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01x09 - Cloak of Darkness

Posted: 11/17/21 10:07
by bunniefuu
Viceroy Gunray captured.

Senator Padm? Amidala
has scored a victory

against the Separatist alliance
on the remote world of Rodia,

securing the arrest of diabolical
Confederate leader Nute Gunray.

The Jedi Council has dispatched
Master Luminara Unduli

and Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka,

to escort the Viceroy to Coruscant
under heavy guard.

Once there, he will face trial
for his many w*r crimes.

Captain, have you made contact
with the cruiser?

Yes, General.
We'll patch you through now.

Jedi Cruiser Tranquility,
this is General Luminara Unduli

requesting permission to land.

You are cleared, General.
We await your prisoner's arrival.

Thank you, Captain Argyus.
I look forward to delivering him to you.

I am a man of great wealth,
and I can be very generous to my allies.

That is a very tempting offer, Viceroy.

In the meantime, I have a gift for you.

Finally. It's been such a boring trip.

This is an outrageous miscarriage
of justice!

-I demand my litigator!
-Keep moving.

Greetings, General.
We have the brig all ready for this traitor.

Very good, Captain.
Commander Gree, let's get underway.

Right away, sir. Let's move!

Senate commandos?

How does a money-grubbing worm
like Gunray rate all this security?

He doesn't look that dangerous.

Don't let your overconfidence give Gunray
another advantage, Ahsoka.

Even now, his allies
may be conspiring against us.

Gunray's capture could be
a serious threat to us, my friend.

The Viceroy will not last long
under Jedi interrogation.

I have already put a plan into action,
my lord.

My best agent, Asajj Ventress,

will infiltrate the Jedi ship
and either free Gunray or silence him.


You are putting a great deal of faith in
an operative who has failed us in the past.

She is a gifted assassin.

You have my word. She will
complete her mission to the letter.

Very well. You may proceed.


There is no margin
for error this time, child.

You must prove yourself worthy
of being my apprentice.

I am worthy, as you shall see.

How goes the interrogation?
Has the Viceroy cracked?

Not yet. Neimoidians are a slippery lot,
but the Jedi will wear him down.

Your thoughts betray you, Viceroy.
I can sense your concern.

The fear that you will lose the wealth
and the power that the w*r has given you.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

You hide a great many things.

The names of your secret allies.
The locations of their bases.

I am an innocent pawn in all of this!

If you're merely a pawn,
then who are you protecting?

No one! I... I know nothing!

Liar! Liar! I'm tired of all this whining!

Tell us what we want to know right now,
or I will gut you like a Rokaria'n dirt fish!


-Terror is not a w*apon the Jedi use.
-I wasn't serious!

But the only way he'll talk is
if he's scared enough.

Perhaps I was too hasty. Let us negotiate.

Captain! Status report!

Droid fighters incoming!
They've brought boarding ships!

Green Company,
prepare to repel the enemy!

Green Leader to Commander Gree!

Super battle droids
have breached our hull!

They're headed for the detention level.
We need reinforcements.

-Commander. I'll need your assistance.
-Let's go.

You will stay here with Captain Argyus.
Guard the Viceroy.


As you wish, Master.

It appears you are in no position
to negotiate after all, Padawan.

Perhaps after my rescue...

Rescue? Maybe they're here
to make sure you won't talk.

All units! There's a...

Trooper! What have you found?
Come in, trooper! Do you copy?

Super battle droids are everywhere.
Fall back to the detention level!

We have to protect the prisoner!

See anything?

Engine room seems clear.
We'll lock it down.

Good, Captain. The enemy
is advancing toward the prison level.

-We're on our way.
-You keep watch here, 327.

Okay, okay, 327-T.

You know droids never like
to be called by their nicknames.

There. Looks like
the last of them, General.

Yes, Commander.
But I sense our troubles are not over.

Sounds like your rescue
didn't work out after all.

I am ready to discuss our bargain again.

-Padawan Tano. May I have a word?
-Certainly, Captain.

If I leave, you won't go anywhere,
will you?

I've got the all-clear.
The enemy has been repelled.

And their attempt to free Gunray has


If it isn't the hairless harpy.

If it isn't Skywalker's
filthy, obnoxious little pet.

