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01x10 - Lair of Grievous

Posted: 11/17/21 10:08
by bunniefuu
Viceroy Gunray escapes!

En route to Coruscant
to stand trial for w*r crimes,

evil Separatist leader Nute Gunray
has broken free of his Jedi escort.

With the help of
Count Dooku's sinister agents,

the villainous viceroy has
made a daring getaway.

Alerted to the bold prison break,

Jedi Master Kit Fisto has traced
the stolen ship to a remote system,

hoping to recapture Gunray
and return him to justice.

I know we're in the middle
of nowhere, R6,

but that's the Republic beacon
we're looking for.

Contact the Outer Rim command.

Master Luminara,

I have tracked the location of
our stolen ship to the Vassek system.

So has your old padawan,
Nahdar Vebb.

He's already on the surface.

It'll be great to see Nahdar again.

I'll transmit the coordinates
for the rendezvous point.

And, Master Fisto...

sorry we lost that slimy double-dealer.

Don't worry, Ahsoka,

we'll catch Gunray yet.

Good hunting.

Well, I can't see anything either.

You'll be fine, R6.

Just keep a lookout for me, okay?


Congratulations on passing the trials.

I'm sorry the w*r prevented me from
seeing your training through to the end.

You were missed, Master,

but it is an honor to finally serve
beside you as a knight.


we've pinpointed the tracking beacon's
location to the south end of the gorge.

Then let's have a look.

Allow me to show the way.


Let's not keep the viceroy waiting.

Niner, Bel,
look after the ships.

Yes, sir.

No guards?

That's odd.

The entrance looks sealed.

We specialize in making entrances.

This will make less noise.

Patience, the both of you.

A second look usually pays off.

What's this?

- Smell that?
- Smells like droids to me.

It's too dark to see anything.

I sense there's something here.

Scanners are negative, General.

Well, that was something.

All droids stay on guard.

Be ready for anything.

Roger, roger.

Double shifts for everyone.

Uh, Viceroy?

You must protect me at all costs.

Uh, Viceroy,
the Jedi are here.

I know they're near.

Once those Jedi pick up my trail,

they never leave me alone.

They're right behind you.

What? Where?

Do something.

You, blast them!

- Have you ever k*lled a Jedi?
- No, never.

Me neither.

Don't even think about it,
Republic dogs.

I didn't forget to teach you restraint,

did I,
my old Padawan?

I am sorry, Master.

I got carried away.

Those who have power
should restrain themselves from using it.

did you get them?

No, but we have you, Viceroy.

You have nothing, Jedi fools.

I welcome you to your doom.

The tracking beacon.

They knew we were coming.

I should have known
Gunray wasn't here.

At the first sight of us,

he would have run off screaming
like the coward he is.

I apologize for the deception,
Master Jedi.

Count Dooku.

You have a great talent
for unexpected appearances.

It's a shame you came so far
to be frustrated.

While the viceroy is
unavailable for capture,

allow me to offer you
an alternative prize.

This has got to be a trap.

It looks like Dooku is trying to
catch someone,

and we are the bait.

But who has the trap been set to catch?

Shall we find out?

This place looks like a shrine
to that strange warrior.

This is the lair of General Grievous.

Yes, my lord?

General, the ongoing stalemate
in the w*r has become unacceptable.

There is concern
you have lost your focus.

Lord Sidious demands
more dramatic results...

more dead Jedi.

You expect victory over Jedi,

but all you give me to fight them
is battle droids.

These must be trophies
taken from the Jedi he's m*rder*d.

There are so many.

Why would Dooku want to
set a trap for his best general?

It doesn't make sense.

Are we the bait,
or is Grievous the bait?

We must consider who this trap is for.

General, your droid is tracking
an incoming ship.

It matches a description
of General Grievous' fighter.

It's headed our way.

Keep out of sight
and stand by for further orders.

Capturing Grievous
could turn the tide of the w*r.

And if he doesn't know we're here,

we could take him down easy.

Don't underestimate him.

We'll need a plan.



Gore, where are you?

Welcome home, General.

I'm afraid
I must request your surrender.

Cooperate, Grievous,

and perhaps the Senate will be merciful.

It is you who shall get no mercy.


Don't let him go!

We got him.

Don't let him cut the lines!

