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03x02 - The Hex Files

Posted: 11/16/21 08:08
by bunniefuu
[All chanting]

[Soft music plays on radio]

- [Telephone rings]
- Judy: [Humming]

[Telephone rings]



What do you mean, where am I?

You called me on my home phone.

Yeah, I'm at home

carving butter into a chicken.


We're not meeting
for another minutes.

Okay, where in our sacred text

does it mention
daylight savings time, Lara?

It's a pointless western construct.

Okay, fine.

I'll be there.

Okay, I'm here,

technically early
based on guy's natural...




[Exhales sharply]

Three bodies burnt to a crisp...

nothing else is.

Not the chairs. Not the table.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


If you could teach a gorilla

to use a snake as a bull whip...

Not thinking that.
I am not thinking that.

Fleming: Excuse us.

Who's supposed to be
in that fourth chair?

[Eerie music plays]

Uh, I'm sorry.

This is a closed crime scene.

Special Agent Fleming.

This is my partner,
Special Agent Nesbit.

We're with the Bureau.


The New Hampshire State Bureau
of Paranormal Phenomena.


- You've heard of us?
- No.

But that's what it would be called.

Evie: Uh, I-I'm sorry.

How did you find out about this?

Willard's Mill has been
on our radar for a while.

You're aware that in ,

people were burned
at the stake for witchcraft

by a constable named Thaddeus Eccles?

Oh, we're aware. [Laughs]

Fleming: And now, three people,

clearly in the middle of
a ritualistic ceremony,

are all turned into charcoal.

Clearly, there's
a scientific explanation.

We just haven't found it yet.

She's the skeptical one.

That's sort of our dynamic.

It's funny, I'm also skeptical.

Evie: Uh, why have I never heard of you?

Fleming: Well, have you ever
heard of the horseshoe bat?

- What?
- The horseshoe bat.

- It's indigenous to Europe.
- No.

It's very rare.

It's known for its nose,

which is in the shape of a horseshoe.


So it's possible for things to exist

despite the fact that
you've never heard of them.

- Touché.
- Nice to meet you, Touché.

- No, I was...
- I know.

- Okay.
- Nesbit: First thing's first.

Were there any witnesses?

Well, there's these three...

Why don't you go
put on that other glove?

I'll be in the patrol car.

It takes a while

because he takes off that glove

to put on the other glove.

And then he takes off that glove

to put on the other glove.

And then, he takes off that glove

to put on the other glove,
and then he...

[Telephone rings]


Evie: Yeah, hey, Stan. It's me.

- That it?
- No!

Have you ever heard of the, uh...

the New Hampshire State Bureau
of Paranormal Phenomena?


- Yeah!
- No.

But that's what they'd be called.

I'll talk to you later.

Could yo...

[Receiver clicks]

If you want to defeat evil,

find a bigger evil.

And let a little in.

That's what the man said.

So you're a member of this...?

- Black Hat Society.
- Shh!

As of today,

I am the last member
of the Black Hat Society.

What if he's still out there?


Constable Eccles!

It had to have been him.

And if he knows the truth about me,

and that I survived...

What's the truth about you, Judy?


I'm a direct descendant
of Eudora Bishop,

the founder of the Black Hat Society.

Constable Eccles must've known
that we were getting close.

- Close to what?
- To Haurus!


We're drawing too much attention.

You need to leave.

I just want to carve
my butter into a chicken

like anybody else.

So go.

- Oh, it's actually... I-I think...
- Uh...

- Did I not pass the sink when I came in?
- No, no, no. It's...

- I'm pretty sure we came in this way.
- Judy: Oh, my God!

Have you never been in a house?!

This way. This way.

[Chuckles scornfully]

[Door closes, lock engages]

Okay, so who's Haurus?

I know where we can find out.

So are you, uh...?



No. No. No.

Stan, this is Special Agent Fleming

and Special Agent Nesbit.

New Hampshire State Bureau
of Paranormal Phenomena.

Evie: We have a lead on something,

but we need more information.

So we need access to Claire's room.

Gosh, I'd love to help you,
but today's a very, very bad day.

What happened?

Well, things were goin' along

pretty swimmingly, actually.

And there was a knock on the door.

And when I opened it,

it was a whole pack of jackasses.

We could come back with a warrant...


A warrant! [Laughs]

[Laughing] That's so...

That's funny.

That's hilarious.

Humor is so important in America.

We're coming in.

Saw a hummingbird by your mailbox.

Oh, sh**t me.

Now, uh, if you guys are staties,

how come I ain't never heard of you?

We're a top-secret
organization, Mr. Miller.

The people who do know about us

are under orders to deny our existence.

No, I ain't buyin' it.
Or that shade of red.

