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01x11 - Dooku Captured

Posted: 11/17/21 10:10
by bunniefuu

After a long and perilous search,

the Jedi finally track down
Separatist leader Count Dooku.

During a heroic attempt
to capture the count,

Anakin Skywalker has gone missing.

Having lost contact with Skywalker,

Obi-Wan Kenobi heads toward
his friend's last known location,

a lone Separatist frigate

in the far reaches of the Outer Rim.

Don't bother to get up.

You're not the prisoner
I'm looking for.

Oh, it's you.

This is how you thank me
for rescuing you,

pounce on me from the ceiling?

Kind of difficult without a...
lightsaber. Thanks.

Did you manage to locate Dooku
before landing in jail?

Well, I know he's on board.

Might have been able to do
something about it if I'd had my w*apon.

It was important for you
to arrive without it

- so your capture would be convincing.
- Oh, they were convinced, all right.

But how come
I'm the one getting caught all the time?

It doesn't look good.

When you're a Jedi master,
you can make the plan.

That's just it. How can I become a Jedi
master if I'm always getting caught?

At least you're a master
at getting caught.

Very funny.

Surprise, surprise.

If it isn't Count Dooku.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

I thought I sensed

an unpleasant disturbance
in the force.

I see you've freed young Skywalker.

Where might he be

if you weren't always around
to rescue him?

there's a Jedi cruiser attacking.

Let's try not to blow up the ship
before they get off this time.

Your ship is surrounded, Count.

Republic troops are boarding
as we speak.

Jedi fools.

I should have seen that coming.

- What are you doing?
- Following him.

Not that way.
We need to cut him off.

You cut him off. I'll follow him
and meet you at the hangar.

Why do I even try?

Oh, great.

- Your ship is ready, sir.
- Good.

- I thought you were following Dooku.
- I was. I followed him here.

Hang on.

Dooku managed to escape.

We're in pursuit,
but we could use reinforcements.

Follow us in what ships
you can round up.

We'll get there
as soon as we can.

That was easy.

Lucky for you,
I'm an excellent shot.

Well, now those fighters
are attacking.

I'm on it.

He's getting too close.

Lucky for you,
I'm an excellent pilot.

For all your expertise,
this is not a very smooth landing.

If you'd hit that second fighter,
we wouldn't be in this mess.

I've had better landings.


What's this, a homing beacon?

Which means the distinguished count
is waiting for help.

- So he can't be far off.
- His engine is damaged.

- He's not going anywhere.
- Not without a homing beacon.

Caves are a good start.


You sense it too.
Many life forms in there.

And Dooku's one of them.

Let's try to get him
before something else does.

What's that?


You won't be needing this anymore,

Well, well.

What do we have here?

Who are you?

More importantly, my friend,

who are you?

Obi-Wan, can you hear me?


Anakin, when I tell you to run, run.

Master! You're alive.

And where's your lightsaber?

It got knocked out of my hand.

- By a rock?
- Yeah, by a rock.

- It's got to be here somewhere.
- That is a feeble excuse.

You know what would be helpful?
A little light.


Silly thing.
It was just working a minute ago.

You don't suppose
it was hit by a rock, do you?

This should be interesting.

Your solar sailor is very beautiful.

It's a pretty rare ship,

very expensive.

What are you doing
all the way out here?

I sustained some damage
in an asteroid storm

and had to make a landing.
Feel free to help yourself to it.

If you need transport,
the nearest planet is Florrum.

It's six parsecs away.

Is it civilized?

That depends
on your definition of civilized.

But you would certainly be
more comfortable there than here.

Vanqor is no place to be after dark.

Perhaps I shall take you up
on your offer.

Very good.

Now all that's left to do
is settle my fee.


Just a little something
to cover my expenses.

It shouldn't be a problem
for someone

so obviously wealthy as yourself.

I'd be happy to compensate you
for your services.

That's it, boys!
We are heading home.

Jump in anytime!

Oh, you're doing fine.

She seems to like you.

Yeah, lucky me!

This isn't as much fun as it looks.

I thought gundarks
were only found on Vanqor.

Then this system must be Vanqor.

- So that would make this one...
- The mother of all gundarks.


Are you gonna help me?

Well, you took your time.

It's a pity. I was just starting
to sense a connection.

Should I leave you two alone,

or would you prefer to find a way out
of this hole before she wakes up?

Welcome to Florrum.

Lose your flashy sword?

Are these
what you were looking for, Jedi?

I am more powerful than any Jedi.

Know that you are dealing
with a Sith lord.

You're still outnumbered.

The leader of the clanker army...

and a Sith lord, no less.

Someone is sure
to pay a pretty price for you.

Provide me
with the proper means of communications.

I will arrange for any ransom
to be paid.

