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02x08 - Rendezvous Point

Posted: 11/16/21 08:55
by bunniefuu


♪ ♪


I know, I know!

But we can't leave until Doza says so.

♪ ♪

Hype! Any word from the captain?

No! But if you want
to get out of here,

why don't you ask him yourself?

Last time I did,
he nearly bit my head off.

Yeager, what's the word?

We're not gonna last out here
much longer.

I understand, Kaz.

Just hang in there
a little bit longer.

Captain Doza, our shields
will not hold for much longer.

We're running out of time, Captain.

[SIGHS] Where is she?

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

[GROANS] I can't shake this guy!

Torra, Hype, somebody...
I need a little help over here!

Sorry, Kaz!

Too busy trying to lose
these sleemos over here!


♪ ♪

I'm on it, Kaz!

[EXHALES] Thanks!

♪ ♪

Our shields are down to %.

And if we don't land the Aces now,

we're gonna start losing them.

Father, we can't wait for her
any longer.

All ships, fall back.
Prepare to jump to hyperspace.

♪ ♪


We found their signal beacon, Torch...

but that's definitely not
the Colossus.

♪ ♪


Not exactly the welcome party
we were expecting.

Let's give them a proper introduction.



♪ ♪



♪ ♪



Yes, I can see we're stuck
in their tractor beam.

♪ ♪


I wasn't showing off!

Besides, it's your job to make sure

we don't get caught in these things.

- You know what?

It doesn't matter now.

So how do we play this?
Like we did on Bakura?

Or like that time on Lehon?


Copy that. Playing dead it is.

♪ ♪


Easy, bucket-head!

Put your hands up now.

Break my ship, and you'll
have to deal with me.

And who might that be?

You first.

I'm the one in charge.

Retrieve her flight data recorder.

Perhaps where you've been

will tell us more about who you are.

Both the system and her droid
have been fried.

Looks like sabotage.

Huh. How did that happen?

We have other ways of
getting information out of you.

Take her to the detention bay.

♪ ♪

We should've jumped as soon
as the First Order showed up.

Instead, we got our thrusters
handed to us.


Come on, I'm sure Doza has a plan.

He brought us
to the Outer Rim to lay low,

and then he gave away our location

by activating that beacon!

I never said it was a good plan.


You have no idea
what my family's given up

to protect this platform.

You think my father's job is easy?

I'd like to see you do better.

- Torra!

Come... wait up!

Nice going, Kaz-tastrophe.

What did I do?


That's the X-wing pilot that
was looking for the Colossus.

I don't see how that concerns me.

[SCOFFS] I bet Doza lied to all of us

and has been working
with the Resistance

from the very beginning.

♪ ♪


Does she look familiar to you?

No. Why?

Forget I said anything.

♪ ♪


I've never seen Torra
like that, Neeku.

- She's acting strange.
- On the contrary.

Torra and Captain Doza
normally have a pattern

of unexplainable behavior on this day.

What are you talking about?

Every year, on this exact date,

they would leave Castilon

and travel to an undisclosed location.

This says their trips began
six years ago.


That's when General Organa
formed the Resistance.

Neeku, that's it.

I've got to speak to Doza!


This isn't like before, Torra.

The First Order's hunting us.

You saw how fast
they tracked our beacon.

But there's no answer on her comlink!

- I'm jumping back.
- Absolutely not.

It's too dangerous.

Captain Doza, Torra, we have to talk.

Not a good time, Kazuda.

I know you're trying
to contact the Resistance.

I can help.


how can you help?

I'm in the Resistance, remember?

I mean, I was never officially
sworn in, exactly, but...

Kaz, we're not looking
for the entire Resistance.

We're trying to find
one of their pilots.

My mother.

We need to talk.

I'm sensing this isn't
a "good job, Kaz" conversation?

Look, next time
you have a brilliant idea,

run it by me first.

And say nothing to anyone

about Torra's mother
being with the Resistance.

About that... how could you
know this entire time

and not tell me?

For the same reason I kept
your Resistance ties a secret:

the fewer people that know,
the safer it is.

Since you brought it up...

how exactly do you know
Torra's mother?

Venisa and I go way back.

We were both pilots for the Rebellion.

Didn't Doza fight for the Empire?

He did. Venisa got him to defect.

Those two were inseparable,

until the First Order started
building up their forces.

Doza refused to be part
of another w*r,

but Venisa was determined
to fight back.

She's as fearless as they come.

Sounds a lot like Torra.

[CHUCKLES] You have no idea.

♪ ♪

You're not an interrogator.

Did you get lost on your way
to the hangar?

I wanted to ask you a question.


Well, this isn't standard procedure.

Have we met before?

Hard to say.

You all look like clones
dressed like that.

Got a name, kid?

DT- .


a new recruit, right?

It's not too late
to get out of this, you know.

I can help you.

Look around.

I'm not the one who needs help.

Then some advice, pilot to pilot?

Watch your back.

Individuality isn't a trait
the First Order tolerates.

You're wrong.

They're helping me achieve
what I've always wanted.

And what's that?

♪ ♪

Just look at this thing.

I didn't know units like this
were still operational.

Yeah, well, it's not, is it?


Get this piece of garbage out of here.



♪ ♪


I'm not leaving
until you give me your name.

Fine, but first answer me this:

why are you with the First Order?

To help restore peace
and order to the galaxy.

Forget the lies
they've filled your head with

and tell me why you're really here.

What is it you want?

All they want is power.

You know this isn't where you belong,


How do you know my name? Who are you?

♪ ♪


My name is Venisa Doza.

