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02x02 - A Quick Salvage Run

Posted: 11/16/21 08:19
by bunniefuu
You hear about the new
T-S Sevens?

- They'll be out next cycle.
- Eh, I prefer the VE series.

Much more powerful,
in my opinion.

[comlink beeps]

Tam, it's Kaz.

If you somehow get this message,

I want you to know
I made a terrible mistake.

I lied to you about who I am

and why I came to the Colossus.

- Is that Kaz?
- I did it...

[gasps] Rucklin!

Don't sneak up on me like that,
you little creeper.

What are you thinking, Tam?

If they found out you're
withholding that comlink,

do you know what they'd do
to you?

You've got to turn that in.

And I suppose you'll
turn me in if I don't?

I'd have to.
Your friends lied to you.

Kaz, Yeager...
they used you.

You were their cover story.

Kaz kept you in the dark
about being a spy

and put you in danger
every single day.


So what are you going to do?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[percussive music playing]

[cup clatters]



Things have certainly gotten lively

since the pirates joined us.

Yes, they are a fascinating lot.

I find them quite interesting.

Hmm. I wonder if I would make
an adequate pirate?

[sniffs, coughs]




Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Let me buy you a drink.

Hey, Glitch, give me two.



Are you serious?
No more drinks?

You guys are running low
on everything.

Yes, it seems with the
current rate of consumption,

the entire platform
will soon run out

of all of our essential needs:
food, water, gorgs.

Mmm, gorgs.
Even fuel.

It's turning into a real problem.

Have you talked to the captain
about this?

Don't worry.

Where we're headed,

we should be able to refuel
and resupply.

Where exactly
are we going, Kaz?

I am, uh, not at liberty
to say just yet.

Okay, you can keep your secrets.

But if I can help in any way...

[shout, blow falls]



Um, sure thing, Synara.

[comlink chimes]

Kazuda here.

Kaz, come to the command deck.

There's a long-range

coming in for you.

Be right there, Yeager.

Ooh! Perhaps it is a message
from Tam?


Why would she contact you
if she went to the First Order?

I will refrain from comment.

You contacted her, didn't you?

I sent her a message
to see if she's okay.

Please don't tell anyone,

- I better get to command.
- Kaz.

If it is Tam,
can you still trust her?

I trusted you, didn't I?

♪ ♪

Yeager, where's
the transmission coming from?

No idea.
Secured frequency.

You'd better answer
before we lose the signal.

Father, you're alive!

You... you survived the attack
on Hosnian Prime.

Kazuda. My son.

Thank goodness you're safe.
Are you all right?

I'm fine, Father.
How are you?

Did... did the rest of the family
make it?

Yes. We were off-world
when the attack happened.

Your mother and I have been
trying to contact you

for days, Kazuda.

The galaxy is officially at w*r.

I know.

We're meeting
with the Resistance on D'Qar.

- You should join us.
- No, Kaz.

Get as far away from D'Qar
as you can.

I can't do that, Father.

People are counting on me.

You have no idea what
you've gotten yourself into.

The First Order identified you.

You put the whole family
in danger.

There are bounty hunters
who might be coming...

Father? Father!


Captain Doza, we are
approaching the D'Qar system.

Magnetic interference
is blocking all communications.

Approach with caution, D.

And scan the area when in range.

We don't know
what we might find.

Agent Tierny, these recruits
wanted to see you.

Um, Kaz...
Kazuda Xiono contacted me.

I am sure we can put this
to good use,

can't we, Commander Pyre?


You are dismissed, .

Thank you, sir.

♪ ♪

Scanning area for life signs.

I am not getting a response
from the Resistance base.

Just static.

Whatever happened, it looks
like they put up a fight,

and not that long ago either.

♪ ♪

This is Kazuda Xiono
of the Colossus.

Is anyone there?
Come in.

Commander Dameron,
please respond.

Commander Dameron?

General Organa?
Are you there?

Anyone, please respond.

I think we're too late, Kaz.

No. No, it's... it's gone.

The Resistance base...
it's been wiped out.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Kaz, this was a huge battle.

There's nobody left down there.

But if I know Poe,
I bet he and Leia

are on the other side
of the galaxy by now.

Yeager's right.
This entire area is compromised

and under First Order control.