Mr. Miller, I'm gonna have
to ask you to believe me.

Well, I don't wanna believe.

Stan, what's goin' on in here?

This is none of my business,

but it looks like you're researching

the exact same thing we are...

a powerful demon
subject to a conjuring spell.

You're right.
It is none of your business.

Go sew a sweater. Go on.

[Cellphone rings]

[Clears throat]


Yes, sir.

That was Assistant Director Dietz.

He wants to know why
we're not in Stratford County

investigating those crop squares.

Crop squares?

Yeah, they're doing squares now.
You didn't hear that from me.

Denise: It worked!

It worked, Dad!

You can make Jell-O out of wine!


[Gasps] Hello...

Leon: Special Agents Fleming, Nesbit,

this is Denise.


You're like, a strong, powerful
female authority figure.

You don't see that every day.

Uh, hello?

I said "hello"
when I walked in the room.

I really love your suit
and your sensible heels.

Wanna see my room?


Yes. No.

Wait a minute. What about this?

"And there be no greater evil
than the mighty Haurus."


"Commander of Hell's Legions."

Fleming: Nice work, Sheriff.

Mind if I take this?

And look at it here
and then leave without it?


You're on the clock there, Biff.

Ticktock. Ticktock.

- Ticktock. Ticktock.
- This is going very well.

Tick, tick, ticktock. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Nesbit: Like most government
agents, I'm also a doctor.

This is the head.

[Metal clanking]

How is it that you guys are able

to just walk into a building
and perform an autopsy?

[Whispering] The trick is to
bring your own rubber gloves.

These bodies all burned hotter
at their core.

The bone joints are practically fused.


Meaning, they were cooked

from the inside out.

Whatever they were doing,
someone wanted it stopped quick.

There's also a logical explanation...

spontaneous combustion.

It's rare, but not without precedent.

On three people?

All at once? Come on.



What is it?

Well, it's just something Judy said.

"If he knew the truth about me,
if he knew I survived."

I mean, if she's that
afraid, why stay there?

Why not run?

If she plans on continuing
with the ceremony

and summoning that demon,

she could expose herself to more danger.

Even though I'm sure

there's some sort of
scientific explanation

kind of, you know, thing, science.

Judy's got a secret.

[Chuckles] Every Judy does...

In my experience.


You guys ever been on a stakeout?

- Psh.
- Psh.

- Have we ever been on a stakeout?
- Have we ever been on a stakeout?

[Laughs] Seriously, have you?

[Exhales sharply]

[Chanting in foreign language]



Make eggs for me.


Whatever k*lled the other
members of the covenant,

looks like your friend Constable Eccles

may be looking to finish the job.

Yeah, or Judy feels her only hope

is to complete the ceremony

and summon Haurus
in order to protect her.

- Exactly.
- Or none of the above

because demons don't exist.

We literally just had a case

when you were att*cked

by a shape-shifting human-owl hybrid.

What's it gonna take, Nesbit?

Did it have a beak?


[Chanting in foreign language]

Man: [In distance] You ever hear
of freedom of the press?

It's my job to inform the public.

Stan: Who is that?

The guy from the paper.

Ugh, that suit!

Ah! Like talkin' to a tree!

Nosy reporters.

- You want a pie? I have two.
- No.

But boy, I used to really love
those things.

And then one day, I bit into one

and I found a Band-Aid.

I was kidding.

I'll have that one.

[Knocks on window]


Why are you spying on us?

Who said I was?

- I did.
- When?

- Just now.
- All right, thanks.

If you wanna know what's going on,

come with me.


Don't eat my pie.


I'm Superman.


[Inhales sharply]

[Exhales sharply]


Nesbit: Mr. Miller,
if you don't mind my asking,

what were you looking for
in that library?

Yeah, Stan. That's not like you.

I can read the books
in my own house there, Barret.

Fleming: Don't take this the wrong way.

It's not often we work with people

who understand what we do,

who will believe us when we tell
them not only does Sasquatch exist,

but there are about of them

created by the government

to scare hikers away
from military black sites.

- Really?!
- Really?!

Totes to the max.

Judy: [Breathing heavily, chanting]

[Exhales sharply]



Let me just make sure I'm getting this.

You're telling me that the
Moon landing was faked?

No, I'm telling you the Moon is fake.

The landing was real.

It was filmed on a
soundstage in Vermont.

Well, now, wait a minute.

I'll buy the Moon is fake.

But there's no way there's
soundstages in Vermont.

[Cellphone buzzes]


Uh, no, I can't go apple
picking right now.

Mr. Miller, how did
your daughter get my number?

How does she not drown in a rainstorm?

I got my own questions there, lady.

Well, looks like Miss Bishop
may be in for the night.

Wanna grab a beer?

