is, but we're used to terrible.

Honey, it's just bad.

No! No! See?

No need. I already stared,

pretending to understand
those numbers once.

Darling, we're gonna make some changes.

You're gonna play in
your band and have fun...

And you have my blessing to go...

Smash commemorative plates

at that funny little
club down by the docks.

For two years.

Two years!

Not my problem. I'll be gone in a month.

Yeah. There it is.

Here you go.

On the plus side,

we're definitely gonna
be late for the Quiz Bowl.

Final question is for Ray.

Answer correctly and win.

Answer incorrectly,

and Holy Oaks Catholic
are our champions.

"The Earth's mantle

is composed of 8.18% what material?"

Before I answer, I
have to say something.

I considered throwing this contest

to prove my love to a certain someone.

But there's no point. We couldn't work.

We're too toxic together...

Like ammonia and methane,
which creates hydrocyanic acid.

Correct. No points.

Taylor, maybe destiny
will bring us together

in 20 years on a park bench in Paris.

But for now...

I choose my team.

Aluminum oxide.



Holy Oaks wins.

Maybe destiny has...

come early...?

JJ! What on Earth are you doing?

We told you we'd find a way to cover it.

You don't have to beg from strangers.

"I don't want to beg from you.

I take so much from you.

And for once, I gave something back,

and I just made it worse."

JJ, what we give you is not charity.

You know that, right?

We're your parents. That's our job.

Besides, you'll pay us back.

"Yeah, yeah.

I'm what makes us
special, blah, blah, blah."

No, JJ, you're paying
us back in money...

Real American dollars.

"I am? You see me that way?"


When we say we believe in
you, it's not just talk.

We're betting on you.



So let us help you out of this.

Then go be successful,
give me my money...

like, fast.

Yeah, I want to see all the
Major League baseball stadiums.

Well, what? If he's paying...

"It will be my pleasure in 20 years."

Great. No more
panhandling, okay? Let's go.

Here you go.

Oi! How dare you?!

What, just 'cause he's in a wheelchair?

And he was begging five seconds ago?





He says he'll take it from here.

- Did he love it?
- Oh, loved it!

- Yes!
- God.