Hold him.

Don't make me destroy you.

Come and get me.

Cut him off!

- Where'd he go?
- The clones got in the way.

I could have taken him.

Let's take care of our wounded.

Doctor, where are you?

Don't be upset with me, Master.

If you were a better fighter,

we would not be having
this conversation.

Look what you let those Jedi
do to you.

You're a walking scrap pile.

What a mess.

It's going to take me forever
to get you back into decent shape.

I'll go fetch your spare parts.

What happened to my bodyguards?

They were remotely deactivated
for recharge.

I thought you did it.

Lock down the perimeter.

Let me go after Grievous myself,

Patience, Nahdar.

You may no longer be a padawan,

but you are not ready
to take on Grievous.

It's time we retreated.

You are not going anywhere.

It looks like we're going to
have to fight after all.

- Green scout to watcher base.
- Copy.

This is watcher base, over.

Contact the fleet at Besteene.

Inform them we've engaged Grievous
and require reinforcements.

Right away, sir.

Better warm up the shuttle's
long-range transmitter.

Get out of there, R6.

R6? R6?!

You've run out of time.

Why don't you come out, General?

Show us some of that Separatist hospitality.


In the meantime,

please experience
all my home has to offer.

It has been prepared
for uninvited guests like you.

I have a bad feeling about this.

General, I know you're watching.

We've seen the lower levels
of your home.

We're not impressed.

Good, Jedi, good.

You will provide some sport for me yet.

Gore, time to entertain our guests.

Stand firm.

There might be worse things here
than Grievous.

Looks like you're right about that, sir.

Good-bye, Jedi.

Master, the armor patches
are getting cold,

and contrary to your belief,
I do have other things to do.

Proceed with my repair.

Sometimes I wonder
why you submitted to the changes.

I submit to no one.

I chose them.
Now get on with it.

There may be some discomfort.

sh**t him, Commander!

Grievous is going to pay for this.

I will destroy him.

I understand your pain,

but you forget your teachings, Nahdar.

Revenge is not the Jedi way.

But in this w*r, strength prevails.

The rules have changed.

Perhaps you are the one
who has changed.

Come now,
we need to keep moving.

Let's see if Gore is finished
playing with the Jedi.


Where are they?


Master, you have an incoming
transmission from Count Dooku.

General, I understand
the Jedi have infiltrated your lair.

Your recent defeats at their hands

have shaken my faith in your ability
to lead the droid army.

I'm sure you can understand my need
to reassess your effectiveness.


You deactivated my guards.

You let the Jedi in here
so you would test me.

I do hope you emerge victorious.


- It's time for you to prove...
- Oops.

All right, Count.

I'll play your little game.

In your condition, you need to rest.

I will rest when the Jedi are dead.

You were right, Master.

That exit must lead to the control room.

Oh, what have we here?

The uninvited guests.

Let's go.


the Jedi are about
to enter the control room.

Nahdar, inside.

No, you go.
I will hold him off.

There's no time to argue.

We can't just run.

We must finish him.

Nahdar, hurry!

I have been waiting for this.


Greetings, young Jedi.

Where is your master?

How exciting.

You will find out soon enough.

You can't defeat us all.

Of course I can.

Get him, Master.

k*ll him.

Where's the other Jedi?

Oh, no.


I will k*ll you all.

Do you hear me, Jedi?

Do you hear me?!


Is that you?

Meet me at the south landing platform.

I'll be right there.

I'm coming for you next, Fisto.

I'll be gone by the time you get here.

R6, I'm at the platform.

Where are you?

Going somewhere?


You might have been
a proud warrior once,

but now you're just a pawn
in Dooku's game.

I wield great power, Jedi fool.

That power will only consume you.

How quickly power can change hands.

Surrender, and I promise
you will die quickly.

Stop him!

Let's go home, R6.

Count Dooku,
the Jedi have been defeated.

Victory over the clones
and the young Jedi was expected,

but to best a Jedi master...

This is truly an accomplishment
worthy of recognition.

The Jedi Fisto escaped.

So there is room for improvement.

What about your former padawan?

His heart was in the right place,

but he tried to answer
Grievous' power with his own.

To answer power with power,
the Jedi way, this is not.

In this w*r, a danger there is,
of losing who we are.