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02x17 - A-C– ACTION

Posted: 11/17/21 11:27
by bunniefuu
Jimmy, when's the landlord
coming to get the new lease?

- CARL: Landlord.

Uh, I think sometime this morning?

We're not ready for him.

I don't know. We covered
all the holes with bad art

and creative furniture placement.

I don't see any major lease violations.


What do you think, jor lease violation?

- Well, hide him.

[BABY TALKING] Come here, Pepper.

Come here. Come here!


Is this how people feel when
they ask me to do things?

- Yep.
- Mm.



Mother of...

MAYA: We'll be right there!


Lazy millennials.



MAYA: [BABY TALKING] Come on, Pepper.

Come on.


Oh, so sorry, won't you please come in?

You sign the new lease?


Enjoy your year.

How did you get out? Where's Dylan?

DYLAN: He locked me in here!

Well played, darling.


I have some dumb journalism project

for stupid English class

where I have to
interview a family member.

Mom, what's Grandpa's number?

Dylan, your mother hasn't
talked to her father

in years.

Okay. I'll just interview the dog then.

Wait, how do you not know that?

Has it never crossed your mind

that you've not once met the man?

And don't you want to know

why she hasn't spoken
to him in years?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest

that journalism is
in your future.


my father and I were once very close,

but that all changed when

I returned home from America in

with the love of my life, Jimmy DiMeo.

My father didn't approve.

He said that if we were to get married,

he would never speak to me again.

So I looked him in the eye

and I said something that
I never thought I'd say...

Cool, I think I have
enough for my project now.


Dylan, my heart is breaking over Taylor.

Let a boy listen to
his mother's love story.

I said to my father...

"Goodbye forever."

Painful? Yes.

But right and good because, you know,

that is what I strive to be.


If those bloody neighbors don't shut up,

I'm gonna go over there
and eat their children!

They're not supposed to start
construction for an hour.

Do you know what? Someone's got
to go over there and talk to them,

and that somebody has got to be

[SNORES] diplomatic.

Who's it gonna be?

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

I left my country for you.

And that beats scissors. [SIGHS]

MR. POWERS: Ladies and
gentlemen, to announce the winner

of our annual Weekend Film Challenge...

Mr. Powers and...

Mr. Powers! [GASPS]

Nice tie.

Where'd you get it?

Uh, there.


Class, you've all read each
other's scripts and voted.

The winner now gets to
direct his or her film

to be screened for the student body

with the unlimited resources

of the entire Lafayette
High Film Department!

- AKA, $ .
- [LAUGHING] Oh, you!

[WHISPERING] That's all
we need. Two of this guy.

Hey, can we keep the chatter down?

Whoa. Okay, I'm on board.

And the winner is...

Ahhhh... [GASPS]

- JJ DiMeo!

I read for that guy!

"Whoa, I won?"

That's awesome, JJ.

Can I be your assistant director?

Quiet on set!

I guess that's better than
you quoting movies all day.

I'm the king of the world!

We will be sh**ting
JJ's short horror film

"The Hall." [GASPS]

Winner, here is our class's
director's megaphone.



Actually, JJ may not
have much use for this.

Just run on up here and grab it.

He can't! Stop it!

- Now, let me hear you yell, "Action"!
- Stop it!

Aw, you can yell it louder than that!

I did not think this through.


Mom's memory box.

Looks like someone was bitten
by the family-history bug.

Please. I just need a visual aid

for my dumb journalism project.

Their wedding video.


Wait, where's the screen on this sucker?

You put it in the
machine and press play.


Journalism is so hard!



- There's my handsome groom.

Oh, I love you.


That isn't Dad.

MAYA: Dylan, go and walk Pepper!

- Just a sec!
- Now!


[BABY TALKING] Come on, Pepper!


MAYA: Dylan?

- Where's the tape?
- What tape?

I thought it was you and Dad's
wedding tape, but it wasn't.

- Did you take it?
- Huh?

I thought you were
supposed to walk Pepper.

- I-I just did.
- Well, do it again.

Look at him, he's bursting with energy.




She knows.

