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01x18 - Mystery of a Thousand Moons

Posted: 11/17/21 10:18
by bunniefuu
Hard-pressed Jedi
and their valiant clone troopers

have thwarted an insidious
Separatist plot to plant bombs

loaded with the deadly blue shadow virus
in key Republic systems.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker

have captured the vile scientist
behind the nefarious scheme,

Dr. Nuvo Vindi.

Now the Jedi prepare to transport Vindi
to the Republic capital for trial.

That was close.

If that virus had escaped,
everyone on Naboo would be dead now.

Oh, well. Just another boring day
saving the universe.

All right, let's take this sleemo
back to Theed

so we can help Padm? and Ahsoka
clean up down there.

Senator, you should see this.
It's one of the virus bombs.

It looks like the chamber
that holds the virus is missing.

- That droid must have taken it.
- Sound the alarm.

How could droids have gotten ahold
of the virus containers?

I don't know, but I don't want
to be around when they set it off.

We've already taken the virus containers
out of these bombs.

We'll just have to check them again.

The virus is liberated.

You are doomed, young Jedi,

along with the rest of the planet.

Hey, you.

Get away from there!

What was that?

Virus leak.

Get to the safe room.
Come on!

- There's the safe room!
- No chance!

- Hurry! The doors are closing!
- Don't worry.

Get inside, Captain.


Ahsoka, what is going on down there?

The droids released the virus,
but we managed to seal the lab.

- And Padm??
- Haven't heard from her since the b*mb.

Anakin, can you hear me?

- Anakin?
- Padm?, I'm here.

- Are you all right?
- Yes, for the time being.

Jar Jar and I were in a safety chamber
when the alarm went off.

We're wearing protective suits.

The virus is loose, but Ahsoka
has sealed off the entire facility.

Yes, but any remaining droids
will try to break out.

I'll do what I can to stop them.
I cannot let that virus escape.

Be careful.

Put this on.

Come on, Jar Jar.
We're going to find Ahsoka.

We'll need her help
to find those droids.

Where's the antidote, Vindi?

You mistake my role, Jedi.

My job was to manufacture a plague,

not to cure it.

We don't have time for games.

Patience, Anakin. There's more
than one way to skin a womp rat.

I said, "where?"

Yes, k*ll me now
and spare these old bones

the blue shadow's dire embrace,

because once the first droid

breaks out of that laboratory,

all Naboo is doomed!

The fastest way
to save senator Amidala and Ahsoka

is to get Vindi back to the capital
and find an actual antidote.

Oh, no, no, no.
Some of the virus got in here.

We didn't close the door
fast enough.

We may be dead men,
but we could still stop those droids.

Don't worry.

My Master will find a cure
for this virus.

- We're not dead yet.
- Is anyone out there?

- Can anyone hear...
- Senator Amidala,

we're trapped in the safe room
at the end of complex "B."

We'll be right there.

Are you contaminated?

I'm afraid so.

Dr. Vindi,
you'll pay for your treachery.

Take him away.

- Now we'll need to find an antidote.
- I think I found an answer for you.

So you think you found a cure?

Possibly. A little-known extract
made from reeksa root,

a weed-like vine found only on Iego,

the world of 1,000 moons,

deep in Separatist-controlled space.

Let's go.

- You must move cautiously if you...
- There's no time for caution.

My padawan is trapped on there,
and so is Padm?.

I mean, senator Amidala.

I applaud your courage,
General Skywalker, but it's su1c1de.

Once we contain the virus,
we can send troops.

No, Obi-Wan and I can handle it.

I concur, Anakin.

Padm? and Ahsoka will be fine.

They will be, if we succeed.

All the doors are locked.
How are we gonna get out?

- It's not our problem.
- Boy, that's a relief.

Senator Amidala,

- where are you?
- We're right outside your safety room.

- Can you get the door open?
- Go ahead, Jar Jar.

I'm sorry, Ahsoka.

Don't worry about us, senator.
We still have a job to do.

There aren't very many droids left.

We saw some
heading toward the south entrance.

As long as we're able,

we'll help you destroy those droids
before they breach the compound.

You take the north corridor,
and we'll take the south.

The droids are close.

I can hear them
cutting through the wall.

- Stop!
- Don't open that hatch.

Too late.

There it is. Iego.

- What do you make of this?
- It looks like a graveyard

of ships.

Let's go.


Not good.

Welcome to Iego.

Roger, roger.

Anakin, wait. Wait!

Welcome to Iego.

Very impressive.

You just destroyed 17 defenseless battle
droids without suffering a scratch.


18, actually.

The venerable Jaybo Hood

requests an audience.



You guys have any idea
how long it took me to repurpose

those droids?

- You're Jaybo?
- Well, do you?

I apologize for my friend's
rather rash behavior.

Nine months, man.
It took me nine months.

Oh, that's our cue.

Channel two.

How'd a kid like you
come by this many battle droids anyway?

When the Separatists took off,

they left all this junk behind.
I got a whole warehouse

- full of 'em right over there.
- So you programmed them to serve you.

No reason
to let a good droid rust, right?

Looks like you used a...

macro protocol
to wipe them all simultaneously.

- Impressive.
- I see you know your droids.

You're Jedi, aren't you?
You want me to show you how I did it?

Perhaps another time.
What we need now is reeksa root.

- Do you know where we can find some?
- Here, there,


We don't have time for games, kid.
Where's the root?