How nice of you. Tell you what,

I'll give you a merciful death.

-The Padawan!
-Come on!

sh**t her!

Skywalker's not here to save you now.

Good thing I don't need saving.

Over here!
Open this door and I'll buy you a planet!

Yes! Yes! Such delicious irony!

How do you like your room
now, youngling?

Halt, assassin!


What are we waiting for?



Everything's running haywire. Doors, lifts.

Communication's down, propulsion's dead.
She's crippled the entire ship.

Our attacker has come for Gunray.
Stay here and guard him.

I'll confront her myself.

Master, all due respect,

but Ventress is too powerful
for any one Jedi to fight alone.

Let me help you.

I am more than capable
of dealing with a lone assassin

armed with undisciplined fighting skills.

-Stay here,

and keep a clear head.

Luminara Unduli may be a Jedi Master,

but she has no idea
what that bogwitch is capable of.

No idea.

I can't let her face that lowlife alone.

Wouldn't we have a better chance
of stopping her if I helped?

Sometimes being a good soldier
means doing what you think is right.

That's why we're superior to droids.

Do you think you'll still be able
to call on the Force

after I've separated your head
from your body?

Even with my vision clouded, I recognize
the fighting style of Count Dooku.

Your version is unrefined.
Amateurish. Sloppy.

I can't disobey a direct order
and leave my post, can I?

I wouldn't.

But don't worry,
we've got this under control, Master Jedi.

Your friend won't be going anywhere.

All I know is, I never risk my own skin
if I don't have to.


-Watch him closely.
-You can trust us, Commander.

Call us if you need help, sir!

Now you fall, as all Jedi must.

-I know, I know. You told me to stay.
-Well, as long as you're here...

We have to find her.
We can't let her get to Gunray.

-What's that, Captain?
-Oh, nothing to worry about.


What are you doing?

No. Please. Don't!

Oh, do shut up.

Count Dooku is paying me a fortune
to deliver your slimy carcass.

So, please, try to stay alive.

-What happened to "Padawan Tano"?

This assassin,
I've never faced an adversary like her.

I should have listened to your advice.

Master, I never meant
to overstep my bounds, but...

General Unduli! We've been
betrayed! Argyus has freed Gunray!

-I've been a fool!
-Let's get back there!

We'll take her together.

Stop! This is your last warning!

Don't sh**t! I am an innocent pawn!

He won't sh**t.
He doesn't want to damage his prize.

-Stand down, Captain.
-Come and get me!

Why'd you do it, Argyus?

A clone like you would never understand.

I wanted a life
with more than empty servitude.

And for that you'd betray the Republic?

Like I told the Padawan,

sometimes being a good soldier
means doing what you think is right.

You and I disagree
on what makes a good...

You should have taken my offer
when you had the chance, clone.

The outer shields are still down.
The ship is still in turmoil.

We're home free.

As successful a rescue
as one could hope for, Viceroy.

I'll be a legend for this.

I always had a good feeling
about you, Captain.

You see, assassin?
Our plan went off without a hitch.

"Our" plan?

And I will, of course, make sure
your contributions are noted

in my report to Count Dooku.

I'll tell him myself.

Greetings, Viceroy.

I always had a good feeling
about you, assassin.

I'm sorry that despicable
wealth-worm Gunray got away.

It's okay, Snips. I know you did your best.

Master, I...

Troubling is the treachery of
the Senate guard, Captain Argyus.

Revealed all around us our enemies are.

I'm not sure all is lost.

Gunray and his accomplices stole
a Republic ship to make their getaway.

-It could be tracked!

A coward Viceroy Gunray is,
but powerful allies he has.

Swiftly we must move
if we are to recapture him.

Master Fisto's fleet
was near Gunray's position.

I've already contacted him
to follow the signal.

Ahsoka, I'll meet you
at the rendezvous point.

Yes, Master.

Master Luminara,
I guess this is goodbye for now.

I owe you my life, Ahsoka.

Protecting a Jedi Master
is the role of a Padawan.

And teaching is usually
the role of the Master.

Master Skywalker should be proud.

-Thank you, Master.

Commander, let's get underway.

Yes, General. Ahead full!