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05x06 - One Heart

Posted: 11/16/21 07:38
by bunniefuu





JERRY: Open wide, Glass-wipe!

This one's comin' at ya!

Hey, Jerry!

You haven't driven anyone
home since junior prom!


Whoo! You tell him, Glassy!



Whoo! Whoo!



GLASSMAN: Lea, what are you doing here?

Is Shaun all right?

He's fine. Basically.


Well, he's been trying to reach you.

You missed your tux fitting.

Are you here to take my measurements?

Shaun is really struggling right now.
He's been calling you.

Struggling? Really?

You came all the way out here to Montana

because he's struggling?

Wasn't he struggling over the...
the billboard thing, right?

Turns out, he didn't
need me at all, did he?

So you figure he's
never going to need you?

What are you gonna do?
Run away? Stay here?

I'm not running away.

I'm hitting . ,
batting cleanup for the Devil Dogs.


JERRY: Yo, Doc!
We're just headed to the Stick & Steak.

You and your friend coming with?

My friend was just leaving,
but I'll be right there.

Shaun's fine. You're fine. I am fine.

I'll call him tonight. Go home.

SHAUN: Lea is on a business trip.

She's gone until Sunday,

which means I can spend the weekend

reviewing the latest case reports.

I can't allow that.

Morgan's on call this weekend.

You and I are going out...
pizza and a movie.

Two de facto bachelors
looking for trouble.

I don't like loud movies. Or trouble.

We'll pick a quiet one.

Or olives, mushrooms, or anchovies.

But other than that,

that sounds like a lot of fun.

Unstable level one trauma.

-year-old male, fell feet

- from scaffolding.

Massive head trauma, multiple fractures.

BP is over palp.

- You go.
- Bilateral tib-fib injuries.

Femur fracture of the right thigh.

Belly is distended, tense, and bruised.

He has internal bleeding.

He's lost % of his blood volume.

Apply pressure to the open wound.

He's O-neg. We need six units

and a rapid infuser, stat.

There's too much blood
in his abdomen to see.

We need a portable CT before...

- He's in respiratory failure.

Crash intubation tray!



Playing helps with
attention, working memory,

and processing speed.


I can make the clinic profitable.

A woman in my barre-cardio class

is the health insurance
manager for a media company.

They're looking for another
health provider.

Could mean , insured
clients if we win the contract.

Give me her name and I'll get it done.

I'd like to close the deal.

And then, I would like full
control of the clinic and its budget.

Holding onto your leverage. Smart.

Let's see what you can do.


Severe brain contusions.
Multiple rib fractures.

Blood in the right pleural space.

He has a massive hemoperitoneum.

Grade five liver lac.
Spleen is pulverized.

Lumbar spine fractured.

Right kidney's unsalvageable.

Pressure's falling,
and he's maxed out on vasopressors.

Try T.X.A.

Is he an organ donor?

I don't know, but it's not relevant,

because I am not going to let him die.


Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Attention on the concourse,

this is your final boarding call.


- Dr. Park?
- PARK: Hi, Val.


We've got a patient in the ER
who's severely injured,

and he's O-negative.

And the heart?

Seems to be healthy.

The patient is an adult,
but not a big guy.


Do you think it'll fit Ollie?

I think so.

But I need you to bring him in

for another CT to be sure.

W-we're just about to leave
for Ollie's Make-A-Wish trip.

We've got a cardiology team

and a very accommodating paleontologist.


And other hearts have fallen through.

This trip won't happen again.

Not with the amount of time he has left.


Should we get on this plane, or not?

Bring him in.


We managed to slow your son's bleeding,

but Brandon has a lot
of internal injuries,

so we won't know the full
extent until we look inside.

Do you have any questions?


- You've been very clear.

We're ready to move him
to the operating room,

so I'll find you when I know more.

Can I talk to my son?

Before the surgery.

I'm sorry, uh,

he's been unconscious since his fall.

