01x02 - Rising Malevolence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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01x02 - Rising Malevolence

Post by bunniefuu »

The clone Starfleet
is under siege.

Dozens of Republic warships have been
destroyed in merciless surprise att*cks

that leave no survivors.

Rumors spread of
a terrible new Separatist w*apon.

In the face of growing fear,
the Jedi Council sends Master Plo Koon

to hunt down the menace
before it strikes again.

The enemy ship
has reduced its speed, General.

They must have realized
we are tracking them.

We're tracking three Republic cruisers.
What should we do?

Jam their transmissions.

The fleet is holding its position, sir.

I think it wise to report our position
before we attack.

Skywalker's fleet is nearby,
in the Bith system.

Good. Perhaps he can reinforce us.

From what I hear,
Skywalker's always ready for a fight.

So I've heard.

- Koh-to-ya, Master Plo.
- Koh-to-ya, little 'Soka.

How's the hunt
for the mystery w*apon going?

We've tracked it to the Abregado system.
We need reinforcements.

I'll have to ask the Council, Master Plo.

I was given strict orders
to protect our staging area.

Master Plo? What's...

What is wrong with the transmission?

There is too much interference, sir.
We've lost them.

You heard Master Plo.

He needs our support.
We have to go help him.

We have to see
what the Council decides first.

This is an important meeting, Ahsoka.

Remember, be mindful.
And speak only when spoken to.

Don't I always?

This mystery w*apon
has struck in a dozen systems

and disappeared without a trace.

We cannot afford to lose
any more ships, my friends.

Ah, Master Skywalker.
Have you had any success

in finding General Grievous'
secret w*apon?

Master Plo was here in the
Abregado system when we lost contact.

The enemy ship is closing!

Prepare for battle!

General Grievous, this will be
a suitable test for our new w*apon.

You may fire when ready.

Yes, my lord.

We're picking up a large energy reading
from the target, sir.

- Open fire!
- We're not in range yet, sir.


Brace for impact!

We're losing all our power!

That energy field has left us defenseless!

Their shields are down.

All cannons fire!

They're tearing us apart one by one!

Quickly! Into the pods!

We don't have much time!
Get inside! Hurry!

Another successful test,
wouldn't you say, Count?

We must keep our position secret.
Send out the hunters.

I want all of those lifepods destroyed.

We've had no further contact
with General Plo Koon.

The absence of distress beacons
indicates that his fleet was...

That his fleet was destroyed
like the others.

We are about to prepare a rescue mission.

Hasn't Clone Intelligence reported
this w*apon never leaves any survivors?

The Separatists are being unusually tidy.
They don't want any witnesses.

Tragic are these losses,
but prevent more we must.

The power grid is burned out.

We've no engine, communications, or...

Or life support recharge.

So, we'll just sit here and hold our breath.
Someone'll come looking for us, right?

Let's get the power restored
so we are here to be found.

All our battle groups will be reassigned
to guard our supply convoys,

including yours, Skywalker.

I'm afraid we can't risk any more ships
with a rescue mission.

Wait! Just because
there haven't been any survivors before

doesn't mean there won't be any this time.

Boldly spoken for one so young.

She is learning from Anakin.

Excuse my Padawan. We will deploy
as you have instructed, Master.


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could!
I don't understand why...

What you don't understand
is Jedi protocol.

Or your place, my young Padawan.

Admiral, we'll split up our ships
to maximize our defense area.

I'll scout ahead for enemy activity.

Isn't that risky
with the mystery w*apon out there?

It might be, but I know
you won't argue my orders.

Come on, Snips.

The air in here is getting
a bit stale.

Don't look at me. It's Boost, sir.
He only takes a bath when he's on leave.

Save it. Just keep working on the pod,
not your jokes.

Do you think we've got a chance, General?

I don't believe in chance, Commander.

I know if we work together,
we will stay alive,

and someone will find us.

With all due respect, General,

strategically, it doesn't make any sense
for someone to come look for us.

If I was in command,
I'd be hunting that w*apon down.

I value your life
more than finding that w*apon.

There's another pod out there!

If we only had power,
we could contact them.

Well, how about we just wave hello
when the viewport comes around?

