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01x22 - Hostage Crisis

Posted: 11/17/21 10:23
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Danger looms despite recent victories on the Outer Rim.

Criminal minds plot at the very heart of the Republic.

The bounty hunter Cad Bane

has assembled some of the deadliest criminals in the galaxy

and plans a daring attack to seize members of the Senate.

What could be the aim of this despicable act?

Here we go.

CLONE: (ON PA) Attention! Attention! This is a restricted area.

No landing is permitted without permission.

Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Put up your hands.

I got business with the Senate. How about you fellows step aside?

On your knees! Raise your hands. Slowly.

Son, I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you.

Cuff him.


-Where's that coming from? -I see the sh**t up in the tower.

Over there...




You two, get these uniforms on and get this platform clear.


DROID: Base to platform. What was all that? Report.

Protesters against the w*r. We've taken care of them.

Finish getting those uniforms on and clear this platform now.

Everybody else, follow me.

ANAKIN: Hey, I'm supposed to be on a meditative retreat.

We should go away together.

I know a place far away from here where no one would recognize us.

Yeah, it'll be like we're actually husband and wife

instead of senator and Jedi.


-I can't, Ani. -What do you mean, you can't?

Oh, it's only two weeks.

We'll be back before anyone even notices we're gone.

I have to bring this bill before the Senate. It's important.


More important than the way you feel about me?

(SIGHS) Not more important, but important.

The work I do... The work we both do is in service to the Republic,

to protect those who would otherwise be powerless to protect themselves.

Of course, but those are ideals. Isn't our love more important to you?

-But, I... -No! No "but".

To me, there's nothing more important than the way I feel about you. Nothing.

-Anakin, don't be so... -Oh, you don't believe me.

-I didn't say I... -I'll prove it. Just watch.

When I finished constructing my lightsaber, Obi-Wan said to me,

"Anakin, this w*apon is your life".

This w*apon is my life.

No, Anakin, I can't. A Jedi lightsaber is...

-Wow, it's heavier than I thought. -It's yours. Believe me now?


If all you want to do is make fun of me,

-I think you should just go. -That's not what I want.

Not at all.




-You know what to do? -I'll figure it out.

You better not fail me, bubble brain.

Don't worry. I'll have the power off in no time.

The rest of you come with me.

C-3PO: But, Senator Organa, it just wouldn't be...

-Quick. Hide. -ORGANA: The situation cannot be delayed.

Now stand aside.

I apologize for my abruptness.

Oh, Senator Organa, how good to see you. What is it?

Senator Philo has called a meeting in the lobby

before we vote on the enhanced privacy invasion bill.

Right. Privacy invasion bill.

We must hurry if we are to stop the vote.

-Coming, Senator Amidala? -Of course.


BANE: Quietly.

Guard change happens now.

Here we go.



Now, let's go talk to some senators.

(WEAKLY) Help me.



ORGANA: We cannot allow the Chancellor

to move this enhanced privacy invasion bill forward.

We're all in agreement, then.

Morning, Senators.

You should all consider yourselves to be in my power.

As long as everybody behaves, this will be quick and painless.

Do nothing, and it will all be over soon.

I don't know who you think you are,

but I, for one, have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence.


All right, then. If you'll all gather at the center of this lovely atrium,

my co-workers and I will relieve you of any communication devices.

I see five of them here in the room. If we...

What are you going to do? It's not like we carry weapons.

-Chancellor Palpatine. -What is it, Senator Free Taa?

I think you should see this.

Sorry to bother you, Chancellor,

but I've taken control of the east wing of your Senate building,

and the occupants are now my hostages.

If you care about them,

I'd advise you to free Ziro the Hutt from your detention center.

You should know that the Republic does not take kindly to such threats.

If you have attempted such a foolhardy action as to kidnap a senator,

I assure you that it will be met with appropriate force.

This ought to do it.


What's going on?

I'm in control. I make the rules now.

Orn Free Taa, help me with this door.

It's no use, sir. Someone's gotten to the central control panel.

They've triggered the security system.

The Senate buildings have sealed themselves.


This is Chancellor Palpatine.

There is an emergency at the Senate building.

Jedi Council, come in. Is anyone there?

That's no use either, sir.

They've cut off all communication with the outside.

Hand over your communication devices, please.