MAYA AND JIMMY: ♪ For he's
a jolly promising director ♪

- ♪ Who owes it all to his mom ♪
- ♪ Who owes it all to his dad ♪

Guess you didn't read
my text about JJ asking

we not make this a big deal.

- Not a big deal?
- [LAUGHING] Read you texts?

It's a tremendous deal.

Aren't you so excited?

"Of course, but it's a student film

made by a nonverbal director.

- Let's keep the bar low."
- Can I be in it?

"Not that low."

Look, I'm dying for a
way to win Taylor back.

If I can be the star of a movie,

say something badass, save the day...

- "Dead body. Face down."
- Yes!

Do you have a role for your dad?

- More noise from the neighbors!

I thought you said you talked to them.

Are you kidding me?

I went right over there
the second we spoke.

Yeah, don't cast me. I can't act.

Eddie, d-do you have a second?

Hey. Sorry.

Guys, can we hold the work, please?

- Torbjorn!

This is gonna sound
really bad by the way,

but if you're ever hiring
workers, don't hire Norwegian.

What's up?

Well, I'm actually here
about the construction noise.

It's going on all hours.

Jimmy, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.

I think these guys are so
used to Arctic sun hours

that someone needs to
remind them they're working

[LOUDLY] below the th parallel!


- It won't happen again.
- Great.

- All right.
- Thanks.

Are these, uh, the
plans for the addition?

- You mind if I take a look?
- Sure.

- You know anything about this stuff?
- A little.

I-I went to school for architecture.

And it looks like Torbjorn

is pouring foundational
concrete for a wall...

where the skylight's supposed to go.

Really? Dang it, Torbjorn!

That work took you tre timer!

Thanks, Jimbo.

Hey, would you mind taking a
look at the rest of these plans?

Ah, that's not really a good idea.

I came here to stop the work.

I'm really out of my element.

I-I could use an
architect's eye on this.

Architect's eye?

Well, no one's ever called my eye

an architect's eye before. Uh...

- Okay!
- All right! Thank you so much.

Yeah, it turns out neighbors
aren't just for stealing cable.

- What's that?
- Let's do this!

Silence, everyone.

Our director has arrived.

JJ, I got to thinking about

how we could better adapt to your needs.

So, for starters,

we know how important it is

for a director to be
able to express himself,

so we made you

a custom communication board.

Yeah, with phrases
like "lights," "camera,"

and "Great take, Mr. Powers!"

No pressure, just if.

"This is so thoughtful.

Thank you."

That's not all. Wireless monitors

so you can watch the
camera feed from your chair.

Brand-new editing software

that can be controlled
with eye movement.

[CHUCKLING] I mean...

"Wow. Guess my movie better be good."

Not done! Everyone!


When word got out that
you were taking this on,

a few more people wanted to help

in any way that they could.

Now nothing will stop you

from sharing your brilliant
vision with the world.


what is it?

KENNETH: Dead guy. Face
down. Good rehearsal.


Time for the big sh**t!

Hey. Oh...

What happened to you?

"I didn't sleep last night."

Yeah, probably too many brilliant ideas

popping around in your head.

"I had to puke four times."

Man, your process fascinates me.

Let's go!

Dead guy, you want a ride to the set?

Yes, please.

That was a test.

Do you want a ride?

Suit yourself. No ride.

- No, guys, I was just kidding!

I'm coming! Don't leave without me!

Dylan, I think I found the
tape you're looking for.

Yes, that's it! Put it in.


Oh, look at that.

It was just my wedding video all along.

No, I-I don't think that's it.

I think you were wearing
a different dress.

Oh, and you were all over
this guy with silver hair.

Let me look at the tape.

- You are confused, Dylan.

Let's just put this to bed, shall we?

You're right, Mom. It's
the same tape. [CHUCKLES]

It is the same tape.


From now on,

- we sleep in shifts.

I call nights.

You're blowing your southern
exposure on a foundational wall.

So I flipped the whole
thing, regraded the hill,

and saved you some room for a gazebo.

- Wow, Jimbo!
- Yeah, I was just having some fun.

I looked over your original plans.

- They're good to go.
- Are you kidding me?

- We're going with the gazebo plan.
- Are you serious?

You want to do the thing I designed?

Heck, yeah. What else you got?