We have to jump away,

Captain, now that the Resistance base

has been utterly obliterated,

we cannot replenish
our coaxium hyperdrive fuel.

We do not have the ability
to jump anywhere.

So how are we
going to find coaxium

in the middle of nowhere?

What about what's left
of that huge First Order ship?

If there's any power, I bet
there's coaxium to salvage.

That's actually a good idea.

If scans indicate
that no one is left,

we should send a team down
to investigate.

Yeager, we already have
the best salvage team around.

I hope you're not talking
about those pirates.

Trust me, Captain Doza.

They'll jump at the chance
to help us out, no problem!

[grunts, cheers]



Are you kidding me, boy?

Help you and that tyrant Doza?
What are we, his lackeys?

Yeah! We lackeys only take
orders from one tyrant,

Captain Kragan!

[blows falling]

Look, we have to work together
if we're gonna survive.

Doesn't that seem obvious?

- No. [laughs]
- Back off, Snarl.

If the First Order shows up
and we can't jump away,

we're all doomed.

Kragan, think
of all the weapons and tech

that are just sitting there,
ripe for the taking.

Hmm. All right, when
you put it that way...

- [chuckles] we will help.
- That's great!


But Doza is still going
to owe us, big time.

Commander Pyre, sir.

- We decrypted 's comlink, as asked.
- And?

We traced the signal back
to the Ileenium system, sir.

Huh. That's D'Qar.

Why would they go there?

We wiped out
their Resistance base.

Perhaps they don't know that.

It seems Tamara is becoming
quite the asset.

We shall see.

Set a course for D'Qar

and prepare all TIE squadrons
for battle.

I hope this isn't a waste
of my time, Tierny.

Attention, DT- .

Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny
would like to speak with you.

♪ ♪

Tamara, I wanted to
congratulate you personally.

Thanks to your intel,
we are now on the verge

of discovering the location
of the Colossus.

That's, uh, great news, sir.

I listened to the message
that Kazuda Xiono sent you.

It must have caused you
great pain and anger

to hear his heartless
admission of betrayal.

I can't imagine how
that would make you feel,

except to further enforce
that you chose the right side.

That's why I want to do
something special for you.

I want you to join me

and witness the price
of your friends' betrayal.

Do you not appreciate this, ?

Yes, of course.
Thank you, Agent Tierny.

♪ ♪

[engine rumbling]

That Dreadnought is massive.

I've never seen such a big ship.

♪ ♪

Looks like there's still power.

Bring us into the hangar
nice and easy, Valik,

and prepare to board.

Preparing to dock, Captain.

We need to get in and out fast.

The First Order could show up
any second.

♪ ♪


CB says the air supply
is running low.

We better hurry.

We go this way.
Follow me.

Yeah, follow him!


Let's salvage the place.

Grab that crate, Snarl.


I must say, I find your
life-choice most intriguing.

What is it like being a pirate?

We pillage and plunder mostly,

that sort of thing.

And salvage!
We love salvaging.

Ooh! May I try?

Come on, you sleemos,
stop lagging!

[clears throat]

Hey, I think I found
your coaxitate...

uh, coalixium...

co, uh, leery, uh...

- Coaxium?
- Ah, yes! That's it.

It's behind that door.


[electricity sparking]

[comlink beeps]

Neeku, get in here!

We found the hyperdrive
and the coaxium.


Neeku, what are you doing?

Being a pirate.

It is exhilarating.

Put that down, Neeku.
We need your help.


Oh, thank you, Kaz.

I never knew being a pirate
would be so much work.

Hmm. The hyperdrive was badly damaged,

but a reserve canister
of coaxium is still intact.

Thank goodness!

All right, let's grab it and go.

[canister beeping]

Hmm. Curious.

It is locked.

Okay, can...
can we unlock it?

It appears that these locks
are very sophisticated.

Well, I don't do sophisticated.

I'd rather do fast.

Who knows when the First Order
will arrive?

♪ ♪

Ah, there she is.

- Doza...
- [sighs] It was only a matter of time.

Kaz, are you there?

Yes, Captain.
I read you.

- We found the coaxium.
- Well done, Kaz.

Get back to the ship, now.

The First Order is here.

[dramatic music]

Commander, I've scanned
Kragan's Galleon

docked inside the Dreadnought.