Huh... Doza?

I believe you know my husband
and our daughter, Torra?



Perfect timing as always, Torch.






Come along, Bucket!

It is time for a well-deserved break

and an extra spicy blurrgfire
at Aunt Z's.


Going somewhere?


It's not what it looks like.

You're not disobeying orders

and going back to look
for your mother?

She might be in trouble.

I have to find her,
so don't try to stop me!

Well, I wasn't going to.

Poorly thought-out plans
are right up my alley.

I'm in. Let's go.

What? No! I can't let you do that.

Look, if my family was in trouble,

I wouldn't let anyone stop me
from helping them.

Believe me, I know how you feel.

Please, let me help you.

[SIGHS] I appreciate the offer, Kaz.

But... [SIGHS]


It's not just that I want to help her.

In fact, she probably doesn't
even need my help.

I just want to see her.

Today is...

What? What is today?

Well... [SIGHS]

Today's the one day I could
always count on seeing my mom,

and the three of us got to feel
like a family again.


my birthday.

♪ ♪



Using me as a hostage won't work.

You'll never get off this ship.

We are getting off this ship.

I am taking you home to the Colossus.

[SCOFFS] The Colossus
is no longer my home.

Look, my husband was once
on the wrong side too,

until he saw the Empire
for what it truly was.

Everyone makes mistakes, Tam.

My name is DT- ,

and you don't know a thing about me.

Look, I've been hurt myself.

Running away won't make it better.

This doesn't feel
like a shortcut, Torch.

I'd like to get out of here

before someone notices I'm gone.

Too late. Someone's noticed.

Drop your w*apon.
You're not going anywhere.


I said drop the blaster,
Resistance scum.


You didn't say please.

No one needs to get hurt.

If you surrender, the First Order

will grant you amnesty.

Mm, not really my style, or theirs.

Besides, he doesn't have the shot.

Unless he sh**t through you.

If I have to.


♪ ♪

Can't do it, can you?

Good. There's still hope for you.

The Resistance doesn't stand a chance.

- You're going to lose.
- Open your eyes.

Destroying planets of
innocent people isn't winning.

What would you know?
The New Republic was corrupt.

You're an enemy of the First Order...

Yes, I am.


Rucklin, the door!

Not the brightest star
in the system, is he?


That complicates things.

♪ ♪


What are you looking at me for?

Unlocking the doors is your job.


You're only making things
worse for yourself.

[SCOFFS] I've escaped
tougher spots than this.

- Don't worry about me.
- I'm not.

I'm worried about Torra.

You would be too
if you cared about her at all.


Torch, relax.

Look, leaving my daughter
behind wasn't easy,

but I'm doing this for her,

so she can live her life
in a galaxy at peace.

That's something
I'll never stop fighting for.

- There they are!


Ugh, can you believe
these bucket-heads?


Get down!

Torch! If you don't
get that door open,

you won't be "playing" dead!


♪ ♪


We need one of those TIEs.
What do you think?


Oh, like how we escaped Terex?

I like it. Go light 'em up.

♪ ♪



What the...

♪ ♪


We have an incendiary
incident in Bay .

♪ ♪

You know, I'm sure Yeager misses you.


You might not have realized it,

but he thinks of you
like a daughter, Tam.

Losing one was painful enough.

Then he should've trusted me.

We all make mistakes
we have to live with, don't we?

♪ ♪


Just go! Now!

Don't forget who you are, Tam.

Oh, and steer clear
of the hangar when you wake up.

Wake up?



♪ ♪

It's a diversion.

Lock down the hangar
and find that prisoner!

Stop that fighter!

♪ ♪


No! Wait!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪



You all good back there?


♪ ♪

You wanted to see me, Agent Tierny?

You were held c*ptive
by the prisoner, correct?

Yes. It was my fault she escaped.

Did the pilot reveal anything
as to her identity?

No. Nothing.

We'll find out soon enough.

The First Order has eyes everywhere.

Security will want a full
debriefing of your experience.

I suggest you cooperate
with their investigation.

[WHISPERING] This is gonna be great!

Everybody, keep it down!

- What's going on back there?
- Shh, shh, shh!

Why is everyone acting so suspicious?

ALL: Surprise!


[LAUGHS] Is that a... a gorg?

Yeah. Neeku helped me make it for you.

- Happy birthday, kiddo.

Uh, yeah, why didn't you tell us?

Oh, I-I just...

Come on, you're one of us.
Let's celebrate!

I didn't think you'd care.

Of course we care!

I mean, who else is gonna
help you eat this cake?

I-I don't know what to say.

Happy birthday, Torra.


Wait, where did that little...

Hey! Oh! Ooh, ooh, ow!

Get it off me! Get... get it off me!

Griff, I didn't know
you had a way with gorgs.

- I don't!
- I got you, Griff!

Get it off! Get...


Well, that was a fun surprise.

Here's the reality:

if the Republic continues
to ignore the threat

of the First Order,
we need to be ready.

Torra too.

She's a gifted pilot, Imanuel.

Training her is the best way
to protect her.

You know how strong-willed she is.

That's putting it lightly.


Look, the future's uncertain,

but we'll face whatever comes our way,

no matter how far apart we are

or how often we see one another.

What's important is we're a family,

and nothing can change that.


Watching that old recording again?

Oh, yes.

It... makes me feel better.

I miss mom too,

but it's like you told me
when I was very young.

The galaxy needs her right now,

and sometimes more than we do.

Besides, we still have
each other, Father.

Yes. Yes, we do.

♪ ♪