I-I promise, I will take you to see him

as soon as he's out of surgery.

After vision and hearing exams,

I'll do a full
occupational health screen.

And I would do that for
every one of your employees.


Rest your chin here, please.

Cucumber water is a nice touch, too.

Never had this test before.

You don't wear glasses.

Most places wouldn't
bother with this test.

- Hmm.
- Do you see a dot anywhere?

Yep, right in the middle.

Where's the dot now?


Nothing in the upper left corner?


How about now? Upper right?



It seems like you have deficits

in your peripheral visual fields.

According to this test,
you're going blind.

It's an optic nerve tumor.

A craniotomy could get rid of it all,

but it'd stop the blood
supply to the optic nerves,

and she'd still go blind.

An endoscopic endonasal approach

would avoid those blood vessels.

She'd keep around % of her vision.

I need to do better than %.

Is this about the client,
or the big fat contract

she might bring to your clinic?

Glassman's basically gone.

I see a vacuum. I want to fill it.

I thought you wanted to be a doctor.

Last week, you told me
I shouldn't expect you

to become more ambitious.

The reverse is also true.

This could clear the tumor

proton beam radiotherapy
with a synchrotron accelerator.

It's experimental.

Never been done on an optic nerve tumor.


Got to go.


That's the last piece of this kidney.

LIM: Hemoglobin's .

I don't like his BP, either.

I can't fix this liver lac
without risking a major bleed.

We're almost out of O-neg.

Isolate the vascular pedicle.


You know, his dad's in the waiting room.

Think there might be
some unresolved issues.

if we can get Brandon through this,

maybe they'll make amends.

My dad and I set aside
a lot of our issues

after his cancer diagnosis.

Maybe my dad will get
cancer and we can bond.

You know, other than one letter,

I haven't heard from him in five years.

What did it say?

Don't know. Never opened it.

Oh! We need more suction and laps.

- Where's it coming from?
- There.

His vena cava ruptured.

Clamp it and pack all four quadrants.

SALEN: Crickets are high in protein.


Marcus, my needs are simple.

- You gotta smell good.
- Oh.

You gotta know I love my work,

and I'm not gonna apologize for it.

And you absolutely gotta be up
for trying new things.





So, how is your newest thing
coming along?

Our hospital.

A few problems in radiology.

We're spending too much in the pharmacy.

And how well do you know John Colson?

Head of Pediatrics?

Good doctor, good administrator. Why?

He won't sign his Ethicure
employment agreement.

Don't know if I can afford to lose him,

and I don't know if I can afford
to keep him for what he's asking.

You signed your Ethicure
contract without any pushback.

What sold you?

I'm up for trying new things.

How do I get one of
those hats in my size?

Dr. Park!

I knew you'd find me a new heart.

Uh, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

But first, how do we get ready

for a dunk in the giant donut?

With a little donut?

(GASPS) Jelly?

You rock.



When are you gonna stop stalking me?

When you agree to come back to San Jose.


It's his patient satisfaction scores.

How bad?

Is his job at risk?

Well, no.


Because I omitted some of his
negative reviews to bring his scores up.

You did what?


There's no way this was Shaun's idea.


He... He didn't even
want me to talk to Salen.

Did he agree to this?
Does he even know about it?


So, instead of telling him,
you decided to come see me?

When did you get so unethical
and condescending?

You're infantilizing him.

These scores,

the way Salen runs the hospital,

this could really hurt him.

Hurting him any more than
you're hurting him right now?

I kn... I know.


So, what do you want me to do?

You want me to go back to San Jose

and co-sign your crap?

- This isn't about me.
- It is.

- It's about Shaun.
- It's about you.

It's your fiance.

Your responsibility. Your mess.

Go home.

And clean this up.




SHAUN: No leaks.

The graft is holding and
the bleeding is stopped.

LIM: We still have to deal
with his brain edema.

How's his intracranial pressure?


It's even higher than it was
before we started surgery.