And you will arrange for your armies
to crush us as well.

You don't survive in the Outer Rim
by being stupid.

If the Separatists will pay
to get you back,

chances are,
the Republic will offer

even more.

- Sounds like another gundark.
- It's too far away to worry about.

It won't stay far away.

New problem.

That's not good.

It's just gas.

Probably toxic gas.

That's good.

Maybe it'll k*ll your gundark.

- And maybe it will k*ll us.
- Come on.

Let's get out of here.

This isn't gonna work.

- I can't breathe.
- As always,

I'm open to sugges...

Come on, Obi-Wan.
Don't give up now.

- What was that?
- I have no idea.


Looks like I got here just in time.

What do you mean, "just in time"?

- You were in very big trouble.
- Trouble?

We were simply searching
for Count Dooku.

We had the situation well under control,
my little Padawan.

I see.

So which part of the situation
did you have under control:

the blocked entrance, the poison gas,
or that gundark behind you?


You mean the one
that's too far away to worry about?

Block the entrance.

There's still Dooku to deal with.

You let him get away?

No, not get away exactly. Just...

Chime in anytime.

Oh, no.
I'm enjoying this far too much.

If you want the Sith lord,

it will cost you a million credits.

The payment will be in spice

delivered in an unarmed
diplomatic ship.

We will need proof he's alive

before agreeing to your terms.

Let me present
your fearless Sith lord.

I'm afraid he's too embarrassed
to speak.

A hologram can be faked.

You want proof?

This is his lightsaber.

Belongs to Dooku,
that lightsaber does.

This scum...

having possession of Dooku's lightsaber
proves nothing.

If you refuse,

I am sure
the Separatist council

will be more than willing
to meet my price.

We may never have a better chance
to capture Count Dooku.

We would like...

to send two Jedi
to confirm you have Count Dooku

before delivering the ransom.

Send your Jedi,
but they must be unarmed.

- Impossible.
- They will be safe.

We have no interest
in getting involved in your w*r.

We've reestablished contact
with Kenobi and Skywalker.

They're in a system
close to Florrum.

And most eager to find Dooku,
they are.

His only stipulation is
that you arrive unarmed.


We know very little
about these pirates.

We may be walking blind into what
could very well be a hostile situation.

We can't let Dooku
slip through our fingers again.

Report back as soon as you arrive.

This should be fun.

Follow me.


Can I offer you something to drink?

No, thank you.

Congratulations on your capture
of Count Dooku.

- Very impressive.
- Yes, it was.

Even a Sith lord is no match
for my warriors.

He put up quite a fight.

Blasters, cannons,
that glowy thing...

- You mean a lightsaber?
- That's it.

And I don't need to tell you,

those things can do some damage.

Carved up some of my best men
pretty good

before I could
get the jump on him.

And how exactly
did you get the jump on him?

With this?

We have no interest
in disagreeing with you.

All we want is to confirm
you are holding Dooku,

and we'll go.

I will arrange a meeting.

Look how the mighty Sith lord
has fallen.

This place suits you, Count.

It wasn't so long ago
that you yourself

were in similar surroundings

on my ship.

Yeah, but now I'm free,
and you're not.

I'm confident the situation
will rectify itself soon.

Soon you'll be brought
to trial by the Senate

and most likely spend
a very long time in a cell

just like this one.

And that's if you're lucky.

My naive young Jedi,

you must be overly optimistic

if you think these Weequayans

plan to let you leave this planet.

They're planet-hopping thieves
looking for a quick score.

They have no interest
in picking a fight with Jedi.

They are devious and deceitful...

and most importantly, stupid.

It's a wonder you don't get along
with them, Dooku.

You have so much in common.

You underestimate them
at your own peril, Kenobi.

I don't know about you,
but I could use some rest.

Remember, Anakin,
this could still be a trap.

You're not worried about Dooku,
are you?

No, I'm worried about these pirates.


Now that your business
is completed,

we invite you to join us
in the grand hall for a banquet.

And a true Weequay banquet

is not to be missed.

No question, they have Dooku.
Send the ransom.

He's being securely held?

- And very cranky about it.
- Good.

Senator Kharrus
and Representative Binks

will be dispatched immediately.


can I persuade you
to join us for a drink?

It's a tradition,

in the name of friendship.

All right, but nothing too strong.

- He's flying.
- Bring our guests some refreshments.

To a successful transaction.

To powerful pirates
and new friends of the Republic.

Enjoy your evening, gentlemen.

- I still don't get it.
- Get what?

How a bunch of drunken pirates

managed to catch Dooku
when we couldn't.

Maybe there's a lesson
to be learned here.

- I still don't get it.
- It's to remind us

to be humble and never too proud

to accept a gift
when it comes our way.

Well, to unexpected gifts, then.

Hear, hear.