-I can't let them search me. -What? Why not?

-I have something they must not find. -What is it?

Well, hello there, little lady. And who might you be?

I'm Padmé Amidala, Senator from Naboo,

and I demand that you release us immediately.

The Galactic Senate will not treat with t*rrorists.

Ain't you awful young and pretty to be a senator?

Skywalker! After him!


Hello? Come in. Anyone there?



-Oh! -Shh!


This is General Skywalker. Chancellor Palpatine, can you hear me?

My dear boy, I'm glad to know you're there and all right.

-ANAKIN: What is going on down there? -I hear it, too. Coming from up ahead.

PALPATINE: He sealed the entire building. Nobody can get in, and we cannot get out.

It's up to you. You have to get to the power control room

and turn off the security seal.

You have two more floors to check.

Come on. We've got two more floors to check.

You take downstairs, I'll go up. We'll meet on the other side.




No lightsaber cuts.


-What happened? Where's the droid? -The droid's gone, but there's good news.

-The Jedi's unarmed. -What?

-It doesn't look like he has his lightsaber. -Go. Bring him back to me.




Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!


-The lightsaber. I've got it. -What?

Why do you have a Jedi's lightsaber?

The question is whether we should try and get it back to...

-SENATOR: ...not now, too risky! -...the Jedi knight or use it ourselves.

(w*apon FIRING)

Everybody, quiet. I've got a call to make.

So here's what you're going to do.

First, you're going to make a pardon disk. You can give it to your friend there.

Who? Me?

My ship will come and pick him up and take him to the prison.

Once Ziro has been released and is handed over to me,

then your associates will be released. Understand?

Oh, I do, but I feel it is my duty to warn you

that you will end up paying for this outrage.

I can live with that.

Come on. Open the door. I won't hurt you.

Well, well! What have we here?

Blast it!


Tie your little pet up. We'll bring him to Bane.


Here's the pardon disk.


Let's go.

-Why do I have to go to the jail for this? -Move it.

Sorry, Senator, but everyone has a job to do.

Hurry up.


Young Skywalker.

Not so impressive without your lightsaber, are you, Jedi?

Toss him in with the others.

3D, are we on schedule?

Arriving at the prison now.

Unlock the doors.


-It's so bright out here. -CLONE: Oh, my God.

Why couldn't we do this at night when it's cooler?

Go and get the parting gifts.


(expl*sives BEEPING)


Look at Senator Orn Free Taa. He looks so unhappy.


Now get me as far away from Coruscant as possible!


Well, Mr. Chancellor, thanks to your calm leadership,

the crisis is passed.

I got what I want, so I'll return your Senate and your senators.

Enjoy them, but don't try anything until the sun has set.



We are to rendezvous back at the Senate building.

What? No, no, no, no! The Outer Rim, not the Senate, you stupid machine.

But I don't want to go to the Senate!

We need to get to the landing platform.

-Is everything ready? -Yep, yep.

Turn on the field.

If you so much as breathe on one of these lasers,

the whole room will blow up.

Senators, Jedi, I bid you all a most respectful farewell.

Let's go.


All clear!

Sir, are you all right?

-Yes, yes, I'm fine. -Mission accomplished, sir.

-The Chancellor is safe. -(SIGHS) Well done, trooper.


You were foolish to think you could get away with this, bounty hunter.

Now lay down your arms and come quietly.

No, Chancellor,

I'm afraid it is you who have been foolish with your senators' lives.

One false move and the east wing of the Senate building goes up in smoke.

Please, Ani, wake up.

You win, bounty hunter.


Stand down.


What are you looking so sad about?

FARR: The bounty hunter said we should just sit here.

-I think we should just sit here. -Well, that's not a very good idea.




Come on.

Let's get going.


(SIGHS) Too bad I don't have my lightsaber.

You mean this? I found it where you dropped it.

Now, quickly! We don't have much time.

Well, Hutt, it doesn't look like prison had too adverse an effect on you.

Oh, you can't imagine the unspeakable things I've suffered.

The horror! I doubt I'll ever really recover.

How about some dead senators as payback?

(expl*sives POWERING UP)



-Another daring rescue, Master Jedi. -I do my best, Senator.

Congratulations on a job well done, bounty hunter.

Time to pay up, Hutt. I don't work for free.


English - SDH