Run an EEG.


ASHER: Slow waves.

Burst suppression pattern.

Minimal activity.

He's in a coma.

Brandon is in a coma.

We're trying to relieve
the pressure on his skull

to try to help his brain recover.

And how long will that take
for it to recover?

It's... It's hard to say.


What's more likely,
given the extent of his injuries

is that it won't.

And he will progress to brain death.

I thought about calling him this week.

So we could work through some stuff.

Yeah, those are...


...tough calls to make.

We haven't talked in about two years.

Since he dropped out of Annapolis.

Instead, he was gonna be a


Your dad must be very proud of you.


He wanted a rabbi.

A st-straight rabbi.

I failed at both,

so he disowned me.


I really need to talk to my son again.

We're trying everything
we can to make that happen.

Knock, knock.

Did you see the proposal I
sent you about Nira's treatment?


Very ambitious.

And also quite expensive.

If the proton beam
radiotherapy is successful,

we'd save % of Nira's vision.

We'd definitely win
the company's contract.


Reasonable medical decision.

Bad business decision.

The cost of the equipment and treatment

is several hundred thousand dollars more

than the value of that contract.

You have a perfectly
acceptable treatment

that's FDA approved,
covered by her insurance,

and saves her life

while preserving % of her vision.

I'm fairly certain that's all you
need to secure the contract.

Our client deserves to know
all of her options.

You're her doctor.

Do what you think is right.

But our deal only stands

if you make the clinic profitable.

It's gonna fit like
a heart-shaped glove.


Let's see how much excess
fluid you're lugging around, Ollie.

OLLIE: Well? No salt
and no soda all week.

And did you know the brontosaurus had

a -pound heart?

Imagine what that sounds like.

Probably like "ka-boom, ka-boom!"


Check this out.

It's my new lucky charm.

It's a triceratops toe.


It's, uh, million...


...years old.

Is your chest hurting, Ollie?



I need a nurse and the ECMO team, stat!

Oh, this doctor in Boston used

an external drain to
lower pressure in the brain.

Never mind. The patient died.

Well, maybe we can try
to relax brain pressure

with a hemicraniectomy.

He wouldn't survive that surgery either.

Made any progress with your patient?

Not yet.

H-Have you discussed
organ donation with his family?


In his fragile state,
his organs won't last long.

Shaun, this is a tragedy
no matter how it ends.

You are breaking the rules.

My patient is getting weaker
by the minute.


An organ recipient's doctor

is not allowed to communicate
with a potential donor's doctor.

I am talking to you as a friend.

You can't save everyone.

If your patient is gone,
let me save mine.

Go away, or I will report you to UNOS,

and you'll lose your
transplant privileges.

Hey, Shaun. You're late.

(SIGHS) Yeah, the plane
was late and cramped

and devoid of refreshments,
and I'm starving.

You ready to get some pancakes?

I need to fix my neurophysiology test.

Okay, well, uh, great.

- Can we do it while we eat?
- No.

I answered this one correctly.

- Check my work.
- I understand that it's not...

- Check my work.
- Not a perfect score, but...

Check my work, please. Check it.

- Question .
- Okay, okay.

- (SIGHS) Yeah.

It should be A, but, uh,
it could also be C.

But the internal
carotid arteries branch.

It is worded a little strangely.

I would have gotten it wrong, too.

Yes, Professor Fontaine is wrong.

You need to tell him that.

I'm not gonna tell a professor

to rewrite his test question.

But he is wrong about how blood flows

into the supratentorial brain!

So what, Shaun?

It's just a test, and I'm starving!

You go eat.

I'm going to see my professor.


The internal carotid arteries.

I don't see any issues in that area.

You wouldn't, if there is
a very small dissection

hidden by all the swelling
and other damage.

Stents could increase circulation

to his supratentorial brain,
which might wake him up!


I found a surgery.

It's not only going to remove the tumor

from behind your eyes,
it will also be able to save...