It seems our pirate friends
are up to something suspicious.

Send the TIE battalion
to engage the Colossus.

[engines whirring]

Doza to Ace pilots.
Scramble your ships!

The First Order is engaging.

Repeat, the First Order
is engaging!

I need you to buy
our salvage crew some time.

[engines roaring]

All right, Aces, stay sharp,

or you'll end up joining
this junk field.

♪ ♪

Kazuda, do you read me?

We are engaging the First Order.

We will buy you some time.

I hear you, Captain Doza.
Give us five minutes.

CB- , can you burn through
that lock?


Uh... uh, pardon me, CB- ,

but before you proceed,
I would like to remind everyone

that coaxium will ignite
to catastrophic effect

if the following are applied:

shaking the coaxium,
releasing the coaxium,

heating the coaxium,

applying flame to the coaxium...

We don't have time for this.


Kragan, stop!

You'll blow us back
to Castilon! Stop!

Got to put muscle into it!

Fire on that wreckage.


[electricity sparks]


[both gasp]


[all sigh in relief]

[exhales] Too close.

Okay, let's get out of here
while we still can.

Use this junk
to your advantage, Aces.

What's the debris going to do?

We're outnumbered!

[all exclaiming]

Good catch, Neeku.


We're gonna get destroyed,

- and all you care about is more stuff?
- We're pirates!

We plunder.
It's what we do.

Everyone to the Galleon, now!

Doza's fighters and the pirates

won't escape us this time.

Blast that debris apart

and get in firing range
of the Colossus.

Aces, we have the coaxium.

Everyone, back to the Colossus!

You heard him, Aces.

[groans] These guys are good.

Yeah, because they're here
to destroy us, not to race.


- Synara, fire portside cannons.
- I'm on it.

Starboard cannons, fire!

- Take her in gently, Valik.
- [grunts] I'm trying!

Please don't explode!


You... you call that gentle?

♪ ♪

[comlink beeps]

We have the coaxium on board.

We're headed
to the hyperdrive chamber.

D, turn the ship
and calculate the jump.

Engaging thrusters, Captain.

♪ ♪

All right, Neeku.
[grunts] Work your magic.

I wish they would be so kind
as to stop bombing us

for one microsecond!

Where are you, Aces?
We're preparing to jump.

We're coming in now!

♪ ♪

First, I must remove
the smaller inner casing...

- ever so gently.
- Whoa, whoa, Neeku!

You said releasing it
was a bad idea.

Yes, we very well may all explode.

The platform is in motion.
We'll have to come in hot.

♪ ♪

[distant expl*si*n]

[explosions continue]

Do not breathe.

It's glowing brighter, Neeku.

♪ ♪

Captain, our shields
cannot hold for much longer.

What is taking so long?
We need to jump.

Hold on, Yeager.

You can't rush these things.


Commander Pyre, the Colossus
has lost their shields.

Wipe it out.


[electricity sparking,
alarm blaring]


[alarm beeping]

Hull damage in quadrant C.

Breach is imminent.

Kaz, where is my power?

[alarm beeping]

We're good to go, Doza.

D, get us out of here.

Yes, Captain.
Hyperspace jump initiated.

♪ ♪

[exhales softly]

We've only lost them temporarily.

Your help has been invaluable,
DT- .

I am sure that you will notify us

if Kazuda tries to reach out
to you again.

Of course.

Very good, cadet.
You are dismissed.

DT- .

- Your helmet.
- Yes, sir.

She needs to be conditioned, Tierny.

If she is not fully committed
to our cause,

she will quickly become expendable.

No. It is to our advantage
to keep Tamara as she is.

She is key to finding
the Colossus.

Good job with the coaxium, Kazuda.

I couldn't have done it
without Neeku and Synara.

- [beeps]
- And CB- .

My thanks to you all.

One thing still troubles me.

- What's that?
- If the First Order had

already wiped out that base, there'd
be no reason for them to return.

How did they know
how to find us?

We must have triggered something

- when we arrived at D'Qar.
- Maybe.

Let's take a wild guess

at how the First Order knew
we would be here, Kaz.

It couldn't have anything
to do with the message

you sent to Tam, could it?

That would mean
Tam gave us up,

and I refuse to believe
she would do that.

- As do I.
- Well... I wouldn't be too sure.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