Well, before I landed on the gazebo,

I drew up some ideas for
some different additions.

Uh, a guest house,

uh, maybe a Japanese rock garden...

I mean, obviously you don't
have room for all of this.

I love my architect!

I love being called an architect!

- Ha-ha!





AARON: "And action on rehearsal."



Go! Go! Go!

He's k*lling everyone!




MR. POWERS: And...




Any thoughts, JJ?

"I don't know.

Do any of you have thoughts?"

Uh, actually, yeah.

What if we threw in some jokes?

I think that would
really subvert the genre.

Off that, I can if you like my character

wouldn't let herself just... die.

The character of "Dying Girl"?

RAY: If we're opening up this
box, one thing Taylor would love...

I've been working on a character

that's like a James
Bond of today's world...

Playboy, but all about consent.

What's his name?

Um, JJ, any thoughts?

"What's his name?"




- What are you doing?
- So no one will hear us.

Yeah, I also can't hear us.

Something's up with Mom.

I found a video of her
wearing a wedding dress,

but you weren't in it.

Please, you probably just missed me.

People said I was the
most unremarkable groom

they'd ever seen.

No, she was with some other guy,

and when I asked her about
it, she got all shifty.

She's hiding something. I know it.

MAYA: Know what?

What's going on in here?

We were just having a dance party.

Oh, great.

I love dance parties.

♪ Tequila ♪


Oh! Kenneth, you're right on time.

We're watching a cut
of the scene we shot.

Well, I'm a tough critic.

I almost didn't like "The Emoji Movie."




- First try.
- Luck.

No. Skill.

Wait. Why was the m*rder
replaced with sexy banter?

Shh, shh, shh.


Going somewhere?

What's Ray doing in Maya's raincoat?

But you're... Then who is...

Nick Mustang.

And I'm his twin.

And we're here to kick some...


- Come on.



Are you comfortable with this?

You know it, Nick Mustang.

Ray is playing two characters?

They catch the k*ller
in the first scene?

No, this has gone off the rails.

I need to talk to the director,

if he's still in there.

Everyone out.

Actually, I'm not sure you have
that sort of authority over me.

Okay, you know what?
That's fine. That's fine.

Let's move it, people!


So we want to be loud, do we?

Let's be loud!


My husband has emphasized multiple times

the importance of keeping
the noise level down!

I will not have my husband disres...

This thing rocks!

Ha ha... Oh.


Please k*ll me with it?

RAY: And I'm his twin.
And we're here to ki...


Well, that did not get better
with the second viewing.

Is this what you really wanted?

Okay, that acting is
worse than Rick Mustang.

Nick Mustang. Who's Rick Mustang?

What happened to the movie
you wanted to make?


RAY: "It was too hard."

I know they really tried
to set you up for success.

"They did.

That's kind of the problem.

I had no excuses."

You hate when people
make excuses for you.

"I do.

But I guess I like
to know they're there.

Without excuses, I'm just some guy...

who might suck.

And all these people believe in me."


Well, if that's the problem, uh...

I'll be honest...

I don't think you can do it.

"Go on."

Well, uh...

I think you're a hack.

I think you need those excuses.

You? Make a movie?

- Pfft!
- No way.

When the scene ends,
he can't even yell...


There is it.

So, how about us?

Do, uh, we get the part of

"Guys who don't believe in you"?

- "Next!"
- "Next!"

That's cold, man.

You went over there to shut them
down, not do architecture with them.

Well, I'm sorry. I'm... I'm weak.

Is this the first time?

I mean, how many others have there been?

The Finns just added a
pool house. Was that you?

This is the first time, and [SIGHS]...

I loved it.

I miss it, but i-it's over. It was stupid.

Well, if you love it, it's not stupid.

How much are they paying you?

Uh, nothing.

Well, that is stupid.

- I think you should go for it.
- What?

Well, you love architecture.
You're good at it.

So do it.

You shouldn't do it halfway.

You tell that Eddie
if he wants your ideas,

he's got to pay for
your brilliant brain.

You deserve that much.


I never thought I'd say this, but...

I love you more than Eddie.

Nice wall, Jimmy.

Yeah! I still got it!

I found more photos of Mom

with that silver-haired
man from the video.