They're dead!
Someone busted that pod wide open.

We are not alone out here.

Set those new coordinates, Artoo?

Master, I should tell you
why I spoke up before.

You don't have to explain anything.

Our ships are in defensive formation, sir.

All right, Commander.
I'll check on Anakin's progress.

Admiral, how goes escort?

Convoys are proceeding
on schedule, General.

No sign of enemy activity.

And where's Skywalker?

The General felt a redeployment
of this fleet

would increase our defensive perimeter.

I see. Thank you, Admiral. That will be all.

Problem, sir?

Anakin has just redeployed himself again.

Artoo, set up the scanner.
Modulate for incoming mystery weapons.

No. Artoo, tune the scanners for life forms.
Highest sensitivity.

Why would we scan for life forms

to spot an enemy w*apon
probably just filled with

battle droids?

The Abregado system?

Oh, so it's okay when you don't
follow what the Council says.

Doing what the Jedi Council says,
that's one thing.

How we go about doing it, that's another.

That's what I'm trying to teach you,
my young Padawan.

So you always meant
to come out here for survivors?

Lives are in danger, Ahsoka.
We can't just turn our backs on them.

That's what I said
back in the briefing room!

I know.
But the way you said it was wrong.

Hurry up. Switch on the illuminator.

We haven't got much time
before the fleet misses us.

No, that's not it.
This one goes there, that one goes there.

Are you sure?
We don't want to make things worse.

How are we gonna make things worse?

When you ask for trouble,

you should not be surprised
when it finds you.

I think trouble already
found us, sir.

What if we connect
these two wires right here?

I'm getting something.

This is pod 1977!
We are under attack! Is anyone out there?

It's one of our other pods!

I repeat, we are under attack!
Is anyone out there?

That signal is weak.
They must be close by.

They've locked on to our ship!
They've locked on to our ship!

Go get them, boys!

Our position is mark 12 at. 26.

Let's cut this can open.

I have visual contact.

Pod 1977, do you copy?

The droids are hunting
for survivors. They're cutting through!

There they go!

Things just got a lot worse.

The scanners are practically useless.

Got anything
on the emergency channel, Artoo?

Now, Ahsoka, we might find something
you don't want to find.

I know, Master, but I have to believe.

- How do you know Master Plo, anyway?
- He's one of my oldest friends.

It was Master Plo Koon who found me

and brought me to the temple
where I belonged.

Now he's lost,
so I thought maybe I could find him.

Incoming transmission, Master.
I think someone noticed we're gone.

Anakin, where are you?

Oh, hello, Master. We made a quick stop
in the Abregado system.

A rescue mission, I suppose.
You had other orders.

I was my idea, Master Obi-Wan.

Oh, I'm sure.
Well, have you found any survivors?

No. You were right.
The Separatists don't want any witnesses.

All the more reason for you
to rejoin the defensive escorts.

We need you, Anakin.

You're going to miss the rendezvous
with the fleet if you don't hurry.

I know, Master. We're on our way.

I'm sorry, Ahsoka.

What is it, Artoo?

Artooie thinks he's got something
on the emergency channel.

Can he trace it?

Let's get going.

I think they see us.

Corporal, there's another pod over there.

It is time to go.

Go? Where are you going, sir?
- Outside, to destroy the enemy.

I can withstand the pressure
for a brief time. Put your helmets on.

If you say so, sir.

This is a difficult situation,

but there remains a possibility
we will survive.

That's good enough for me.
Come on, let's go.

Wolffe, keep
the communications signal alive.

It is our only chance someone will find us.

Let's just hope someone's looking for us.

Are we still picking up that signal?

- Yes. But why aren't we finding anybody?
- I don't know, Ahsoka. I don't know.

Well, this looks like the last one.
Let's finish the job.

Hey, what's a Jedi doing out here?

Take cover!

Is anyone out there? This is Ahsoka Tano.
Can anyone hear me?

I can't get a clear shot!

Time to put the squeeze on them.

Is there anyone out there?
Come in!

This is Ahsoka Tano.
Is there anyone out there? Come in.

It's Ahsoka! She must be close!

Keep the signal alive, Commander.

Artoo, see if you can boost the reception.