What my friend is trying to say
is that we are in a bit of a hurry.

Not anymore you're not.

Look, you little...

This system is haunted, cursed,


Anyway, Jedi or not, no one gets off
this rock alive,

not past Droll.



Yeah, Droll,

the phantom ruler of Iego.

He destroys anything
that leaves the planet.

50 of the best star pilots
in the galaxy have tried.

50 tried...

50 died.

I suppose that explains
the ruined ships in the moonbelt.

First things first. We'll have to deal
with this droll later.

- This-a help.
- Jar Jar, no.


your suit's been compromised.

I'm so sorry.

Don't blame yourself.

These things tend to happen
in a w*r zone.

- Are you coming?
- You've got to be kidding.

No way I'm going down there.

- You trying to tell us something?
- Don't worry, it's simple.

Follow the vines to the bottom,
dig up the roots,

but don't touch the vine.

Aside from the obvious, why not?

Because the plants don't like it,

and they have big, sharp teeth.


This is getting better
by the minute.

And watch out for the flying Xandu.

What's a Xandu?

I'm not sure.

Master, hop on.

This isn't going to work.

How are you doing up there?

I'm almost through.

There they are.

I'm all right.

There, those are the roots
we're looking for.

Oh, poodoo.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Don't take too long with that.

I'll go as fast as I can.

Anakin, hurry.

- Anakin? Now.
- Okay, okay.

Got it.

- Hold still.
- We've got to get out of here now.

You made it.
I knew you would.

Oh, did you?

The place dried up
once the spice convoy stopped running.

Out here,

we're just one of the millions
of little backwaters no one cares about.

Those of us who are left

can't leave because of the curse.

Cursed, we are.

The planet is cursed.

Cursed by whom, my twitchy friend?

The ghost of Droll, that's who.

A ghost?

The spirit of the 1,000 moons,

our protector and destroyer.

- It sounds like a load of...
- Superstition?

That's one word for it.

Superstition, you say.

Can't hold on much...

someone help me.

That was Takido.

He was a friend of mine.

Try to leave this planet

and your fate will be the same.

They'll never make it past Droll.

The ghost of Droll
may be a local superstition,

but something real
blew up those ships.

"Real" we can handle.

Too bad.

- I really liked those guys.
- Thanks for your help, kid.

- We couldn't have done it without you.
- Have you run into Droll yet?

Not to worry, Jaybo.

What's the matter, R2?
Afraid of a ghost?

Droll is just a superstition...

There's our ghost.


We've triggered an energy field.

Turn the ship around.
We'll never make it through.

The Separatists installed
those lasers

to prevent people
from leaving the planet.

They're coming back.

Master, can you hear me?

R2, amplify the signal.

... destroyed all the battle droids

inside the compound, Master.

Naboo is safe
from further contamination.

I repeat. Naboo is safe.

Promise me that no one
will ever open this bunker.

Good-bye, Anakin.


We'll borrow a power converter from
Jaybo and reprogram it to feed our...

- Slow down, Anakin.
- "Slow down"?

You saw them, Master.
They're dying.

A great leap forward often requires
first taking two steps back.

And sometimes all it requires
is the will to jump.

At least hear me out on this.

Citizens of Iego,

Droll is not a ghost.

it is a Separatist security system.


You were lucky to escape alive,
simple as that.

And who says
we didn't make our own luck?

The ghost of Droll does, that's who.

Did anyone inhabit Iego's moons
before the Separatists arrived?

- The angels, of course.
- Angels?

We were a peaceful people

before the Separatists
drove us from our homes

and stole our moon.

And which moon was that?

Millius Prime.

The primary node,
it must be near Millius Prime.

Vulture droids. Jaybo,

can you reactivate
those vulture droids?

Sure. I can even fly them
by remote control.


We can have R2 fly the vulture droids
as a decoy into the laser field.

And since we know what we're up against,
we can destroy the laser emitter.

And cut a path
right to Millius Prime.

What a waste.

With all due respect, Senator,

It's what they're born to do.

I hope that their sacrifice
brings us closer to peace.

It will, Padm?.

- You must believe that...
- Ahsoka.

Ready, General Kenobi.

Jaybo, activate the droids.

Transfer control
of the vulture droids to R2.

R2, intercept the lasers.

Send the vulture droids
directly into the laser generator.

You guys okay?


We're fine, kid.

I'm afraid you'll need some new droids
to boss around, Jaybo.

The ones you lent us
are pretty much toast.

But the good news is

that you're now free to leave Iego
whenever you choose.

R2, set a course for Naboo.

I spoke with the medical droid.
He expects you to make a full recovery.

I never lost faith in you.

None of us did.

That's good to hear,

'cause there were a few moments
where we weren't so sure of ourselves.

Well, you did make it.

By the way,

your padawan, was brilliant.

I trust I'll see you soon,

General Skywalker?

Of course, my lady.

I heard you were quite brave
fending off the battle droids, Jar Jar.


Senator Amidala suggested
we offer you training

to help hone your skills
with a blaster.



Oh, boy.
I'm a-gonna be trained.

I am not training him.

You did a fantastic job today,

All thanks to your training, Master.

Yeah, you're right.

I probably do deserve
most of the credit

but not all of it.

Good thing

I know you don't mean
everything you say.

Pilot, get these two out of here.

Thank you, Master.