Let me go ahead

and put this right out front
there, Fenwick...

Still don't trust you.

Trust no one, Mr. Miller.

Oh, yeah.

Well, if you want me to not trust you,

then now... I do.

Damn it.


[Refrigerator door creaks]


Not my butter chicken.

[Exhales sharply]

[Door creaks]

[Door shuts] [Growling]



I am making a scrapbook for Agent Nesbit

so she will always remember

her time here in Willard's Mill.

Way to go.

Way to go.

- Geez. God.
- Denise: [Gasps]

Denise: [Breathing shallowly]

Why are they still here?

Those agents don't belong
in Willard's Mill.

I thought this was your town.

Get rid of them.

I've got an idea.

You stay here.

Denise and I are gonna go
in the other room.

Wait for it.

Then we're gonna go outside.

We're gonna lock all the doors.

And then we're gonna
burn the house down.

Do ya love it as much as I do?

Here, have a beer.

Cool yourself off.

[Crickets chirping]

We came back in, well, Judy was gone.

Did Denise see anything?

Well, she saw a lot of stuff,

but you smell a lot
of glue scrapbooking.

Where is she now?

Downtown getting more glue.

Hey. Check this out.

I did a little deep dive
at the county records office.

Remember Judy said her ancestor's
name was Eudora Bishop?

Well, before settling in Willard's Mill,

Eudora traveled the Himalayas,

where she claims she encountered

a "Hindu demon named Kumbhakarna."

When she came back, she claimed
this entity appeared to her here.

In western theology,

the Kumbhakarna, also known as "Haurus,"

- was the commander of Hell's Legions.
- You're right.

According to the legend,

Kumbhakarna, or Haurus,
needs a human host.

Like Merv Griffin?


Like, it needs a human body to survive.

- Like Merv Griffin.
- Okay, it could've been Merv.

In this case,
I think it's probably Judy.

Since Judy is part of
Eudora's bloodline,

were she to cast the proper spell,

she could summon Haurus
back to our plane of existence.

Right. But that can only happen...

here it is...

"At Bishop's Chapel
beneath the midnight moon."

See that is the missing piece

that the Black Hat Society didn't have

because Judy wasn't there to tell them.

There is not Bishop's Chapel
in Willard's Mill.

I know that because of science.


Bishop Chapel Tires!

Big, big factory built
on the site of the old chapel.

Of course, it's abandoned now

on account of people
don't use tires anymore.

Yes, they do.

And now, Biff, that's...
you're trespassing.

Just let him have it, okay?

I think we know
where Judy's headed, right?

Come on. Come on.

Oh, no.

[Eerie music plays]

Evie: [Whispering] Stan, wait up.

I got to tell you something...

Well, if you're wondering
about the whole

"People don't use tires
thing anymore"...

- No! That's not it...
- it's based on an article I read

- in "Popular Mechanics".
- No, listen! This is important!

You know what, forget it.
I'll tell you later.

Any sign of Judy?

This place is big, dark, and dangerous.

Let's split up into small,
vulnerable groups.

You know, I don't think
that's gonna do much

to stop this Haurus.

Oh, yeah?

Well, it doesn't need to.

Nathaniel Ignatius Fleming!

That's right!

Nathaniel Ignatius Fleming
and Marion Nesbit Fleming

accused, tried, and convicted,

and burned at the stake
for witchcraft in .

Well, well, well,
Stan-erooney was right again!

I saw it in your eyes.

You know, we can't touch you

if you're in the middle
of a circle of salt.

That's right!

You're now safe from any spell or action

we could take...

Oh. Oh, no.

But these still work. Mm.

[Laughs nervously]

Oh, you actually, um...

He actually...

I guess you got me!

Stan: So what happens now?

You k*ll us and Constable Eccles
gives you a commission?

Something like that.

But first,

you're gonna help us stop someone

do something very foolish.

Judy: Marion. Nathaniel.

It's time... It's time to go.

One minute 'til .

You're an hour early, Judy.

It's not...


Haurus mustn't be allowed access
to this mortal plane.

It's far too powerful of an entity.

[Wind blowing]


What's happening?

You ever...

You ever hear of

a dirty little government conspiracy

called "daylight savings"?



It's midnight, guys.

[Deep voice] I said it's time!

To go!


[Distorted screams]

[Distorted] No!



See ya, Judy.

[Exhales sharply]


Why didn't it hurt us?

He was protecting us.

Stan, whatever that thing is...

I think it might be more powerful

than Constable Eccles.

I know.

[Man whistles]

Man: In the files of the New
Hampshire State Government,

you will find no record

of a Department of Paranormal Phenomena.

Bishop's Chapel Tires
has been marked for demolition.

And Beauty Time Hair Products

has since discontinued
autumn orange number four.