Patience. We're trying to boost the power.
Hang on.

We're losing the signal!
The pod can't take much more damage!

Sinker! Your turn!
- I'm on it, boss!


What the...

Eat laser, clankers!


Sir, we have lost contact
with the pod hunter.

Perhaps some survivors
are putting up a fight.

That is something we cannot allow.

We must find a way
to destroy this mystery w*apon.

In this w*r, a step ahead of us
Dooku always seems.

Tell me, has there been any word
from Master Plo Koon or his fleet?

No. We must fear the worst.

Actually, I just received word that Anakin
has found the remains of Master Plo's fleet

and is searching the debris for survivors.

- On whose authority has he done this?
- His own, I'm afraid.

With his fleet out of position,
we are left vulnerable.

Oh, his fleet is right where it should be.

He's taken only a small ship
and his Padawan.

Twice the trouble they have become.

A reckless decision Skywalker has made.

Let us hope it is not a costly one.

Well, General, this is another
fine mess we've gotten into.

Your sense of humor is improving.

I don't mean to say I told you so,

but I never believed anyone
would come looking for us.

Anakin, the Council is furious.
Why have you left your post?

I decided we couldn't just give up
on Master Plo Koon.

A noble gesture, Anakin,

but the Council feels your daring
may put others in danger.

Please listen to me, Anakin.
Return at once.

Yes, Excellency.

Time to go, Ahsoka.

We have to stay.

Ahsoka, I want to believe
Master Plo's alive, but I just...

I know he's alive! I can sense it!


Sergeant, why are you so certain
no one is coming?

We're just clones, sir.
We're meant to be expendable.

Not to me.

- There they are!
- Ready tow cable.

Cable loaded, Master.

Come on, hurry!

Are you okay, Master Plo?

There's someone in the pod!

Will they be all right?

The pressure suits offer some protection,

but they require a medical frigate
for recovery.

I will stabilize them, sir.

Your men are safe now.

Tell me, were there any survivors?

We couldn't find anybody else.

The hunters must have destroyed the rest.

I'm sorry, Master Plo.

We tracked the mystery w*apon
to this system.

That is when we found out
it was an ion cannon.

An ion cannon?

A w*apon that neutralizes all power to
our ships, leaving the targets defenseless.

There's a massive vessel approaching.

Shut down the power systems
before they detect us!

The droid!

Sorry, little guy.

That is one big cruiser-crusher!

There's still no signal from the pod hunter.

Reduce speed and activate your scanners.
We will find who is responsible.

Hey, what's with the lights?

The power has gone out.
Maybe that ship has returned.

We should get up to the bridge.

You are too weak.
Let me go see what is wrong.

We're picking up a faint signal
from a droid.

Not one of ours. They're right behind us.

Move us into attack position!

They're coming back!

Are all the systems shut down?

Is there a problem, sir?

We forgot to shut off the medical droid!

We've got to get the power back on now!

Can I be of assistance?

No, thanks. Just get in the back
and take care of the clones.

That is my programing, sir.

Come on,
we've got to get out of here.

I know! I know!

Sir, the enemy is attempting
to flee through the debris field.

General, I don't want any witnesses.

Energize plasma rotors!

Artoo! Program the navicomputer.
Be ready to get us out of here!

You forgot. We turned him off.

Target range almost locked, sir.

They're not going to make it.

Artoo! Program the hyperdrive!

Anywhere! Hurry!

- Enemy ship targeted, General.
- Fire!


We're clear!

Now the Republic will learn
of our ion cannon.

Your failure is most unfortunate.

I will have to discuss this with my master.

Get back to work!

Roger, roger.
Roger, roger.

Thanks for getting us out of there
in one piece, General Skywalker.

You have my Padawan to thank for that.

She always said
you guys would pull through.

General Plo said
someone would come for us.

We're glad he was right.

Skywalker, it is time
to give our report to the Council.

Right, the Council report.

Come on, Ahsoka.

You want me there?
I figured because of before...

Ahsoka, through it all you never gave up.
You did a great job.

But if I'm getting in trouble for this,

you're gonna share
some of the blame, too.

- So, come on. Let's go.
- Right beside you, master.
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