I don't understand. Who is this guy?

Put some shoes on.

I'm take you for yogurt. We'll talk.

Okay, now we can talk.

Oh, good.

I love talking.


- Where's Dad?
- He couldn't make it.

But I'm going to take
you to the yogurt place...

and we can talk.


- Buckle up.

[CLEARS THROAT] All right, kids,

before we dive into
this scene, a word...

Only one voice matters now.

"Get out your" O-R... "original scripts.

Anyone have any "S-U " suggestions?

Too bad.

Let's make my movie!"


So, darling, I heard
you've been developing

some wild, crazy theories.

And I wanted to let you know

what I do when I'm confused

with wild, untrue theories.

I forget them. I...

[SCREAMS] What are you doing?!

This isn't the way to
the frozen-yogurt place!

Yes, it is! I'm taking
you to the one you love

with all the mix-ins.

Oh, yeah. I love that place.

What the bloody hell did you

- think I was doing?!
- I don't know!

All I know is you really don't
want me to know what's on that tape.

What could be so bad?


You're right.

This has gone on long enough.

I told you a story about why
I don't speak to my father.

And in it, I was noble and
dignified, and that's...

Well, it's a fantasy. No more lies.

I had a very complicated
relationship with your grandfather.

[LAUGHING] Those two
would get into it, man.

When they got going it was...

[STOPS LAUGHING] a painful memory.

Be cool, kids.

That video that Dylan
found... [CLEARS THROAT]

it wasn't our wedding day.

It was actually, uh,

the straw that broke the camel's back.

So, you didn't choose love?

No, on that day, I chose
immaturity and k*ller margaritas.


- Ha!

I don't understand. You
said it wasn't your wedding.

No, it was not.

So, you wore a wedding dress
to someone else's wedding?

That's, like, the worst thing ever.

No, it was not.

I don't want to go!

My father was getting remarried,

- and I didn't approve.

I wasn't invited, and...


It was... It was... It was
denser than you'd imagine.

- I got...

It was a thick cake.

Oh, God. Yep. That...

That seems like the right place to stop.

Yeah, my father was very
upset. His wife was furious.

And I've tried over
the years to apologize,

but, uh, nothing.

"But why lie to us?"

Because I'm ashamed!

My terrible behavior is the reason

that you don't have a
relationship with your grandfather.

Maybe it's time to call him again.

Oh, I don't know. It's
been so bloody long.

Well, maybe I'm almost ready,

now that it's all out in the open again.

Thanks to some crack
journalism from Dylan.

Did I blow the lid off something?

I'm gonna get a "B"!


You have locker ?

Doesn't everyone with
that locker end up dead?

I'm not worried about it.

[WHISPERING] Why isn't
she worried about it?






No, don't go in there.
Don't go in there!


Oh, no! Hell, no!

I'm gonna grade this later!

This is crazy!


Clean up at locker ...




Pretty good, man.

Wow. Dude, they love it.

"I'll never question

anything I do ever again."

That is not the lesson.

EDDIE: They also messed this
part up, so we gotta redo...

We actually have to
redo this whole thing.

- Jimbo!
- Hey, Eddie. I... I have kind of, uh

an important question for you.

Oh, yeah? I actually have an
important question for you.

Why is my landlord here?

Uh, I wanna buy your house.

Actually, that's not a question, is it?

You wanna buy my house?

How? Why? What?

The wife was so thrilled
with your sun-room plans

that I showed her the rest of them,

and she was like, "Build it all."

I was like, "Well, da doy, Marilyn.

We don't have enough
room on our property."

She was like, "Well,
da doy yourself, Eddie.

Why don't we just buy the
neighbor's property and expand?"

So I, uh, called the old
landlord here, made an offer.

Hey, do you wanna be
our official architect?

No! You... You can't do this!

We just signed a new lease. Carl?

I was just saying that.

Great. That's settled.

We're never gonna speak of this again.


Is there a dog barking in your yard?

Why... Why would there
be a dog in our backyard?

We are not allowed to have dogs,

and dogs know this.

- Speak!

Hello, lease violation.

You've got a deal.

Let's say...

out by the end of the month?


Now you obey a command.