... % of your vision.

(WEEPING) Oh, thank you.

LIM: There it is... a tiny tear in
the carotid. Good catch, Dr. Murphy.

But there's a clot.

The stent could expand the clot,

which could k*ll him.

SHAUN: Not if we break up the clot

with therapeutic heparin.

We'd be risking major bleeds
in all his organs.

If we don't give him heparin,
he will end up brain dead.

During my residency,

we had a woman die on the table.

Healthy organs, no contact info.

No one was saved that day

because we didn't know
if she was a donor.

ASHER: I thought we weren't
supposed to consider

organ recipients when treating patients.

We're not.

Right up until the point where
what we're doing is futile.

SHAUN: It is not futile.

This has a % chance of helping Brandon.

Start the heparin drip.

I'm sorry, Val.


My boy spent his entire life
in hospitals.

Getting poked and tested

and promised things that never came.

And all I wanted was to
give him just one perfect day.


Just one.


WOMAN: Here's your hot mocha.

DR. ANDREWS: Dr. Colson.

Glad I ran into you.

Let me get this.
I got a favor to ask you. My usual.

In that case, I'm having a muffin.


You know, my friend Joanne,
she flew in from Seattle.

You got a minute to chat with her,

give her the lay of the land?

She's sitting right over there.

She's interviewing for your job.

She's a great pediatrician.

I'm not sure what you heard,
but I'm not going anywhere.

Wait... Uh, thank you.

I... Oh, I'm sorry.

I heard that you were moving on.

No, just renegotiating.

I thought...

I have to go.

Thanks for the muffin.

Excuse me.

Is this seat taken?

Your patient is in multi-organ failure.

Yes, w-we are treating him

with plasma and platelets to increase...

He has clots forming
on his heart valves,

which means his heart is no
longer an option for my patient.

Okay, you are not supposed to look at

my patient's medical records.

It is a violation of policy.

I wanted to see if his heart
was still an option.

Your Hail Mary surgery
didn't save your patient,

and it just k*lled mine.

Professor Fontaine said
my answer is wrong.

I'm sorry to hear that, Shaun.

I'm going to talk to the dean.

You need to come with me.

You're gonna go over
the head of your professor?

That might cost you more
than two percentage points.

He is wrong.

Well, he might be.

Then, why...

I got you something, Shaun.

Pick one.

Mm, I don't care about these things.

Okay, I'll pick one for you.

I don't do embroidery.

You can learn.

It's good practice for your sutures.

Sometimes bad things happen, okay?

Sometimes even unfair things happen.

You know that better than anyone.

And sometimes you gotta let them go

and focus on the next thing,
the next challenge.

Are you not coming with me
to see the dean?


You said you would
always be there for me,

to help me.

I am.

Go if you need to go.

I'll still be right here.


We need to talk to Brandon's father!

I think we can save Brandon's heart.

We can use an embroidery technique.

In the s, Alexis Carrel
perfected vascular suturing

using embroidery.

If we treat his valves
like blood vessels,

we might be able to repair them.

You can save my son?


We can only save his heart.

For d-donation.

It's time to let go.

My son is not dead.

Only because of what we're doing to him,

but he will be very soon.

It is futile.


I nee... I-I need to talk
to my son again.

I-I need to tell him...

...s-so much. I...

I understand. It's too late.

No, it's not.

Not for that.

Talk to him.

Say goodbye.

If something needs to be said,
it should be said.

MORGAN: Here you go.

Everything's so blurry.

That will improve.

But the tumor was more complicated

than the imaging showed.

We were only able to
preserve % of your vision.

I'm so sorry, Nira.

Don't apologize.

You saved my life.

I would be blind or dead if you
hadn't found that tumor. It's...

I should run some
vision tests on you now.

I will go get those prepped.



Remember when I bought you
that ham radio?

Whenever I was stationed overseas,

we would send each other
messages in Morse code.

You picked that up so quickly...

But... (LAUGHS)


you sent me that message saying

that you wanted to be a rock star.

And I, um...

I shot it down.

Everything you wanted changed.

I didn't understand it. I...

I didn't know how to help you.

I had a path laid out,

and you didn't want to follow it.

I thought you were rejecting me, s...


And now I know,

you were just becoming your own man.


Goodbye, Brandon.

I love you, son.

♪ There's a longing inside of my chest ♪

♪ For what could have been ♪


♪ The weight is heavy, ♪

♪ Tell the sender That I'm ready ♪

♪ To see you ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ I know I'll see you
on the other side ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ I know I'll see you
on the other side ♪

♪ The other side ♪

♪ Holding on now to memories ♪

♪ That won't let go of me ♪

♪ Reminding me that you're gone ♪

♪ And I'm the one that can't breathe ♪

♪ I can't breathe ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ I know I'll see you
on the other side ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ I know I'll see you
on the other side ♪

♪ The other side ♪

Can I?

No, thank you.

People have always tried to
accommodate for Shaun's differences.

Compensate, overcompensate...

I don't need another lecture.

- I was one of those people.
- Mm.

It took me forever to get
to where you started.

Right, it's so easy for me.

It is.

You always treated Shaun like a person

instead of a problem.

You always saw Shaun.

Why did you stop doing that?

You left.

So, what? So you panicked?



I don't... I don't know. It's...

We're getting married,

and he's not always easy,

and I'm pretty much always a screw-up.


It's just... It's too much.

No, it isn't.

B-But you've always
been there to back me up.

You don't need me anymore.

You're kind and you're patient.

You're resilient as all get-out.

You're the right person for Shaun.

Shaun's the right person for you.

If you can just trust that,

you will have the most perfect,

imperfect marriage.

I kind of feel like
hugging you right now.


You don't need me.


There's something I want you to hear.


- Ka-boom!

Sounds like a -pounder.

No, no, no.

This is your lucky charm.

Yes, yes, yes.

I don't need it anymore.



You wanted to see me?

Make yourself at home.

This is Dr. Glassman's office.

You've earned it.


I found a very interesting documentary

about the science of storm clouds.

We should watch that tomorrow night.

I'd like that. I'll bring the pizza.


No olives, no mushrooms,
no anchovies, right?


Because they don't taste good.

Is this payback?

No, a gift.

Worms have more protein than crickets.



Then I'll take another.

I feel like celebrating.

Colson suddenly lost
interest in playing hardball

and signed his employment agreement.


I assume you had
something to do with it?

Glad I could help.


You smell good.

You coming?

I came to give you this.

It's where Brandon's organs went.

A secretary who's a single mom of three

got his kidney.

A truck driver with a vision problem

got his corneas.

A teenager with
a rare autoimmune disorder

got his ligaments.

And a young boy

got Brandon's heart.

He loves dinosaurs.

Brandon helped all these people?

There are people on that list.



♪ Don't ♪

♪ Don't lose faith ♪

♪ I know it can be so hard some days ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Hide your face ♪

♪ But when you're ready
Come back to your place ♪

♪ Here, right by me ♪

♪ Take all the time you need ♪

♪ And when you feel you can't be found ♪

♪ Caught up in the mess-around ♪

♪ When the walls are crashing down ♪

♪ I'll be your solid ground ♪

♪ When you think you've lost the light ♪


♪ Stuck in a starless night ♪

♪ Lift your eyes and watch the sky ♪

♪ I'll be your satellite ♪

Here you go.

It's perfect.

It was a good exercise for suturing.

Would you like to get some pancakes?

Yes, I would like some pancakes now.

♪ When the walls are crashing down ♪

♪ I'll be your solid ground ♪

♪ When you think you've Lost the light ♪

♪ Stuck in a starless night ♪

♪ Lift your eyes and watch the sky ♪

♪ I'll be your satellite ♪


you haven't reached Aaron Glassman,

so I'll call you back sometime.